
Create and host awesome Machine Learning applications

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Build, host, and share your ML apps using Spaces in just a few minutes.

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Get started quickly

Hugging Face Spaces give you all the tools you need to build and host great AI applications and demos.

Optimized for AI

Your Spaces applications run on our optimized ML infrastructure. Deploy your application at scale in a few clicks.


A new kind of distributed GPU that automatically scales your applications on the fly.


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commited on 3 days ago

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commited on 4 days ago

Craft collaboratively

With out-of-the-box git-based version control workflows, individuals and teams can easily collaborate to build AI applications.









Build it your way

Use Streamlit, Gradio or even Docker to deploy and host your own AI applications.

CPU basic

CPU upgrade

T4 small

T4 medium

A10G small

A10G medium

A10G large

Various Hardware

From free CPUs to TPUs, you can get the right hardware for your application.

Enter Dev Mode Soon

Connect to your Space with SSH or using VS Code in your Browser. With git support and automatic process refresh.

Bento Spaces Launch Dev Mode
Bento Spaces Launch Play Learn

Build your portfolio

Showcase your work to the community, build unique applications, and make new connections with other AI builders.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to common questions about Spaces

Is there a limit of how many Spaces I can have?

No, Spaces allows you to have as many hosted Streamlit, Gradio, Docker and Static apps as you want.

Can I use secrets?

Yes, Spaces have secrets management so you don't have to hardcode tokens or keys into your application.

Can I use a GPU?

You can upgrade your Space to use a GPU, or even ✉️ request a free community grant if you are building a cool demo!

What is the hardware limit?

Each environment is currently limited to 16GB RAM and 8 CPU cores.

Where can I learn more about Streamlit and Gradio?

Gradio and Streamlit are very easy to learn and use. We suggest you to check their respective sites.

Can I add my tool for building apps?

Please contact us if you would like to use your own tool to build apps.

Where can I read the documentation?

You can find the official Spaces documentation at

Where can I ask questions if I need help?

For general feedback post to this discussion, for specific questions go to the forum.