Upload 3 files
Browse files- +249 -354
- team_abv.csv +1 -1
- yahoo_to_nhl.csv +805 -0
@@ -1,48 +1,29 @@
1 |
import requests
2 |
import pandas as pd
3 |
import seaborn as sns
4 |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
5 |
from matplotlib.pyplot import figure
6 |
from matplotlib.offsetbox import OffsetImage, AnnotationBbox
7 |
8 |
import matplotlib.lines as mlines
9 |
import matplotlib.transforms as mtransforms
10 |
import numpy as np
11 |
#import as px
12 |
#!pip install chart_studio
13 |
14 |
15 |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
16 |
import numpy as np
17 |
import matplotlib.font_manager as font_manager
18 |
from datetime import datetime
19 |
import pytz
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
import warnings
27 |
28 |
#from urllib.request import urlopen
29 |
import json
30 |
from datetime import date, timedelta
31 |
#import dataframe_image as dfi
32 |
#from os import listdir
33 |
#from os.path import isfile, join
34 |
import datetime
35 |
import seaborn as sns
36 |
import os
37 |
import calendar
38 |
#from IPython.display import display, HTML
39 |
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
40 |
#from skimage import io
41 |
#import difflib
42 |
43 |
44 |
from datetime import datetime
45 |
import pytz
46 |'US/Pacific')).strftime('%B %d, %Y')
47 |
# Configure Notebook
48 |
#%matplotlib inline
@@ -55,117 +36,43 @@ warnings.filterwarnings('ignore')
55 |
# import yahoo_oauth
56 |
import json
57 |
#import openpyxl
58 |
59 |
60 |
61 |
62 |
63 |
64 |
65 |
66 |
67 |
68 |
69 |
70 |
71 |
72 |
73 |
74 |
75 |
76 |
77 |
78 |
game_date = flatten([[x['gameDate'] for x in schedule['dates'][y]['games']] for y in range(0,len(schedule['dates']))])
79 |
game_home = flatten([[x['teams']['home']['team']['name'] for x in schedule['dates'][y]['games']] for y in range(0,len(schedule['dates']))])
80 |
game_away = flatten([[x['teams']['away']['team']['name'] for x in schedule['dates'][y]['games']] for y in range(0,len(schedule['dates']))])
81 |
82 |
83 |
84 |
schedule_df = schedule_df.replace('Montréal Canadiens','Montreal Canadiens')
85 |
86 |
87 |
team_abv = pd.read_csv('team_abv.csv')
88 |
yahoo_weeks = pd.read_csv('yahoo_weeks.csv')
89 |
#yahoo_weeks['Number'] = yahoo_weeks['Number'].astype(int)
90 |
yahoo_weeks['Start'] = pd.to_datetime(yahoo_weeks['Start'])
91 |
yahoo_weeks['End'] = pd.to_datetime(yahoo_weeks['End'])
92 |
93 |
94 |
def highlight_cols(s):
95 |
color = '#C2FEE9'
96 |
return 'background-color: %s' % color
97 |
def highlight_cells(val):
98 |
color = 'white' if val == ' ' else ''
99 |
return 'background-color: {}'.format(color)
100 |
101 |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
102 |
import matplotlib.colors
103 |
cmap_total = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("", ["#56B4E9","#FFFFFF","#F0E442"])
104 |
cmap_off = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("", ["#FFFFFF","#F0E442"])
105 |
cmap_back = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("", ["#FFFFFF","#56B4E9"])
106 |
cmap_sum = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("", ["#FFFFFF","#F0E442"])
107 |
108 |
schedule_df = schedule_df.merge(right=team_abv,left_on='game_away',right_on='team_name',how='inner',suffixes=['','_away'])
109 |
schedule_df = schedule_df.merge(right=team_abv,left_on='game_home',right_on='team_name',how='inner',suffixes=['','_home'])
110 |
schedule_df['away_sym'] = '@'
111 |
schedule_df['home_sym'] = 'vs'
112 |
113 |
114 |
#if not os.path.isfile('standings/standings_'+str('.csv'):
115 |
standings_df_old = pd.read_html('')[0].append(pd.read_html('')[1])
116 |
# standings_df_old.to_csv('standings/standings_'+str('.csv')
117 |
#standings_df_old = pd.read_csv('standings/standings_'+str('.csv',index_col=[0])
118 |
119 |
standings_df = standings_df_old[standings_df_old['Unnamed: 0'].str[-8:] != 'Division'].sort_values('Unnamed: 0').reset_index(drop=True).rename(columns={'Unnamed: 0':'Team'})#.drop(columns='Unnamed: 0')
120 |
#standings_df = standings_df.replace('St. Louis Blues','St Louis Blues')
121 |
standings_df['GF/GP'] = standings_df['GF'].astype(int)/standings_df['GP'].astype(int)
122 |
standings_df['GA/GP'] = standings_df['GA'].astype(int)/standings_df['GP'].astype(int)
123 |
standings_df['GF_Rank'] = standings_df['GF/GP'].rank(ascending=True,method='first')/10-1.65
124 |
standings_df['GA_Rank'] = standings_df['GA/GP'].rank(ascending=False,method='first')/10-1.65
125 |
standings_df.Team = standings_df.Team.str.strip('*')
126 |
standings_df = standings_df.merge(right=team_abv,left_on='Team',right_on='team_name')
127 |
128 |
schedule_stack = pd.DataFrame()
129 |
schedule_stack['date'] = pd.to_datetime(list(schedule_df['game_date'])+list(schedule_df['game_date']))
130 |
schedule_stack['team'] = list(schedule_df['team_name'])+list(schedule_df['team_name_home'])
131 |
schedule_stack['team_abv'] = list(schedule_df['team_abv'])+list(schedule_df['team_abv_home'])
132 |
schedule_stack['symbol'] = list(schedule_df['away_sym'])+list(schedule_df['home_sym'])
133 |
schedule_stack['team_opponent'] = list(schedule_df['team_name_home'])+list(schedule_df['team_name'])
134 |
schedule_stack['team_abv_home'] = list(schedule_df['team_abv_home'])+list(schedule_df['team_abv'])
135 |
schedule_stack = schedule_stack.merge(right=standings_df[['team_abv','GF_Rank']],left_on='team_abv',right_on='team_abv',how='inner',suffixes=("",'_y'))
136 |
schedule_stack = schedule_stack.merge(right=standings_df[['team_abv','GA_Rank']],left_on='team_abv_home',right_on='team_abv',how='inner',suffixes=("",'_y'))
137 |
138 |
schedule_stack = schedule_stack.merge(right=standings_df[['team_abv','GF_Rank']],left_on='team_abv',right_on='team_abv',how='inner',suffixes=("",'_y'))
139 |
schedule_stack = schedule_stack.merge(right=standings_df[['team_abv','GA_Rank']],left_on='team_abv_home',right_on='team_abv',how='inner',suffixes=("",'_y'))
140 |
141 |
142 |
list_o = schedule_stack.sort_values(['team','date'],ascending=[True,True]).reset_index(drop=True)
143 |
new_list = [x - y for x, y in zip(list_o['date'][1:], list_o['date'])]
144 |
b2b_list = [0] + [x.days for x in new_list]
145 |
b2b_list = [1 if x==1 else 0 for x in b2b_list]
146 |
test = list(schedule_stack.groupby(by='date').count()['team'])
147 |
offnight = [1 if x<15 else 0 for x in test]
148 |
offnight_df = pd.DataFrame({'date':schedule_stack.sort_values('date').date.unique(),'offnight':offnight}).sort_values('date').reset_index(drop=True)
149 |
schedule_stack = schedule_stack.merge(right=offnight_df,left_on='date',right_on='date',how='right')
150 |
schedule_stack = schedule_stack.sort_values(['team','date'],ascending=[True,True]).reset_index(drop=True)
151 |
schedule_stack['b2b'] = b2b_list
152 |
153 |
- = pd.to_datetime(
154 |
155 |
away_b2b = []
156 |
home_b2b = []
157 |
for i in range(0,len(schedule_stack)):
158 |
159 |
160 |
161 |
schedule_stack['away_b2b'] = away_b2b
162 |
schedule_stack['home_b2b'] = home_b2b
163 |
164 |
schedule_stack['away_b2b'] = schedule_stack['away_b2b'].replace(1,' 😴')
165 |
schedule_stack['away_b2b'] = schedule_stack['away_b2b'].replace(0,'')
166 |
167 |
168 |
FontProperties(fname='/System/Library/Fonts/Apple Color Emoji.ttc')
169 |
170 |
data_r = requests.get(";out=settings/players;position=ALL;start=0;count=3000;sort=rank_season;search=;out=percent_owned;out=auction_values,ranks;ranks=season;ranks_by_position=season;out=expert_ranks;expert_ranks.rank_type=projected_season_remaining/draft_analysis;cut_types=diamond;slices=last7days?format=json_f").json()
171 |
key_check = data_r['fantasy_content']['league']['players']
@@ -186,7 +93,6 @@ for x in data_r['fantasy_content']['league']['players']:
186 |
187 |
188 |
189 |
190 |
191 |
192 |
if 'value' in x['player']['percent_owned']:
@@ -196,274 +102,265 @@ for x in data_r['fantasy_content']['league']['players']:
196 |
197 |
198 |
199 |
200 |
201 |
202 |
203 |
from shiny import ui, render, App
204 |
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
205 |
206 |
207 |
208 |
209 |
210 |
# ui.panel_sidebar(
211 |
# ui.input_select("id", "Select Batter",batter_dict),
212 |
213 |
# ui.input_select("plot_id", "Select Plot",{'scatter':'Scatter Plot','dist':'Distribution Plot'})))
214 |
# ,
215 |
216 |
# ui.panel_main(ui.output_plot("plot",height = "750px",width="1250px")),
217 |
# #ui.download_button('test','Download'),
218 |
# )
219 |
app_ui = ui.page_fluid(ui.layout_sidebar(
220 |
# Available themes:
221 |
# cerulean, cosmo, cyborg, darkly, flatly, journal, litera, lumen, lux,
222 |
