import numpy as np |
from numpy.linalg import inv, norm, lstsq |
from numpy.linalg import matrix_rank as rank |
class MatlabCp2tormException(Exception): |
def __str__(self): |
return "In File {}:{}".format(__file__, super.__str__(self)) |
def tformfwd(trans, uv): |
""" |
Function: |
---------- |
apply affine transform 'trans' to uv |
Parameters: |
---------- |
@trans: 3x3 np.array |
transform matrix |
@uv: Kx2 np.array |
each row is a pair of coordinates (x, y) |
Returns: |
---------- |
@xy: Kx2 np.array |
each row is a pair of transformed coordinates (x, y) |
""" |
uv = np.hstack((uv, np.ones((uv.shape[0], 1)))) |
xy = np.dot(uv, trans) |
xy = xy[:, 0:-1] |
return xy |
def tforminv(trans, uv): |
""" |
Function: |
---------- |
apply the inverse of affine transform 'trans' to uv |
Parameters: |
---------- |
@trans: 3x3 np.array |
transform matrix |
@uv: Kx2 np.array |
each row is a pair of coordinates (x, y) |
Returns: |
---------- |
@xy: Kx2 np.array |
each row is a pair of inverse-transformed coordinates (x, y) |
""" |
Tinv = inv(trans) |
xy = tformfwd(Tinv, uv) |
return xy |
def findNonreflectiveSimilarity(uv, xy, options=None): |
options = {"K": 2} |
K = options["K"] |
M = xy.shape[0] |
x = xy[:, 0].reshape((-1, 1)) |
y = xy[:, 1].reshape((-1, 1)) |
tmp1 = np.hstack((x, y, np.ones((M, 1)), np.zeros((M, 1)))) |
tmp2 = np.hstack((y, -x, np.zeros((M, 1)), np.ones((M, 1)))) |
X = np.vstack((tmp1, tmp2)) |
u = uv[:, 0].reshape((-1, 1)) |
v = uv[:, 1].reshape((-1, 1)) |
U = np.vstack((u, v)) |
if rank(X) >= 2 * K: |
r, _, _, _ = lstsq(X, U) |
r = np.squeeze(r) |
else: |
raise Exception("cp2tform: two Unique Points Req") |
sc = r[0] |
ss = r[1] |
tx = r[2] |
ty = r[3] |
Tinv = np.array([[sc, -ss, 0], [ss, sc, 0], [tx, ty, 1]]) |
T = inv(Tinv) |
T[:, 2] = np.array([0, 0, 1]) |
return T, Tinv |
def findSimilarity(uv, xy, options=None): |
options = {"K": 2} |
trans1, trans1_inv = findNonreflectiveSimilarity(uv, xy, options) |
xyR = xy |
xyR[:, 0] = -1 * xyR[:, 0] |
trans2r, trans2r_inv = findNonreflectiveSimilarity(uv, xyR, options) |
TreflectY = np.array([[-1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) |
trans2 = np.dot(trans2r, TreflectY) |
xy1 = tformfwd(trans1, uv) |
norm1 = norm(xy1 - xy) |
xy2 = tformfwd(trans2, uv) |
norm2 = norm(xy2 - xy) |
if norm1 <= norm2: |
return trans1, trans1_inv |
else: |
trans2_inv = inv(trans2) |
return trans2, trans2_inv |
def get_similarity_transform(src_pts, dst_pts, reflective=True): |
""" |
Function: |
---------- |
Find Similarity Transform Matrix 'trans': |
u = src_pts[:, 0] |
v = src_pts[:, 1] |
x = dst_pts[:, 0] |
y = dst_pts[:, 1] |
[x, y, 1] = [u, v, 1] * trans |
Parameters: |
---------- |
@src_pts: Kx2 np.array |
source points, each row is a pair of coordinates (x, y) |
@dst_pts: Kx2 np.array |
destination points, each row is a pair of transformed |
coordinates (x, y) |
@reflective: True or False |
if True: |
use reflective similarity transform |
else: |
use non-reflective similarity transform |
Returns: |
---------- |
@trans: 3x3 np.array |
transform matrix from uv to xy |
trans_inv: 3x3 np.array |
inverse of trans, transform matrix from xy to uv |
""" |
if reflective: |
trans, trans_inv = findSimilarity(src_pts, dst_pts) |
else: |
trans, trans_inv = findNonreflectiveSimilarity(src_pts, dst_pts) |
