""" | |
Bilateral Normal Integration (BiNI) | |
""" | |
__author__ = "Xu Cao <[email protected]>; Yuliang Xiu <[email protected]>" | |
__copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2022 Xu Cao; Yuliang Xiu" | |
__version__ = "2.0" | |
import pyvista as pv | |
import cupy as cp | |
import numpy as np | |
from cupyx.scipy.sparse import csr_matrix | |
from cupyx.scipy.sparse.linalg import cg | |
from import tqdm | |
import time | |
pool = cp.cuda.MemoryPool(cp.cuda.malloc_managed) | |
cp.cuda.set_allocator(pool.malloc) | |
# Define helper functions for moving masks in different directions | |
def move_left(mask): return cp.pad(mask,((0,0),(0,1)),'constant',constant_values=0)[:,1:] # Shift the input mask array to the left by 1, filling the right edge with zeros. | |
def move_right(mask): return cp.pad(mask,((0,0),(1,0)),'constant',constant_values=0)[:,:-1] # Shift the input mask array to the right by 1, filling the left edge with zeros. | |
def move_top(mask): return cp.pad(mask,((0,1),(0,0)),'constant',constant_values=0)[1:,:] # Shift the input mask array up by 1, filling the bottom edge with zeros. | |
def move_bottom(mask): return cp.pad(mask,((1,0),(0,0)),'constant',constant_values=0)[:-1,:] # Shift the input mask array down by 1, filling the top edge with zeros. | |
def move_top_left(mask): return cp.pad(mask,((0,1),(0,1)),'constant',constant_values=0)[1:,1:] # Shift the input mask array up and to the left by 1, filling the bottom and right edges with zeros. | |
def move_top_right(mask): return cp.pad(mask,((0,1),(1,0)),'constant',constant_values=0)[1:,:-1] # Shift the input mask array up and to the right by 1, filling the bottom and left edges with zeros. | |
def move_bottom_left(mask): return cp.pad(mask,((1,0),(0,1)),'constant',constant_values=0)[:-1,1:] # Shift the input mask array down and to the left by 1, filling the top and right edges with zeros. | |
def move_bottom_right(mask): return cp.pad(mask,((1,0),(1,0)),'constant',constant_values=0)[:-1,:-1] # Shift the input mask array down and to the right by 1, filling the top and left edges with zeros. | |
def generate_dx_dy(mask, nz_horizontal, nz_vertical, step_size=1): | |
# pixel coordinates | |
# ^ vertical positive | |
# | | |
# | | |
# | | |
# o ---> horizontal positive | |
num_pixel = cp.sum(mask) | |
# Generate an integer index array with the same shape as the mask. | |
pixel_idx = cp.zeros_like(mask, dtype=int) | |
# Assign a unique integer index to each True value in the mask. | |
pixel_idx[mask] = cp.arange(num_pixel) | |
# Create boolean masks representing the presence of neighboring pixels in each direction. | |
has_left_mask = cp.logical_and(move_right(mask), mask) | |
has_right_mask = cp.logical_and(move_left(mask), mask) | |
has_bottom_mask = cp.logical_and(move_top(mask), mask) | |
has_top_mask = cp.logical_and(move_bottom(mask), mask) | |
# Extract the horizontal and vertical components of the normal vectors for the neighboring pixels. | |
nz_left = nz_horizontal[has_left_mask[mask]] | |
nz_right = nz_horizontal[has_right_mask[mask]] | |
nz_top = nz_vertical[has_top_mask[mask]] | |
nz_bottom = nz_vertical[has_bottom_mask[mask]] | |
# Create sparse matrices representing the partial derivatives for each direction. | |
# top/bottom/left/right = vertical positive/vertical negative/horizontal negative/horizontal positive | |
# The matrices are constructed using the extracted normal components and pixel indices. | |
data = cp.stack([-nz_left/step_size, nz_left/step_size], -1).flatten() | |
indices = cp.stack((pixel_idx[move_left(has_left_mask)], pixel_idx[has_left_mask]), -1).flatten() | |
indptr = cp.concatenate([cp.array([0]), cp.cumsum(has_left_mask[mask].astype(int) * 2)]) | |
