import json import os import glob import time from fastapi import FastAPI import hashlib import asyncio REFRESH_INTERVAL_SEC = 300 LOG_DIR_LIST = [] # LOG_DIR = "/home/vicuna/tmp/test_env" class Monitor: """Monitor the number of calls to each model.""" def __init__(self, log_dir_list: list): self.log_dir_list = log_dir_list self.model_call = {} self.user_call = {} self.model_call_limit_global = { "gpt-4-1106-preview": 100, "gpt-4-0125-preview": 100, } self.model_call_day_limit_per_user = { "gpt-4-1106-preview": 5, "gpt-4-0125-preview": 5, } async def update_stats(self, num_file=1) -> None: while True: # find the latest num_file log under log_dir json_files = [] for log_dir in self.log_dir_list: json_files_per_server = glob.glob(os.path.join(log_dir, "*.json")) json_files_per_server.sort(key=os.path.getctime, reverse=True) json_files += json_files_per_server[:num_file] model_call = {} user_call = {} for json_file in json_files: for line in open(json_file, "r", encoding="utf-8"): obj = json.loads(line) if obj["type"] != "chat": continue if obj["model"] not in model_call: model_call[obj["model"]] = [] model_call[obj["model"]].append( {"tstamp": obj["tstamp"], "user_id": obj["ip"]} ) if obj["ip"] not in user_call: user_call[obj["ip"]] = [] user_call[obj["ip"]].append( {"tstamp": obj["tstamp"], "model": obj["model"]} ) self.model_call = model_call self.model_call_stats_hour = self.get_model_call_stats(top_k=None) self.model_call_stats_day = self.get_model_call_stats( top_k=None, most_recent_min=24 * 60 ) self.user_call = user_call self.user_call_stats_hour = self.get_user_call_stats(top_k=None) self.user_call_stats_day = self.get_user_call_stats( top_k=None, most_recent_min=24 * 60 ) await asyncio.sleep(REFRESH_INTERVAL_SEC) def get_model_call_limit(self, model: str) -> int: if model not in self.model_call_limit_global: return -1 return self.model_call_limit_global[model] def update_model_call_limit(self, model: str, limit: int) -> bool: if model not in self.model_call_limit_global: return False self.model_call_limit_global[model] = limit return True def is_model_limit_reached(self, model: str) -> bool: if model not in self.model_call_limit_global: return False if model not in self.model_call_stats_hour: return False # check if the model call limit is reached if self.model_call_stats_hour[model] >= self.model_call_limit_global[model]: return True return False def is_user_limit_reached(self, model: str, user_id: str) -> bool: if model not in self.model_call_day_limit_per_user: return False if user_id not in self.user_call_stats_day: return False if model not in self.user_call_stats_day[user_id]["call_dict"]: return False # check if the user call limit is reached if ( self.user_call_stats_day[user_id]["call_dict"][model] >= self.model_call_day_limit_per_user[model] ): return True return False def get_model_call_stats( self, target_model=None, most_recent_min: int = 60, top_k: int = 20 ) -> dict: model_call_stats = {} for model, reqs in self.model_call.items(): if target_model is not None and model != target_model: continue model_call = [] for req in reqs: if req["tstamp"] < time.time() - most_recent_min * 60: continue model_call.append(req["tstamp"]) model_call_stats[model] = len(model_call) if top_k is not None: top_k_model = sorted( model_call_stats, key=lambda x: model_call_stats[x], reverse=True )[:top_k] model_call_stats = {model: model_call_stats[model] for model in top_k_model} return model_call_stats def get_user_call_stats( self, target_model=None, most_recent_min: int = 60, top_k: int = 20 ) -> dict: user_call_stats = {} for user_id, reqs in self.user_call.items(): user_model_call = {"call_dict": {}} for req in reqs: if req["tstamp"] < time.time() - most_recent_min * 60: continue if target_model is not None and req["model"] != target_model: continue if req["model"] not in user_model_call["call_dict"]: user_model_call["call_dict"][req["model"]] = 0 user_model_call["call_dict"][req["model"]] += 1 user_model_call["total_calls"] = sum(user_model_call["call_dict"].values()) if user_model_call["total_calls"] > 0: user_call_stats[user_id] = user_model_call if top_k is not None: top_k_user = sorted( user_call_stats, key=lambda x: user_call_stats[x]["total_calls"], reverse=True, )[:top_k] user_call_stats = { user_id: user_call_stats[user_id] for user_id in top_k_user } return user_call_stats def get_num_users(self, most_recent_min: int = 60) -> int: user_call_stats = self.get_user_call_stats( most_recent_min=most_recent_min, top_k=None ) return len(user_call_stats) monitor = Monitor(log_dir_list=LOG_DIR_LIST) app = FastAPI() @app.on_event("startup") async def app_startup(): asyncio.create_task(monitor.update_stats(2)) @app.get("/get_model_call_limit/{model}") async def get_model_call_limit(model: str): return {"model_call_limit": {model: monitor.get_model_call_limit(model)}} @app.get("/update_model_call_limit/{model}/{limit}") async def update_model_call_limit(model: str, limit: int): if not monitor.update_model_call_limit(model, limit): return {"success": False} return {"success": True} @app.get("/is_limit_reached") async def is_limit_reached(model: str, user_id: str): if monitor.is_model_limit_reached(model): return { "is_limit_reached": True, "reason": f"MODEL_HOURLY_LIMIT ({model}): {monitor.get_model_call_limit(model)}", } if monitor.is_user_limit_reached(model, user_id): return { "is_limit_reached": True, "reason": f"USER_DAILY_LIMIT ({model}): {monitor.model_call_day_limit_per_user[model]}", } return {"is_limit_reached": False} @app.get("/get_num_users_hr") async def get_num_users(): return {"num_users": len(monitor.user_call_stats_hour)} @app.get("/get_num_users_day") async def get_num_users_day(): return {"num_users": len(monitor.user_call_stats_day)} @app.get("/get_user_call_stats") async def get_user_call_stats( model: str = None, most_recent_min: int = 60, top_k: int = None ): return { "user_call_stats": monitor.get_user_call_stats(model, most_recent_min, top_k) } @app.get("/get_model_call_stats") async def get_model_call_stats( model: str = None, most_recent_min: int = 60, top_k: int = None ): return { "model_call_stats": monitor.get_model_call_stats(model, most_recent_min, top_k) }