return trans, trans_inv |
def cvt_tform_mat_for_cv2(trans): |
""" |
Function: |
---------- |
Convert Transform Matrix 'trans' into 'cv2_trans' which could be |
directly used by cv2.warpAffine(): |
u = src_pts[:, 0] |
v = src_pts[:, 1] |
x = dst_pts[:, 0] |
y = dst_pts[:, 1] |
[x, y].T = cv_trans * [u, v, 1].T |
Parameters: |
---------- |
@trans: 3x3 np.array |
transform matrix from uv to xy |
Returns: |
---------- |
@cv2_trans: 2x3 np.array |
transform matrix from src_pts to dst_pts, could be directly used |
for cv2.warpAffine() |
""" |
cv2_trans = trans[:, 0:2].T |
return cv2_trans |
def get_similarity_transform_for_cv2(src_pts, dst_pts, reflective=True): |
""" |
Function: |
---------- |
Find Similarity Transform Matrix 'cv2_trans' which could be |
directly used by cv2.warpAffine(): |
u = src_pts[:, 0] |
v = src_pts[:, 1] |
x = dst_pts[:, 0] |
y = dst_pts[:, 1] |
[x, y].T = cv_trans * [u, v, 1].T |
Parameters: |
---------- |
@src_pts: Kx2 np.array |
source points, each row is a pair of coordinates (x, y) |
@dst_pts: Kx2 np.array |
destination points, each row is a pair of transformed |
coordinates (x, y) |
reflective: True or False |
if True: |
use reflective similarity transform |
else: |
use non-reflective similarity transform |
Returns: |
---------- |
@cv2_trans: 2x3 np.array |
transform matrix from src_pts to dst_pts, could be directly used |
for cv2.warpAffine() |
""" |
trans, trans_inv = get_similarity_transform(src_pts, dst_pts, reflective) |
cv2_trans = cvt_tform_mat_for_cv2(trans) |
cv2_trans_inv = cvt_tform_mat_for_cv2(trans_inv) |
return cv2_trans, cv2_trans_inv |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
""" |
u = [0, 6, -2] |
v = [0, 3, 5] |
x = [-1, 0, 4] |
y = [-1, -10, 4] |
# In Matlab, run: |
# |
# uv = [u'; v']; |
# xy = [x'; y']; |
# tform_sim=cp2tform(uv,xy,'similarity'); |
# |
# trans = tform_sim.tdata.T |
# ans = |
# -0.0764 -1.6190 0 |
# 1.6190 -0.0764 0 |
# -3.2156 0.0290 1.0000 |
# trans_inv = tform_sim.tdata.Tinv |
# ans = |
# |
# -0.0291 0.6163 0 |
# -0.6163 -0.0291 0 |
# -0.0756 1.9826 1.0000 |
# xy_m=tformfwd(tform_sim, u,v) |
# |
# xy_m = |
# |
# -3.2156 0.0290 |
# 1.1833 -9.9143 |
# 5.0323 2.8853 |
# uv_m=tforminv(tform_sim, x,y) |
# |
# uv_m = |
# |
# 0.5698 1.3953 |
# 6.0872 2.2733 |
# -2.6570 4.3314 |
""" |
u = [0, 6, -2] |
v = [0, 3, 5] |
x = [-1, 0, 4] |
y = [-1, -10, 4] |
uv = np.array((u, v)).T |
xy = np.array((x, y)).T |
print("\n--->uv:") |
print(uv) |
print("\n--->xy:") |
print(xy) |
trans, trans_inv = get_similarity_transform(uv, xy) |
print("\n--->trans matrix:") |
print(trans) |
print("\n--->trans_inv matrix:") |
print(trans_inv) |
print("\n---> apply transform to uv") |
print("\nxy_m = uv_augmented * trans") |
uv_aug = np.hstack((uv, np.ones((uv.shape[0], 1)))) |
xy_m = np.dot(uv_aug, trans) |
print(xy_m) |
print("\nxy_m = tformfwd(trans, uv)") |
xy_m = tformfwd(trans, uv) |
print(xy_m) |
print("\n---> apply inverse transform to xy") |
print("\nuv_m = xy_augmented * trans_inv") |
xy_aug = np.hstack((xy, np.ones((xy.shape[0], 1)))) |
uv_m = np.dot(xy_aug, trans_inv) |
print(uv_m) |
print("\nuv_m = tformfwd(trans_inv, xy)") |
uv_m = tformfwd(trans_inv, xy) |
print(uv_m) |
uv_m = tforminv(trans, xy) |
print("\nuv_m = tforminv(trans, xy)") |
print(uv_m) |