''' purpose: ''' from fastapi import FastAPI from fastapi.responses import HTMLResponse from fastapi import APIRouter, Request, Response from fastapi.templating import Jinja2Templates import uvicorn from lib import claims as libClaims, providers as libProviders import lib.utils as libUtils from lib.models import mdl_utils as libMdlUtils #--- imported route handlers from routes.api.rte_api import rteApi from routes.qa.rte_qa import rteQa from routes.qa.rte_claims import rteClaims from routes.qa.rte_providers import rteProv #--- fastAPI self doc descriptors description = """ Fourthbrain Capstone: MLE10 Cohort The Healthcare Claims Anomaly API is provided to assist with ## Claims Analysis ## Supervised Provider Predictions - Anomaly Detection (XGBoost) ## Unsupervised Claim Predictions - Anomaly Detection (KMeans Cluster) You will be able to: * Analyze Claims data * Identify potential Provider Anomalies * Idenitfy potential Claim Anomalies """ app = FastAPI( title="App: Healthcare Claims - Anomaly Detection", description=description, version="0.0.1", terms_of_service="http://example.com/terms/", contact={ "name": "Iain McKone", "email": "iain.mckone@gmail.com", }, license_info={ "name": "Apache 2.0", "url": "https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html", }, ) #--- configure route handlers app.include_router(rteApi, prefix="/api") app.include_router(rteQa, prefix="/qa") app.include_router(rteClaims, prefix="/claims") app.include_router(rteProv, prefix="/providers") m_kstrPath_templ = libUtils.pth_templ m_templRef = Jinja2Templates(directory=str(m_kstrPath_templ)) def get_jinja2Templ(request: Request, pdfResults, strParamTitle, lngNumRecords, blnIsTrain=False, blnIsSample=False): lngNumRecords = min(lngNumRecords, libUtils.m_klngMaxRecords) if (blnIsTrain): strParamTitle = strParamTitle + " - Training Data" if (not blnIsTrain): strParamTitle = strParamTitle + " - Test Data" if (blnIsSample): lngNumRecords = libUtils.m_klngSampleSize strParamTitle = strParamTitle + " - max " + str(lngNumRecords) + " rows" pdfClaims = pdfResults.sample(lngNumRecords) htmlClaims = pdfClaims.to_html(classes='table table-striped') kstrTempl = 'templ_showDataframe.html' jsonContext = {'request': request, 'paramTitle': strParamTitle, 'paramDataframe': htmlClaims } result = m_templRef.TemplateResponse(kstrTempl, jsonContext) return result #--- get main ui/ux entry point @app.get('/') def index(): return { "message": "Landing page: Capstone Healthcare Anomaly Detection" } if __name__ == '__main__': uvicorn.run("main:app", host="", port=48300, reload=True) #CMD ["uvicorn", "main:app", "--host=", "--reload"]