# materia, minty, morph, pulse, quartz, sandstone, simplex, sketchy, slate,
223 |
# solar, spacelab, superhero, united, vapor, yeti, zephyr
224 |
225 |
226 |
227 |
228 |
229 |
230 |
231 |
232 |
233 |
234 |
235 |
ui.div({"style": "font-size:2em;"},ui.output_text("txt_title")),
236 |
#ui.tags.h2("Fantasy Hockey Schedule Summary"),
237 |
ui.tags.h5("Created By: @TJStats, Data:
238 |
ui.div({"style": "font-size:1.2em;"},ui.output_text("txt")),
239 |
240 |
241 |
242 |
243 |
244 |
245 |
246 |
# ui.row(
247 |
# ui.column(
248 |
# 3,
249 |
# ui.input_date("x", "Date input"),),
250 |
# ui.column(
251 |
# 1,
252 |
# ui.input_select("level_id", "Select Level",level_dict,width=1)),
253 |
# ui.column(
254 |
# 3,
255 |
# ui.input_select("stat_id", "Select Stat",plot_dict_small,width=1)),
256 |
# ui.column(
257 |
# 2,
258 |
# ui.input_numeric("n", "Rolling Window Size", value=50)),
259 |
# ),
260 |
# ui.output_table("result_batters")),
261 |
262 |
# ui.nav(
263 |
# "Pitchers",
264 |
265 |
# ui.row(
266 |
# ui.column(
267 |
# 3,
268 |
# ui.input_select("id_pitch", "Select Pitcher",pitcher_dict,width=1,selected=675911),
269 |
# ),
270 |
# ui.column(
271 |
# 1,
272 |
# ui.input_select("level_id_pitch", "Select Level",level_dict,width=1)),
273 |
# ui.column(
274 |
# 3,
275 |
# ui.input_select("stat_id_pitch", "Select Stat",plot_dict_small_pitch,width=1)),
276 |
# ui.column(
277 |
# 2,
278 |
# ui.input_numeric("n_pitch", "Rolling Window Size", value=50)),
279 |
# ),
280 |
# ui.output_table("result_pitchers")),
281 |
# )
282 |
# )
283 |
# )
284 |
285 |
286 |
287 |
288 |
from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
289 |
# importing OpenCV(cv2) module
290 |
291 |
292 |
293 |
294 |
def server(input, output, session):
295 |
296 |
297 |
298 |
def txt():
299 |
300 |
301 |
if week_set != 0:
302 |
if pd.to_datetime(yahoo_weeks[yahoo_weeks.Number == week_set]['Start'].values[0]).year != pd.to_datetime(yahoo_weeks[yahoo_weeks.Number == week_set]['End'].values[0]).year:
303 |
304 |
return f'{pd.to_datetime(yahoo_weeks[yahoo_weeks.Number == week_set]["Start"].values[0]).strftime("%B %d, %Y")} to {pd.to_datetime(yahoo_weeks[yahoo_weeks.Number == week_set]["End"].values[0]).strftime("%B %d, %Y")}'
305 |
306 |
if pd.to_datetime(yahoo_weeks[yahoo_weeks.Number == week_set]["Start"].values[0]).month != pd.to_datetime(yahoo_weeks[yahoo_weeks.Number == week_set]["End"].values[0]).month:
307 |
return f'{pd.to_datetime(yahoo_weeks[yahoo_weeks.Number == week_set]["Start"].values[0]).strftime("%B %d")} to {pd.to_datetime(yahoo_weeks[yahoo_weeks.Number == week_set]["End"].values[0]).strftime("%B %d, %Y")}'
308 |
309 |
return f'{pd.to_datetime(yahoo_weeks[yahoo_weeks.Number == week_set]["Start"].values[0]).strftime("%B %d")} to {pd.to_datetime(yahoo_weeks[yahoo_weeks.Number == week_set]["End"].values[0]).strftime("%d, %Y")}'
310 |
311 |
if input.date_range_id()[0].year != input.date_range_id()[1].year:
312 |
313 |
return f'{input.date_range_id()[0].strftime("%B %d, %Y")} to {input.date_range_id()[1].strftime("%B %d, %Y")}'
314 |
315 |
if input.date_range_id()[0].month != input.date_range_id()[1].month:
316 |
return f'{input.date_range_id()[0].strftime("%B %d")} to {input.date_range_id()[1].strftime("%B %d, %Y")}'
317 |
318 |
return f'{input.date_range_id()[0].strftime("%B %d")} to {input.date_range_id()[1].strftime("%d, %Y")}'
319 |
320 |
321 |
322 |
323 |
def txt_title():
324 |
325 |
326 |
return f'Fantasy Hockey Schedule Summary - Yahoo - Week {input.week_id()}'
327 |
328 |
return f'Fantasy Hockey Schedule Summary'
329 |
330 |
331 |
332 |
def result():
333 |
334 |
return yahoo_weeks[['Week','Start','End']]
335 |
336 |
337 |
338 |
def schedule_result():
339 |
340 |
341 |
week_set = int(input.week_id())
342 |
343 |
344 |
if week_set == 0:
345 |
start_point = input.date_range_id()[0]
346 |
end_point = input.date_range_id()[1]
347 |
348 |
start_point = yahoo_weeks[yahoo_weeks.Number==week_set].reset_index(drop=True)['Start'][0]
349 |
end_point = yahoo_weeks[yahoo_weeks.Number==week_set].reset_index(drop=True)['End'][0]
350 |
351 |
352 |
353 |
354 |
355 |
weekly_stack = schedule_stack[(schedule_stack['date']>=start_point)&(schedule_stack['date']<=end_point)]
356 |
date_list = pd.date_range(start_point,end_point,freq='d')
357 |
test_list = [[]] * len(date_list)
358 |
359 |
360 |
361 |
362 |
363 |
364 |
365 |
366 |
367 |
368 |
369 |
test_df['Total'] = test_df.merge(right=weekly_stack.groupby('team_abv')['team_abv'].apply(lambda x: x[x != ''].count()),left_on=['Team'],right_index=True,how='left').fillna(0)['team_abv']
370 |
test_df['Off-Night'] = test_df.merge(right=weekly_stack.groupby('team_abv').sum()['offnight'],left_on=['Team'],right_index=True,how='left').fillna(0)['offnight']
371 |
test_df['B2B']= test_df.merge(right=weekly_stack.groupby('team_abv').sum()['b2b'],left_on=['Team'],right_index=True,how='left').fillna(0)['b2b']
372 |
373 |
374 |
375 |
376 |
377 |
378 |
379 |
#games_vs_tired = np.array([float(i)*0.4 for i in list(weekly_stack.groupby('team_abv')['away_b2b'].apply(lambda x: x[x != ''].count()))])
380 |
381 |
382 |
383 |
384 |
team_score = test_df['Total']+test_df['Off-Night']*0.5+test_df['B2B']*-0.2+games_vs_tired*0.3+gf_rank*0.1+ga_rank*0.1
385 |
386 |
387 |
388 |
389 |
390 |
391 |
392 |
393 |
394 |
395 |
396 |
397 |
test_df[calendar.day_name[date_list[i].weekday()]+'<br>'+str(date_list[i].month)+'-'+'{:02d}'.format(date_list[i].day)] = test_list[i]['new_text']
398 |
399 |
400 |
401 |
402 |
403 |
404 |
405 |
406 |
#test_df_html = HTML( test_df.to_html().replace("\\n","<br>") )
407 |
offnight_list = [True if x <8 else False for x in test_df.iloc[-1][L:]]
408 |
409 |
-,subset = ((list(test_df.index[:-1]),test_df.columns[L:][offnight_list])))
410 |
test_df_style =**{'border': '3 px'},overwrite=False).set_table_styles([{
411 |
'selector': 'caption',
412 |
'props': [
413 |
('color', ''),
414 |
('fontname', 'Century Gothic'),
415 |
('font-size', '20px'),
416 |
('font-style', 'italic'),
417 |
('font-weight', ''),
418 |
('text-align', 'centre'),
419 |
420 |
421 |
422 |
423 |
**{'background-color':'White','index':'White','min-width':'100px'},overwrite=False,subset = ((list(test_df.index[:]),test_df.columns[5:]))).set_table_styles(
424 |
[{'selector': 'th:first-child', 'props': [('background-color', 'white')]}],overwrite=False).set_table_styles(
425 |
[{'selector': 'tr:first-child', 'props': [('background-color', 'white')]}],overwrite=False).set_table_styles(
426 |
[{'selector': 'tr', 'props': [('line-height', '20px')]}],overwrite=False).set_properties(
427 |
**{'Height': '8px'},**{'text-align': 'center'},overwrite=False).hide_index()
428 |
429 |
test_df_style = test_df_style.applymap(highlight_cols,subset = ((list(test_df.index[:-1]),test_df.columns[L:][offnight_list])))
430 |
431 |
432 |
433 |
434 |
435 |
test_df_style = test_df_style.background_gradient(cmap=cmap_back,subset = ((list(test_df.index[:-1]),test_df.columns[4])))
436 |
test_df_style = test_df_style.background_gradient(cmap=cmap_sum,subset = ((list(test_df.index[-1:]),test_df.columns[L:])),axis=1)
437 |
test_df_style = test_df_style.set_properties(
438 |
**{'border': '1px black solid !important'},subset = ((list(test_df.index[:-1]),test_df.columns[:]))).set_properties(
439 |
**{'min-width':'85px'},subset = ((list(test_df.index[:-1]),test_df.columns[L:])),overwrite=False).set_properties(**{
440 |
'color': 'black'},overwrite=False).set_properties(
441 |
**{'border': '1px black solid !important'},subset = ((list(test_df.index[:]),test_df.columns[L:])))
442 |
443 |
444 |
445 |
446 |
test_df_style = test_df_style.format(
447 |
448 |
449 |
450 |
451 |
return test_df_style
452 |
453 |
454 |
455 |
456 |
457 |
458 |
459 |
460 |
461 |
462 |
def schedule_result_legend():
463 |
464 |
465 |
-,subset = ((list(off_b2b_df.index[:-1]),off_b2b_df.columns[0])))
466 |
off_b2b_df_style =**{'border': '3 px'},overwrite=False).set_table_styles([{
467 |
'selector': 'caption',
468 |
'props': [
469 |
('color', ''),
@@ -474,26 +371,24 @@ def server(input, output, session):
474 |
('text-align', 'centre'),
475 |
476 |
477 |
},{'selector' :'th', 'props':[('text-align', 'center'),('Height','px'),('color','black'),(
478 |
479 |
480 |
[{'selector': 'th:first-child', 'props': [('background-color', 'white')]}],overwrite=False).set_table_styles(
481 |
[{'selector': 'tr:first-child', 'props': [('background-color', 'white')]}],overwrite=False).set_table_styles(
482 |
[{'selector': 'tr', 'props': [('line-height', '20px')]}],overwrite=False).set_properties(
