Runtime error
Runtime error
import torch | |
import torch.nn.functional as F | |
from torch import optim | |
from import DataLoader | |
from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter | |
from synthesizer import audio | |
from synthesizer.models.tacotron import Tacotron | |
from synthesizer.synthesizer_dataset import SynthesizerDataset, collate_synthesizer | |
from synthesizer.utils import ValueWindow, data_parallel_workaround | |
from synthesizer.utils.plot import plot_spectrogram, plot_spectrogram_and_trace | |
from synthesizer.utils.symbols import symbols | |
from synthesizer.utils.text import sequence_to_text | |
from vocoder.display import * | |
from datetime import datetime | |
import json | |
import numpy as np | |
from pathlib import Path | |
import time | |
import os | |
def np_now(x: torch.Tensor): return x.detach().cpu().numpy() | |
def time_string(): | |
return"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") | |
def train(run_id: str, syn_dir: str, models_dir: str, save_every: int, | |
backup_every: int, log_every:int, force_restart:bool, hparams): | |
syn_dir = Path(syn_dir) | |
models_dir = Path(models_dir) | |
models_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) | |
model_dir = models_dir.joinpath(run_id) | |
plot_dir = model_dir.joinpath("plots") | |
wav_dir = model_dir.joinpath("wavs") | |
mel_output_dir = model_dir.joinpath("mel-spectrograms") | |
meta_folder = model_dir.joinpath("metas") | |
model_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) | |
plot_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) | |
wav_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) | |
mel_output_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) | |
meta_folder.mkdir(exist_ok=True) | |
weights_fpath = model_dir.joinpath(run_id).with_suffix(".pt") | |
metadata_fpath = syn_dir.joinpath("train.txt") | |
print("Checkpoint path: {}".format(weights_fpath)) | |
print("Loading training data from: {}".format(metadata_fpath)) | |
print("Using model: Tacotron") | |
# Book keeping | |
step = 0 | |
time_window = ValueWindow(100) | |
loss_window = ValueWindow(100) | |
# From WaveRNN/ | |
if torch.cuda.is_available(): | |
device = torch.device("cuda") | |
for session in hparams.tts_schedule: | |
_, _, _, batch_size = session | |
if batch_size % torch.cuda.device_count() != 0: | |
raise ValueError("`batch_size` must be evenly divisible by n_gpus!") | |
else: | |
device = torch.device("cpu") | |
print("Using device:", device) | |
# Instantiate Tacotron Model | |
print("\nInitialising Tacotron Model...\n") | |
num_chars = len(symbols) | |
if weights_fpath.exists(): | |
# for compatibility purpose, change symbols accordingly: | |
loaded_shape = torch.load(str(weights_fpath), map_location=device)["model_state"]["encoder.embedding.weight"].shape | |
if num_chars != loaded_shape[0]: | |
print("WARNING: you are using compatible mode due to wrong sympols length, please modify varible _characters in `utils\`") | |
num_chars != loaded_shape[0] | |
# Try to scan config file | |
model_config_fpaths = list(weights_fpath.parent.rglob("*.json")) | |
if len(model_config_fpaths)>0 and model_config_fpaths[0].exists(): | |
with model_config_fpaths[0].open("r", encoding="utf-8") as f: | |
hparams.loadJson(json.load(f)) | |
else: # save a config | |
hparams.dumpJson(weights_fpath.parent.joinpath(run_id).with_suffix(".json")) | |
model = Tacotron(embed_dims=hparams.tts_embed_dims, | |
num_chars=num_chars, | |
encoder_dims=hparams.tts_encoder_dims, | |
decoder_dims=hparams.tts_decoder_dims, | |
n_mels=hparams.num_mels, | |
fft_bins=hparams.num_mels, | |
postnet_dims=hparams.tts_postnet_dims, | |
encoder_K=hparams.tts_encoder_K, | |
lstm_dims=hparams.tts_lstm_dims, | |
postnet_K=hparams.tts_postnet_K, | |
num_highways=hparams.tts_num_highways, | |
dropout=hparams.tts_dropout, | |
stop_threshold=hparams.tts_stop_threshold, | |
speaker_embedding_size=hparams.speaker_embedding_size).to(device) | |