D_horizontal_neg = csr_matrix((data, indices, indptr), shape=(num_pixel, num_pixel)) | |
data = cp.stack([-nz_right/step_size, nz_right/step_size], -1).flatten() | |
indices = cp.stack((pixel_idx[has_right_mask], pixel_idx[move_right(has_right_mask)]), -1).flatten() | |
indptr = cp.concatenate([cp.array([0]), cp.cumsum(has_right_mask[mask].astype(int) * 2)]) | |
D_horizontal_pos = csr_matrix((data, indices, indptr), shape=(num_pixel, num_pixel)) | |
data = cp.stack([-nz_top/step_size, nz_top/step_size], -1).flatten() | |
indices = cp.stack((pixel_idx[has_top_mask], pixel_idx[move_top(has_top_mask)]), -1).flatten() | |
indptr = cp.concatenate([cp.array([0]), cp.cumsum(has_top_mask[mask].astype(int) * 2)]) | |
D_vertical_pos = csr_matrix((data, indices, indptr), shape=(num_pixel, num_pixel)) | |
data = cp.stack([-nz_bottom/step_size, nz_bottom/step_size], -1).flatten() | |
indices = cp.stack((pixel_idx[move_bottom(has_bottom_mask)], pixel_idx[has_bottom_mask]), -1).flatten() | |
indptr = cp.concatenate([cp.array([0]), cp.cumsum(has_bottom_mask[mask].astype(int) * 2)]) | |
D_vertical_neg = csr_matrix((data, indices, indptr), shape=(num_pixel, num_pixel)) | |
# Return the four sparse matrices representing the partial derivatives for each direction. | |
return D_horizontal_pos, D_horizontal_neg, D_vertical_pos, D_vertical_neg | |
def construct_facets_from(mask): | |
# Initialize an array 'idx' of the same shape as 'mask' with integers | |
# representing the indices of valid pixels in the mask. | |
idx = cp.zeros_like(mask, dtype=int) | |
idx[mask] = cp.arange(cp.sum(mask)) | |
# Generate masks for neighboring pixels to define facets | |
facet_move_top_mask = move_top(mask) | |
facet_move_left_mask = move_left(mask) | |
facet_move_top_left_mask = move_top_left(mask) | |
# Identify the top-left pixel of each facet by performing a logical AND operation | |
# on the masks of neighboring pixels and the input mask. | |
facet_top_left_mask = facet_move_top_mask * facet_move_left_mask * facet_move_top_left_mask * mask | |
# Create masks for the other three vertices of each facet by shifting the top-left mask. | |
facet_top_right_mask = move_right(facet_top_left_mask) | |
facet_bottom_left_mask = move_bottom(facet_top_left_mask) | |
facet_bottom_right_mask = move_bottom_right(facet_top_left_mask) | |
# Return a numpy array of facets by stacking the indices of the four vertices | |
# of each facet along the last dimension. Each row of the resulting array represents | |
# a single facet with the format [4, idx_top_left, idx_bottom_left, idx_bottom_right, idx_top_right]. | |
return cp.stack((4 * cp.ones(cp.sum(facet_top_left_mask).item()), | |
idx[facet_top_left_mask], | |
idx[facet_bottom_left_mask], | |
idx[facet_bottom_right_mask], | |
idx[facet_top_right_mask]), axis=-1).astype(int) | |
def map_depth_map_to_point_clouds(depth_map, mask, K=None, step_size=1): | |
# y | |
# | z | |
# | / | |
# |/ | |
# o ---x | |
H, W = mask.shape | |
yy, xx = cp.meshgrid(cp.arange(W), cp.arange(H)) | |
xx = cp.flip(xx, axis=0) | |
if K is None: | |
vertices = cp.zeros((H, W, 3)) | |
vertices[..., 0] = xx * step_size | |
vertices[..., 1] = yy * step_size | |
vertices[..., 2] = depth_map | |
vertices = vertices[mask] | |
else: | |
u = cp.zeros((H, W, 3)) | |
u[..., 0] = xx | |
u[..., 1] = yy | |
u[..., 2] = 1 | |
u = u[mask].T # 3 x m | |
vertices = (cp.linalg.inv(cp.asarray(K)) @ u).T * \ | |
depth_map[mask, cp.newaxis] # m x 3 | |
return vertices | |
def sigmoid(x, k=1): | |
return 1 / (1 + cp.exp(-k * x)) | |
def bilateral_normal_integration_function(normal_map, | |
normal_mask, | |
k=2, | |
lambda1=0, | |
depth_map=None, | |
depth_mask=None, | |
K=None, | |
step_size=1, | |
max_iter=150, | |
tol=1e-4, | |
cg_max_iter=5000, | |