483 |
**{'Height': '8px'},**{'text-align': 'center'},overwrite=False).
484 |
485 |
486 |
487 |
488 |
489 |
490 |
491 |
**{'border': '1px black solid !important'},subset = ((list(off_b2b_df.index[:]),off_b2b_df.columns[:])))
492 |
493 |
return off_b2b_df_style
494 |
495 |
496 |
497 |
498 |
499 |
1 |
2 |
import time
3 |
import requests
4 |
import pandas as pd
5 |
import seaborn as sns
6 |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
7 |
from matplotlib.pyplot import figure
8 |
from matplotlib.offsetbox import OffsetImage, AnnotationBbox
9 |
from scipy import stats
10 |
import matplotlib.lines as mlines
11 |
import matplotlib.transforms as mtransforms
12 |
import numpy as np
13 |
import time
14 |
#import as px
15 |
#!pip install chart_studio
16 |
#import as tls
17 |
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
18 |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
19 |
import numpy as np
20 |
import matplotlib.font_manager as font_manager
21 |
from datetime import datetime
22 |
import pytz
23 |
from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator
24 |
from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse
25 |
import matplotlib.transforms as transforms
26 |
from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec
27 |'US/Pacific')).strftime('%B %d, %Y')
28 |
# Configure Notebook
29 |
#%matplotlib inline
36 |
# import yahoo_oauth
37 |
import json
38 |
#import openpyxl
39 |
from sklearn import preprocessing
40 |
from datetime import timedelta
41 |
import dataframe_image as dfi
42 |
# from google.colab import drive
43 |
def percentile(n):
44 |
def percentile_(x):
45 |
return np.percentile(x, n)
46 |
percentile_.__name__ = 'percentile_%s' % n
47 |
return percentile_
48 |
49 |
import os
50 |
import praw
51 |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
52 |
import matplotlib.colors
53 |
import matplotlib.colors as mcolors
54 |
cmap_sum = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("", ["#4285f4","#FFFFFF","#F0E442"])
55 |
#import pybaseball
56 |
import math
57 |
import matplotlib.ticker as mtick
58 |
import matplotlib.ticker as ticker
59 |
60 |
colour_palette = ['#FFB000','#648FFF','#785EF0',
61 |
62 |
import matplotlib.colors as mcolors
63 |
from matplotlib.ticker import FuncFormatter
64 |
from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties
65 |
66 |
import numpy as np
67 |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
68 |
import matplotlib.colors
69 |
70 |
#x,y,c = zip(*np.random.rand(30,3)*4-2)
71 |
72 |
73 |
co = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("", ["#ffffff","#F0E442"])
74 |
75 |
76 |
77 |
data_r = requests.get(";out=settings/players;position=ALL;start=0;count=3000;sort=rank_season;search=;out=percent_owned;out=auction_values,ranks;ranks=season;ranks_by_position=season;out=expert_ranks;expert_ranks.rank_type=projected_season_remaining/draft_analysis;cut_types=diamond;slices=last7days?format=json_f").json()
78 |
key_check = data_r['fantasy_content']['league']['players']
93 |
94 |
95 |
96 |
97 |
98 |
if 'value' in x['player']['percent_owned']:
102 |
103 |
104 |
105 |
yahoo_df = pd.DataFrame(total_list,columns = ['player_id','rank_value','full','first','last','average_pick','average_auction_cost','display_position','editorial_team_abbr','percent_owned'])
106 |
yahoo_df_2 = yahoo_df.copy()
107 |
108 |
# Write your code here.
109 |
response = requests.get("")
110 |
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')
111 |
table_rows = soup.findAll('tr')
112 |
table_rows = table_rows[1:-1]
113 |
114 |
115 |
player_name = []
116 |
player_position = []
117 |
player_team = []
118 |
player_id = []
119 |
120 |
for i in range(0,len(table_rows)-1):
121 |
122 |
123 |
124 |
125 |
126 |
player_id_df = pd.DataFrame({'Player':player_name,'Player ID':player_id,'Position':player_position,'Team':player_team})
127 |
+ = 'Player Name'
128 |
129 |
130 |
skater_df = player_id_df[player_id_df['Position'] != 'G']
131 |
goalie_df = player_id_df[player_id_df['Position'] == 'G']
132 |
133 |
season = 20232024
134 |
seasontype = 2
135 |
136 |
def nat_stat_trick_range_pp_gp(rookie='n',start_date='2022-10-01',end_date=str(pd.to_datetime('US/Pacific')).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')).date()),sit='all',gp=1):
137 |
url = f'{season}&thruseason={season}&stype={seasontype}&sit=pp&score=all&stdoi=std&rate=y&team=ALL&pos=S&loc=B&toi=0&gpfilt=gpteam&fd=&td=&tgp='+str(gp)+'&lines=single&draftteam=ALL'
138 |
139 |
player_list_all = []
140 |
response = requests.get(url)
141 |
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')
142 |
table_rows = soup.findAll('tr')
143 |
table_rows = table_rows[1:]
144 |
145 |
for j in range(0,len(table_rows)):
146 |
p_string = [str(x).strip('<td>').strip('</') for x in list(table_rows[j].findAll('td')) if "<td>" in str(x)]
147 |
148 |
149 |
150 |
if soup != "":
151 |
columns_list = [str(x).split('>')[1].split('<')[0] for x in soup.findAll('th')]+['player_id']
152 |
df_url = pd.DataFrame(data=player_list_all,columns=columns_list)
153 |
154 |
df_url = df_url.fillna(0)
155 |
df_url['Shots+Hits+Blocks/60'] = df_url['Shots/60'].astype(float)+df_url['Hits/60'].astype(float)+df_url['Shots Blocked/60'].astype(float)
156 |
df_url['Shots+Hits/60'] = df_url['Shots/60'].astype(float)+df_url['Hits/60'].astype(float)
157 |
158 |
return df_url
159 |
160 |
team_abv = pd.read_csv('team_abv.csv')
161 |
team_dict = team_abv.set_index('team_abv').to_dict()
162 |
163 |
yahoo_nhl_df = pd.read_csv('yahoo_to_nhl.csv', encoding='unicode_escape')
164 |
165 |
def nat_stat_convert(df):
166 |
for i in range(0,len(df.columns)):
167 |
if df.columns[i][-3:]=='/60':
168 |
if 'ix' not in df.columns[i]:
169 |
df[df.columns[i]] = np.round(df[df.columns[i]].astype(float)*df['TOI'].astype(float)/60,0)
170 |
df = df.rename(columns={df.columns[i]: df.columns[i].replace('/60','')})
171 |
172 |
df[df.columns[i]] = df[df.columns[i]].astype(float)*df['TOI'].astype(float)/60
173 |
df = df.rename(columns={df.columns[i]: df.columns[i].replace('/60','')})
174 |
175 |
df['Faceoffs %'] = df['Faceoffs Won']/(df['Faceoffs Won']+df['Faceoffs Lost'])
176 |
177 |
return df
178 |
179 |
from shiny import ui, render, App
180 |
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
181 |
app_ui = ui.page_fluid(
182 |
#ui.panel_title("Simulate a normal distribution"),
183 |
184 |
185 |
186 |
187 |
#ui.input_date_range("date_range_id", "Date range input",start = statcast_df.game_date.min(), end = statcast_df.game_date.max()),
