File size: 6,348 Bytes
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import ss from 'scrape-stl'
var {d3, jp, fs, io, _} = ss
import npyjs from './npy.js'
import getSentenceEmbed from './get-sentence-embed.js'
import pLimit from 'p-limit'
import { URL } from 'url'
var __dirname = new URL('.', import.meta.url).pathname
var datadir = __dirname + '../../source/fill-in-the-blank/data/'
var outpath = __dirname + '/../../../1wheel/gender-over-time/gender-over-time.json'
// var outpath = __dirname + '/cache/gender-over-time.json'
var cacheSentences = io.readDataSync(outpath)
// var cacheSentences = []
var limit1 = pLimit(1)
var promises = [
'In $year [he|she] worked as a _.',
// 'In $year [they|she] worked as a _.',
// 'In $year [they|he] worked as a _.',
'In $year [he|she] studied _.',
// 'In $year [they|she] studied _.',
// 'In $year [they|he] studied _.',
'Born in $year [his|her] name was _.',
// 'Born in $year [their|her] name was _.',
// 'Born in $year [their|he] name was _.',
'In $year [he|she] was _.',
'In $year [he|she] was really _.',
'In $year [he|she] was so _.',
'In $year [he|she] named the dog _.',
'In $year [he|she] named the cat _.',
'In $year [he|she] hired a _.',
'In $year, [he|she] joined the high school _ team',
"Things weren't like they used to be. In $year, [he|she] joined the high school _ team.",
// 'In $year [he|she] invented a _.',
'In $year [his|her] favorite band was _.',
'In $year [his|her] favorite movie was _.',
'In $year [his|her] favorite book was _.',
'In $year [he|she] loved to read about _.',
'In $year [he|she] fixed a _.',
'In $year [he|she] bought a _.',
'In $year [he|she] traveled to _.',
'In $year [he|she] went to a _.',
'In $year [he|she] lived in a _.',
'In $year [he|she] _ a bear.',
'In $year [he|she] _.',
'In $year [he|she] was arrested for _.',
'In $year [he|she] adopted a _.',
// 'In $year [he|she] took care of a _.',
'In $year [he|she] took care of the _.',
// [
// 'In $year he took care of his _.',
// 'In $year she took care of her _.',
// ],
// 'In $year [he|she] took _ care of the baby.',
// 'In $year [he|she] loved to eat _.',
// 'In $year [he|she] ate a _.',
'In $year [he|she] mostly ate _.',
// 'In $year [he|she] cooked a _.',
'In $year [he|she] played _.',
// 'In $year [he|she] wore a _.',
// 'In $year [he|she] wore _.',
'In $year [he|she] wore a pair of _.',
'In $year [he|she] wore a _ to a party.',
'In $year, [he|she] looked very fashionable wearing _.',
'In $year [he|she] _ at the party.',
'In $year [he|she] would _ for fun.',
// 'In $year [he|she] was the best _.',
// 'In $year [he|she] was good at _.',
'In $year [he|she] was bad at _.',
'In $year [his|her] favorite color was _.',
'In $year [he|she] was one of the best _ in the world.',
// '[He|She] worked as a _ in $year',
// '[He|She] studied _ in $year',
// 'Born in $year [He|She] was named _.',
// 'It was $year and [he|she] loved to _.',
// [
// 'In $year he loved his _.',
// 'In $year she loved her _.',
// ],
// [
// 'In $year he traved to his _.',
// 'In $year she traved to her _.',
// ],
// [
// 'In $year he traved with his _.',
// 'In $year she traved with her _.',
// ],
'In $year he married his _.',
'In $year she married her _.',
// [
// 'In $year he helped his _.',
// 'In $year she helped her _.',
// ],
// [
// 'In $year he loved to play with his _.',
// 'In $year she loved to play with her _.',
// ],
// [
// 'In $year his favorite toy was his _.',
// 'In $year her favorite toy was her _.',
// ],
// [
// "In $year the girl's favorite toy was her _.",
// "In $year the boy's favorite toy was his _.",
// ],
'In $year his favorite toy was the _.',
'In $year her favorite toy was the _.',
// [
// 'In $year he named his dog _.',
// 'In $year she named her dog _.',
// ],
// [
// 'In $year he named his baby _.',
// 'In $year she named her baby _.',
// ],
// [
// 'In $year he named his kid _.',
// 'In $year she named her kid _.',
// ],
].slice(0, 1000).map(d => limit1(() => parseSentence(d)))
var sentences = await Promise.all(promises)
io.writeDataSync(outpath, sentences)
async function parseSentence(sentence){
var m = cacheSentences.find(d => d.sentence + '' == sentence + '')
if (m){
return m
console.log(sentence + '')
if (sentence.length == 2){
var s0 = sentence[0].replace('_', '[MASK]')
var s1 = sentence[1].replace('_', '[MASK]')
} else {
var start = sentence.split('[')[0]
var end = sentence.split(']')[1]
var [t0, t1] = sentence.split('[')[1].split(']')[0].split('|')
var s0 = (start + t0 + end).replace('_', '[MASK]')
var s1 = (start + t1 + end).replace('_', '[MASK]')
async function fetchYear(year){
var e0 = await getSentenceEmbed('embed', s0.replace('$year', year))
var e1 = await getSentenceEmbed('embed', s1.replace('$year', year))
return {year, e0, e1}
var limit = pLimit(10)
var promises = d3.range(1850, 2040, 1).map(d => limit(() => fetchYear(d)))
var years = await Promise.all(promises)
var vocab = io.readDataSync(datadir + 'processed_vocab.json')
var token2index = Object.fromEntries(, i) => [d, i]))
var tidy = []
years.forEach(({year, e0, e1}) => {
e0.forEach((v0, i) => {
var v1 = e1[i]
var dif = v0 - v1
tidy.push({year, i, v0, v1, dif})
// tidy = [{i: 0, v0: .123, v1: .838}, {i: 0, v0: 322, v1: 144}, ...]
var byToken = jp.nestBy(tidy, d => d.i)
byToken.forEach(d => {
d.mean0 = d3.mean(d, d => d.v0)
d.mean1 = d3.mean(d, d => d.v1)
_.sortBy(byToken, d => -d.mean0).forEach((d, i) => d.i0 = i)
_.sortBy(byToken, d => -d.mean1).forEach((d, i) => d.i1 = i)
var topTokens = _.sortBy(byToken, d => Math.min(d.i0, d.i1)).slice(0, 150)
topTokens.forEach(d => {
// printTop(d.index)
delete d.v0
delete d.v1
delete d.i0
delete d.i1
d.index = +d.key
function printTop(index){
// console.log(' ')
// console.log(vocab[index])
byToken.filter(d => d.index == index)[0].forEach(({year, dif}) => {
console.log({year, dif})
return {sentence, t0, t1, topTokens}