cg_tol=1e-3): | |
""" | |
This function performs the bilateral normal integration algorithm, as described in the paper. | |
It takes as input the normal map, normal mask, and several optional parameters to control the integration process. | |
:param normal_map: A normal map, which is an image where each pixel's color encodes the corresponding 3D surface normal. | |
:param normal_mask: A binary mask that indicates the region of interest in the normal_map to be integrated. | |
:param k: A parameter that controls the stiffness of the surface. | |
The smaller the k value, the smoother the surface appears (fewer discontinuities). | |
If set as 0, a smooth surface is obtained (No discontinuities), and the iteration should end at step 2 since the surface will not change with iterations. | |
:param depth_map: (Optional) An initial depth map to guide the integration process. | |
:param depth_mask: (Optional) A binary mask that indicates the valid depths in the depth_map. | |
:param lambda1 (Optional): A regularization parameter that controls the influence of the depth_map on the final result. | |
Required when depth map is input. | |
The larger the lambda1 is, the result more close to the initial depth map (fine details from the normal map are less reflected) | |
:param K: (Optional) A 3x3 camera intrinsic matrix, used for perspective camera models. If not provided, the algorithm assumes an orthographic camera model. | |
:param step_size: (Optional) The pixel size in the world coordinates. Default value is 1. | |
Used only in the orthographic camera mdoel. | |
Default value should be fine, unless you know the true value of the pixel size in the world coordinates. | |
Do not adjust it in perspective camera model. | |
:param max_iter: (Optional) The maximum number of iterations for the optimization process. Default value is 150. | |
If set as 1, a smooth surface is obtained (No discontinuities). | |
Default value should be fine. | |
:param tol: (Optional) The tolerance for the relative change in energy to determine the convergence of the optimization process. Default value is 1e-4. | |
The larger, the iteration stops faster, but the discontinuity preservation quality might be worse. (fewer discontinuities) | |
Default value should be fine. | |
:param cg_max_iter: (Optional) The maximum number of iterations for the Conjugate Gradient solver. Default value is 5000. | |
Default value should be fine. | |
:param cg_tol: (Optional) The tolerance for the Conjugate Gradient solver. Default value is 1e-3. | |
Default value should be fine. | |
:return: depth_map: The resulting depth map after the bilateral normal integration process. | |
surface: A pyvista PolyData mesh representing the 3D surface reconstructed from the depth map. | |
wu_map: A 2D image that represents the horizontal smoothness weight for each pixel. (green for smooth, blue/red for discontinuities) | |
wv_map: A 2D image that represents the vertical smoothness weight for each pixel. (green for smooth, blue/red for discontinuities) | |
energy_list: A list of energy values during the optimization process. | |
""" | |
# To avoid confusion, we list the coordinate systems in this code as follows | |
# | |
# pixel coordinates camera coordinates normal coordinates (the main paper's Fig. 1 (a)) | |
# u x y | |
# | | z | | |
# | | / o -- x | |
# | |/ / | |
# o --- v o --- y z | |
# (bottom left) | |
# (o is the optical center; | |
# xy-plane is parallel to the image plane; | |
# +z is the viewing direction.) | |
# | |
# The input normal map should be defined in the normal coordinates. | |
# The camera matrix K should be defined in the camera coordinates. | |
# K = [[fx, 0, cx], | |
# [0, fy, cy], | |
# [0, 0, 1]] | |
# I forgot why I chose the awkward coordinate system after getting used to opencv convention :( | |
# but I won't touch the working code. | |
normal_map = cp.asarray(normal_map) | |
