import os import time from typing import Literal, Union, List, Tuple from tqdm import tqdm from PIL import Image from transformers import ( CLIPVisionModelWithProjection, CLIPImageProcessor, ) import h5py import torch import numpy as np from import BaseFeatureExtractor from import save_value_with_h5py from ..process.image_process import dynamic_crop_resize_image from ..utils.data_type_util import convert_images from .clip_vision_extractor import ImageClipVisionFeatureExtractorV2 class InsightFaceExtractor(BaseFeatureExtractor): """选择clip的image_embeds,一张图像的输出特征是N,根据模型的选择可能是512、768、1024 Args: BaseFeatureExtractor (_type_): _description_ """ def __init__( self, pretrained_model_name_or_path: str, name: str = None, device: str = "cpu", dtype=torch.float32, model_name: str = "buffalo_l", allowed_modules: List[str] = ["detection", "recognition"], providers: List[str] = ["CUDAExecutionProvider", "CPUExecutionProvider"], need_align_face: bool = False, ): from import FaceAnalysis super().__init__(device, dtype, name) self.pretrained_model_name_or_path = pretrained_model_name_or_path self.extractor = FaceAnalysis( name=model_name, root=pretrained_model_name_or_path, allowed_modules=allowed_modules, providers=providers, ) self.extractor.prepare(ctx_id=0, det_size=(640, 640)) self.need_align_face = need_align_face def extract_images( self, data: Union[str, List[str], Image.Image, List[Image.Image], np.ndarray], target_width: int = None, target_height: int = None, return_type: str = "numpy", input_rgb_order: str = "rgb", ) -> Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]: data = convert_images( data, return_type="pil", input_rgb_order=input_rgb_order, return_rgb_order="bgr", ) if target_height is not None and target_width is not None: data = [ dynamic_crop_resize_image( image, target_height=target_height, target_width=target_width, ) for image in data ] data = [np.array(x.convert("RGB"))[:, :, ::-1] for x in data] with torch.no_grad(): faces = [self.extractor.get(x) for x in data] emb = [self.get_target_emb(x) for x in faces] if self.need_align_face: from insightface.utils import face_align align_face_image = [ face_align.norm_crop(x, landmark=faces[i][0].kps, image_size=224) for i, x in enumerate(data) ] else: align_face_image = None emb = np.concatenate(np.expand_dims(emb, axis=0), axis=0) if return_type == "torch": emb = torch.from_numpy(emb).to(device=self.device) return emb, align_face_image def get_target_emb(self, data): outputs = data[0]["embedding"] return outputs def extract_video( self, video_dataset, target_width: int = None, target_height: int = None, return_type: str = "numpy", track_performance: bool = False, input_rgb_order: str = "rgb", ) -> Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]: embs = [] sample_indexs = [] if track_performance: performance = {} if self.need_align_face: align_face_images = [] else: align_face_images = None with torch.no_grad(): for i, (batch, batch_index) in enumerate(video_dataset): # TODO: 现阶段复用hugging face diffusers img2img pipeline中的抽取代码, # 由于该代码目前只支持Image的预处理,故先将numpy.ndarray转换成PIL.Image batch = [Image.fromarray(batch[b_i]) for b_i in range(len(batch))] emb, align_face_image = self.extract_images( data=batch, target_width=target_width, target_height=target_height, return_type=return_type, input_rgb_order=input_rgb_order, ) embs.append(emb) sample_indexs.extend(batch_index) if self.need_align_face: align_face_images.append(align_face_image) sample_indexs = np.array(sample_indexs) if return_type == "numpy": embs = np.concatenate(embs, axis=0) elif return_type == "torch": embs = torch.concat(embs) sample_indexs = torch.from_numpy(sample_indexs) return sample_indexs, embs, align_face_images def extract( self, data: Union[str, List[str]], data_type: Literal["image", "video"], return_type: str = "numpy", save_emb_path: str = None, save_type: str = "h5py", emb_key: str = "image_embeds", sample_index_key: str = "sample_indexs", insert_name_to_key: bool = False, overwrite: bool = False, input_rgb_order: str = "rgb", save_sample_index: bool = True, **kwargs, ) -> Union[np.ndarray, torch.tensor]: if is not None and insert_name_to_key: emb_key = f"{}_{emb_key}" sample_index_key = f"{}_{sample_index_key}" if save_emb_path is not None and os.path.exists(save_emb_path): with h5py.File(save_emb_path, "r") as f: if not overwrite and emb_key in f and sample_index_key in f: return None if data_type == "image": emb = self.extract_images( data=data, return_type=return_type, input_rgb_order=input_rgb_order, **kwargs, ) if save_emb_path is None: return emb else: raise NotImplementedError("save images emb") elif data_type == "video": sample_indexs, emb = self.extract_video( video_dataset=data, return_type=return_type, input_rgb_order=input_rgb_order, **kwargs, ) if save_emb_path is None: return sample_indexs, emb else: if save_type == "h5py": self.save_video_emb_with_h5py( save_emb_path=save_emb_path, emb=emb, emb_key=emb_key, sample_indexs=sample_indexs, sample_index_key=sample_index_key, overwrite=overwrite, save_sample_index=save_sample_index, ) return sample_indexs, emb else: raise ValueError(f"only support save_type={save_type}") @staticmethod def save_images_emb_with_h5py( save_emb_path: str, emb: np.ndarray = None, emb_key: str = "image_embeds", ) -> h5py.File: save_value_with_h5py(save_emb_path, value=emb, key=emb_key) @staticmethod def save_video_emb_with_h5py( save_emb_path: str, emb: np.ndarray = None, emb_key: str = "image_embeds", sample_indexs: np.ndarray = None, sample_index_key: str = "sample_indexs", overwrite: bool = False, save_sample_index: bool = True, ) -> h5py.File: save_value_with_h5py( save_emb_path, value=emb, key=emb_key, overwrite=overwrite, dtype=np.float16, ) if save_sample_index: save_value_with_h5py( save_emb_path, value=sample_indexs, key=sample_index_key, overwrite=overwrite, dtype=np.uint32, ) class InsightFaceExtractorNormEmb(InsightFaceExtractor): def __init__( self, pretrained_model_name_or_path: str, name: str = None, device: str = "cpu", dtype=torch.float32, model_name: str = "buffalo_l", allowed_modules: List[str] = ["detection", "recognition"], providers: List[str] = ["CUDAExecutionProvider", "CPUExecutionProvider"], ): super().__init__( pretrained_model_name_or_path, name, device, dtype, model_name, allowed_modules, providers, ) def get_target_emb(self, data): outputs = data[0].normed_embedding return outputs