NeuCoSVC-Colab /
kevinwang676's picture
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import os
import json
import time
import argparse
import numpy as np
import soundfile as sf
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from modules.FastSVC import SVCNN
from modules.wavlm_encoder import WavLMEncoder
from utils.pitch_ld_extraction import extract_loudness, extract_pitch_ref as extract_pitch
from import ConfigWrapper, fast_cosine_dist
# the 6th layer features of wavlm are used to audio synthesis
# the mean of last 5 layers features of wavlm are used for matching in kNN
CONTENT_INFORMATION_LAYER = [20, 21, 22, 23, 24]
def VoiceConverter(test_utt: str, ref_utt: str, out_path: str, svc_mdl: SVCNN, wavlm_encoder: WavLMEncoder, f0_factor: float, speech_enroll=False, device=torch.device('cpu')):
Perform singing voice conversion and save the resulting waveform to `out_path`.
test_utt (str): Path to the source singing waveform (24kHz, single-channel).
ref_utt (str): Path to the reference waveform from the target speaker (single-channel, not less than 16kHz).
out_path (str): Path to save the converted singing audio.
svc_mdl (SVCNN): Loaded FastSVC model with neural harmonic filters.
wavlm_encoder (WavLMEncoder): Loaded WavLM Encoder.
f0_factor (float): F0 shift factor.
speech_enroll (bool, optional): Whether the reference audio is a speech clip or a singing clip. Defaults to False.
device (torch.device, optional): Device to perform the conversion on. Defaults to cpu.
# Preprocess audio and extract features.
print('Processing feats.')
applied_weights = F.one_hot(torch.tensor(CONTENT_INFORMATION_LAYER), num_classes=25).float().mean(axis=0).to(device)[:, None]
ld = extract_loudness(test_utt)
pitch, f0_factor = extract_pitch(test_utt, ref_utt, predefined_factor=f0_factor, speech_enroll=speech_enroll)
assert pitch.shape[0] == ld.shape[0], f'{test_utt} Length Mismatch: pitch length ({pitch.shape[0]}), ld length ({ld.shape[0]}).'
query_feats = wavlm_encoder.get_features(test_utt, weights=applied_weights)
matching_set = wavlm_encoder.get_features(ref_utt, weights=applied_weights)
synth_set = wavlm_encoder.get_features(ref_utt, output_layer=SPEAKER_INFORMATION_LAYER)
# Calculate the distance between the query feats and the matching feats
dists = fast_cosine_dist(query_feats, matching_set, device=device)
best = dists.topk(k=4, largest=False, dim=-1)
# Replace query features with corresponding nearest synth feats
prematched_wavlm = synth_set[best.indices].mean(dim=1).transpose(0, 1) # (T, 1024)
# Align the features: the hop_size of the wavlm feature is twice that of pitch and loudness.
seq_len = prematched_wavlm.shape[1] * 2
if seq_len > pitch.shape[0]:
p = seq_len - pitch.shape[0]
pitch = np.pad(pitch, (0, p), mode='edge')
ld = np.pad(ld, (0, p), mode='edge')
pitch = pitch[:seq_len]
ld = ld[:seq_len]
in_feats = [prematched_wavlm.unsqueeze(0), torch.from_numpy(pitch).to(dtype=torch.float).unsqueeze(0),
in_feats = tuple([ for x_ in in_feats])
# Inference
with torch.no_grad():
y_ = svc_mdl(*in_feats)
# Save converted audio.
print('Saving audio.')
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(out_path)), exist_ok=True)
y_ = y_.unsqueeze(0)
y_ = np.clip(y_.view(-1).cpu().numpy(), -1, 1)
sf.write(out_path, y_, 24000)
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
required=True, type=str, help='The audio path for the source singing utterance.'
required=True, type=str, help='The audio path for the reference utterance.'
required=True, type=str, help='The audio path for the reference utterance.'
'-cfg', '--config_file',
type=str, default='configs/config.json',
help='The model configuration file.'
'-ckpt', '--ckpt_path',
help='The model checkpoint path for loading.'
'-f0factor', '--f0_factor', type=float, default=0.0,
help='Adjust the pitch of the source singing to match the vocal range of the target singer. \
The default value is 0.0, which means no pitch adjustment is applied (equivalent to f0_factor = 1.0)'
'--speech_enroll', action='store_true',
help='When using speech as the reference audio, the pitch of the reference audio will be increased by 1.2 times \
when performing pitch shift to cover the pitch gap between singing and speech. \
Note: This option is invalid when f0_factor is specified.'
args = parser.parse_args()
t0 = time.time()
f0factor = args.f0_factor
speech_enroll_flag = args.speech_enroll
if torch.cuda.is_available():
device = torch.device('cuda')
device = torch.device('cpu')
print(f'using {device} for inference.')
# Loading model and parameters.
# load svc model
cfg = args.config_file
model_path = args.ckpt_path
print('Loading svc model configurations.')
with open(cfg) as f:
config = ConfigWrapper(**json.load(f))
svc_mdl = SVCNN(config)
state_dict = torch.load(model_path, map_location='cpu')
svc_mdl.load_state_dict(state_dict['model']['generator'], strict=False)
# load wavlm model
wavlm_encoder = WavLMEncoder(ckpt_path='pretrained/', device=device)
print('wavlm loaded.')
# End loading model and parameters.
t1 = time.time()
print(f'loading models cost {t1-t0:.2f}s.')
VoiceConverter(test_utt=args.src_wav_path, ref_utt=args.ref_wav_path, out_path=args.out_path,
svc_mdl=svc_mdl, wavlm_encoder=wavlm_encoder,
f0_factor=f0factor, speech_enroll=speech_enroll_flag, device=device)
t2 = time.time()
print(f'converting costs {t2-t1:.2f}s.')