normal_mask = cp.asarray(normal_mask) | |
if depth_map is not None: | |
depth_map = cp.asarray(depth_map) | |
depth_mask = cp.asarray(depth_mask) | |
num_normals = cp.sum(normal_mask).item() | |
projection = "orthographic" if K is None else "perspective" | |
print(f"Running bilateral normal integration with k={k} in the {projection} case. \n" | |
f"The number of normal vectors is {num_normals}.") | |
# transfer the normal map from the normal coordinates to the camera coordinates | |
nx = normal_map[normal_mask, 1] | |
ny = normal_map[normal_mask, 0] | |
nz = - normal_map[normal_mask, 2] | |
del normal_map | |
if K is not None: # perspective | |
H, W = normal_mask.shape | |
yy, xx = cp.meshgrid(cp.arange(W), cp.arange(H)) | |
xx = cp.flip(xx, axis=0) | |
cx = K[0, 2] | |
cy = K[1, 2] | |
fx = K[0, 0] | |
fy = K[1, 1] | |
uu = xx[normal_mask] - cx | |
vv = yy[normal_mask] - cy | |
nz_u = uu * nx + vv * ny + fx * nz | |
nz_v = uu * nx + vv * ny + fy * nz | |
del xx, yy, uu, vv | |
else: # orthographic | |
nz_u = nz.copy() | |
nz_v = nz.copy() | |
# right, left, top, bottom | |
A3, A4, A1, A2 = generate_dx_dy(normal_mask, nz_horizontal=nz_v, nz_vertical=nz_u, step_size=step_size) | |
pixel_idx = cp.zeros_like(normal_mask, dtype=int) | |
pixel_idx[normal_mask] = cp.arange(num_normals) | |
pixel_idx_flat = cp.arange(num_normals) | |
pixel_idx_flat_indptr = cp.arange(num_normals + 1) | |
has_left_mask = cp.logical_and(move_right(normal_mask), normal_mask) | |
has_left_mask_left = move_left(has_left_mask) | |
has_right_mask = cp.logical_and(move_left(normal_mask), normal_mask) | |
has_right_mask_right = move_right(has_right_mask) | |
has_bottom_mask = cp.logical_and(move_top(normal_mask), normal_mask) | |
has_bottom_mask_bottom = move_bottom(has_bottom_mask) | |
has_top_mask = cp.logical_and(move_bottom(normal_mask), normal_mask) | |
has_top_mask_top = move_top(has_top_mask) | |
has_left_mask_flat = has_left_mask[normal_mask] | |
has_right_mask_flat = has_right_mask[normal_mask] | |
has_bottom_mask_flat = has_bottom_mask[normal_mask] | |
has_top_mask_flat = has_top_mask[normal_mask] | |
has_left_mask_left_flat = has_left_mask_left[normal_mask] | |
has_right_mask_right_flat = has_right_mask_right[normal_mask] | |
has_bottom_mask_bottom_flat = has_bottom_mask_bottom[normal_mask] | |
has_top_mask_top_flat = has_top_mask_top[normal_mask] | |
nz_left_square = nz_v[has_left_mask_flat] ** 2 | |
nz_right_square = nz_v[has_right_mask_flat] ** 2 | |
nz_top_square = nz_u[has_top_mask_flat] ** 2 | |
nz_bottom_square = nz_u[has_bottom_mask_flat] ** 2 | |
pixel_idx_left_center = pixel_idx[has_left_mask] | |
pixel_idx_right_right = pixel_idx[has_right_mask_right] | |
pixel_idx_top_center = pixel_idx[has_top_mask] | |
pixel_idx_bottom_bottom = pixel_idx[has_bottom_mask_bottom] | |
pixel_idx_left_left_indptr = cp.concatenate([cp.array([0]), cp.cumsum(has_left_mask_left_flat)]) | |
pixel_idx_right_center_indptr = cp.concatenate([cp.array([0]), cp.cumsum(has_right_mask_flat)]) | |
pixel_idx_top_top_indptr = cp.concatenate([cp.array([0]), cp.cumsum(has_top_mask_top_flat)]) | |
pixel_idx_bottom_center_indptr = cp.concatenate([cp.array([0]), cp.cumsum(has_bottom_mask_flat)]) | |
# initialization | |
wu = 0.5 * cp.ones(num_normals, float) | |
wv = 0.5 * cp.ones(num_normals, float) | |
z = cp.zeros(num_normals, float) | |
energy = cp.sum(wu * ( + nx) ** 2) + \ | |
cp.sum((1 - wu) * ( + nx) ** 2) + \ | |
cp.sum(wv * ( + ny) ** 2) + \ | |
cp.sum((1 - wv) * ( + ny) ** 2) | |
energy_list = [] | |
tic = time.time() | |
energy_list = [] | |
if depth_map is not None: | |
