from __future__ import print_function import traceback from typing import Dict from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip import hashlib import json import numpy as np import os import time import copy import os.path as osp import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from torchvision import transforms import librosa from ...utils.util import load_dct_from_file # from lgss.utilis.package import * normalizer = transforms.Normalize(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225]) transformer = transforms.Compose( [ # transforms.Resize(256), # transforms.CenterCrop(224), transforms.ToTensor(), normalizer, ] ) def wav2stft(data): # normalize mean = (data.max() + data.min()) / 2 span = (data.max() - data.min()) / 2 if span < 1e-6: span = 1 data = (data - mean) / span # range: [-1,1] D = librosa.core.stft(data, n_fft=512) freq = np.abs(D) freq = librosa.core.amplitude_to_db(freq) span = 80 thr = 4 * span if freq.shape[1] <= thr: copy_ = freq.copy() while freq.shape[1] < thr: tmp = copy_.copy() freq = np.concatenate((freq, tmp), axis=1) freq = freq[:, :thr] else: # sample n = freq.shape[1] stft_img = [] stft_img.append(freq[:, : 2 * span]) # stft_img.append(freq[:, n//2 - span : n//2 + span]) stft_img.append(freq[:, -2 * span :]) freq = np.concatenate(stft_img, axis=1) return freq def test( model, data_place, data_cast=None, data_act=None, data_aud=None, last_image_overlap_feat=None, last_aud_overlap_feat=None, ): with torch.no_grad(): # data_place = data_place.cuda() if data_place is not None else [] data_cast = data_cast.cuda() if data_cast is not None else [] data_act = data_act.cuda() if data_act is not None else [] data_aud = data_aud.cuda() if data_aud is not None else [] ( img_output, aud_output, image_overlap_feat, audio_overlap_feat, shot_dynamic_list, ) = model( data_place, data_cast, data_act, data_aud, last_image_overlap_feat, last_aud_overlap_feat, ) img_output = img_output.view(-1, 2) img_output = F.softmax(img_output, dim=1) img_prob = img_output[:, 1] img_prob = img_prob.cpu() aud_output = aud_output.view(-1, 2) aud_output = F.softmax(aud_output, dim=1) aud_prob = aud_output[:, 1] aud_prob = aud_prob.cpu() return img_prob, aud_prob, image_overlap_feat, audio_overlap_feat, shot_dynamic_list def predict( model, cfg, video_path, save_path, map_path, seq_len=120, shot_num=4, overlap=21, shot_frame_max_num=60, ): assert overlap % 2 == 1 video_name = ".".join(video_path.split("/")[-1].split(".")[:-1]) if not os.path.exists(save_path): os.makedirs(save_path) # video_hash_code = (os.popen('md5sum {}'.format(video_path))).readlines()[0].split(' ')[0] with open(video_path, "rb") as fd: data = video_hash_code = hashlib.md5(data).hexdigest() save_path = os.path.join( save_path, "{}_{}.json".format(video_name, video_hash_code[:8]) ) if os.path.exists(save_path) and not args.overwrite: video_map = json.load(open(save_path), encoding="UTF-8") valid_clips = [] for clip in video_map["clips"]: if clip["cliptype"] == "body" and clip["duration"] > 0.25: valid_clips.append(clip) # Capture video if ( video_map["content_box"][2] - video_map["content_box"][0] > video_map["content_box"][3] - video_map["content_box"][1] ): target_resolution = ( 256 * video_map["height"] / (video_map["content_box"][3] - video_map["content_box"][1]), None, ) else: target_resolution = ( None, 256 * video_map["width"] / (video_map["content_box"][2] - video_map["content_box"][0]), ) video = VideoFileClip( video_path, target_resolution=target_resolution, resize_algorithm="bilinear", audio_fps=16000, ) # video = video.crop(*video_map["content_box"]) x1 = video_map["content_box"][0] * video.size[0] // video_map["width"] y1 = video_map["content_box"][1] * video.size[1] // video_map["height"] x2 = video_map["content_box"][2] * video.size[0] // video_map["width"] y2 = video_map["content_box"][3] * video.size[1] // video_map["height"] video = video.crop( width=(x2 - x1) * 224 / 256, height=224, x_center=(x1 + x2) // 2, y_center=(y1 + y2) // 2, ) print("exists " + save_path) else: map_path = os.path.join( map_path, "{}_{}.json".format(video_name, video_hash_code[:8]) ) if not os.path.exists(map_path): print("map not exist: ", map_path) return video_map = json.load(open(map_path), encoding="UTF-8") assert video_hash_code == video_map["video_file_hash_code"] # Capture