import io from typing import List, Dict, Tuple, BinaryIO from copy import deepcopy import pandas as pd from PIL import Image from xlsxwriter.utility import xl_col_to_name def read_image_data(path: str, target_image_height: int) -> Tuple[BinaryIO, int, int]: """读取图像,按照目标高做resize处理,并转化成二进制格式,返回最终图像的宽和高 Args: path (str): 图像路径 target_image_height (int): 目标高 Returns: Tuple[BinaryIO, int, int]: 图像二进制格式,返回最终图像的宽和高 """ image = image_width_in_excel = int(image.width / (image.height / target_image_height)) image = image.resize(size=(image_width_in_excel, target_image_height)) image_byte = io.BytesIO(), format="png") return image_byte, image.width, image.height def set_text_column_dynamic_width(worksheet, df, format, default_width=50): """将df在excel workshhet中的列按照实际内容长度设置列宽以及文本格式 Args: worksheet (_type_): 待处理的excel worksheet df (_type_): worksheet中原来对应的DataFrame格式 format (_type_): 对应列的文本格式 default_width (int, optional): 默认目标宽度. Defaults to 50. """ for column in df: column_width = max(df[column].astype(str).map(len).max(), len(column)) col_idx = df.columns.get_loc(column) width = min(column_width, default_width) worksheet.set_column(col_idx, col_idx, width, format) def convert_tasks2clean(tasks): tasks = [{"prompt": task["prompt"]} for task in tasks] return tasks def split_tasks_by_images_lst(tasks, save_images_path_key: str = "save_images_path"): new_tasks = [] for task in tasks: for image_path in task[save_images_path_key]: new_task = deepcopy(task) new_task[save_images_path_key] = image_path new_tasks.append(new_task) return new_tasks def save_texts_images_2_csv(tasks: List[Dict], save_path: str): """存储相关结果为csv表格 tasks (List[Dict]): 待转换的字典列表 save_path (str): 表格存储路径 """ df = pd.DataFrame(tasks) df.to_csv(save_path, encoding="utf_8_sig", index=False) def add_multi_data_validation(workbook, worksheet, validates, validate_idxs, n_rows): for i, validate in enumerate(validates): validate_idx = validate_idxs[i] worksheet = add_data_validation( workbook=workbook, worksheet=worksheet, col=validate_idx, head=validate["col_name"], candidates=validate["candidates"], colors=validate["colors"], n_rows=n_rows, ) return worksheet def add_data_validation( workbook, worksheet, col: int, head, candidates, n_rows, colors ): col = xl_col_to_name(col) # Adding the header and Datavalidation list worksheet.write('{}1'.format(col), head) colors_fmt = [workbook.add_format({'bg_color': color}) for color in colors] for row in range(n_rows): cell_idx = '{}{}'.format(col, row + 2) worksheet.data_validation(cell_idx, {'validate': 'list', 'source': candidates}) for i_c in range(len(candidates)): worksheet.conditional_format( cell_idx, { 'type': 'formula', 'criteria': '=${}=\"{}\"'.format(cell_idx, candidates[i_c]), 'format': colors_fmt[i_c], }, ) return worksheet def insert_cell_image( worksheet, row, col, image_path, image_height_in_table, text_format, row_ratio, col_ratio, ): image_byte, new_image_width, new_image_height = read_image_data( image_path, target_image_height=image_height_in_table ) # TODO:现在的图像列并不是预期内的和图像等宽,而是宽了很多 worksheet.set_column( col, col, int(new_image_width / col_ratio), ) worksheet.insert_image( row, col, image_path, {"image_data": image_byte}, ) worksheet.set_row(row, int(new_image_height / row_ratio), text_format) return worksheet def save_texts_images_2_excel( tasks: List[Dict], save_path: str, image_height_in_table: int = 120, row_ratio: float = 1.3, col_ratio: float = 5, validates: List = None, ): """将任务列表和生成的图像统一存储在表格中,方便观看对比实验结果。 Args: tasks (List[Dict]): 待转换的字典列表 save_path (str): 表格存储路径 image_height_in_table (int, optional): 表格中缩略图的高. Defaults to 120. row_ratio (float, optional): excel的单元格宽高和实际图像边长需要做比例转换. Defaults to 1.2. col_ratio (float, optional): excel的单元格宽高和实际图像边长需要做比例转换. Defaults to 7.5. need_add_checker_column (bool, optional): 是否新增一列用于审核检查状态. Defaults to False. """ df = pd.DataFrame(tasks) # 先找到需要插入图像的列,插入图像列 keys_with_image = [ k for k in tasks[0].keys() if "images_path" in k and k != "save_images_path" ] high_priority_col_idx = 0 # 默认save_images_path是生成图像,放在后面 if "save_images_path" in tasks[0]: keys_with_image.append("save_images_path") for img_key in keys_with_image: maxlen_img_key_value = max( [ len(task[img_key]) if isinstance(task[img_key], list) else 1 for task in tasks ] ) for i in range(maxlen_img_key_value): column = "{}_{}".format(img_key, i) if column not in df.columns: df.insert( loc=high_priority_col_idx, column=column, value="", ) high_priority_col_idx += 1 validate_start_idx = high_priority_col_idx if validates is not None: for i, validate in enumerate(validates): if validate["col_name"] not in df.columns: col_idx = validate_start_idx + i df.insert(loc=col_idx, column=validate["col_name"], value="") validate_idxs = range(validate_start_idx, validate_start_idx + len(validates)) writer = pd.ExcelWriter(save_path, engine="xlsxwriter") # Convert the dataframe to an XlsxWriter Excel object. df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name="Sheet1", index=False) # Get the xlsxwriter workbook and worksheet objects. workbook = worksheet = writer.sheets["Sheet1"] n_col = len(df.columns) n_row = len(df) text_format = workbook.add_format({"text_wrap": True}) set_text_column_dynamic_width(worksheet=worksheet, df=df, format=text_format) # Insert an image. for row in range(len(df)): task = tasks[row] cell_col = 0 for im_idx, img_key in enumerate(keys_with_image): images_path = task[img_key] if not isinstance(images_path, list): cell_row = 1 + row worksheet.write(cell_row, cell_col, img_key) if len(images_path) == 0: continue worksheet = insert_cell_image( worksheet=worksheet, row=cell_row, col=cell_col, image_path=images_path, image_height_in_table=image_height_in_table, text_format=text_format, row_ratio=row_ratio, col_ratio=col_ratio, ) cell_col += 1 else: for i, image_path in enumerate(images_path): worksheet = insert_cell_image( worksheet=worksheet, row=cell_row, col=cell_col, image_path=image_path, image_height_in_table=image_height_in_table, text_format=text_format, row_ratio=row_ratio, col_ratio=col_ratio, ) cell_col += 1 if validates is not None: worksheet = add_multi_data_validation( workbook, worksheet, validates=validates, validate_idxs=validate_idxs, n_rows=len(df), ) # Close the Pandas Excel writer and output the Excel file.