# Initialize the optimizer | |
optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), amsgrad=True) | |
# Load the weights | |
if force_restart or not weights_fpath.exists(): | |
print("\nStarting the training of Tacotron from scratch\n") | | | |
# Embeddings metadata | |
char_embedding_fpath = meta_folder.joinpath("CharacterEmbeddings.tsv") | |
with open(char_embedding_fpath, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: | |
for symbol in symbols: | |
if symbol == " ": | |
symbol = "\\s" # For visual purposes, swap space with \s | |
f.write("{}\n".format(symbol)) | |
else: | |
print("\nLoading weights at %s" % weights_fpath) | |
model.load(weights_fpath, device, optimizer) | |
print("Tacotron weights loaded from step %d" % model.step) | |
# Initialize the dataset | |
metadata_fpath = syn_dir.joinpath("train.txt") | |
mel_dir = syn_dir.joinpath("mels") | |
embed_dir = syn_dir.joinpath("embeds") | |
dataset = SynthesizerDataset(metadata_fpath, mel_dir, embed_dir, hparams) | |
test_loader = DataLoader(dataset, | |
batch_size=1, | |
shuffle=True, | |
pin_memory=True) | |
# tracing training step | |
sw = SummaryWriter(log_dir=model_dir.joinpath("logs")) | |
for i, session in enumerate(hparams.tts_schedule): | |
current_step = model.get_step() | |
r, lr, max_step, batch_size = session | |
training_steps = max_step - current_step | |
# Do we need to change to the next session? | |
if current_step >= max_step: | |
# Are there no further sessions than the current one? | |
if i == len(hparams.tts_schedule) - 1: | |
# We have completed training. Save the model and exit | |, optimizer) | |
break | |
else: | |
# There is a following session, go to it | |
continue | |
model.r = r | |
# Begin the training | |
simple_table([(f"Steps with r={r}", str(training_steps // 1000) + "k Steps"), | |
("Batch Size", batch_size), | |
("Learning Rate", lr), | |
("Outputs/Step (r)", model.r)]) | |
for p in optimizer.param_groups: | |
p["lr"] = lr | |
if hparams.tts_finetune_layers is not None and len(hparams.tts_finetune_layers) > 0: | |
model.finetune_partial(hparams.tts_finetune_layers) | |
data_loader = DataLoader(dataset, | |
collate_fn=collate_synthesizer, | |
batch_size=batch_size, #change if you got graphic card OOM | |
num_workers=2, | |
shuffle=True, | |
pin_memory=True) | |
total_iters = len(dataset) | |
steps_per_epoch = np.ceil(total_iters / batch_size).astype(np.int32) | |
epochs = np.ceil(training_steps / steps_per_epoch).astype(np.int32) | |
for epoch in range(1, epochs+1): | |
for i, (texts, mels, embeds, idx) in enumerate(data_loader, 1): | |
start_time = time.time() | |
# Generate stop tokens for training | |
stop = torch.ones(mels.shape[0], mels.shape[2]) | |
for j, k in enumerate(idx): | |
stop[j, :int(dataset.metadata[k][4])-1] = 0 | |
texts = | |
mels = | |
embeds = | |
stop = | |
# Forward pass | |
# Parallelize model onto GPUS using workaround due to python bug | |
if device.type == "cuda" and torch.cuda.device_count() > 1: | |
m1_hat, m2_hat, attention, stop_pred = data_parallel_workaround(model, texts, | |
mels, embeds) | |
else: | |
m1_hat, m2_hat, attention, stop_pred = model(texts, mels, embeds) | |
# Backward pass | |
m1_loss = F.mse_loss(m1_hat, mels) + F.l1_loss(m1_hat, mels) | |
m2_loss = F.mse_loss(m2_hat, mels) | |
stop_loss = F.binary_cross_entropy(stop_pred, stop) | |
loss = m1_loss + m2_loss + stop_loss | |
optimizer.zero_grad() | |
loss.backward() | |
if hparams.tts_clip_grad_norm is not None: | |
grad_norm = torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), hparams.tts_clip_grad_norm) | |
if np.isnan(grad_norm.cpu()): | |
print("grad_norm was NaN!") | |
optimizer.step() | |
time_window.append(time.time() - start_time) | |
loss_window.append(loss.item()) | |
step = model.get_step() | |
k = step // 1000 | |
msg = f"| Epoch: {epoch}/{epochs} ({i}/{steps_per_epoch}) | Loss: {loss_window.average:#.4} | {1./time_window.average:#.2} steps/s | Step: {k}k | " | |
stream(msg) | |
if log_every != 0 and step % log_every == 0 : | |
