from sentence_transformers import CrossEncoder
import pandas as pd
import time
import nltk
from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize
This function rerank top articles (15 -> 4) from a given csv, then sends to LLM
csv_path: str
question: str
top_n: int
response: str
links: list of str
titles: list of str
Other functions in this file does not send articles to LLM. This is an exception.
Created using langchain RAG functions. Deprecated.
Update: Use langchain_RAG instead.
def crossencoder_rerank_answer(csv_path: str, question: str, top_n=4) -> list:
cross_encoder = CrossEncoder('cross-encoder/ms-marco-MiniLM-L-6-v2')
articles = pd.read_csv(csv_path)
contents = articles['content'].tolist()
uuids = articles['uuid'].tolist()
titles = articles['title'].tolist()
published_dates = articles['published_date'].tolist()
if 'domain' not in articles:
domain = [""] * len(contents)
domain = articles['domain'].tolist()
cross_inp = [[question, content] for content in contents]
cross_scores = cross_encoder.predict(cross_inp)
scores_sentences = list(zip(cross_scores, contents, uuids, titles, domain, published_dates))
scores_sentences = sorted(scores_sentences, key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True)
out_values = scores_sentences[:top_n]
for idx in range(len(out_values)):
if out_values[idx][0] < 0:
out_values = out_values[:idx]
if len(out_values) == 0:
out_values = scores_sentences[:1]
return out_values
def crossencoder_rerank_sentencewise(csv_path: str, question: str, top_n=10) -> list:
cross_encoder = CrossEncoder('cross-encoder/ms-marco-MiniLM-L-6-v2')
articles = pd.read_csv(csv_path)
contents = articles['content'].tolist()
uuids = articles['uuid'].tolist()
titles = articles['title'].tolist()
published_dates = articles['published_date'].tolist()
if 'domain' not in articles:
domain = [""] * len(contents)
domain = articles['domain'].tolist()
sentences = []
new_uuids = []
new_titles = []
new_domains = []
new_published_dates = []
for idx in range(len(contents)):
sents = sent_tokenize(contents[idx])
new_uuids.extend([uuids[idx]] * len(sents))
new_titles.extend([titles[idx]] * len(sents))
new_domains.extend([domain[idx]] * len(sents))
new_published_dates.extend([published_dates[idx]] * len(sents))
cross_inp = [[question, sent] for sent in sentences]
cross_scores = cross_encoder.predict(cross_inp)
scores_sentences = list(zip(cross_scores, sentences, new_uuids, new_titles, new_domains, new_published_dates))
scores_sentences = sorted(scores_sentences, key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True)
out_values = scores_sentences[:top_n]
for idx in range(len(out_values)):
if out_values[idx][0] < 0:
out_values = out_values[:idx]
if len(out_values) == 0:
out_values = scores_sentences[:1]
return out_values
def crossencoder_rerank_sentencewise_sentence_chunks(csv_path, question, top_n=10, chunk_size=2):
cross_encoder = CrossEncoder('cross-encoder/ms-marco-MiniLM-L-6-v2')
articles = pd.read_csv(csv_path)
contents = articles['content'].tolist()
uuids = articles['uuid'].tolist()
titles = articles['title'].tolist()
if 'domain' not in articles:
domain = [""] * len(contents)
domain = articles['domain'].tolist()
sentences = []
new_uuids = []
new_titles = []
new_domains = []
for idx in range(len(contents)):
sents = sent_tokenize(contents[idx])
sents_merged = []
if len(sents) < chunk_size:
sents_merged.append(' '.join(sents))
for i in range(0, len(sents) - chunk_size + 1):
sents_merged.append(' '.join(sents[i:i + chunk_size]))
new_uuids.extend([uuids[idx]] * len(sents_merged))
new_titles.extend([titles[idx]] * len(sents_merged))
new_domains.extend([domain[idx]] * len(sents_merged))
cross_inp = [[question, sent] for sent in sentences]
cross_scores = cross_encoder.predict(cross_inp)
scores_sentences = list(zip(cross_scores, sentences, new_uuids, new_titles, new_domains))
scores_sentences = sorted(scores_sentences, key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True)
out_values = scores_sentences[:top_n]
for idx in range(len(out_values)):
if out_values[idx][0] < 0:
out_values = out_values[:idx]
if len(out_values) == 0:
out_values = scores_sentences[:1]
return out_values
def crossencoder_rerank_sentencewise_articles(csv_path, question, top_n=4):
cross_encoder = CrossEncoder('cross-encoder/ms-marco-MiniLM-L-6-v2')
contents, uuids, titles, domain = load_articles(csv_path)
sentences = []
contents_elongated = []
new_uuids = []
new_titles = []
new_domains = []
for idx in range(len(contents)):
sents = sent_tokenize(contents[idx])
new_uuids.extend([uuids[idx]] * len(sents))
contents_elongated.extend([contents[idx]] * len(sents))
new_titles.extend([titles[idx]] * len(sents))
new_domains.extend([domain[idx]] * len(sents))
cross_inp = [[question, sent] for sent in sentences]
cross_scores = cross_encoder.predict(cross_inp)
scores_sentences = list(zip(cross_scores, contents_elongated, new_uuids, new_titles, new_domains))
scores_sentences = sorted(scores_sentences, key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True)
score_sentences_compressed = []
for item in scores_sentences:
if not score_sentences_compressed:
if item[2] not in [x[2] for x in score_sentences_compressed]:
scores_sentences = score_sentences_compressed
return scores_sentences[:top_n]
def no_rerank(csv_path, question, top_n=4):
contents, uuids, titles, domains = load_articles(csv_path)
return list(zip(contents, uuids, titles, domains))[:top_n]
def load_articles(csv_path:str):
articles = pd.read_csv(csv_path)
contents = articles['content'].tolist()
uuids = articles['uuid'].tolist()
titles = articles['title'].tolist()
if 'domain' not in articles:
domain = [""] * len(contents)
domain = articles['domain'].tolist()
return contents, uuids, titles, domain