from copy import deepcopy import inspect from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Literal, Tuple, Union import warnings import os import random import h5py from diffusers.image_processor import VaeImageProcessor import cv2 from einops import rearrange, repeat import numpy as np import torch from torch import nn from PIL import Image import controlnet_aux from diffusers.models.controlnet import ControlNetModel from diffusers.pipelines.controlnet.multicontrolnet import MultiControlNetModel from controlnet_aux.dwpose import draw_pose from ..process.image_process import dynamic_crop_resize_image from ..utils.data_type_util import convert_images from import save_value_with_h5py from import BaseFeatureExtractor import json def json_serializer(obj): if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray): return obj.tolist() return obj import time def controlnet_tile_processor(img, **kwargs): return img def size_calculate(H, W, resolution): H = float(H) W = float(W) k = float(resolution) / min(H, W) H *= k W *= k H = int(np.round(H / 64.0)) * 64 W = int(np.round(W / 64.0)) * 64 return H, W def HWC3(x): assert x.dtype == np.uint8 if x.ndim == 2: x = x[:, :, None] assert x.ndim == 3 H, W, C = x.shape assert C == 1 or C == 3 or C == 4 if C == 3: return x if C == 1: return np.concatenate([x, x, x], axis=2) if C == 4: color = x[:, :, 0:3].astype(np.float32) alpha = x[:, :, 3:4].astype(np.float32) / 255.0 y = color * alpha + 255.0 * (1.0 - alpha) y = y.clip(0, 255).astype(np.uint8) return y def pose2map(pose, H_in, W_in, detect_resolution, image_resolution): H, W = size_calculate(H_in, W_in, detect_resolution) detected_map = draw_pose(pose, H, W) detected_map = HWC3(detected_map) H, W = size_calculate(H, W, image_resolution) detected_map = cv2.resize(detected_map, (W, H), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) return detected_map def candidate2pose( candidate, subset, include_body: bool = True, include_face: bool = False, hand_and_face: bool = None, include_hand: bool = True, ): if hand_and_face is not None: include_face = True include_hand = True nums, keys, locs = candidate.shape body = candidate[:, :18].copy() body = body.reshape(nums * 18, locs) score = subset[:, :18] for i in range(len(score)): for j in range(len(score[i])): if score[i][j] > 0.3: score[i][j] = int(18 * i + j) else: score[i][j] = -1 un_visible = subset < 0.3 candidate[un_visible] = -1 foot = candidate[:, 18:24] faces = candidate[:, 24:92] hands = candidate[:, 92:113] hands = np.vstack([hands, candidate[:, 113:]]) bodies = dict(candidate=body, subset=score) if not include_body: bodies = [] if not include_face: faces = [] if not include_hand: hands = [] pose = dict(bodies=bodies, hands=hands, faces=faces) return pose class ControlnetProcessor(object): def __init__( self, detector_name: str, detector_id: str = None, filename: str = None, cache_dir: str = None, device: str = "cpu", dtype: torch.dtype = torch.float32, processor_params: Dict = None, processor_name: str = None, ) -> None: self.detector_name = detector_name self.detector_id = detector_id self.processor_name = processor_name if detector_name is None: self.processor = None self.processor_params = {} if isinstance(processor_name, str) and "tile" in processor_name: self.processor = controlnet_tile_processor else: processor_cls = controlnet_aux.__dict__[detector_name] processor_cls_argspec = inspect.getfullargspec(processor_cls.__init__) self.processor_params = ( processor_params if processor_params is not None else {} ) if not hasattr(processor_cls, "from_pretrained"): self.processor = processor_cls() else: self.processor = processor_cls.from_pretrained( detector_id, cache_dir=cache_dir, filename=filename, **self.processor_params, ) if hasattr(self.processor, "to"): self.processor = self.device = device self.dtype = dtype def __call__( self, data: Union[ Image.Image, List[Image.Image], str, List[str], np.ndarray, torch.Tensor ], data_channel_order: str, target_width: int = None, target_height: int = None, return_type: Literal["pil", "np", "torch"] = "np", return_data_channel_order: str = "b h w