188 |
ui.input_select("team_id", "Select Team",team_dict,width=1,size=1,selected='ANA'),
189 |
ui.input_numeric("n_1", "Last Games x", value=1),
190 |
ui.input_numeric("n_2", "Last Games y", value=0),
191 |
ui.input_numeric("n_3", "Last Games z", value=0),
192 |
ui.input_numeric("top_n", "Show top 'n'", value=10),
193 |
194 |
195 |
196 |
ui.div({"style": "font-size:2em;"},ui.output_text("txt_title")),
197 |
#ui.tags.h2("Fantasy Hockey Schedule Summary"),
198 |
ui.tags.h5("Created By: @TJStats, Data: Natural Stat Trick, Yahoo Fantasy"),
199 |
ui.div({"style": "font-size:1.2em;"},ui.output_text("txt")),
200 |
201 |
202 |
#ui.tags.h6('An Off Night is defined as a day in which less than half the teams in the NHL are playing'),
203 |
#ui.tags.h6('The scores are determined by using games played, off-nights, B2B, and strength of opponents') )
204 |
205 |
206 |
207 |
208 |
209 |
210 |
211 |
from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
212 |
from shiny import App, reactive, ui
213 |
from shiny.ui import h2, tags
214 |
# importing OpenCV(cv2) module
215 |
216 |
217 |
218 |
219 |
220 |
def server(input, output, session):
221 |
222 |
223 |
224 |
225 |
def txt():
226 |
return f'{input.team_id()} Last Games PP Summary'
227 |
228 |
229 |
230 |
def txt_title():
231 |
232 |
return f'Team Last Games PP% Leaders'
233 |
234 |
235 |
236 |
237 |
238 |
239 |
240 |
def pp_roundup():
241 |
242 |
top_n = input.top_n()
243 |
n_1 = input.n_1()
244 |
n_2 = input.n_2()
245 |
n_3 = input.n_3()
246 |
247 |
list_of_columns = ['Player', 'Team', 'display_position','percent_owned','L'+str(n_1)+' PP TOI','L'+str(n_2)+' PP TOI','L'+str(n_3)+' PP TOI',
248 |
'L'+str(n_1)+' PP%','L'+str(n_2)+' PP%','L'+str(n_3)+' PP%']
249 |
250 |
list_of_columns_name = ['Player', 'Team', 'Position','Roster%','L'+str(n_1)+' PP TOI','L'+str(n_2)+' PP TOI','L'+str(n_3)+' PP TOI',
251 |
'L'+str(n_1)+' PP%','L'+str(n_2)+' PP%','L'+str(n_3)+' PP%']
252 |
253 |
if type(n_1) is not int:
254 |
n_1 = 1
255 |
256 |
if n_2 == 0:
257 |
list_of_columns.remove(f'L{str(n_2)} PP TOI')
258 |
list_of_columns.remove(f'L{str(n_2)} PP%')
259 |
list_of_columns_name.remove(f'L{str(n_2)} PP TOI')
260 |
list_of_columns_name.remove(f'L{str(n_2)} PP%')
261 |
262 |
if n_3 == 0:
263 |
list_of_columns.remove(f'L{str(n_3)} PP TOI')
264 |
list_of_columns.remove(f'L{str(n_3)} PP%')
265 |
list_of_columns_name.remove(f'L{str(n_3)} PP TOI')
266 |
list_of_columns_name.remove(f'L{str(n_3)} PP%')
267 |
268 |
start_date ='2023-09-01'
269 |
end_date = '2024-05-01'
270 |
271 |
df_pp_1 = nat_stat_trick_range_pp_gp(rookie='n',start_date = start_date,end_date = end_date, sit='pp',gp=n_1)
272 |
df_pp_2 = nat_stat_trick_range_pp_gp(rookie='n',start_date = start_date,end_date = end_date, sit='pp',gp=n_2)
273 |
df_pp_3 = nat_stat_trick_range_pp_gp(rookie='n',start_date = start_date,end_date = end_date, sit='pp',gp=n_3)
274 |
275 |
276 |
df_all_pp_1 = nat_stat_convert(df_pp_1)
277 |
df_all_pp_2 = nat_stat_convert(df_pp_2)
278 |
df_all_pp_3 = nat_stat_convert(df_pp_3)
279 |
280 |
df_final = df_all_pp_1.merge( df_all_pp_2,how='outer',left_on=['player_id'],right_on=['player_id'],suffixes=("","_2"))
281 |
df_final = df_final.merge( df_all_pp_3,how='outer',left_on=['player_id'],right_on=['player_id'],suffixes=("_1","_3"))
282 |
283 |
284 |
team_report_1 = pd.read_html(f'{season}&thruseason={season}&stype={seasontype}&sit=pp&score=all&rate=n&team=all&loc=B&gpf=c&gp='+str(n_1)+'&fd=&td=')[0]
285 |
team_report_2 = pd.read_html(f'{season}&thruseason={season}&stype={seasontype}&sit=pp&score=all&rate=n&team=all&loc=B&gpf=c&gp='+str(n_2)+'&fd=&td=')[0]
286 |
team_report_3 = pd.read_html(f'{season}&thruseason={season}&stype={seasontype}&sit=pp&score=all&rate=n&team=all&loc=B&gpf=c&gp='+str(n_3)+'&fd=&td=')[0]
287 |
team_report_1 = team_report_1.merge(team_abv,left_on=['Team'],right_on=['team_name'],how='left')
288 |
team_report_2 = team_report_2.merge(team_abv,left_on=['Team'],right_on=['team_name'],how='left')
289 |
team_report_3 = team_report_3.merge(team_abv,left_on=['Team'],right_on=['team_name'],how='left')
290 |
291 |
test = df_final[['player_id','Player_1','Team_1','Position_1','TOI_1','TOI_2','TOI_3',]]
292 |
test.columns = ['player_id','Player','Team','Position','TOI_1','TOI_2','TOI_3',]
293 |
test = test.merge(team_report_1[['TOI','team_abv']],how='left',left_on=['Team'],right_on=['team_abv'], suffixes=('','_1_team'))
294 |
test = test.merge(team_report_2[['TOI','team_abv']],how='left',left_on=['Team'],right_on=['team_abv'], suffixes=('','_2_team'))
295 |
test = test.merge(team_report_3[['TOI','team_abv']],how='left',left_on=['Team'],right_on=['team_abv'], suffixes=('','_3_team'))
296 |
test = test.fillna('0:00')
297 |
298 |
test['TOI'] = [int(x[:-3])+int(x[-2:])*100/60/100 for x in test['TOI'] ]
299 |
test['TOI_1'] = [x if x!='0:00' else 0 for x in test['TOI_1']]
300 |
test['TOI_2'] = [x if x!='0:00' else 0 for x in test['TOI_2']]
301 |
test['TOI_3'] = [x if x!='0:00' else 0 for x in test['TOI_3']]
302 |
303 |
test['TOI_2_team'] = [int(x[:-3])+int(x[-2:])*100/60/100 for x in test['TOI_2_team'] ]
304 |
test['TOI_3_team'] = [int(x[:-3])+int(x[-2:])*100/60/100 for x in test['TOI_3_team']]
305 |
306 |
test['TOI'] = test['TOI'].astype(float)
307 |
308 |
test['PP%_1'] = test['TOI_1'].astype(float)/ test['TOI'].astype(float)
309 |
test['PP%_2'] = test['TOI_2'].astype(float)/ test['TOI_2_team'].astype(float)
310 |
test['PP%_3'] = test['TOI_3'].astype(float)/ test['TOI_3_team'].astype(float)
311 |
test = test.fillna(0)
312 |
test['TOI_1'] = ["%d:%02d" % (int(x),(x*60)%60) for x in test['TOI_1'].astype(float)]
313 |
test['TOI_2'] = ["%d:%02d" % (int(x),(x*60)%60) for x in test['TOI_2'].astype(float)]
314 |
test['TOI_3'] = ["%d:%02d" % (int(x),(x*60)%60) for x in test['TOI_3'].astype(float)]
315 |
test = test.drop(['team_abv','team_abv_2_team','team_abv_3_team','TOI','TOI_2_team','TOI_3_team'],axis=1)
316 |
test.columns = ['player_id','Player','Team','Position','L'+str(n_1)+' PP TOI','L'+str(n_2)+' PP TOI','L'+str(n_3)+' PP TOI','L'+str(n_1)+' PP%','L'+str(n_2)+' PP%','L'+str(n_3)+' PP%']
317 |
318 |
yahoo_df = yahoo_df_2.merge(yahoo_nhl_df,left_on = 'player_id',right_on='player_id_yahoo',suffixes=['','_y'])
319 |
yahoo_df.nhl_id = yahoo_df.nhl_id.astype(float)
320 |
test.player_id = test.player_id.astype(float)
321 |
322 |
test = test.merge(right=yahoo_df,left_on='player_id',right_on='nhl_id',suffixes=['','_y'],how='left')
323 |
324 |
