## What's new
**2022.05.19:** We calculated GE2E loss in encoder with CUDA rather than originally-configured CPU. It speeds up the encoder training speed.<br>
**2022.07.15:** We added Loss animation plot for synthesizer and vocoder.<br>
**2022.07.19:** We added response time and Griffin-Lim vocoder results for demo_toolbox.<br>
**2022.07.29:** We added model validation for encoder, synthesizer and vocoder.<br>
**2022.08.02:** We added voxceleb train and dev data for encoder. We added [noisereduce](https://github.com/timsainb/noisereduce) denoiser for the output wav from vocoder.<br>
**2022.08.06:** We split the long text into short sentences using spacy for input of synthesizer. Make sure to install spaCy model en_core_web_sm by 
`python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm`<br>
**2022.09.02:** We set prop_decrease=0.6 for male and 0.9 for female in noisereduce function.(输出滤波,男女声使用不同的滤波参数)<br>
**2022.09.26:** We added speed adjustment(声音变速) for output audios using praat, install parselmouth using pip: `pip install praat-parselmouth`<br>
**2022.10.10:** We added voice filter functioning(声音美颜) for input audios, the weight ratio of the input audio embed and the standard audio embed is 7: 3. <br>
**2022.10.25:** We set small values(<0.06) to zeros in embed.(对嵌入向量较小值置零)<br>
**2022.10.26:** The split frequency for input audio is 170Hz. The split frequency for output noise reduce is 165Hz.<br>
**2022.12.01:** merge the single sentences to input.<br>
**2022.12.31:** added speaker embeddings dimension reduction visualzation results.<br>
**2023.01.01:** did more text preprocessing and text cleaning for TTS text input.<br>
**2023.02.27:** preprocessed ascii chars and abbreviations.<br>
**2023.06.09:** We added VCTK train and dev data for synthesizer. We also combine a [deep learning denoiser](https://github.com/facebookresearch/denoiser) with the [noisereduce](https://github.com/timsainb/noisereduce) denoiser for optimized output wav quality.<br>