sw.add_scalar("training/loss", loss_window.average, step) | |
# Backup or save model as appropriate | |
if backup_every != 0 and step % backup_every == 0 : | |
backup_fpath = Path("{}/{}_{}.pt".format(str(weights_fpath.parent), run_id, step)) | |, optimizer) | |
if save_every != 0 and step % save_every == 0 : | |
# Must save latest optimizer state to ensure that resuming training | |
# doesn't produce artifacts | |, optimizer) | |
# Evaluate model to generate samples | |
epoch_eval = hparams.tts_eval_interval == -1 and i == steps_per_epoch # If epoch is done | |
step_eval = hparams.tts_eval_interval > 0 and step % hparams.tts_eval_interval == 0 # Every N steps | |
if epoch_eval or step_eval: | |
for sample_idx in range(hparams.tts_eval_num_samples): | |
# At most, generate samples equal to number in the batch | |
if sample_idx + 1 <= len(texts): | |
# Remove padding from mels using frame length in metadata | |
mel_length = int(dataset.metadata[idx[sample_idx]][4]) | |
mel_prediction = np_now(m2_hat[sample_idx]).T[:mel_length] | |
target_spectrogram = np_now(mels[sample_idx]).T[:mel_length] | |
attention_len = mel_length // model.r | |
# eval_loss = F.mse_loss(mel_prediction, target_spectrogram) | |
# sw.add_scalar("validing/loss", eval_loss.item(), step) | |
eval_model(attention=np_now(attention[sample_idx][:, :attention_len]), | |
mel_prediction=mel_prediction, | |
target_spectrogram=target_spectrogram, | |
input_seq=np_now(texts[sample_idx]), | |
step=step, | |
plot_dir=plot_dir, | |
mel_output_dir=mel_output_dir, | |
wav_dir=wav_dir, | |
sample_num=sample_idx + 1, | |
loss=loss, | |
hparams=hparams, | |
sw=sw) | |
if (step / hparams.tts_eval_interval) % MAX_SAVED_COUNT == 0: | |
# clean up and save last MAX_SAVED_COUNT; | |
plots = next(os.walk(plot_dir), (None, None, []))[2] | |
for plot in plots[-MAX_SAVED_COUNT:]: | |
os.remove(plot_dir.joinpath(plot)) | |
mel_files = next(os.walk(mel_output_dir), (None, None, []))[2] | |
for mel_file in mel_files[-MAX_SAVED_COUNT:]: | |
os.remove(mel_output_dir.joinpath(mel_file)) | |
wavs = next(os.walk(wav_dir), (None, None, []))[2] | |
for w in wavs[-MAX_SAVED_COUNT:]: | |
os.remove(wav_dir.joinpath(w)) | |
# Break out of loop to update training schedule | |
if step >= max_step: | |
break | |
# Add line break after every epoch | |
print("") | |
def eval_model(attention, mel_prediction, target_spectrogram, input_seq, step, | |
plot_dir, mel_output_dir, wav_dir, sample_num, loss, hparams, sw): | |
# Save some results for evaluation | |
attention_path = str(plot_dir.joinpath("attention_step_{}_sample_{}".format(step, sample_num))) | |
# save_attention(attention, attention_path) | |
save_and_trace_attention(attention, attention_path, sw, step) | |
# save predicted mel spectrogram to disk (debug) | |
mel_output_fpath = mel_output_dir.joinpath("mel-prediction-step-{}_sample_{}.npy".format(step, sample_num)) | |, mel_prediction, allow_pickle=False) | |
# save griffin lim inverted wav for debug (mel -> wav) | |
wav = audio.inv_mel_spectrogram(mel_prediction.T, hparams) | |
wav_fpath = wav_dir.joinpath("step-{}-wave-from-mel_sample_{}.wav".format(step, sample_num)) | |
audio.save_wav(wav, str(wav_fpath), sr=hparams.sample_rate) | |
# save real and predicted mel-spectrogram plot to disk (control purposes) | |
spec_fpath = plot_dir.joinpath("step-{}-mel-spectrogram_sample_{}.png".format(step, sample_num)) | |
title_str = "{}, {}, step={}, loss={:.5f}".format("Tacotron", time_string(), step, loss) | |
# plot_spectrogram(mel_prediction, str(spec_fpath), title=title_str, | |
# target_spectrogram=target_spectrogram, | |
# max_len=target_spectrogram.size // hparams.num_mels) | |
plot_spectrogram_and_trace( | |
mel_prediction, | |
str(spec_fpath), | |
title=title_str, | |
target_spectrogram=target_spectrogram, | |
max_len=target_spectrogram.size // hparams.num_mels, | |
sw=sw, | |
step=step) | |
print("Input at step {}: {}".format(step, sequence_to_text(input_seq))) | |