325 |
print('Column List')
326 |
327 |
328 |
329 |
330 |
test = test[list_of_columns]
331 |
test = test.rename(columns={'percent_owned':'Roster%'})
332 |
333 |
334 |
top_d_score = test[(test.Team==input.team_id())].sort_values(by=['L'+str(n_1)+' PP%'],ascending=False).reset_index(drop=True)
335 |
top_d_score = top_d_score.head(min(len(top_d_score),top_n))
336 |
337 |
338 |
#top_d_score.columns = list_of_columns_name
339 |
340 |
cols = top_d_score.columns.tolist();
341 |
342 |
top_d_score['Deployment'] = "PP2"
343 |
top_d_score['Deployment'][0:5] = "PP1"
344 |
345 |
# df_style_bang = top_d_score.head(10).style.background_gradient(cmap=co, subset=['L'+str(n_1)+' PP%','L'+str(n_2)+' PP%','L'+str(n_3)+' PP%','Roster%']).hide_index().set_properties(**{'Height': '12px'},**{'text-align': 'center'}).set_table_styles([{
346 |
# 'selector': 'caption',
347 |
# 'props': [
348 |
# ('color', ''),
349 |
# ('fontname', 'Century Gothic'),
350 |
# ('font-size', '20px'),
351 |
# ('font-style', 'italic'),
352 |
# ('font-weight', ''),
353 |
# ('text-align', 'centre'),
354 |
# ]
355 |
356 |
# },{'selector' :'th', 'props':[('text-align', 'center'),('Height','5px')]},{'selector' :'td', 'props':[('text-align', 'center'),('font-size', '13px'),('fontname', 'Century Gothic')]}]).format(
357 |
# {'L'+str(n_1)+' PP%': '{:.0%}',
358 |
# 'L'+str(n_2)+' PP%': '{:.0%}',
359 |
# 'L'+str(n_3)+' PP%': '{:.0%}',
360 |
# 'Roster%': '{:.0%}',
361 |
# },)
362 |
363 |
df_style_bang = top_d_score.head(input.top_n()).style.background_gradient(cmap=co,vmin=0,vmax=1, subset=[x for x in cols if x.endswith('PP%')]).set_properties(**{'border': '3 px'},overwrite=False).set_table_styles([{
364 |
'selector': 'caption',
365 |
'props': [
366 |
('color', ''),
371 |
('text-align', 'centre'),
372 |
373 |
374 |
},{'selector' :'th', 'props':[('text-align', 'center'),('Height','px'),('color','black'),('border', '1px black solid !important')]},{'selector' :'td', 'props':[('text-align', 'center'),('font-size', '18px'),('color','black')]}],overwrite=False).set_properties(
375 |
376 |
[{'selector': 'th:first-child', 'props': [('background-color', 'white')]}],overwrite=False).set_table_styles(
377 |
[{'selector': 'tr:first-child', 'props': [('background-color', 'white')]}],overwrite=False).set_table_styles(
378 |
[{'selector': 'tr', 'props': [('line-height', '20px')]}],overwrite=False).set_properties(
379 |
**{'Height': '8px'},**{'text-align': 'center'},overwrite=False).hide_index().format(
380 |
{'L'+str(n_1)+' PP%': '{:.0%}',
381 |
'L'+str(n_2)+' PP%': '{:.0%}',
382 |
'L'+str(n_3)+' PP%': '{:.0%}',
383 |
'Roster%': '{:.0%}',
384 |
385 |
386 |
return df_style_bang
387 |
388 |
389 |
390 |
# test = test.fillna(0)
391 |
#test['PP TOI'] = ["%d:%02d" % (int(x),(x*60)%60) if x>0 else '0:00' for x in test['PP TOI']]
392 |
393 |
394 |
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ PHI,Philadelphia Flyers
24 |
PIT,Pittsburgh Penguins
25 |
S.J,San Jose Sharks
26 |
SEA,Seattle Kraken
27 |
28 |
T.B,Tampa Bay Lightning
29 |
TOR,Toronto Maple Leafs
30 |
VAN,Vancouver Canucks
24 |
PIT,Pittsburgh Penguins
25 |
S.J,San Jose Sharks
26 |
SEA,Seattle Kraken
27 |
STL,St Louis Blues
28 |
T.B,Tampa Bay Lightning
29 |
TOR,Toronto Maple Leafs
30 |
VAN,Vancouver Canucks
@@ -0,0 +1,805 @@
1 |
2 |
6743,Connor McDavid,Connor,McDavid,8478402
3 |
6369,Leon Draisaitl,Leon,Draisaitl,8477934
4 |
6391,David Pastrnak,David,Pastrnak,8477956
5 |
5980,Nathan MacKinnon,Nathan,MacKinnon,8477492
6 |
7114,Matthew Tkachuk,Matthew,Tkachuk,8479314
7 |
7554,Jason Robertson,Jason,Robertson,8480027
8 |
5425,Nikita Kucherov,Nikita,Kucherov,8476453
9 |
6752,Mikko Rantanen,Mikko,Rantanen,8478420
10 |
7134,Tage Thompson,Tage,Thompson,8479420
11 |
7902,Brady Tkachuk,Brady,Tkachuk,8480801
12 |
7109,Auston Matthews,Auston,Matthews,8479318
13 |
8279,Jack Hughes,Jack,Hughes,8481559
14 |
7519,Cale Makar,Cale,Makar,8480069
15 |
6877,Kirill Kaprizov,Kirill,Kaprizov,8478864
16 |
3637,Alex Ovechkin,Alex,Ovechkin,8471214
17 |
3737,Sidney Crosby,Sidney,Crosby,8471675
18 |
6746,Mitch Marner,Mitch,Marner,8478483
19 |
6486,Igor Shesterkin,Igor,Shesterkin,8478048
20 |
6447,Ilya Sorokin,Ilya,Sorokin,8478009
21 |
5699,Andrei Vasilevskiy,Andrei,Vasilevskiy,8476883
22 |
6791,Roope Hintz,Roope,Hintz,8478449
23 |
7541,Jake Oettinger,Jake,Oettinger,8479979
24 |
7736,Alexandar Georgiev,Alexandar,Georgiev,8480382
25 |
6374,William Nylander,William,Nylander,8477939
26 |
5367,Mika Zibanejad,Mika,Zibanejad,8476459
27 |
6448,Brayden Point,Brayden,Point,8478010
28 |
5853,Linus Ullmark,Linus,Ullmark,8476999
29 |
5362,Ryan Nugent-Hopkins,Ryan,Nugent-Hopkins,8476454
30 |
4681,John Tavares,John,Tavares,8475166
31 |
7520,Elias Pettersson,Elias,Pettersson,8480012
32 |
5820,Connor Hellebuyck,Connor,Hellebuyck,8476945
33 |
5096,Zach Hyman,Zach,Hyman,8475786
34 |
4471,Steven Stamkos,Steven,Stamkos,8474564
35 |
8643,Tim Stutzle,Tim,Stutzle,8482116
36 |
6728,Artemi Panarin,Artemi,Panarin,8478550
37 |
4351,Brad Marchand,Brad,Marchand,8473419
38 |
6777,Sebastian Aho,Sebastian,Aho,8478427
39 |
7174,Adam Fox,Adam,Fox,8479323
40 |
7626,Jeremy Swayman,Jeremy,Swayman,8480280
41 |
6759,Kyle Connor,Kyle,Connor,8478398
42 |
30544,Connor Bedard,Connor,Bedard,8484144
43 |
6057,Jake Guentzel,Jake,Guentzel,8477404
44 |
4491,Erik Karlsson,Erik,Karlsson,8474578
45 |
6062,Carter Verhaeghe,Carter,Verhaeghe,8477409
46 |
6381,Dylan Larkin,Dylan,Larkin,8477946
47 |
6751,Timo Meier,Timo,Meier,8478414
48 |
6384,Alex Tuch,Alex,Tuch,8477949
49 |
4967,Jeff Skinner,Jeff,Skinner,8475784
50 |
7516,Nico Hischier,Nico,Hischier,8480002
51 |
8290,Matt Boldy,Matt,Boldy,8481557
52 |
7899,Rasmus Dahlin,Rasmus,Dahlin,8480839
53 |
6395,Adrian Kempe,Adrian,Kempe,8477960
54 |
5981,Aleksander Barkov,Aleksander,Barkov,8477493
55 |
7143,Jordan Kyrou,Jordan,Kyrou,8479385
56 |
3638,Evgeni Malkin,Evgeni,Malkin,8471215
57 |
7147,Alex DeBrincat,Alex,DeBrincat,8479337
58 |
4002,Claude Giroux,Claude,Giroux,8473512
59 |
4519,Jamie Benn,Jamie,Benn,8473994
60 |
5370,Dougie Hamilton,Dougie,Hamilton,8476462
61 |
5152,Mark Stone,Mark,Stone,8475913
62 |
5470,Johnny Gaudreau,Johnny,Gaudreau,8476346
63 |
4990,Brock Nelson,Brock,Nelson,8475754
64 |
6377,Kevin Fiala,Kevin,Fiala,8477942
65 |
6390,Jared McCann,Jared,McCann,8477955
66 |
7115,Clayton Keller,Clayton,Keller,8479343
67 |
5368,Mark Scheifele,Mark,Scheifele,8476460
68 |
5376,J.T. Miller,J.T.,Miller,8476468
69 |
8285,Dylan Cozens,Dylan,Cozens,8481528
70 |
5988,Bo Horvat,Bo,Horvat,8477500
71 |