video if ( video_map["content_box"][2] - video_map["content_box"][0] > video_map["content_box"][3] - video_map["content_box"][1] ): target_resolution = ( 256 * video_map["height"] / (video_map["content_box"][3] - video_map["content_box"][1]), None, ) else: target_resolution = ( None, 256 * video_map["width"] / (video_map["content_box"][2] - video_map["content_box"][0]), ) video = VideoFileClip( video_path, target_resolution=target_resolution, resize_algorithm="bilinear", audio_fps=16000, ) # video = video.crop(*video_map["content_box"]) x1 = video_map["content_box"][0] * video.size[0] // video_map["width"] y1 = video_map["content_box"][1] * video.size[1] // video_map["height"] x2 = video_map["content_box"][2] * video.size[0] // video_map["width"] y2 = video_map["content_box"][3] * video.size[1] // video_map["height"] video = video.crop( width=(x2 - x1) * 224 / 256, height=224, x_center=(x1 + x2) // 2, y_center=(y1 + y2) // 2, ) fps = video.fps duration = video.duration total_frames = int(duration * fps) width, height = video.size print("fps, frame_count, width, height:", fps, total_frames, width, height) valid_clips = [] for clip in video_map["clips"]: if clip["cliptype"] == "body" and clip["duration"] > 0.25: valid_clips.append(clip) # valid_clips = valid_clips[:150] total_shot_num = len(valid_clips) last_image_overlap_feat = None last_aud_overlap_feat = None truncate_time = 0.1 all_shot_dynamic_list = [] for i in range(total_shot_num // (seq_len - overlap) + 1): shot_frame_list = [] shot_audio_list = [] start_shot = i * (seq_len - overlap) end_shot = min(start_shot + seq_len, total_shot_num) if i != 0: start_shot += overlap print(start_shot, end_shot) if start_shot >= end_shot: break for clip in valid_clips[start_shot:end_shot]: time_start = clip["time_start"] time_end = clip["time_start"] + clip["duration"] truncate_time = min(clip["duration"] / 10, 0.1) time_start += truncate_time time_end -= truncate_time time_start = max(time_start, (time_end + time_start) / 2 - 3) time_end = min(time_end, (time_end + time_start) / 2 + 3) duration = time_end - time_start t0 = time.time() video_subclip = video.subclip(time_start, time_end) # video_save_path = os.path.join(args.video_save_path, 'shot_{:04d}.mp4'.format(clip["clipid"])) # video_subclip.write_videofile(video_save_path, threads=8, codec='libx264') if "image" in cfg.dataset["mode"]: frame_iter = video_subclip.iter_frames(fps=10) shot_frame = [] for frame in frame_iter: frame = transformer(frame) shot_frame.append(frame) if len(shot_frame) > shot_frame_max_num: break shot_frame = torch.stack(shot_frame) shot_frame = shot_frame.cuda() shot_frame_list.append(shot_frame) t5 = time.time() if "aud" in cfg.dataset["mode"]: try: sub_audio = clip["time_start"], clip["time_start"] + clip["duration"] ) sub_audio = sub_audio.to_soundarray( fps=16000, quantize=True, buffersize=20000 ) sub_audio = sub_audio.mean(axis=1) except: sub_audio = np.zeros((16000 * 4), np.float32) sub_audio = wav2stft(sub_audio) sub_audio = torch.from_numpy(sub_audio).float() sub_audio = sub_audio.unsqueeze(dim=0) shot_audio_list.append(sub_audio) t6 = time.time() print(clip["clipid"], t5 - t0, t6 - t5) data_place = data_aud = None if len(shot_frame_list) > 0: # data_place = torch.stack(shot_frame_list) data_place = shot_frame_list if len(shot_audio_list) > 0: data_aud = torch.stack(shot_audio_list) data_aud = data_aud.unsqueeze(dim=0) ( img_preds, aud_preds, last_image_overlap_feat, last_aud_overlap_feat, shot_dynamic_list, ) = test( model, data_place=data_place, data_aud=data_aud, last_image_overlap_feat=last_image_overlap_feat, last_aud_overlap_feat=last_aud_overlap_feat, ) print(shot_dynamic_list) all_shot_dynamic_list.extend(shot_dynamic_list) if total_shot_num > end_shot: if i == 0: img_preds_all = img_preds[: -(overlap - shot_num + 1) // 2] aud_preds_all = aud_preds[: -(overlap - shot_num + 1) // 2] else: img_preds_all = ( img_preds_all, img_preds[ (overlap - shot_num + 1) // 2 : -(overlap - shot_num + 1) // 2 ], ), dim=0, ) aud_preds_all = ( aud_preds_all, aud_preds[ (overlap - shot_num + 1) // 2 : -(overlap - shot_num + 1) // 2 ], ), dim=0, ) else: if i == 0: img_preds_all = img_preds aud_preds_all = aud_preds else: img_preds_all = (img_preds_all, img_preds[(overlap - shot_num + 1) // 2 :]), dim=0, ) aud_preds_all = (aud_preds_all, aud_preds[(overlap - shot_num + 1) // 2 :]), dim=0, ) print( img_preds_all.shape[0], total_shot_num - shot_num + 1, len(all_shot_dynamic_list), ) assert img_preds_all.shape[0] == total_shot_num - shot_num + 1 assert len(all_shot_dynamic_list) == total_shot_num print("img_preds_all: ", img_preds_all) print("aud_preds_all: ", aud_preds_all) video_map["scenes_img_preds"] = img_preds_all.tolist() video_map["scenes_aud_preds"] = aud_preds_all.tolist() for clip, dynamic in zip(valid_clips, all_shot_dynamic_list): clip["dynamic"] = None if dynamic is not None: clip["dynamic"] = round(np.clip(dynamic, 0, 1), 5) preds_all = cfg.model.ratio[0] * np.array( video_map["scenes_img_preds"] ) + cfg.model.ratio[3] * np.array(video_map["scenes_aud_preds"]) video_map["scenes_preds"] = preds_all.tolist() scene_boundary = np.where(preds_all > args.threshold)[0] video_map["scenes"] = [] scene = { "sceneid": 0, "clip_start": valid_clips[0]["clipid"], "clip_end": valid_clips[0]["clipid"], "time_start": valid_clips[0]["time_start"], "time_end": valid_clips[0]["time_start"] + valid_clips[0]["duration"], } for i in scene_boundary: scene["clip_end"] = valid_clips[i + shot_num // 2 - 1]["clipid"] scene["time_end"] = ( valid_clips[i + shot_num // 2 - 1]["time_start"] + valid_clips[i + shot_num // 2 - 1]["duration"] ) scene["roles"] = {} scene["dynamic"] = None dynamic_num = 0 dynamic = 0 for clip in video_map["clips"][scene["clip_start"] : scene["clip_end"] + 1]: for roleid in clip["roles"].keys(): if roleid not in scene["roles"]: scene["roles"][roleid] = { "name": clip["roles"][roleid]["name"] if "name" in clip["roles"][roleid] else "" } if "dynamic" in clip and clip["dynamic"] != None: dynamic += clip["dynamic"] dynamic_num += 1 if dynamic_num > 0: scene["dynamic"] = dynamic / dynamic_num for clip in video_map["clips"][scene["clip_start"] : scene["clip_end"] + 1]: clip["scene_roles"] = scene["roles"] clip["scene_dynamic"] = scene["dynamic"] clip["sceneid"] = scene["sceneid"] video_map["scenes"].append(copy.deepcopy(scene)) scene["sceneid"] += 1 scene["clip_start"] = scene["clip_end"] = valid_clips[i + shot_num // 2][ "clipid" ] scene["time_start"] = valid_clips[i + shot_num // 2]["time_start"] scene["time_end"] = ( valid_clips[i + shot_num // 2]["time_start"] + valid_clips[i + shot_num // 2]["duration"] ) scene["clip_end"] = valid_clips[-1]["clipid"] scene["time_end"] = valid_clips[-1]["time_start"] + valid_clips[-1]["duration"] scene["roles"] = {} scene["dynamic"] = None dynamic_num = 0 dynamic = 0 for clip in video_map["clips"][scene["clip_start"] : scene["clip_end"] + 1]: for roleid in clip["roles"].keys(): if roleid not in scene["roles"]: scene["roles"][roleid] = { "name": clip["roles"][roleid]["name"] if "name" in clip["roles"][roleid] else "" } if "dynamic" in clip and clip["dynamic"] != None: dynamic += clip["dynamic"] dynamic_num += 1 if dynamic_num > 0: scene["dynamic"] = dynamic / dynamic_num for clip in video_map["clips"][scene["clip_start"] : scene["clip_end"] + 1]: clip["scene_roles"] = scene["roles"] clip["scene_dynamic"] = scene["dynamic"] clip["sceneid"] = scene["sceneid"] video_map["scenes"].append(scene) return video_map class SceneTransitionPredictor(object): def __init__(self, config_path, overlap=41, model_path=None) -> None: from mmcv import Config from lgss.utilis import load_checkpoint import lgss.src.models as models self.config_path = config_path cfg = Config.fromfile(config_path) # cfg = load_dct_from_file(config_path) self.cfg = cfg self.model = models.__dict__[](cfg, overlap).cuda() self.model = nn.DataParallel(self.model) checkpoint = load_checkpoint( osp.join(cfg.logger.logs_dir, "model_best.pth.tar") ) paras = {} for key, value in checkpoint["state_dict"].items(): if key in self.model.state_dict(): paras[key] = value if "aud" in cfg.dataset["mode"]: c_logs_dir = cfg.logger.logs_dir.replace("image50", "aud") checkpoint = load_checkpoint(osp.join(c_logs_dir, "model_best.pth.tar")) for key, value in checkpoint["state_dict"].items(): if key in self.model.state_dict(): paras[key] = value print(list(paras.keys())) self.model.load_state_dict(paras) self.model.eval() def __call__( self, video_path, video_map, ) -> Dict: video_info = predict( self.model, self.cfg, video_path, video_map, overlap=self.overlap, ) return video_info