from typing import List, Dict import os import importlib from abc import ABC, abstractmethod import inspect import shutil import numpy as np from utils.decoding import decode from datasets import load_metric as hf_load_metric from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download class Metric(ABC): def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__() self._kwargs = kwargs self.prefix = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(inspect.getfile(self.__class__)))[0] self.requires_decoded = False def __call__(self, id_to_pred, id_to_labels, is_decoded=False): if self.requires_decoded and is_decoded is False: id_to_pred = self._decode(id_to_pred) id_to_labels = self._decode(id_to_labels) return self._compute_metrics(id_to_pred, id_to_labels) @abstractmethod def _compute_metrics(self, id_to_pred, id_to_labels) -> Dict[str, float]: return def _decode(self, id_to_something): tokenizer = self._kwargs.get("tokenizer") data_args = self._kwargs.get("data_args") return decode(id_to_something, tokenizer, data_args) class MetricCollection(Metric): def __init__(self, metrics: List[Metric], **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._metrics = metrics def __call__(self, id_to_pred, id_to_labels): return self._compute_metrics(id_to_pred, id_to_labels) def _compute_metrics(self, id_to_pred, id_to_labels): results = {} id_to_pred_decoded = None id_to_labels_decoded = None for metric in self._metrics: metric_prefix = f"{metric.prefix}/" if metric.prefix else "" if metric.requires_decoded: if id_to_pred_decoded is None: id_to_pred_decoded = self._decode(id_to_pred) if id_to_labels_decoded is None: id_to_labels_decoded = self._decode(id_to_labels) result = metric(id_to_pred_decoded, id_to_labels_decoded, is_decoded=True) else: result = metric(id_to_pred, id_to_labels) results.update({f"{metric_prefix}{k}": np.mean(v) if type(v) is list else v for k, v in result.items() if type(v) is not str}) results["num_predicted"] = len(id_to_pred) results["mean_prediction_length_characters"] = np.mean([len(pred) for pred in id_to_pred_decoded.values()]) elem = next(iter(id_to_pred.values())) if not ((isinstance(elem, list) and isinstance(elem[0], str)) or isinstance(elem, str)): tokenizer = self._kwargs["tokenizer"] results["mean_prediction_length_tokens"] = np.mean( [np.count_nonzero(np.array(pred) != tokenizer.pad_token_id) for pred in id_to_pred.values()] ) # includes BOS/EOS tokens results = {key: round(value, 4) for key, value in results.items()} return results def load_metric(paths: List[str], **kwargs): if paths is None or len(paths) == 0: return None if isinstance(paths, str): paths = [paths] else: paths = [path for path in paths] metric_cls_list = [] scrolls_custom_metrics = [] to_remove = [] for i, path in enumerate(paths): if not os.path.isfile(path): scrolls_custom_metrics.append(path) to_remove.append(i) for i in sorted(to_remove, reverse=True): del paths[i] if len(scrolls_custom_metrics) > 0: scrolls_custom_metrics.insert(0, "") # In order to have an identifying comma in the beginning metric_cls_list.append(ScrollsWrapper(",".join(scrolls_custom_metrics), **kwargs)) for path in paths: path = path.strip() if len(path) == 0: continue if os.path.isfile(path) is False: path = os.path.join("src", "metrics", f"{path}.py") module = path[:-3].replace(os.sep, ".") metric_cls = import_main_class(module) metric_cls_list.append(metric_cls(**kwargs)) return MetricCollection(metric_cls_list, **kwargs) # Modified from datasets.load def import_main_class(module_path): """Import a module at module_path and return its main class""" module = importlib.import_module(module_path) main_cls_type = Metric # Find the main class in our imported module module_main_cls = None for name, obj in module.__dict__.items(): if isinstance(obj, type) and issubclass(obj, main_cls_type): if inspect.isabstract(obj): continue module_main_cls = obj break return module_main_cls class ScrollsWrapper(Metric): def __init__(self, comma_separated_metric_names, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs) self.prefix = None self._metric = hf_load_metric(download_metric(), comma_separated_metric_names, keep_in_memory=True) self.requires_decoded = True def _compute_metrics(self, id_to_pred, id_to_labels) -> Dict[str, float]: return self._metric.compute(**self._metric.convert_from_map_format(id_to_pred, id_to_labels)) class HFMetricWrapper(Metric): def __init__(self, metric_name, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs) self._metric = hf_load_metric(metric_name) self.kwargs = HFMetricWrapper.metric_specific_kwargs.get(metric_name, {}) self.requires_decoded = True self.prefix = metric_name self.requires_decoded = True def _compute_metrics(self, id_to_pred, id_to_labels) -> Dict[str, float]: return self._metric.compute(**self.convert_from_map_format(id_to_pred, id_to_labels), **self.kwargs) def convert_from_map_format(self, id_to_pred, id_to_labels): index_to_id = list(id_to_pred.keys()) predictions = [id_to_pred[id_] for id_ in index_to_id] references = [id_to_labels[id_] for id_ in index_to_id] return {"predictions": predictions, "references": references} metric_specific_kwargs = { 'bertscore': { # 'model_type': 'microsoft/deberta-large-mnli' or the larger 'microsoft/deberta-xlarge-mnli' 'model_type': 'facebook/bart-large-mnli', # has context window of 1024, 'num_layers': 11 # according to: } } def download_metric(): # here we load the custom metrics scrolls_metric_path = hf_hub_download(repo_id="tau/scrolls", filename="metrics/", repo_type='dataset') updated_scrolls_metric_path = ( os.path.dirname(scrolls_metric_path) + os.path.basename(scrolls_metric_path).replace(".", "_") + ".py" ) shutil.copy(scrolls_metric_path, updated_scrolls_metric_path) return updated_scrolls_metric_path