depth_mask_flat = depth_mask[normal_mask].astype(bool) # shape: (num_normals,) | |
z_prior = cp.log(depth_map)[normal_mask] if K is not None else depth_map[normal_mask] # shape: (num_normals,) | |
z_prior[~depth_mask_flat] = 0 | |
pbar = tqdm(range(max_iter)) | |
for i in pbar: | |
################################################################################################################ | |
# I am manually computing A_mat = A.T @ W @ A here. It saves 2/3 time compared to the simpliest way A.T @ W @ A. | |
# A.T @ W @ A can take more time than you think when the normal map become larger. | |
# The diaganol matrix W=diag([wu, 1-wu, wv, 1-wv]) needs not be explicited defined in this case. | |
# | |
data_term_top = wu[has_top_mask_flat] * nz_top_square | |
data_term_bottom = (1 - wu[has_bottom_mask_flat]) * nz_bottom_square | |
data_term_left = (1 - wv[has_left_mask_flat]) * nz_left_square | |
data_term_right = wv[has_right_mask_flat] * nz_right_square | |
diagonal_data_term = cp.zeros(num_normals) | |
diagonal_data_term[has_left_mask_flat] += data_term_left | |
diagonal_data_term[has_left_mask_left_flat] += data_term_left | |
diagonal_data_term[has_right_mask_flat] += data_term_right | |
diagonal_data_term[has_right_mask_right_flat] += data_term_right | |
diagonal_data_term[has_top_mask_flat] += data_term_top | |
diagonal_data_term[has_top_mask_top_flat] += data_term_top | |
diagonal_data_term[has_bottom_mask_flat] += data_term_bottom | |
diagonal_data_term[has_bottom_mask_bottom_flat] += data_term_bottom | |
if depth_map is not None: | |
diagonal_data_term[depth_mask_flat] += lambda1 | |
A_mat_d = csr_matrix((diagonal_data_term, pixel_idx_flat, pixel_idx_flat_indptr), | |
shape=(num_normals, num_normals)) | |
A_mat_left_odu = csr_matrix((-data_term_left, pixel_idx_left_center, pixel_idx_left_left_indptr), | |
shape=(num_normals, num_normals)) | |
A_mat_right_odu = csr_matrix((-data_term_right, pixel_idx_right_right, pixel_idx_right_center_indptr), | |
shape=(num_normals, num_normals)) | |
A_mat_top_odu = csr_matrix((-data_term_top, pixel_idx_top_center, pixel_idx_top_top_indptr), | |
shape=(num_normals, num_normals)) | |
A_mat_bottom_odu = csr_matrix((-data_term_bottom, pixel_idx_bottom_bottom, pixel_idx_bottom_center_indptr), | |
shape=(num_normals, num_normals)) | |
A_mat_odu = A_mat_top_odu + A_mat_bottom_odu + A_mat_right_odu + A_mat_left_odu | |
A_mat = A_mat_d + A_mat_odu + A_mat_odu.T # diagnol + upper triangle + lower triangle matrix | |
################################################################################################################ | |
D = csr_matrix((1 / cp.clip(diagonal_data_term, 1e-5, None), pixel_idx_flat, pixel_idx_flat_indptr), | |
shape=(num_normals, num_normals)) # Jacobi preconditioner. | |
b_vec = A1.T @ (wu * (-nx)) \ | |
+ A2.T @ ((1 - wu) * (-nx)) \ | |
+ A3.T @ (wv * (-ny)) \ | |
+ A4.T @ ((1 - wv) * (-ny)) | |
if depth_map is not None: | |
b_vec += lambda1 * z_prior | |
offset = cp.mean((z_prior - z)[depth_mask_flat]) | |
z = z + offset | |
z, _ = cg(A_mat, b_vec, x0=z, M=D, maxiter=cg_max_iter, tol=cg_tol) | |
del A_mat, b_vec, wu, wv | |
# Update weights | |
wu = sigmoid(( ** 2 - ( ** 2, k) # top | |
wv = sigmoid(( ** 2 - ( ** 2, k) # right | |
# Check for convergence | |
energy_old = energy | |
energy = cp.sum(wu * ( + nx) ** 2) + \ | |
cp.sum((1 - wu) * ( + nx) ** 2) + \ | |
cp.sum(wv * ( + ny) ** 2) + \ | |
cp.sum((1 - wv) * ( + ny) ** 2) | |
energy_list.append(energy) | |
relative_energy = cp.abs(energy - energy_old) / energy_old | |
pbar.set_description( | |
f"step {i + 1}/{max_iter} energy: {energy:.3e}" | |
f" relative energy: {relative_energy:.3e}") | |
if relative_energy < tol: | |
break | |
del A1, A2, A3, A4, nx, ny | |