c", processor_params: Dict = None, input_rgb_order: str = "rgb", return_rgb_order: str = "rgb", ) -> Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]: # TODO: 目前采用二选一的方式,后续可以改进为增量更新 processor_params = processor_params if processor_params is not None else {} data = convert_images( data, return_type="pil", input_rgb_order=input_rgb_order, return_rgb_order=return_rgb_order, data_channel_order=data_channel_order, ) height, width = data[0].height, data[0].width if target_width is None: target_width = width if target_height is None: target_height = height data = [ dynamic_crop_resize_image( image, target_height=target_height, target_width=target_width ) for image in data ] if self.processor is not None: data = [self.processor(image, **processor_params) for image in data] # return_pose_only (bool): if true, only return pose keypoints in array format if "return_pose_only" in processor_params.keys(): if ( self.detector_name == "DWposeDetector" and processor_params["return_pose_only"] ): # (18, 2) # (1, 18) # (2, 21, 2) # (1, 68, 2) # j=json.dumps(data) # json_str = json.dumps(data, default=json_serializer) # return json_str # print(len(data)) item_lsit = [] for candidate, subset in data: # candidate shape (1, 134, 2) # subset (1, 134) # print(candidate.shape) # print(subset.shape) subset = np.expand_dims(subset, -1) item = np.concatenate([candidate, subset], -1) # print(item.shape) max_num = 20 if item.shape[0] > max_num: item = item[:max_num] if item.shape[0] < max_num: pad_num = max_num - item.shape[0] item = np.pad(item, ((0, pad_num), (0, 0), (0, 0))) # print(item.shape) # print() item_lsit.append(item) return np.stack(item_lsit, axis=0) # b, num_candidates, 134, 3 if return_type == "pil": return data data = np.stack([np.asarray(image) for image in data], axis=0) if return_data_channel_order != "b h w c": data = rearrange(data, "b h w c -> {}".format(return_data_channel_order)) if return_type == "np": return data if return_type == "torch": data = torch.from_numpy(data) return data class MultiControlnetProcessor(object): def __init__(self, processors: List[ControlnetProcessor]) -> None: self.processors = processors def __call__( self, data: Union[ Image.Image, List[Image.Image], str, List[str], np.ndarray, torch.Tensor ], data_channel_order: str, target_width: int = None, target_height: int = None, return_type: Literal["pil", "np", "torch"] = "np", return_data_channel_order: str = "b h w c", processor_params: List[Dict] = None, input_rgb_order: str = "rgb", return_rgb_order: str = "rgb", ) -> Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]: if processor_params is not None: assert isinstance( processor_params, list ), f"type of datas should be list, but given {type(datas)}" assert len(processor_params) == len( self.processors ), f"length of datas({len(processor_params)}) be same as of {len(self.processors)}" datas = [ processor( data=data, data_channel_order=data_channel_order, target_height=target_height, target_width=target_width, return_type=return_type, return_data_channel_order=return_data_channel_order, input_rgb_order=input_rgb_order, processor_params=processor_params[i], ) for i, processor in enumerate(self.processors) ] return datas class ControlnetFeatureExtractor(BaseFeatureExtractor): def __init__( self, model_path: str, detector_name: str, detector_id: str, device: str = "cpu", dtype=torch.float32, name: str = None, # /group/30065/users/public/muse/models/stable-diffusion-v1-5/vae/config.json vae_config_block_out_channels: int = 4, processor_params: Dict = None, filename=None, cache_dir: str = None, ): super().