lite_metadata: gradio_version: 3.32.0 liteobj_version: 0.0.7 class_string: gradio.interface.Interface kwargs: title: gitio sum combination description: Given an array of distinct integers candidates and a target integer target, return a list of all unique combinations of candidates where the chosen numbers sum to target article: null thumbnail: null theme: gradio/seafoam css: null allow_flagging: never inputs: - class_string: gradio.components.Dataframe kwargs: label: candidates type: array - class_string: gradio.components.Number kwargs: label: target precision: 0 outputs: - class_string: gradio.components.Dataframe kwargs: label: output type: array fn: class_string: gradify.gradify_closure kwargs: argmaps: - label: candidates postprocessing: 'lambda array: list(map(int, array[0]))' - label: target postprocessing: null func_kwargs: {} source: "def combinationSum(candidates, target):\n res = []\n\n def backtrack(start,\ \ path, target):\n if target == 0:\n res.append(path)\n\ \ return\n for i in range(start, len(candidates)):\n \ \ if candidates[i] > target:\n break\n backtrack(i,\ \ path + [candidates[i]], target - candidates[i])\n backtrack(0, [], target)\n\ \ return res\n"