7527,Martin Necas,Martin,Necas,8480039
72 |
4930,Roman Josi,Roman,Josi,8474600
73 |
7267,Jesper Bratt,Jesper,Bratt,8479407
74 |
5020,Tyler Toffoli,Tyler,Toffoli,8475726
75 |
3985,Joe Pavelski,Joe,Pavelski,8470794
76 |
7111,Pierre-Luc Dubois,Pierre-Luc,Dubois,8479400
77 |
7122,Charlie McAvoy,Charlie,McAvoy,8479325
78 |
6762,Joel Eriksson Ek,Joel,Eriksson Ek,8478493
79 |
6368,Sam Reinhart,Sam,Reinhart,8477933
80 |
7636,Drake Batherson,Drake,Batherson,8480208
81 |
7163,Filip Gustavsson,Filip,Gustavsson,8479406
82 |
6078,Juuse Saros,Juuse,Saros,8477424
83 |
8878,Matty Beniers,Matty,Beniers,8482665
84 |
5992,Josh Morrissey,Josh,Morrissey,8477504
85 |
7905,Quinn Hughes,Quinn,Hughes,8480800
86 |
9268,Andrei Kuzmenko,Andrei,Kuzmenko,8483808
87 |
4687,Nazem Kadri,Nazem,Kadri,8475172
88 |
6766,Travis Konecny,Travis,Konecny,8478439
89 |
4921,Mats Zuccarello,Mats,Zuccarello,8475692
90 |
4901,Sergei Bobrovsky,Sergei,Bobrovsky,8475683
91 |
5431,Vincent Trocheck,Vincent,Trocheck,8476389
92 |
8287,Trevor Zegras,Trevor,Zegras,8481533
93 |
6480,Viktor Arvidsson,Viktor,Arvidsson,8478042
94 |
4248,Logan Couture,Logan,Couture,8474053
95 |
7518,Miro Heiskanen,Miro,Heiskanen,8480036
96 |
7264,Brandon Hagel,Brandon,Hagel,8479542
97 |
5391,Rickard Rakell,Rickard,Rakell,8476483
98 |
4699,Chris Kreider,Chris,Kreider,8475184
99 |
3788,Anze Kopitar,Anze,Kopitar,8471685
100 |
6424,Brandon Montour,Brandon,Montour,8477986
101 |
6744,Jack Eichel,Jack,Eichel,8478403
102 |
5712,Jonathan Marchessault,Jonathan,Marchessault,8476539
103 |
5161,Frederik Andersen,Frederik,Andersen,8475883
104 |
4263,Mikael Backlund,Mikael,Backlund,8474150
105 |
30111,Devon Levi,Devon,Levi,8482221
106 |
4682,Victor Hedman,Victor,Hedman,8475167
107 |
7900,Andrei Svechnikov,Andrei,Svechnikov,8480830
108 |
5697,Tomas Hertl,Tomas,Hertl,8476881
109 |
4265,David Perron,David,Perron,8474102
110 |
7528,Nick Suzuki,Nick,Suzuki,8480018
111 |
5753,Joonas Korpisalo,Joonas,Korpisalo,8476914
112 |
6764,Ilya Samsonov,Ilya,Samsonov,8478492
113 |
3341,Marc-Andre Fleury,Marc-Andre,Fleury,8470594
114 |
6405,Thatcher Demko,Thatcher,Demko,8477967
115 |
6745,Dylan Strome,Dylan,Strome,8478440
116 |
5991,Max Domi,Max,Domi,8477503
117 |
4498,Jordan Eberle,Jordan,Eberle,8474586
118 |
6055,Pavel Buchnevich,Pavel,Buchnevich,8477402
119 |
5928,Anders Lee,Anders,Lee,8475314
120 |
5984,Elias Lindholm,Elias,Lindholm,8477496
121 |
6756,Jake DeBrusk,Jake,DeBrusk,8478498
122 |
3358,Brent Burns,Brent,Burns,8470613
123 |
6890,Troy Terry,Troy,Terry,8478873
124 |
8314,Pyotr Kochetkov,Pyotr,Kochetkov,8481611
125 |
6485,Michael Bunting,Michael,Bunting,8478047
126 |
5336,Darcy Kuemper,Darcy,Kuemper,8475311
127 |
7593,Stuart Skinner,Stuart,Skinner,8479973
128 |
7908,Evan Bouchard,Evan,Bouchard,8480803
129 |
8658,Dawson Mercer,Dawson,Mercer,8482110
130 |
6024,Tristan Jarry,Tristan,Jarry,8477465
131 |
7156,Carter Hart,Carter,Hart,8479394
132 |
5639,Reilly Smith,Reilly,Smith,8475191
133 |
6408,Vitek Vanecek,Vitek,Vanecek,8477970
134 |
7525,Owen Tippett,Owen,Tippett,8480015
135 |
4685,Brayden Schenn,Brayden,Schenn,8475170
136 |
4984,Kevin Hayes,Kevin,Hayes,8475763
137 |
4986,Evgeny Kuznetsov,Evgeny,Kuznetsov,8475744
138 |
5387,Phillip Danault,Phillip,Danault,8476479
139 |
5626,Alex Killorn,Alex,Killorn,8473986
140 |
4503,John Carlson,John,Carlson,8474590
141 |
6707,Frank Vatrano,Frank,Vatrano,8478366
142 |
5405,Boone Jenner,Boone,Jenner,8476432
143 |
4683,Matt Duchene,Matt,Duchene,8475168
144 |
5032,Jason Zucker,Jason,Zucker,8475722
145 |
7110,Patrik Laine,Patrik,Laine,8479339
146 |
8284,Moritz Seider,Moritz,Seider,8481542
147 |
6765,Brock Boeser,Brock,Boeser,8478444
148 |
6798,Vince Dunn,Vince,Dunn,8478407
149 |
5768,Chandler Stephenson,Chandler,Stephenson,8476905
150 |
5053,Bryan Rust,Bryan,Rust,8475810
151 |
7535,Robert Thomas,Robert,Thomas,8480023
152 |
7117,Mikhail Sergachev,Mikhail,Sergachev,8479410
153 |
5281,Tyson Barrie,Tyson,Barrie,8475197
154 |
6035,Artturi Lehkonen,Artturi,Lehkonen,8477476
155 |
5983,Seth Jones,Seth,Jones,8477495
156 |
4962,Tyler Seguin,Tyler,Seguin,8475794
157 |
3641,Blake Wheeler,Blake,Wheeler,8471218
158 |
7523,Casey Mittelstadt,Casey,Mittelstadt,8479999
159 |
5364,Jonathan Huberdeau,Jonathan,Huberdeau,8476456
160 |
7910,Noah Dobson,Noah,Dobson,8480865
161 |
6367,Aaron Ekblad,Aaron,Ekblad,8477932
162 |
4976,Vladimir Tarasenko,Vladimir,Tarasenko,8475765
163 |
6015,J.T. Compher,J.T.,Compher,8477456
164 |
6462,Ville Husso,Ville,Husso,8478024
165 |
5010,Justin Faulk,Justin,Faulk,8475753
166 |
5686,Hampus Lindholm,Hampus,Lindholm,8476854
167 |
6386,Nick Schmaltz,Nick,Schmaltz,8477951
168 |
6748,Pavel Zacha,Pavel,Zacha,8478401
169 |
6330,Yanni Gourde,Yanni,Gourde,8476826
170 |
5454,Jordan Binnington,Jordan,Binnington,8476412
171 |
6068,Oliver Bjorkstrand,Oliver,Bjorkstrand,8477416
172 |
4240,Patrick Kane,Patrick,Kane,8474141
173 |
6758,Mathew Barzal,Mathew,Barzal,8478445
174 |
5700,Scott Laughton,Scott,Laughton,8476872
175 |
4961,Taylor Hall,Taylor,Hall,8475791
176 |
6169,Dominik Kubalik,Dominik,Kubalik,8477330
177 |
5421,William Karlsson,William,Karlsson,8476448
178 |
6370,Sam Bennett,Sam,Bennett,8477935
179 |
8033,Akira Schmid,Akira,Schmid,8481033
180 |
6865,Conor Garland,Conor,Garland,8478856
181 |
30221,Luke Hughes,Luke,Hughes,8482684
182 |
7536,Filip Chytil,Filip,Chytil,8480078
183 |
4472,Drew Doughty,Drew,Doughty,8474563
184 |
7903,Barrett Hayton,Barrett,Hayton,8480849
185 |
4474,Alex Pietrangelo,Alex,Pietrangelo,8474565
186 |
6908,Andrew Mangiapane,Andrew,Mangiapane,8478233
187 |
6753,Lawson Crouse,Lawson,Crouse,8478474
188 |
7164,Dillon Dube,Dillon,Dube,8479346
189 |
6385,Tony DeAngelo,Tony,DeAngelo,8477950
190 |
4854,Cam Talbot,Cam,Talbot,8475660
191 |
5441,Blake Coleman,Blake,Coleman,8476399
192 |
5989,Valeri Nichushkin,Valeri,Nichushkin,8477501
193 |
4965,Nino Niederreiter,Nino,Niederreiter,8475799
194 |
5986,Darnell Nurse,Darnell,Nurse,8477498
195 |
6009,Ryan Hartman,Ryan,Hartman,8477451
196 |
8879,Mason McTavish,Mason,McTavish,8482745
197 |
6795,Rasmus Andersson,Rasmus,Andersson,8478397
198 |
6788,Daniel Sprong,Daniel,Sprong,8478466
199 |
5946,Erik Haula,Erik,Haula,8475287
200 |
4792,Tomas Tatar,Tomas,Tatar,8475193
201 |
5800,Andreas Athanasiou,Andreas,Athanasiou,8476960
202 |
8644,Lucas Raymond,Lucas,Raymond,8482078
203 |
4704,Marcus Johansson,Marcus,Johansson,8475149
204 |
6726,Evan Rodrigues,Evan,Rodrigues,8478542
205 |
8155,Logan Thompson,Logan,Thompson,8480313
206 |
30546,Adam Fantilli,Adam,Fantilli,8484166
207 |
