from genericpath import isfile import re import os from ...text.utils.read_text import read_xml2json # 一个正则表达式非常好用的网站 # CHINESE_PATTERN = r"[\u4e00-\u9fff]+" NOT_CHINESE_PATTERN = r"[^\u4e00-\u9fa5]" ENGLISH_CHARACHTER_PATTERN = r"[a-zA-Z]+" WORD_PATTERN = r"\w+" # equal to [a-zA-Z0-9_]. NOT_WORD_PATTERN = r"\W+" def has_target_string(lyric: str, pattern: str) -> bool: """本句歌词是否有目标字符串 Args: lyric (str): pattern (str): 目标字符串的正则表达式式patteren Returns: bool: 有没有目标字符串 """ matched = re.findall(pattern, lyric) flag = len(matched) > 0 return flag def has_chinese_char(lyric: str) -> bool: """是否有中文字符 Args: lyric (str): Returns: bool: 是否有中文字符 """ return has_target_string(lyric, CHINESE_PATTERN) def has_non_chinese_char(lyric: str) -> bool: """是否有非中文字符,参考 Args: lyric (str): Returns: bool: 是否有中文字符 """ return has_target_string(lyric, NOT_CHINESE_PATTERN) def has_english_alphabet_char(lyric: str) -> bool: """是否有英文字母表字符 Args: lyric (str): Returns: bool: """ return has_target_string(lyric, ENGLISH_CHARACHTER_PATTERN) def check_is_lyric_row(lyric: str) -> bool: """该字符串是否是歌词 Args: lyric (str): 待判断的字符串 Returns: bool: 该字符串是否是歌词 """ is_not_lyric = ["\[ti[::]?", lyric),"\[ar[::]?", lyric),"\[al[::]?", lyric),"\[by[::]?", lyric),"\[offset[::]?", lyric),"词[::]?\(\d+,\d+\)[::]?", lyric),"曲[::]?\(\d+,\d+\)[::]?", lyric),"作\(\d+,\d+\)词[::]?", lyric),"作\(\d+,\d+\)曲[::]?", lyric),"演\(\d+,\d+\)唱[::]?", lyric),"编\(\d+,\d+\)曲[::]?", lyric),"吉\(\d+,\d+\)他[::]", lyric),"人\(\d+,\d+\)声\(\d+,\d+\)录\(\d+,\d+\)音\(\d+,\d+\)师[::]?", lyric),"人\(\d+,\d+\)声\(\d+,\d+\)录\(\d+,\d+\)音\(\d+,\d+\)棚[::]?", lyric),"Vocal\s+\(\d+,\d+\)edite[::]?", lyric),"混\(\d+,\d+\)音\(\d+,\d+\)/\(\d+,\d+\)母\(\d+,\d+\)带[::]?", lyric),"混\(\d+,\d+\)音", lyric),"和\(\d+,\d+\)声\(\d+,\d+\)编\(\d+,\d+\)写[::]?", lyric), r"词\(\d+,\d+\)版\(\d+,\d+\)权\(\d+,\d+\)管\(\d+,\d+\)理\(\d+,\d+\)方[::]?", lyric ), r"曲\(\d+,\d+\)版\(\d+,\d+\)权\(\d+,\d+\)管\(\d+,\d+\)理\(\d+,\d+\)方[::]?", lyric ),"联\(\d+,\d+\)合\(\d+,\d+\)出\(\d+,\d+\)品[::]?", lyric),"录\(\d+,\d+\)音\(\d+,\d+\)作\(\d+,\d+\)品", lyric), r"录\(\d+,\d+\)音\(\d+,\d+\)作\(\d+,\d+\)品\(\d+,\d+\)监\(\d+,\d+\)制[::]?", lyric ),"制\(\d+,\d+\)作\(\d+,\d+\)人[::]?", lyric),"制\(\d+,\d+\)作\(\d+,\d+\)人[::]?", lyric),"不\(\d+,\d+\)得\(\d+,\d+\)翻\(\d+,\d+\)唱", lyric),"未\(\d+,\d+\)经\(\d+,\d+\)许\(\d+,\d+\)可", lyric),"酷\(\d+,\d+\)狗\(\d+,\d+\)音\(\d+,\d+\)乐", lyric),"[::]", lyric), ] is_not_lyric = [x is not None for x in is_not_lyric] is_not_lyric = any(is_not_lyric) is_lyric = not is_not_lyric return is_lyric def lyric2clip(lyric: str) -> dict: """convert a line of lyric into a clip Clip定义可以参考 Args: lyric (str): _description_ Returns: dict: 转化成Clip 字典 """ time_str_groups = re.findall(r"\d+,\d+", lyric) line_time_start = round(int(time_str_groups[0].split(",")[0]) / 1000, 3) line_duration = round(int(time_str_groups[0].split(",")[-1]) / 1000, 3) line_end_time = line_time_start + line_duration last_word_time_start = round(int(time_str_groups[-1].split(",")[0]) / 1000, 3) last_word_duration = round(int(time_str_groups[-1].split(",")[-1]) / 1000, 3) last_word_end_time = last_word_time_start + last_word_duration actual_duration = min(line_end_time, last_word_end_time) - line_time_start lyric = re.sub(r"\[\d+,\d+\]", "", lyric) # by yuuhong: 把每个字的起始时间点、结束时间点、具体的字拆分出来 words_with_timestamp = get_words_with_timestamp(lyric) lyric = re.sub(r"\(\d+,\d+\)", "", lyric) dct = { "time_start": line_time_start, "duration": actual_duration, "text": lyric, "original_text": lyric, "timepoint_type": -1, "clips": words_with_timestamp, } return dct # by yuuhong # 把一句QRC中的每个字拆分出来 # lyric示例:漫(17316,178)步(17494,174)走(17668,193)在(17861,183) (18044,0)莎(18044,153)玛(18197,159)丽(18356,176)丹(18532,200) def get_words_with_timestamp(lyric): words_with_timestamp = [] elements = lyric.split(")") for element in elements: sub_elements = element.split("(") if len(sub_elements) != 2: continue text = sub_elements[0] timestamp = sub_elements[1] if re.match(r"\d+,\d+", timestamp): # 有效时间戳 time_start_str = timestamp.split(",")[0] time_start = round(int(time_start_str) / 1000, 3) duration_str = timestamp.split(",")[1] duration = round(int(duration_str) / 1000, 3) clip = {"text": text, "time_start": time_start, "duration": duration} words_with_timestamp.append(clip) return words_with_timestamp def lyric2clips(lyric: str, th: float = 0.75) -> list: """将一句歌词转换为至少1个的clip。拆分主要是针对中文空格拆分,如果拆分后片段过短,也会整句处理。 Args: lyric (str): such as [173247,3275]去(173247,403)吗(173649,677) 配(174326,189)吗(174516,593) 这(175108,279) th (float, optional): 后面如果拆分后片段过短,也会整句处理. Defaults to 1.0. Returns: list: 歌词Clip序列 """ # 目前只对中文的一句歌词按照空格拆分,如果是英文空格则整句处理 # 后面如果拆分后片段过短,也会整句处理 if has_english_alphabet_char(lyric): return [lyric2clip(lyric)] splited_lyric = lyric.split(" ") if len(splited_lyric) == 1: return [lyric2clip(splited_lyric[0])] line_time_str, sub_lyric = re.split(r"]", splited_lyric[0]) line_time_groups = re.findall(r"\d+,\d+", line_time_str) line_time_start = round(int(line_time_groups[0].split(",")[0]) / 1000, 3) line_duration = round(int(line_time_groups[0].split(",")[-1]) / 1000, 3) splited_lyric[0] = sub_lyric # 歌词xml都是歌词仅跟着时间,如果有空格 空格也应该是在时间后面,但有时候空格却在字后面、在时间前,因此需要修正 # 错误的:[173247,3275]去(173247,403)吗 (173649,677)配(174326,189)吗 (174516,593)这(175108,279) # 错误的:[46122,2082]以(46122,213)身(46335,260)淬(46595,209)炼(46804,268)天(47072,250)地(47322,370)造(47692,341)化 (48033,172) # 修正成:[173247,3275]去(173247,403)吗(173649,677) 配(174326,189)吗(174516,593) 这(175108,279) for i in range(len(splited_lyric)): if splited_lyric[i] == "": del splited_lyric[i] break if splited_lyric[i][-1] != ")": next_lyric_time_start = r"\(\d+,\d+\)", splited_lyric[i + 1] ).group(0) splited_lyric[i] += next_lyric_time_start splited_lyric[i + 1] = re.sub( next_lyric_time_start, "", splited_lyric[i + 1] ) splited_lyric[i + 1] = re.sub("\(\)", "", splited_lyric[i + 1]) lyric_text = re.sub(r"\[\d+,\d+\]", "", lyric) lyric_text = re.sub(r"\(\d+,\d+\)", "", lyric_text) clips = [] has_short_clip = False for sub_lyric in splited_lyric: sub_lyric_groups = re.findall(r"\d+,\d+", sub_lyric) sub_lyric_1st_word_time_start = round( int(sub_lyric_groups[0].split(",")[0]) / 1000, 3 ) sub_lyric_last_word_time_start = round( int(sub_lyric_groups[-1].split(",")[0]) / 1000, 3 ) sub_lyric_last_word_duration = round( int(sub_lyric_groups[-1].split(",")[-1]) / 1000, 3 ) sub_lyric_last_word_time_end = ( sub_lyric_last_word_time_start + sub_lyric_last_word_duration ) sub_lyric_duration = ( sub_lyric_last_word_time_end - sub_lyric_1st_word_time_start ) if sub_lyric_duration <= th: has_short_clip = True break sub_lyric_text = re.sub(r"\[\d+,\d+\]", "", sub_lyric) sub_lyric_text = re.sub(r"\(\d+,\d+\)", "", sub_lyric_text) # 使用原始lyric,而不是sub_lyric_text 主要是保留相关clip的歌词信息,便于语义连续 dct = { "time_start": sub_lyric_1st_word_time_start, "duration": sub_lyric_duration, "text": sub_lyric_text, "original_text": lyric_text, "timepoint_type": -1, } clips.append(dct) if has_short_clip: clips = [lyric2clip(lyric)] return clips def is_songname(lyric: str) -> bool: """是否是歌名,歌名文本含有ti, 如[ti:霍元甲 (《霍元甲》电影主题曲)] Args: lyric (str): Returns: bool: """ return has_target_string(lyric, r"\[ti[::]?") def get_songname(lyric: str) -> str: """获取文本中的歌名,输入必须类似[ti:霍元甲 (《霍元甲》电影主题曲)] Args: lyric (str): 含有歌名的QRC文本行 Returns: str: 歌名 """ return lyric.split("(")[0][4:-1] def is_album(lyric: str) -> bool: """是否含有专辑名,文本必须类似[al:霍元甲] Args: lyric (str): _description_ Returns: bool: _description_ """ return has_target_string(lyric, r"\[al[::]?") def get_album(lyric: str) -> str: """提取专辑名,文本必须类似[al:霍元甲] Args: lyric (str): 含有专辑名的QRC文本行 Returns: str: 专辑名 """ return lyric[4:-1] def is_singer(lyric: str) -> bool: """是否有歌手名,目标文本类似 [ar:周杰伦] Args: lyric (str): _description_ Returns: bool: _description_ """ return has_target_string(lyric, r"\[ar[::]?") def get_singer(lyric: str) -> str: """提取歌手信息,文本必须类似[ar:周杰伦] Args: lyric (str): 含有歌手名的QRC文本行 Returns: str: 歌手名 """ return lyric[4:-1] def lyric2musicinfo(lyric: str) -> dict: """convert lyric content from str into musicinfo, a dict 参考 { "meta_info": {}, "sub_meta_info": [], "clips": [ clip ] } Args: lyric (str): 来自QRC的歌词字符串 Returns: musicinfo: 音乐谱面字典, """ lyrics = lyric["QrcInfos"]["LyricInfo"]["Lyric_1"]["@LyricContent"] musicinfo = { "meta_info": { "mediaid": None, "media_name": None, "singer": None, }, "sub_meata_info": {}, "clips": [], } # lyrics = [line.strip() for line in re.split(r"[\t\n\s+]", lyrics)] lyrics = ["[" + line.strip() for line in re.split(r"\[", lyrics)] next_is_title_row = False lyric_clips = [] for line in lyrics: if is_songname(line): musicinfo["meta_info"]["media_name"] = get_songname(line) continue if is_singer(line): musicinfo["meta_info"]["singer"] = get_singer(line) continue if is_album(line): musicinfo["meta_info"]["album"] = get_album(line) continue is_lyric_row = check_is_lyric_row(line) if next_is_title_row: next_is_title_row = False continue # remove tille row if not next_is_title_row and"\[offset[::]", line): next_is_title_row = True if is_lyric_row and re.match(r"\[\d+,\d+\]", line): lyric_clip = lyric2clip(line) lyric_clips.append(lyric_clip) clips = lyric2clips(line) musicinfo["clips"].extend(clips) musicinfo["meta_info"]["lyric"] = lyric_clips return musicinfo def lrc_timestr2time(time_str: str) -> float: """提取lrc中的时间戳文本,类似[00:00.00],转化成秒的浮点数 Args: time_str (str): Returns: float: 时间浮点数 """ m, s, ms = (float(x) for x in re.split(r"[:.]", time_str)) return round((m * 60 + s + ms / 1000), 3) def get_lrc_line_time(text: str, time_pattern: str) -> str: """提取lrc中的时间字符串, 类似 \"[00:00.00]本字幕由天琴实验室独家AI字幕技术生成\" Args: text (str): 输入文本 time_pattern (str): 时间字符串正则表达式 Returns: str: 符合正则表达式的时间信息文本 """ time_str =, text).group(0) return lrc_timestr2time(time_str) def lrc_lyric2clip(lyric: str, time_pattern: str, duration: float) -> dict: """将一行lrc文本字符串转化为Clip 字典 Args: lyric (str): 类似 \"[00:00.00]本字幕由天琴实验室独家AI字幕技术生成\" time_pattern (str): 时间字符串正则表达式,类似 r"\d+:\d+\.\d+" duration (float): clip的时长信息, Returns: dict: 转化后Clip Clip定义可以参考 """ time_str = get_lrc_line_time(lyric, time_pattern=time_pattern) text = re.sub(time_pattern, "", lyric) text = text[2:] clip = { "time_start": time_str, "duration": duration, "text": text, "timepoint_type": -1, } return clip def lrc2musicinfo(lyric: str, time_pattern: str = "\d+:\d+\.\d+") -> dict: """将lrc转化为音乐谱面 Args: lyric (str): lrc文本路径 time_pattern (str, optional): lrc时间戳字符串正则表达式. Defaults to "\d+:\d+\.\d+". Returns: dict: 生成的音乐谱面字典,定义可参考 """ if isinstance(lyric, str): if os.path.isfile(lyric): with open(lyric, "r") as f: lyric = [line.strip() for line in f.readlines()] return lrc2musicinfo(lyric) else: lyric = lyric.split("\n") return lrc2musicinfo(lyric) else: musicinfo = { "meta_info": { "mediaid": None, "media_name": None, "singer": None, }, "sub_meata_info": {}, "clips": [], } # lyrics = [line.strip() for line in re.split(r"[\t\n\s+]", lyrics)] lyric_clips = [] rows = len(lyric) for i, line in enumerate(lyric): if is_songname(line): musicinfo["meta_info"]["media_name"] = line[4:-1] continue if is_singer(line): musicinfo["meta_info"]["singer"] = line[4:-1] continue if is_album(line): musicinfo["meta_info"]["album"] = line[4:-1] continue if len(re.findall(time_pattern, line)) > 0: if i < rows - 1: time_start = get_lrc_line_time(line, time_pattern=time_pattern) next_line_time_start = get_lrc_line_time( lyric[i + 1], time_pattern=time_pattern ) duration = next_line_time_start - time_start else: duration = 1 clip = lrc_lyric2clip( line, duration=duration, time_pattern=time_pattern ) musicinfo["clips"].append(clip) musicinfo["meta_info"]["lyric"] = lyric_clips return musicinfo def lyricfile2musicinfo(path: str) -> dict: """将歌词文件转化为音乐谱面,歌词文件可以是QRC的xml文件、也可以是lrc对应的lrc文件 TODO: 待支持osu Args: path (str): 歌词文件路径 Returns: dict: 音乐谱面字典,定义可参考 """ filename, ext = os.path.basename(path).split(".") if ext == "xml": lyric = read_xml2json(path) musicinfo = lyric2musicinfo(lyric) elif ext == "lrc": musicinfo = lrc2musicinfo(path) musicinfo["meta_info"]["mediaid"] = filename return musicinfo