import streamlit as st import vec2text import torch from umap import UMAP import as px import numpy as np from streamlit_plotly_events import plotly_events from resources import reduce_embeddings import utils import pandas as pd from scipy.spatial import distance def diffs(embeddings: np.ndarray, corrector): st.text(f"Embedding shape: {embeddings.shape}") st.html('Array icons created by Voysla - Flaticon') def plot(df: pd.DataFrame, embeddings: np.ndarray, vectors_2d, reducer, corrector): # Add a scatter plot using Plotly fig = px.scatter( x=vectors_2d[:, 0], y=vectors_2d[:, 1], opacity=0.6, hover_data={"Title": df["title"]}, labels={'x': 'UMAP Dimension 1', 'y': 'UMAP Dimension 2'}, title="UMAP Scatter Plot of Reddit Titles", color_discrete_sequence=["#ff504c"] # Set default blue color for points ) # Customize the layout to adapt to browser settings (light/dark mode) fig.update_layout( template=None, # Let Plotly adapt automatically based on user settings plot_bgcolor="rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)", paper_bgcolor="rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)" ) x, y = 0.0, 0.0 vec = np.array([x, y]).astype("float32") inferred_embedding = None # Add a card container to the right of the content with Streamlit columns col1, col2 = st.columns([0.6, 0.4]) # Adjusting ratio to allocate space for the card container with col1: # Main content stays here (scatterplot, form, etc.) selected_points = plotly_events(fig, click_event=True, hover_event=False, #override_height=600, override_width="100%" ) with st.form(key="form1_main"): if selected_points: clicked_point = selected_points[0] x = clicked_point['x'] y = clicked_point['y'] x = st.number_input("X Coordinate", value=x, format="%.10f") y = st.number_input("Y Coordinate", value=y, format="%.10f") vec = np.array([x, y]).astype("float32") submit_button = st.form_submit_button("Submit") if selected_points or submit_button: inferred_embedding = reducer.inverse_transform(np.array([[x, y]]) if not isinstance(reducer, UMAP) else np.array([[x, y]])) inferred_embedding = inferred_embedding.astype("float32") output = vec2text.invert_embeddings( embeddings=torch.tensor(inferred_embedding).cuda(), corrector=corrector, num_steps=20, ) st.text(str(output)) st.text(str(inferred_embedding)) else: st.text("Click on a point in the scatterplot to see its coordinates.") with col2: closest_sentence_index = utils.find_exact_match(vectors_2d, vec, decimals=3) selected_sentence = df.title.iloc[closest_sentence_index] if closest_sentence_index > -1 else None selected_sentence_embedding = embeddings[closest_sentence_index] if closest_sentence_index > -1 else None st.markdown( f"### Selected text:\n```console\n{selected_sentence}\n```" ) if inferred_embedding is not None and (closest_sentence_index != -1): couple = selected_sentence_embedding.squeeze(), inferred_embedding.squeeze() st.markdown(f"### Inferred embedding distance:") st.number_input("Euclidean", value=distance.euclidean( *couple ), disabled=True) st.number_input("Cosine", value=distance.cosine(*couple), disabled=True)