import math from heapq import nsmallest import logging import numpy as np import cv2 from moviepy.editor import ( VideoFileClip, VideoClip, concatenate_videoclips, vfx, TextClip, CompositeVideoClip, ) from ..utils.vision_util import ( cal_crop_coord, round_up_coord_to_even, cal_small_bbox_coord_of_big_bbox, ) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # pylint: disable=invalid-name class VideoClipOperator(object): def __init__(self, *args, **kwds) -> None: pass def __call__(self, *args, **kwds): pass def get_subclip_from_clipseq_by_time(): pass def get_mvpclip_from_clip_by_time( clips, final_duration: float, method: str = None, delta=0 ): """根据视频长度,对齐到指定长度 Args: clips (VideoClipSeq): 媒体文件片段序列 final_duration (float): 目标长度 method (int, optional): how to chang video length. Defaults to `None`. speed: chang length by sample cut: change length by cut middle length None: change length accorrding difference of clip duration and final_duration. Defaults to None. Returns: VideoClip: 读取、对齐后moviepy VideoClip """ n_clips = len(clips) video_clips = [] for i, clip in enumerate(clips): start_delta = 0 end_delta = 0 # TODO: 为了解决夹帧问题,视视觉片段长音乐片段一些,便于只取中间部分。 ## 适用于多个视频源的片段 ## 适用于同一个视频源的 多个连续片段 if n_clips > 1: if i == 0: start_delta = delta if i == n_clips - 1: end_delta = delta else: start_delta = delta end_delta = delta video_clip = clip.get_mvp_clip(start_delta=start_delta, end_delta=end_delta) video_clips.append(video_clip) video_clips = concatenate_videoclips(clips=video_clips, method="compose") video_clips = get_sub_mvpclip_by_time( clip=video_clips, final_duration=final_duration, method=method ) return video_clips def get_sub_mvpclip_by_time( clip, final_duration: float, method: str = "speed", center_ratio: float = 0.5 ): duration = clip.duration center = duration * center_ratio center = min(max(center, final_duration / 2), duration - final_duration / 2) if method == "speed": clip = clip.fx(vfx.speedx, final_duration=final_duration) elif method == "cut" or method is None: if duration >= final_duration: t_start = center - final_duration / 2 t_end = center + final_duration / 2 clip = clip.subclip(t_start, t_end) logger.debug( "[cut_clip_time]: change length by cut: t_start={:.3f}, t_end={:.3f}, duration={:.3f}, final_duration={:.3f}".format( t_start, t_end, duration, final_duration ) ) clip = clip.fx(vfx.speedx, final_duration=final_duration) else: raise NotImplementedError( "var_video_clip_length do not support mode={}".format(clip) ) return clip def crop_by_ratio( clip, target_width_height_ratio, restricted_bbox=None, need_round2even=False ): """将原视频中的有效部分剪辑成目标宽高比,有效部分用坐标表示,一般来说是非黑边、非水印位置 Args: clip (VideoClip): moviepy中的视频片段 target_width_height_ratio (float): 目标宽高比,常见的有2.35, 1.777, 0.75, 1, 0.5625 restricted_bbox ((float, float, float, float), optional): (x1, y1, x2, y2). Defaults to None. Returns: VideoClip: 剪辑好的moviepy视频片段 """ width = clip.w height = clip.h target_coord = cal_crop_coord( width=width, height=height, target_width_height_ratio=target_width_height_ratio, restricted_bbox=restricted_bbox, ) if need_round2even: target_coord = round_up_coord_to_even(*target_coord) clip = clip.crop(*target_coord) return clip def crop_by_perception( clip, target_width_height_ratio: float, perception: dict, need_round2even: bool = True, ): """将原视频中的有效部分剪辑成目标宽高比,有效部分用坐标表示,一般来说是非黑边、非水印位置 Args: clip (VideoClip): moviepy中的视频片段 target_width_height_ratio (float): 目标宽高比,常见的有2.35, 1.777, 0.75, 1, 0.5625 Returns: VideoClip: 剪辑好的moviepy视频片段 """ return crop_by_face_clip( clip, target_width_height_ratio, perception, need_round2even ) def crop_by_face_clip( clip, target_width_height_ratio: float, perception, need_round2even: bool = True, topk: int = 1, ): w = clip.w h = clip.h target_w = target_width_height_ratio * h perception_objs = [] if len(perception) > 0: for i, frame_perception in enumerate(perception.clips): if frame_perception.objs is not None: for obj in frame_perception.objs: perception_objs.append({"bbox": obj.bbox, "trackid": obj.trackid}) # 如果没有目标人物,则依然使用中间crop方式 if len(perception) == 0 or len(perception_objs) == 0: return crop_by_ratio( clip, target_width_height_ratio, need_round2even=need_round2even ) topk_rolid = nsmallest(topk, [obj["trackid"] for obj in perception_objs]) topk_clip = [obj for obj in perception_objs if obj["trackid"] in topk_rolid] # TODO: topk_clip 具有时间的先后顺序,先暂定取中间的obj的框作为参考 target_idx = int(len(topk_clip) // 2) x1, y1, x2, y2 = topk_clip[target_idx]["bbox"] # TODO:当前适用于 target_w 大于 obj_width对应的人体宽度,当不符合条件时存在crop部分人体部分情况,此时应该提前过滤。 obj_width = x2 - x1 obj_height = y2 - y1 obj_center_width = (x1 + x2) / 2 obj_center_height = (y1 + y2) / 2 target_coord = cal_small_bbox_coord_of_big_bbox( bigbbox_width=w, bigbbox_height=h, smallbbox_width=target_w, smallbbox_height=obj_height, center_width=obj_center_width, center_height=obj_center_height, need_round2even=need_round2even, ) clip =*target_coord) return clip def crop_target_bbox(clip, target_coord, need_round2even=False): if need_round2even: target_coord = round_up_coord_to_even(*target_coord) clip = clip.crop(*target_coord) return clip def crop_edge_2_even(clip): w, h = clip.w, clip.h # logger.debug("crop_target_bbox-round_up_coord_to_even, before {} {} {} {}".format(0, 0, w, h)) target_coord = round_up_coord_to_even(0, 0, w, h) # logger.debug("crop_target_bbox-round_up_coord_to_even, after {} {} {} {}".format(target_coord[0], target_coord[1], target_coord[2], target_coord[3])) clip = clip.crop(*target_coord) return clip