# %% import asyncio import json import time import os import hashlib from functools import wraps import pandas as pd from datasets import load_dataset from detoxify import Detoxify # TODO: Compare OpenAI's moderation API to Detoxify predict_model = Detoxify('original-small') dataset = load_dataset("tasksource/jigsaw") train_data = dataset['train'] print('length',len(train_data)) # length 159571 print(train_data[0]) # {'id': '0000997932d777bf', 'comment_text': "Explanation\nWhy the edits made under my username Hardcore Metallica Fan were reverted? They weren't vandalisms, just closure on some GAs after I voted at New York Dolls FAC. And please don't remove the template from the talk page since I'm retired now.", 'toxic': 0, 'severe_toxic': 0, 'obscene': 0, 'threat': 0, 'insult': 0, 'identity_hate': 0} small_subset = train_data[:2000] predict_model.predict("You suck, that is not Markdown!") # Also accepts an array of strings, returning an single dict of arrays of predictions. # Returns: {'toxicity': 0.98870254, 'severe_toxicity': 0.087154716, 'obscene': 0.93440753, 'threat': 0.0032278204, 'insult': 0.7787105, 'identity_attack': 0.007936229} _in_memory_cache = {} def handle_cache(prefix, func, *args, _result=None, **kwargs): # Generate a key based on function name and arguments key = f"{func.__name__}_{args}_{kwargs}" hashed_key = hashlib.sha1(key.encode()).hexdigest() cache_filename = f"{prefix}_{hashed_key}.json" # Check the in-memory cache first if key in _in_memory_cache: return _in_memory_cache[key] # Check if cache file exists and read data if os.path.exists(cache_filename): with open(cache_filename, 'r') as file: #print("Reading from cache file with prefix", prefix) _in_memory_cache[key] = json.load(file) return _in_memory_cache[key] # If result is not provided (for sync functions), compute it if _result is None: _result = func(*args, **kwargs) # Update the in-memory cache and write it to the file _in_memory_cache[key] = _result with open(cache_filename, 'w') as file: json.dump(_result, file) return _result def acache(prefix): def decorator(func): @wraps(func) async def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): # Generate a key based on function name and arguments key = f"{func.__name__}_{args}_{kwargs}" hashed_key = hashlib.sha1(key.encode()).hexdigest() cache_filename = f"{prefix}_{hashed_key}.json" # Check the in-memory cache first if key in _in_memory_cache: return _in_memory_cache[key] # Check if cache file exists and read data if os.path.exists(cache_filename): with open(cache_filename, 'r') as file: _in_memory_cache[key] = json.load(file) return _in_memory_cache[key] # Await the function call and get the result print("Computing result for async function") result = await func(*args, **kwargs) # Update the in-memory cache and write it to the file _in_memory_cache[key] = result with open(cache_filename, 'w') as file: json.dump(result, file) return result return wrapper return decorator def cache(prefix): def decorator(func): @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): # Direct call to the shared cache handling function return handle_cache(prefix, func, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper return decorator def timeit(func): @wraps(func) async def async_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): start_time = time.time() result = await func(*args, **kwargs) # Awaiting the async function end_time = time.time() print(f"{func.__name__} took {end_time - start_time:.1f} seconds to run.") return result @wraps(func) def sync_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): start_time = time.time() result = func(*args, **kwargs) # Calling the sync function end_time = time.time() print(f"{func.__name__} took {end_time - start_time:.1f} seconds to run.") return result if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(func): return async_wrapper else: return sync_wrapper @cache("toxicity") def cached_toxicity_prediction(comments): data = predict_model.predict(comments) return data def predict_toxicity(comments, batch_size=4): """ Predicts toxicity scores for a list of comments. Args: - comments: List of comment texts. - batch_size: Size of batches for prediction to manage memory usage. Returns: A DataFrame with the original comments and their predicted toxicity scores. """ results = {'comment_text': [], 'toxicity': [], 'severe_toxicity': [], 'obscene': [], 'threat': [], 'insult': [], 'identity_attack': []} for i in range(0, len(comments), batch_size): batch_comments = comments[i:i+batch_size] predictions = cached_toxicity_prediction(batch_comments) # We convert the JSON serializable data back to a DataFrame: results['comment_text'].extend(batch_comments) for key in predictions.keys(): results[key].extend(predictions[key]) return pd.DataFrame(results) # Predict toxicity scores for the small subset of comments: #small_subset_predictions = predict_toxicity(small_subset['comment_text'][4]) # Let's just try out 4 comments with cached_toxicity_prediction: small_subset['comment_text'][0:1] # %% small_subset_predictions=predict_toxicity(small_subset['comment_text'][0:200]) # %% small_subset_predictions # %% def filter_comments(dataframe, toxicity_threshold=0.2, severe_toxicity_threshold=0.4): """ Filters comments based on specified thresholds for toxicity, severe toxicity. Args: - dataframe: DataFrame containing comments and their toxicity scores. - toxicity_threshold: Toxicity score threshold. - severe_toxicity_threshold: Severe toxicity score threshold. - identity_attack_threshold: Identity attack score threshold. Returns: DataFrame filtered based on the specified thresholds. """ identity_attack_threshold = 0.5 insult_threshold = 0.3 obscene_threshold = 0.6 threat_threshold = 0.3 filtered_df = dataframe[ (dataframe['toxicity'] >= toxicity_threshold) & #(dataframe['toxicity'] < 1.0) & # Ensure comments are spicy but not 100% toxic (dataframe['severe_toxicity'] < severe_toxicity_threshold) & (dataframe['identity_attack'] < identity_attack_threshold) & (dataframe['insult'] < insult_threshold) & (dataframe['obscene'] < obscene_threshold) & (dataframe['threat'] < threat_threshold) ] return filtered_df spicy_comments = filter_comments(small_subset_predictions) # Lets sort spicy comments by combined toxicity score: spicy_comments.sort_values(by=['toxicity', 'severe_toxicity'], ascending=True, inplace=True) # Print the spicy comments comment_text and their toxicity scores as a formatted string: for index, row in spicy_comments.iterrows(): print(f"Comment: `{row['comment_text']}` \n Toxiciy: {(row['toxicity'] + row['severe_toxicity']) / 2 * 100:.0f}% \n")