toc = time.time() | |
print(f"Total time: {toc - tic:.3f} sec") | |
depth_map = cp.ones_like(normal_mask, float) * cp.nan | |
depth_map[normal_mask] = z | |
if K is not None: # perspective | |
depth_map = cp.exp(depth_map) | |
vertices = cp.asnumpy(map_depth_map_to_point_clouds(depth_map, normal_mask, K=K)) | |
else: # orthographic | |
vertices = cp.asnumpy(map_depth_map_to_point_clouds(depth_map, normal_mask, K=None, step_size=step_size)) | |
facets = cp.asnumpy(construct_facets_from(normal_mask)) | |
if nz.mean() > 0: | |
facets = facets[:, [0, 1, 4, 3, 2]] | |
surface = pv.PolyData(vertices, facets) | |
# In the main paper, wu indicates the horizontal direction; wv indicates the vertical direction | |
wu_map = cp.ones_like(normal_mask) * cp.nan | |
wu_map[normal_mask] = wv | |
wv_map = cp.ones_like(normal_mask) * cp.nan | |
wv_map[normal_mask] = wu | |
depth_map = cp.asnumpy(depth_map) | |
wu_map = cp.asnumpy(wu_map) | |
wv_map = cp.asnumpy(wv_map) | |
return depth_map, surface, wu_map, wv_map, energy_list | |
if __name__ == '__main__': | |
import cv2 | |
import argparse | |
import os | |
import warnings | |
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') | |
# To ignore the possible overflow runtime warning: overflow encountered in exp return 1 / (1 + cp.exp(-k * x)). | |
# This overflow issue does not affect our results as cp.exp will correctly return 0.0 when -k * x is massive. | |
def dir_path(string): | |
if os.path.isdir(string): | |
return string | |
else: | |
raise FileNotFoundError(string) | |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() | |
parser.add_argument('-p', '--path', type=dir_path) | |
parser.add_argument('-k', type=float, default=2) | |
parser.add_argument('-i', '--iter', type=int, default=150) | |
parser.add_argument('-t', '--tol', type=float, default=1e-4) | |
parser.add_argument('--cgiter', type=int, default=5000) | |
parser.add_argument('--cgtol', type=float, default=1e-3) | |
arg = parser.parse_args() | |
normal_map = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread(os.path.join( | |
arg.path, "normal_map.png"), cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) | |
if normal_map.dtype is np.dtype(np.uint16): | |
normal_map = normal_map/65535 * 2 - 1 | |
else: | |
normal_map = normal_map/255 * 2 - 1 | |
try: | |
mask = cv2.imread(os.path.join(arg.path, "mask.png"), cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE).astype(bool) | |
except: | |
mask = np.ones(normal_map.shape[:2], bool) | |
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(arg.path, "K.txt")): | |
K = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(arg.path, "K.txt")) | |
depth_map, surface, wu_map, wv_map, energy_list = bilateral_normal_integration(normal_map=normal_map, | |
normal_mask=mask, | |
k=arg.k, | |
K=K, | |
max_iter=arg.iter, | |
tol=arg.tol, | |
cg_max_iter=arg.cgiter, | |
cg_tol=arg.cgtol) | |
else: | |
depth_map, surface, wu_map, wv_map, energy_list = bilateral_normal_integration(normal_map=normal_map, | |
normal_mask=mask, | |
k=arg.k, | |
K=None, | |
max_iter=arg.iter, | |
tol=arg.tol, | |
cg_max_iter=arg.cgiter, | |
cg_tol=arg.cgtol) | |
# save the resultant polygon mesh and discontinuity maps. | |, "energy"), cp.array(energy_list)) | |, f"mesh_k_{arg.k}.ply"), binary=False) | |
wu_map = cv2.applyColorMap( | |
(255 * wu_map).astype(np.uint8), cv2.COLORMAP_JET) | |
wv_map = cv2.applyColorMap( | |
(255 * wv_map).astype(np.uint8), cv2.COLORMAP_JET) | |
wu_map[~mask] = 255 | |
wv_map[~mask] = 255 | |
cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(arg.path, f"wu_k_{arg.k}.png"), wu_map) | |
cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(arg.path, f"wv_k_{arg.k}.png"), wv_map) | |
print(f"saved {arg.path}") | |