6494,Gustav Forsling,Gustav,Forsling,8478055
208 |
5691,Filip Forsberg,Filip,Forsberg,8476887
209 |
4988,Charlie Coyle,Charlie,Coyle,8475745
210 |
5366,Ryan Strome,Ryan,Strome,8476458
211 |
7542,Morgan Frost,Morgan,Frost,8480028
212 |
4974,Jaden Schwartz,Jaden,Schwartz,8475768
213 |
6549,Victor Olofsson,Victor,Olofsson,8478109
214 |
6770,Anthony Beauvillier,Anthony,Beauvillier,8478463
215 |
5785,Josh Anderson,Josh,Anderson,8476981
216 |
7901,Jesperi Kotkaniemi,Jesperi,Kotkaniemi,8480829
217 |
6760,Thomas Chabot,Thomas,Chabot,8478469
218 |
8607,Alexander Barabanov,Alexander,Barabanov,8482222
219 |
6476,Devon Toews,Devon,Toews,8478038
220 |
5708,Brady Skjei,Brady,Skjei,8476869
221 |
8898,Wyatt Johnston,Wyatt,Johnston,8482740
222 |
6402,Ivan Barbashev,Ivan,Barbashev,8477964
223 |
5407,John Gibson,John,Gibson,8476434
224 |
4064,Kris Letang,Kris,Letang,8471724
225 |
3355,Zach Parise,Zach,Parise,8470610
226 |
5769,Shayne Gostisbehere,Shayne,Gostisbehere,8476906
227 |
4972,Cam Fowler,Cam,Fowler,8475764
228 |
8293,Cole Caufield,Cole,Caufield,8481540
229 |
5747,Jordan Martinook,Jordan,Martinook,8476921
230 |
3801,T.J. Oshie,T.J.,Oshie,8471698
231 |
6887,Karel Vejmelka,Karel,Vejmelka,8478872
232 |
7912,Joel Farabee,Joel,Farabee,8480797
233 |
4947,Jacob Markstrom,Jacob,Markstrom,8474593
234 |
4581,Martin Jones,Martin,Jones,8474889
235 |
6585,Conor Sheary,Conor,Sheary,8477839
236 |
8653,Seth Jarvis,Seth,Jarvis,8482093
237 |
7066,Mason Marchment,Mason,Marchment,8478975
238 |
7557,Eetu Luostarinen,Eetu,Luostarinen,8480185
239 |
6337,Pheonix Copley,Pheonix,Copley,8477831
240 |
7224,Ross Colton,Ross,Colton,8479525
241 |
7526,Gabriel Vilardi,Gabriel,Vilardi,8480014
242 |
8310,Shane Pinto,Shane,Pinto,8481596
243 |
5689,Jacob Trouba,Jacob,Trouba,8476885
244 |
8641,Alexis Lafreniere,Alexis,Lafreniere,8482109
245 |
6747,Noah Hanifin,Noah,Hanifin,8478396
246 |
7920,K'Andre Miller,K'Andre,Miller,8480817
247 |
3983,Phil Kessel,Phil,Kessel,8473548
248 |
7161,Filip Hronek,Filip,Hronek,8479425
249 |
5238,Adam Henrique,Adam,Henrique,8474641
250 |
8281,Kirby Dach,Kirby,Dach,8481523
251 |
6767,Jack Roslovic,Jack,Roslovic,8478458
252 |
5382,Stefan Noesen,Stefan,Noesen,8476474
253 |
7166,Taylor Raddysh,Taylor,Raddysh,8479390
254 |
6079,Miles Wood,Miles,Wood,8477425
255 |
5698,Teuvo Teravainen,Teuvo,Teravainen,8476882
256 |
6655,Frederick Gaudreau,Frederick,Gaudreau,8477919
257 |
5967,Antti Raanta,Antti,Raanta,8477293
258 |
6184,MacKenzie Weegar,MacKenzie,Weegar,8477346
259 |
6818,Adin Hill,Adin,Hill,8478499
260 |
7874,Pavel Francouz,Pavel,Francouz,8480925
261 |
4003,Semyon Varlamov,Semyon,Varlamov,8473575
262 |
5039,Radko Gudas,Radko,Gudas,8475462
263 |
5365,Adam Larsson,Adam,Larsson,8476457
264 |
7170,Joseph Woll,Joseph,Woll,8479361
265 |
5529,Laurent Brossoit,Laurent,Brossoit,8476316
266 |
4475,Luke Schenn,Luke,Schenn,8474568
267 |
5057,Scott Wedgewood,Scott,Wedgewood,8475809
268 |
7089,Alex Lyon,Alex,Lyon,8479312
269 |
5462,Jean-Gabriel Pageau,Jean-Gabriel,Pageau,8476419
270 |
5254,Dmitry Orlov,Dmitry,Orlov,8475200
271 |
5232,Jared Spurgeon,Jared,Spurgeon,8474716
272 |
7365,Tanner Jeannot,Tanner,Jeannot,8479661
273 |
6636,Garnet Hathaway,Garnet,Hathaway,8477903
274 |
8489,Dustin Wolf,Dustin,Wolf,8481692
275 |
5685,Morgan Rielly,Morgan,Rielly,8476853
276 |
4642,Alex Stalock,Alex,Stalock,8471774
277 |
8040,Samuel Ersson,Samuel,Ersson,8481035
278 |
3980,Jordan Staal,Jordan,Staal,8473533
279 |
7083,Brandon Tanev,Brandon,Tanev,8479293
280 |
8433,Arturs Silovs,Arturs,Silovs,8481668
281 |
5553,Anton Forsberg,Anton,Forsberg,8476341
282 |
8895,Jesper Wallstedt,Jesper,Wallstedt,8482661
283 |
8337,Hunter Jones,Hunter,Jones,8481545
284 |
30487,Erik Portillo,Erik,Portillo,8481707
285 |
5329,Mattias Ekholm,Mattias,Ekholm,8475218
286 |
7338,Zach Sawchenko,Zach,Sawchenko,8479313
287 |
5022,Calvin Pickard,Calvin,Pickard,8475717
288 |
5434,Adam Lowry,Adam,Lowry,8476392
289 |
8291,Spencer Knight,Spencer,Knight,8481519
290 |
8651,Yaroslav Askarov,Yaroslav,Askarov,8482137
291 |
4849,Jeff Petry,Jeff,Petry,8473507
292 |
5767,Chris Driedger,Chris,Driedger,8476904
293 |
8004,Joel Hofer,Joel,Hofer,8480981
294 |
4779,Marcus Foligno,Marcus,Foligno,8475220
295 |
8722,Nico Daws,Nico,Daws,8482076
296 |
6430,Jonas Johansson,Jonas,Johansson,8477992
297 |
4754,Matt Martin,Matt,Martin,8474709
298 |
7498,Neal Pionk,Neal,Pionk,8480145
299 |
6005,Shea Theodore,Shea,Theodore,8477447
300 |
6811,Keegan Kolesar,Keegan,Kolesar,8478434
301 |
7108,David Rittich,David,Rittich,8479496
302 |
4979,Nick Bjugstad,Nick,Bjugstad,8475760
303 |
7886,Kevin Lankinen,Kevin,Lankinen,8480947
304 |
5995,Nikita Zadorov,Nikita,Zadorov,8477507
305 |
6113,Connor Clifton,Connor,Clifton,8477365
306 |
6375,Nikolaj Ehlers,Nikolaj,Ehlers,8477940
307 |
5077,Jani Hakanpaa,Jani,Hakanpaa,8475825
308 |
6779,Brandon Carlo,Brandon,Carlo,8478443
309 |
7084,Charlie Lindgren,Charlie,Lindgren,8479292
310 |
4684,Evander Kane,Evander,Kane,8475169
311 |
6080,Nicholas Paul,Nicholas,Paul,8477426
312 |
7936,Alexander Romanov,Alexander,Romanov,8481014
313 |
6089,Ryan Graves,Ryan,Graves,8477435
314 |
4969,Mikael Granlund,Mikael,Granlund,8475798
315 |
7429,Casey DeSmith,Casey,DeSmith,8479193
316 |
7493,Alex Iafallo,Alex,Iafallo,8480113
317 |
5734,Anthony Stolarz,Anthony,Stolarz,8476932
318 |
5994,Ryan Pulock,Ryan,Pulock,8477506
319 |
7545,Eeli Tolvanen,Eeli,Tolvanen,8480009
320 |
4706,Kyle Palmieri,Kyle,Palmieri,8475151
321 |
6037,William Carrier,William,Carrier,8477478
322 |
6797,Yakov Trenin,Yakov,Trenin,8478508
323 |
5776,Matt Grzelcyk,Matt,Grzelcyk,8476891
324 |
7321,Trevor Moore,Trevor,Moore,8479675
325 |
5227,Brayden McNabb,Brayden,McNabb,8475188
326 |
6936,Matt Roy,Matt,Roy,8478911
327 |
5765,Esa Lindell,Esa,Lindell,8476902
328 |
6083,Andrew Copp,Andrew,Copp,8477429
329 |
6838,Nicolas Roy,Nicolas,Roy,8478462
330 |
4971,Jack Campbell,Jack,Campbell,8475789
331 |
5783,Erik Gustafsson,Erik,Gustafsson,8476979
332 |
5251,Brenden Dillon,Brenden,Dillon,8475455
333 |
5703,Michael Matheson,Michael,Matheson,8476875
334 |
5733,Jake McCabe,Jake,McCabe,8476931
335 |
5406,Magnus Hellberg,Magnus,Hellberg,8476433
336 |
7961,Jack McBain,Jack,McBain,8480855
337 |
5345,Nicolas Deslauriers,Nicolas,Deslauriers,8475235
338 |
4008,Nick Foligno,Nick,Foligno,8473422
339 |
7927,Rasmus Sandin,Rasmus,Sandin,8480873
340 |
6985,Connor Ingram,Connor,Ingram,8478971
341 |
6039,Eric Comrie,Eric,Comrie,8477480
342 |
6109,Cal Petersen,Cal,Petersen,8477361
343 |
5739,Colton Sissons,Colton,Sissons,8476925
344 |