__init__(device, dtype, name) self.model_path = model_path self.processor = ControlnetProcessor( detector_name=detector_name, detector_id=detector_id, filename=filename, cache_dir=cache_dir, device=device, dtype=dtype, ) self.vae_scale_factor = 2 ** (vae_config_block_out_channels - 1) self.control_image_processor = VaeImageProcessor( vae_scale_factor=self.vae_scale_factor, do_convert_rgb=True, do_normalize=False, ) self.controlnet = ControlNetModel.from_pretrained( model_path, ).to(device=device, dtype=dtype) self.detector_name = detector_name def emb_name(self, width, height): return "{}_w={}_h={}_emb".format(, width, height) def prepare_image( self, image, # b c t h w width, height, ): if isinstance(image, np.ndarray): image = torch.from_numpy(image) if image.ndim == 5: image = rearrange(image, "b c t h w-> (b t) c h w") if height is None: height = image.shape[-2] if width is None: width = image.shape[-1] width, height = ( x - x % self.control_image_processor.vae_scale_factor for x in (width, height) ) image = image / 255.0 # image = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(image, size=(height, width)) do_normalize = self.control_image_processor.config.do_normalize if image.min() < 0: warnings.warn( "Passing `image` as torch tensor with value range in [-1,1] is deprecated. The expected value range for image tensor is [0,1] " f"when passing as pytorch tensor or numpy Array. You passed `image` with value range [{image.min()},{image.max()}]", FutureWarning, ) do_normalize = False if do_normalize: image = self.control_image_processor.normalize(image) return image def extract_images( self, data: Union[str, List[str], Image.Image, List[Image.Image], np.ndarray], target_width: int = None, target_height: int = None, return_type: str = "numpy", data_channel_order: str = "b h w c", processor_params: Dict = None, input_rgb_order: str = "rgb", return_rgb_order: str = "rgb", ) -> Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]: data = self.processor( data, data_channel_order=data_channel_order, target_height=target_height, target_width=target_width, return_type="torch", processor_params=processor_params, return_data_channel_order="b c h w", input_rgb_order=input_rgb_order, return_rgb_order=return_rgb_order, ) # return_pose_only (bool): if true, only return pose keypoints in array format if "return_pose_only" in processor_params.keys(): if ( self.detector_name == "DWposeDetector" and processor_params["return_pose_only"] ): return data batch = self.prepare_image(image=data, width=target_width, height=target_height) with torch.no_grad(): batch =, dtype=self.dtype) emb = self.controlnet.controlnet_cond_embedding(batch) if return_type == "numpy": emb = emb.cpu().numpy() return emb def extract_video( self, video_dataset, target_width: int = None, target_height: int = None, return_type: str = "numpy", processor_params: Dict = None, input_rgb_order: str = "rgb", return_rgb_order: str = "rgb", ) -> Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]: embs = [] sample_indexs = [] with torch.no_grad(): for i, (batch, batch_index) in enumerate(video_dataset): # print(f"============== extract img begin") # print(batch.shape) t0 = time.time() emb = self.extract_images( data=batch, target_width=target_width, target_height=target_height, return_type=return_type, processor_params=processor_params, input_rgb_order=input_rgb_order, return_rgb_order=return_rgb_order, ) torch.cuda.synchronize() t1 = time.time() # print(f"============== extract img end TIME COST:{t1-t0}\n") embs.append(emb) sample_indexs.extend(batch_index) sample_indexs = np.array(sample_indexs) # return_pose_only (bool): if true, only return pose keypoints in array format if "return_pose_only" in processor_params.keys(): if ( self.detector_name == "DWposeDetector" and processor_params["return_pose_only"] ): embs = np.concatenate(embs, axis=0) return sample_indexs, embs if return_type == "numpy": embs = np.concatenate(embs, axis=0) elif return_type == "torch": embs = torch.concat(embs, dim=0) sample_indexs = torch.from_numpy(sample_indexs) return sample_indexs, embs def extract( self, data: Union[str, List[str]], data_type: Literal["image", "video"], return_type: str = "numpy", save_emb_path: str = None, save_type: str = "h5py", emb_key: str = "emb", sample_index_key: str = "sample_indexs", insert_name_to_key: bool = False, overwrite: bool = False, target_width: int = None, target_height: int = None, save_sample_index: bool = True, processor_params: Dict = None, input_rgb_order: str = "rgb", return_rgb_order: str = "rgb", **kwargs, ) -> Union[np.ndarray, torch.tensor]: if is not None and insert_name_to_key: emb_key = f"{}_{emb_key}" sample_index_key = f"{}_{sample_index_key}" if save_emb_path is not None and os.path.exists(save_emb_path): with h5py.File(save_emb_path, "r") as f: if not overwrite and emb_key in f and sample_index_key in f: return None if data_type == "image": emb = self.extract_images( data=data, return_type=return_type, target_height=target_height, target_width=target_width, processor_params=processor_params, input_rgb_order=input_rgb_order, return_rgb_order=return_rgb_order, ) if save_emb_path is None: return emb else: raise NotImplementedError("save images emb") elif data_type == "video": sample_indexs, emb = self.extract_video( video_dataset=data, return_type=return_type, processor_params=processor_params, input_rgb_order=input_rgb_order, return_rgb_order=return_rgb_order, target_height=target_height, target_width=target_width, **kwargs, ) if save_emb_path is None: return sample_indexs, emb else: if save_type == "h5py": self.save_video_emb_with_h5py( save_emb_path=save_emb_path, emb=emb, emb_key=emb_key, sample_indexs=sample_indexs, sample_index_key=sample_index_key, save_sample_index=save_sample_index, overwrite=overwrite, ) return sample_indexs, emb else: raise ValueError(f"only support save_type={save_type}") @staticmethod def save_video_emb_with_h5py( save_emb_path: str, emb: np.ndarray = None, emb_key: str = "emb", sample_indexs: np.ndarray = None, sample_index_key: str = "sample_indexs", overwrite: bool = False, save_sample_index: bool = True, ) -> h5py.File: save_value_with_h5py(save_emb_path, value=emb, key=emb_key, overwrite=overwrite) if save_sample_index: save_value_with_h5py( save_emb_path, value=sample_indexs, key=sample_index_key, overwrite=overwrite, dtype=np.uint32, ) def get_controlnet_params( controlnet_names: Union[ Literal[ "pose", "pose_body", "pose_hand", "pose_face", "pose_hand_body", "pose_hand_face", "pose_all", "dwpose", "canny", "hed", "hed_scribble", "depth", "pidi", "normal_bae", "lineart", "lineart_anime", "zoe", "sam", "mobile_sam", "leres", "content", "face_detector", ], List[str], ], detect_resolution: int = None, image_resolution: int = None, include_body: bool = False, include_hand: bool = False, include_face: bool = False, hand_and_face: bool = None, ) -> Dict: """通过简单 字符串参数就选择配置好的完整controlnet参数 Args: controlnet_conds (Union[ Literal[ "pose", "canny", "hed", "hed_scribble", "depth", "pidi", "normal_bae", "lineart", "lineart_anime", "zoe", "sam", "mobile_sam", "leres", "content", "face_detector", ], List[str], ]): _description_ detect_resolution (int, optional): controlnet_aux图像处理需要的参数,尽量是64的整倍数. Defaults to None. image_resolution (int, optional): controlnet_aux图像处理需要的参数,尽量是64的整倍数. Defaults to None. include_body (bool, optional): controlnet 是否包含身体. Defaults to False. hand_and_face (bool, optional): pose controlnet 是否包含头和身体. Defaults to False. Returns: Dict: ControlnetProcessor需要的字典参数 """ controlnet_cond_maps = { "pose": { "middle": "pose", "detector_name": "OpenposeDetector", "detector_id": "lllyasviel/Annotators", "controlnet_model_path": "lllyasviel/control_v11p_sd15_openpose", "processor_params": { "detect_resolution": detect_resolution, "image_resolution": image_resolution, "include_body": include_body, "include_hand": include_hand, "include_face": include_face, "hand_and_face": hand_and_face, }, }, "pose_body": { "middle": "pose", "detector_name": "OpenposeDetector", "detector_id": "lllyasviel/Annotators", "controlnet_model_path": "lllyasviel/control_v11p_sd15_openpose", "processor_params": { "detect_resolution": detect_resolution, "image_resolution": image_resolution, "include_body": True, "include_hand": False, "include_face": False, "hand_and_face": False, }, }, "pose_hand": { "middle": "pose", "detector_name": "OpenposeDetector", "detector_id": "lllyasviel/Annotators", "controlnet_model_path": "lllyasviel/control_v11p_sd15_openpose", "processor_params": { "detect_resolution": detect_resolution, "image_resolution": image_resolution, "include_body": False, "include_hand": True, "include_face": False, "hand_and_face": False, }, }, "pose_face": { "middle": "pose", "detector_name": "OpenposeDetector", "detector_id": "lllyasviel/Annotators", "controlnet_model_path": "lllyasviel/control_v11p_sd15_openpose", "processor_params": { "detect_resolution": detect_resolution, "image_resolution": image_resolution, "include_body": False, "include_hand": False, "include_face": True, "hand_and_face": False, }, }, "pose_hand_body": { "middle": "pose", "detector_name": "OpenposeDetector", "detector_id": "lllyasviel/Annotators", "controlnet_model_path": "lllyasviel/control_v11p_sd15_openpose", "processor_params": { "detect_resolution": detect_resolution, "image_resolution": image_resolution, "include_body": True, "include_hand": True, "include_face": False, "hand_and_face": False, }, }, "pose_hand_face": { "middle": "pose", "detector_name": "OpenposeDetector", "detector_id": "lllyasviel/Annotators", "controlnet_model_path": "lllyasviel/control_v11p_sd15_openpose", "processor_params": { "detect_resolution": detect_resolution, "image_resolution": image_resolution, "include_body": False, "include_hand": True, "include_face": True, "hand_and_face": True, }, }, "dwpose": { "middle": "dwpose", "detector_name": "DWposeDetector", "detector_id": "lllyasviel/Annotators", "controlnet_model_path": "lllyasviel/control_v11p_sd15_openpose", "processor_params": { "detect_resolution": detect_resolution, "image_resolution": image_resolution, }, }, "dwpose_face": { "middle": "dwpose", "detector_name": "DWposeDetector", "detector_id": "lllyasviel/Annotators", "controlnet_model_path": "lllyasviel/control_v11p_sd15_openpose", "processor_params": { "detect_resolution": detect_resolution, "image_resolution": image_resolution, "include_hand": False, "include_body": False, }, }, "dwpose_hand": { "middle": "dwpose", "detector_name": "DWposeDetector", "detector_id": "lllyasviel/Annotators", "controlnet_model_path": "lllyasviel/control_v11p_sd15_openpose", "processor_params": { "detect_resolution": detect_resolution, "image_resolution": image_resolution, "include_face": False, "include_body": False, }, }, "dwpose_body": { "middle": "dwpose", "detector_name": "DWposeDetector", "detector_id": "lllyasviel/Annotators", "controlnet_model_path": "lllyasviel/control_v11p_sd15_openpose", "processor_params": { "detect_resolution": detect_resolution, "image_resolution": image_resolution, "include_face": False, "include_hand": False, }, }, "dwpose_body_hand": { "middle": "dwpose", "detector_name": "DWposeDetector", "detector_id": "lllyasviel/Annotators", "controlnet_model_path": "lllyasviel/control_v11p_sd15_openpose", "processor_params": { "detect_resolution": detect_resolution, "image_resolution": image_resolution, "include_face": False, "include_hand": True, "include_body": True, }, }, "canny": { "middle": "canny", "detector_name": "CannyDetector", # "detector_id": "lllyasviel/Annotators", "controlnet_model_path": "lllyasviel/control_v11p_sd15_canny", "processor_params": { "detect_resolution": detect_resolution, "image_resolution": image_resolution, }, }, "tile": { "middle": "tile", "detector_name": None, "detector_id": None, "controlnet_model_path": "lllyasviel/control_v11f1e_sd15_tile", "processor_params": { "detect_resolution": detect_resolution, "image_resolution": image_resolution, "include_body": include_body, "hand_and_face": hand_and_face, }, }, # 隶属线条检测 "hed": { "middle": "hed", "detector_name": "HEDdetector", "detector_id": "lllyasviel/Annotators", "controlnet_model_path": "lllyasviel/sd-controlnet-hed", "processor_params": { "detect_resolution": detect_resolution, "image_resolution": image_resolution, }, }, "hed_scribble": { "middle": "hed", "detector_name": "HEDdetector", "detector_id": "lllyasviel/Annotators", "controlnet_model_path": "lllyasviel/control_v11p_sd15_scribble", "processor_params": { "detect_resolution": detect_resolution, "image_resolution": image_resolution, }, }, "depth": { "middle": "depth", "detector_name": "MidasDetector", "detector_id": "lllyasviel/Annotators", "controlnet_model_path": "lllyasviel/control_v11f1p_sd15_depth", "processor_params": { "detect_resolution": detect_resolution, "image_resolution": image_resolution, }, }, "pidi": { "middle": "pidi", "detector_name": "PidiNetDetector", "detector_id": "lllyasviel/Annotators", "controlnet_model_path": "lllyasviel/control_v11f1p_sd15_depth", "processor_params": { "detect_resolution": detect_resolution, "image_resolution": image_resolution, }, }, "normal_bae": { "middle": "normal_bae", "detector_name": "NormalBaeDetector", "detector_id": "lllyasviel/Annotators", "controlnet_model_path": "lllyasviel/control_v11p_sd15_normalbae", "processor_params": { "detect_resolution": detect_resolution, "image_resolution": image_resolution, }, }, "lineart": { "middle": "lineart", "detector_name": "LineartDetector", "detector_id": "lllyasviel/Annotators", "controlnet_model_path": "lllyasviel/control_v11p_sd15_lineart", "processor_params": { "detect_resolution": detect_resolution, "image_resolution": image_resolution, "coarse": True, }, }, "lineart_anime": { "middle": "lineart_anime", "detector_name": "LineartAnimeDetector", "detector_id": "lllyasviel/Annotators", "controlnet_model_path": "lllyasviel/control_v11p_sd15s2_lineart_anime", "processor_params": { "detect_resolution": detect_resolution, "image_resolution": image_resolution, }, }, "zoe": { "middle": "zoe", "detector_name": "ZoeDetector", "detector_id": "lllyasviel/Annotators", "controlnet_model_path": "lllyasviel/control_v11f1p_sd15_depth", "processor_params": { "detect_resolution": detect_resolution, "image_resolution": image_resolution, }, }, "sam": { "middle": "sam", "detector_name": "SamDetector", "detector_id": "ybelkada/segment-anything", "processor_cls_params": {"subfolder": "checkpoints"}, "controlnet_model_path": "lllyasviel/control_v11p_sd15_seg", "processor_params": { "detect_resolution": detect_resolution, "image_resolution": image_resolution, }, }, "mobile_sam": { "middle": "mobile_sam", "detector_name": "SamDetector", "detector_id": "dhkim2810/MobileSAM", "processor_cls_params": { "subfolder": "checkpoints", "model_type": "vit_t", "filename": "", }, "controlnet_model_path": "lllyasviel/control_v11p_sd15_seg", "processor_params": { "detect_resolution": detect_resolution, "image_resolution": image_resolution, }, }, "leres": { "middle": "leres", "detector_name": "LeresDetector", "detector_id": "lllyasviel/Annotators", "controlnet_model_path": "lllyasviel/control_v11f1p_sd15_depth", "processor_params": { "detect_resolution": detect_resolution, "image_resolution": image_resolution, }, }, # error "content": { "middle": "content", "detector_name": "ContentShuffleDetector", "controlnet_model_path": "lllyasviel/control_v11e_sd15_shuffle", "processor_params": { "detect_resolution": detect_resolution, "image_resolution": image_resolution, }, }, "face_detector": { "middle": "face_detector", "detector_name": "MediapipeFaceDetector", "processor_params": { "detect_resolution": detect_resolution, "image_resolution": image_resolution, }, "controlnet_model_path": "lllyasviel/control_v11p_sd15_openpose", }, } def complete(dct): if "detector_id" not in dct: dct["detector_id"] = None if "processor_cls_params" not in dct: dct["processor_cls_params"] = None return dct if isinstance(controlnet_names, str): return complete(controlnet_cond_maps[controlnet_names]) else: params = [complete(controlnet_cond_maps[name]) for name in controlnet_names] return params def load_controlnet_model( controlnet_names: Union[str, List[str]], device: str, dtype=torch.dtype, need_controlnet_processor: bool = True, need_controlnet=True, detect_resolution: int = None, image_resolution: int = None, include_body: bool = False, include_face: bool = False, include_hand: bool = False, hand_and_face: bool = None, ) -> Tuple[nn.Module, Callable, Dict]: controlnet_params = get_controlnet_params( controlnet_names, detect_resolution=detect_resolution, image_resolution=image_resolution, include_body=include_body, include_face=include_face, hand_and_face=hand_and_face, include_hand=include_hand, ) if need_controlnet_processor: if not isinstance(controlnet_params, list): controlnet_processor = ControlnetProcessor( detector_name=controlnet_params["detector_name"], detector_id=controlnet_params["detector_id"], processor_params=controlnet_params["processor_cls_params"], device=device, dtype=dtype, processor_name=controlnet_params["middle"], ) processor_params = controlnet_params["processor_params"] else: controlnet_processor = MultiControlnetProcessor( [ ControlnetProcessor( detector_name=controlnet_param["detector_name"], detector_id=controlnet_param["detector_id"], processor_params=controlnet_param["processor_cls_params"], device=device, dtype=dtype, processor_name=controlnet_param["middle"], ) for controlnet_param in controlnet_params ] ) processor_params = [ controlnet_param["processor_params"] for controlnet_param in controlnet_params ] else: controlnet_processor = None processor_params = None if need_controlnet: if isinstance(controlnet_params, List): # TODO: support MultiControlNetModel.save_pretrained str path controlnet = MultiControlNetModel( [ ControlNetModel.from_pretrained(d["controlnet_model_path"]) for d in controlnet_params ] ) else: controlnet_model_path = controlnet_params["controlnet_model_path"] controlnet = ControlNetModel.from_pretrained(controlnet_model_path) controlnet =, dtype=dtype) else: controlnet = None return controlnet, controlnet_processor, processor_params def prepare_image( image, # b c t h w image_processor: Callable, width=None, height=None, return_type: Literal["numpy", "torch"] = "numpy", ): if isinstance(image, List) and isinstance(image[0], str): raise NotImplementedError if isinstance(image, List) and isinstance(image[0], np.ndarray): image = np.concatenate(image, axis=0) if isinstance(image, np.ndarray): image = torch.from_numpy(image) if image.ndim == 5: image = rearrange(image, "b c t h w-> (b t) c h w") if height is None: height = image.shape[-2] if width is None: width = image.shape[-1] width, height = (x - x % image_processor.vae_scale_factor for x in (width, height)) if height != image.shape[-2] or width != image.shape[-1]: image = torch.nn.functional.interpolate( image, size=(height, width), mode="bilinear" ) image = / 255.0 do_normalize = image_processor.config.do_normalize if image.min() < 0: warnings.warn( "Passing `image` as torch tensor with value range in [-1,1] is deprecated. The expected value range for image tensor is [0,1] " f"when passing as pytorch tensor or numpy Array. You passed `image` with value range [{image.min()},{image.max()}]", FutureWarning, ) do_normalize = False if do_normalize: image = image_processor.normalize(image) if return_type == "numpy": image = image.numpy() return image class PoseKPs2ImgConverter(object): def __init__( self, target_width: int, target_height: int, num_candidates: int = 10, image_processor: Callable = None, include_body: bool = True, include_face: bool = False, hand_and_face: bool = None, include_hand: bool = True, ) -> None: self.target_width = target_width self.target_height = target_height self.num_candidates = num_candidates self.image_processor = image_processor self.include_body = include_body self.include_face = include_face self.hand_and_face = hand_and_face self.include_hand = include_hand def __call__(self, kps: np.array) -> Any: # draw pose # (b, max_num=10, 134, 3) last dim, x,y,score num_candidates = 0 for idx_t in range(self.num_candidates): if np.sum(kps[:, idx_t, :, :]) == 0: num_candidates = idx_t break if num_candidates > 0: kps = kps[:, 0:num_candidates, :, :] candidate = kps[..., :2] subset = kps[..., 2] poses = [ candidate2pose( candidate[i], subset[i], include_body=self.include_body, include_face=self.include_face, hand_and_face=self.hand_and_face, include_hand=self.include_hand, ) for i in range(candidate.shape[0]) ] pose_imgs = [ pose2map( pose, self.target_height, self.target_width, min(self.target_height, self.target_width), min(self.target_height, self.target_width), ) for pose in poses ] pose_imgs = np.stack(pose_imgs, axis=0) # b h w c else: pose_imgs = np.zeros( shape=(kps.shape[0], self.target_height, self.target_width, 3), dtype=np.uint8, ) pose_imgs = rearrange(pose_imgs, "b h w c -> b c h w") if self.image_processor is not None: pose_imgs = prepare_image( image=pose_imgs, width=self.target_width, height=self.target_height, image_processor=self.image_processor, return_type="numpy", ) return pose_imgs