import gradio as gr import pandas as pd block = gr.Blocks(title="LongVideoBench Leaderboard", theme='gradio/soft') # Function to sort data and filter columns based on checkboxes def sort_data(key, show_duration, show_category): data = pd.read_csv("result.csv") duration_columns = ['8s-15s', '15s-60s', '180s-600s', '900s-3600s'] category_columns = ['S2E', 'S2O', 'S2A', 'E2O', 'SSS', 'SOS', 'SAA', 'T3E', 'T3O', 'TOS', 'TAA'] columns_to_show = ['Model', 'Test Total'] if show_duration: columns_to_show += duration_columns if show_category: columns_to_show += category_columns columns_to_show += ['Val Total', 'LMM Type', 'Interleaved?', "#Max Frames"] if key in data.columns: df_sorted = data.sort_values(by=key, ascending=False) else: df_sorted = data.sort_values(by='Test Total', ascending=False) return df_sorted[columns_to_show] with block: gr.HTML("") with gr.Row(): gr.Markdown("""

LongVideoBench Leaderboard

""") with gr.Tab("Existing Results"): with gr.Row(): show_duration = gr.Checkbox(label="Show Test Set Accuracy by Duration Groups", value=False) show_category = gr.Checkbox(label="Show Test Set Accuracy by Question Categories", value=False) key_input = gr.Textbox(label="Rank LMMs by column:", placeholder="Test Total (default)") data_frame = gr.DataFrame(sort_data('Test Total', show_duration=False, show_category=False)) def update_data_frame(key, show_duration, show_category): return sort_data(key, show_duration, show_category) key_input.change(update_data_frame, inputs=[key_input, show_duration, show_category], outputs=data_frame) show_duration.change(update_data_frame, inputs=[key_input, show_duration, show_category], outputs=data_frame) show_category.change(update_data_frame, inputs=[key_input, show_duration, show_category], outputs=data_frame) gr.Markdown("Models are evaluated using their optimal #max frames, capped at 256 frames.") with gr.Tab("Submit!"): gr.Markdown( '''The answer of validation set of LongVideoBench is public now. Please see our [released dataset]( for more information. For test set, please prepare your output as follows: ```python {VIDEO_ID_0: "A", VIDEO_ID_1: "D", ...} # Please make sure your submission only contains the letter of model's choice, or starts with the letter of model's choice. ``` and submit to us as a JSON file. Please prepare an email to `` titled [LongVideoBench-Submission-YOURNAME] to submit and obtain your results. _We will launch an automatic submission server soon._''' ) block.launch()