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// Implementation of the LpcAnalyzer class.
// Note that this is derived from legacy code written by David Talkin
// before the flood. Hence the archaic style, etc.
#include "epoch_tracker/lpc_analyzer.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#ifndef M_PI
#define M_PI (3.14159265359)
/* Generate a Hanning window, if one does not already exist. */
void LpcAnalyzer::HannWindow(const float* din, float* dout, int n,
float preemp) {
int i;
const float *p;
// Need to create a new Hanning window? */
if (window_.size() != static_cast<size_t>(n)) {
double arg, half = 0.5;
for (i = 0, arg = M_PI * 2.0 / n; i < n; ++i)
window_[i] = (half - half * cos((half + i) * arg));
/* If preemphasis is to be performed, this assumes that there are n+1 valid
samples in the input buffer (din). */
if (preemp != 0.0) {
for (i = 0, p = din + 1; i < n; ++i)
*dout++ = window_[i] * (*p++ - (preemp * *din++));
} else {
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
*dout++ = window_[i] * *din++;
/* Place a time-weighting window of length n in energywind_.
void LpcAnalyzer::GetWindow(int n) {
// Need to create a new Hanning window?
if (energywind_.size() != static_cast<size_t>(n)) {
double arg = M_PI * 2.0 / n, half = 0.5;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
energywind_[i] = (half - half * cos((half + i) * arg));
/* Compute the pp+1 autocorrelation lags of the windowsize samples in s.
* Return the normalized autocorrelation coefficients in r.
* The rms is returned in e.
void LpcAnalyzer::Autoc(int windowsize, float* s, int p, float* r, float* e) {
int i, j;
float *q, *t, sum, sum0;
for (i = windowsize, q = s, sum0 = 0.0; i--;) {
sum = *q++;
sum0 += sum*sum;
*r = 1.; /* r[0] will always = 1.0 */
if (sum0 == 0.0) { /* No energy: fake low-energy white noise. */
*e = 1.; /* Arbitrarily assign 1 to rms. */
/* Now fake autocorrelation of white noise. */
for (i = 1; i <= p; i++) {
r[i] = 0.;
*e = sqrt(sum0 / windowsize);
sum0 = 1.0 / sum0;
for (i = 1; i <= p; i++) {
for (sum = 0.0, j = windowsize - i, q = s, t = s + i; j--;)
sum += (*q++) * (*t++);
*(++r) = sum * sum0; // normalizing by the inverse energy
/* Using Durbin's recursion, convert the autocorrelation sequence in r
* to reflection coefficients in k and predictor coefficients in a.
* The prediction error energy (gain) is left in *ex.
* Note: Durbin returns the coefficients in normal sign format.
* (i.e. a[0] is assumed to be = +1.)
void LpcAnalyzer::Durbin(float* r, float* k, float* a, int p, float* ex) {
float bb[BIGSORD];
int i, j;
float e, s, *b = bb;
e = *r;
*k = -r[1] / e;
*a = *k;
e *= (1.0 - (*k) * (*k));
for (i = 1; i < p; i++) {
s = 0;
for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
s -= a[j] * r[i - j];
k[i] = (s - r[i + 1]) / e;
a[i] = k[i];
for (j = 0; j <= i; j++) {
b[j] = a[j];
for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
a[j] += k[i] * b[i - j - 1];
e *= (1.0 - (k[i] * k[i]));
*ex = e;
/* Compute the autocorrelations of the p LP coefficients in a.
* (a[0] is assumed to be = 1 and not explicitely accessed.)
* The magnitude of a is returned in c.
* 2* the other autocorrelation coefficients are returned in b.
void LpcAnalyzer::PcToAutocorPc(float* a, float* b, float* c, int p) {
float s, *ap, *a0;
int i, j;
for (s = 1., ap = a, i = p; i--; ap++)
s += *ap * *ap;
*c = s;
for (i = 1; i <= p; i++) {
s = a[i - 1];
for (a0 = a, ap = a + i, j = p - i; j--;)
s += (*a0++ * *ap++);
*b++ = 2.0 * s;
/* Compute the Itakura LPC distance between the model represented
* by the signal autocorrelation (r) and its residual (gain) and
* the model represented by an LPC autocorrelation (c, b).
* Both models are of order p.
* r is assumed normalized and r[0]=1 is not explicitely accessed.
* Values returned by the function are >= 1.
float LpcAnalyzer::ItakuraDistance(int p, float* b, float* c, float* r,
float gain) {
float s;
for (s = *c; p--;)
s += *r++ * *b++;
return s / gain;
/* Compute the time-weighted RMS of a size segment of data. The data
* is weighted by a Hanning window before RMS computation.
float LpcAnalyzer::WindowedRms(float* data, int size) {
float sum, f;
int i;
for (i = 0, sum = 0.0; i < size; i++) {
f = energywind_[i] * (*data++);
sum += f * f;
return sqrt(sum / size);
// Generic autocorrelation LPC analysis of the floating-point
// sequence in data.
// int lpc_ord, /* Analysis order */
// wsize, /* window size in points */
// type; /* window type (decoded in window() above) */
// float noise_floor, /* Simulated white noise floor in dB (SNR). */
// *lpca, /* if non-NULL, return vector for predictors */
// *ar, /* if non-NULL, return vector for normalized autoc. */
// *lpck, /* if non-NULL, return vector for PARCOR's */
// *normerr, /* return scalar for normalized error */
// *rms, /* return scalar for energy in preemphasized window */
// preemp;
// float *data; /* input data sequence; assumed to be wsize+1 long */
int LpcAnalyzer::ComputeLpc(int lpc_ord, float noise_floor, int wsize,
const float* data, float* lpca, float* ar,
float* lpck, float* normerr, float* rms,
float preemp) {
float rho[BIGSORD+1], k[BIGSORD], a[BIGSORD+1], *r, *kp, *ap, en, er;
if ((wsize <= 0) || (!data) || (lpc_ord > BIGSORD))
return false;
float *dwind = new float[wsize];
HannWindow(data, dwind, wsize, preemp);
if (!(r = ar)) r = rho; /* Permit optional return of the various */
if (!(kp = lpck)) kp = k; /* coefficients and intermediate results. */
if (!(ap = lpca)) ap = a;
Autoc(wsize, dwind, lpc_ord, r, &en);
if (noise_floor > 1.0) { // Add some to the diagonal to simulate white noise.
int i;
float ffact;
ffact = 1.0 / (1.0 + exp((-noise_floor / 20.0) * log(10.0)));
for (i = 1; i <= lpc_ord; i++)
rho[i] = ffact * r[i];
*rho = *r;
r = rho;
if (ar) {
for (i = 0; i <= lpc_ord; i++)
ar[i] = r[i];
Durbin(r, kp, ap + 1, lpc_ord, &er);
float wfact = .612372; // ratio of Hanning RMS to rectangular RMS
ap[0] = 1.0;
if (rms)
*rms = en / wfact;
if (normerr)
*normerr = er;
delete [] dwind;
return true;