5840,Alexander Kerfoot,Alexander,Kerfoot,8477021
345 |
5810,Jaccob Slavin,Jaccob,Slavin,8476958
346 |
6784,Mackenzie Blackwood,Mackenzie,Blackwood,8478406
347 |
6785,Erik Cernak,Erik,Cernak,8478416
348 |
7618,Mikey Anderson,Mikey,Anderson,8479998
349 |
6290,Barclay Goodrow,Barclay,Goodrow,8476624
350 |
6739,Noel Acciari,Noel,Acciari,8478569
351 |
8249,Blake Lizotte,Blake,Lizotte,8481481
352 |
6388,Kasperi Kapanen,Kasperi,Kapanen,8477953
353 |
8652,Anton Lundell,Anton,Lundell,8482113
354 |
3614,Mark Giordano,Mark,Giordano,8470966
355 |
4773,Casey Cizikas,Casey,Cizikas,8475231
356 |
6002,Andre Burakovsky,Andre,Burakovsky,8477444
357 |
8119,Logan O'Connor,Logan,O'Connor,8481186
358 |
6436,Warren Foegele,Warren,Foegele,8477998
359 |
8871,Arvid Soderblom,Arvid,Soderblom,8482821
360 |
6555,Pierre Engvall,Pierre,Engvall,8478115
361 |
6544,Sammy Blais,Sammy,Blais,8478104
362 |
7950,Sean Durzi,Sean,Durzi,8480434
363 |
7944,Martin Fehervary,Martin,Fehervary,8480796
364 |
6425,Ryan Donato,Ryan,Donato,8477987
365 |
3988,Kyle Okposo,Kyle,Okposo,8473449
366 |
3990,Trevor Lewis,Trevor,Lewis,8473453
367 |
3349,Jeff Carter,Jeff,Carter,8470604
368 |
5749,Damon Severson,Damon,Severson,8476923
369 |
7737,Collin Delia,Collin,Delia,8480420
370 |
7124,Jakob Chychrun,Jakob,Chychrun,8479345
371 |
6814,Anthony Cirelli,Anthony,Cirelli,8478519
372 |
5130,Jesper Fast,Jesper,Fast,8475855
373 |
6834,Will Borgen,Will,Borgen,8478840
374 |
6117,Carson Soucy,Carson,Soucy,8477369
375 |
6038,Tyler Bertuzzi,Tyler,Bertuzzi,8477479
376 |
5085,Philipp Grubauer,Philipp,Grubauer,8475831
377 |
5024,Calle Jarnkrok,Calle,Jarnkrok,8475714
378 |
6046,Brett Pesce,Brett,Pesce,8477488
379 |
7044,Ryan Lomberg,Ryan,Lomberg,8479066
380 |
6406,Alex Nedeljkovic,Alex,Nedeljkovic,8477968
381 |
5375,Jamie Oleksiak,Jamie,Oleksiak,8476467
382 |
7601,Daniil Tarasov,Daniil,Tarasov,8480193
383 |
7532,Timothy Liljegren,Timothy,Liljegren,8480043
384 |
7983,Lukas Dostal,Lukas,Dostal,8480843
385 |
5958,Nick Jensen,Nick,Jensen,8475324
386 |
5696,Tom Wilson,Tom,Wilson,8476880
387 |
7537,Kailer Yamamoto,Kailer,Yamamoto,8479977
388 |
5987,Rasmus Ristolainen,Rasmus,Ristolainen,8477499
389 |
5544,Dylan DeMelo,Dylan,DeMelo,8476331
390 |
6799,Jonas Siegenthaler,Jonas,Siegenthaler,8478399
391 |
5841,Colin Miller,Colin,Miller,8476525
392 |
5388,Vladislav Namestnikov,Vladislav,Namestnikov,8476480
393 |
5411,Brandon Saad,Brandon,Saad,8476438
394 |
7652,Noah Cates,Noah,Cates,8480220
395 |
4252,Lars Eller,Lars,Eller,8474189
396 |
7265,Michael Pezzetta,Michael,Pezzetta,8479543
397 |
8280,Kaapo Kakko,Kaapo,Kakko,8481554
398 |
6350,Nic Dowd,Nic,Dowd,8475343
399 |
7524,Michael Rasmussen,Michael,Rasmussen,8479992
400 |
5027,Justin Holl,Justin,Holl,8475718
401 |
5573,Ondrej Palat,Ondrej,Palat,8476292
402 |
4257,Ian Cole,Ian,Cole,8474013
403 |
7521,Cody Glass,Cody,Glass,8479996
404 |
5757,Jimmy Vesey,Jimmy,Vesey,8476918
405 |
6794,Jeremy Lauzon,Jeremy,Lauzon,8478468
406 |
8311,Arthur Kaliyev,Arthur,Kaliyev,8481560
407 |
5695,Cody Ceci,Cody,Ceci,8476879
408 |
6407,Marcus Pettersson,Marcus,Pettersson,8477969
409 |
7112,Jesse Puljujarvi,Jesse,Puljujarvi,8479344
410 |
4194,Cal Clutterbuck,Cal,Clutterbuck,8473504
411 |
4753,Evgenii Dadonov,Evgenii,Dadonov,8474149
412 |
7120,Michael McLeod,Michael,McLeod,8479415
413 |
5756,Adam Pelech,Adam,Pelech,8476917
414 |
5795,Brett Kulak,Brett,Kulak,8476967
415 |
7155,Samuel Girard,Samuel,Girard,8479398
416 |
4805,Mike Hoffman,Mike,Hoffman,8474884
417 |
5498,Sean Kuraly,Sean,Kuraly,8476374
418 |
4253,Kevin Shattenkirk,Kevin,Shattenkirk,8474031
419 |
5402,Scott Mayfield,Scott,Mayfield,8476429
420 |
8294,Alex Newhook,Alex,Newhook,8481618
421 |
4964,Ryan Johansen,Ryan,Johansen,8475793
422 |
4352,Pat Maroon,Pat,Maroon,8474034
423 |
5632,Torey Krug,Torey,Krug,8476792
424 |
5777,Colton Parayko,Colton,Parayko,8476892
425 |
3987,Derick Brassard,Derick,Brassard,8473544
426 |
4147,Jonathan Quick,Jonathan,Quick,8471734
427 |
3979,Erik Johnson,Erik,Johnson,8473446
428 |
7157,Ryan Lindgren,Ryan,Lindgren,8479324
429 |
7499,David Kampf,David,Kampf,8480144
430 |
5714,Justin Schultz,Justin,Schultz,8474602
431 |
3345,Ryan Suter,Ryan,Suter,8470600
432 |
7546,Klim Kostin,Klim,Kostin,8480011
433 |
6774,Christian Fischer,Christian,Fischer,8478432
434 |
6496,Dakota Joshua,Dakota,Joshua,8478057
435 |
5932,Nate Schmidt,Nate,Schmidt,8477220
436 |
7165,Carl Grundstrom,Carl,Grundstrom,8479336
437 |
7213,Brandon Duhaime,Brandon,Duhaime,8479520
438 |
6576,Jake Middleton,Jake,Middleton,8478136
439 |
7549,Nicolas Hague,Nicolas,Hague,8479980
440 |
8877,Owen Power,Owen,Power,8482671
441 |
5659,Brian Dumoulin,Brian,Dumoulin,8475208
442 |
4306,Milan Lucic,Milan,Lucic,8473473
443 |
6827,Thomas Novak,Thomas,Novak,8478438
444 |
4771,Travis Hamonic,Travis,Hamonic,8474612
445 |
8659,Braden Schneider,Braden,Schneider,8482073
446 |
4186,Ryan Reaves,Ryan,Reaves,8471817
447 |
7911,Ty Dellandrea,Ty,Dellandrea,8480848
448 |
6812,Felix Sandstrom,Felix,Sandstrom,8478433
449 |
3789,Marc Staal,Marc,Staal,8471686
450 |
5104,John Klingberg,John,Klingberg,8475906
451 |
5435,Nick Cousins,Nick,Cousins,8476393
452 |
8069,Yegor Sharangovich,Yegor,Sharangovich,8481068
453 |
5396,Craig Smith,Craig,Smith,8475225
454 |
4978,Austin Watson,Austin,Watson,8475766
455 |
6749,Ivan Provorov,Ivan,Provorov,8478500
456 |
7582,Morgan Geekie,Morgan,Geekie,8479987
457 |
7689,Morgan Barron,Morgan,Barron,8480289
458 |
8645,Jake Sanderson,Jake,Sanderson,8482105
459 |
6481,Sam Lafferty,Sam,Lafferty,8478043
460 |
4369,James Reimer,James,Reimer,8473503
461 |
7569,Ukko-Pekka Luukkonen,Ukko-Pekka,Luukkonen,8480045
462 |
8376,Matias Maccelli,Matias,Maccelli,8481711
463 |
8262,Ilya Mikheyev,Ilya,Mikheyev,8481624
464 |
7928,Joe Veleno,Joe,Veleno,8480813
465 |
5693,Radek Faksa,Radek,Faksa,8476889
466 |
8282,Bowen Byram,Bowen,Byram,8481524
467 |
8245,Nico Sturm,Nico,Sturm,8481477
468 |
4241,James van Riemsdyk,James,van Riemsdyk,8474037
469 |
6792,Jordan Greenway,Jordan,Greenway,8478413
470 |
4251,Ryan McDonagh,Ryan,McDonagh,8474151
471 |
5539,Josh Archibald,Josh,Archibald,8476326
472 |
6451,Jake Walman,Jake,Walman,8478013
473 |
3365,Corey Perry,Corey,Perry,8470621
474 |
6901,Vladislav Gavrikov,Vladislav,Gavrikov,8478882
475 |
5999,Anthony Mantha,Anthony,Mantha,8477511
476 |
7149,Nathan Bastian,Nathan,Bastian,8479414
477 |
6862,Mathieu Joseph,Mathieu,Joseph,8478472
478 |
4786,Ryan O'Reilly,Ryan,O'Reilly,8475158
479 |
6383,Travis Sanheim,Travis,Sanheim,8477948
480 |
7138,Sam Steel,Sam,Steel,8479351
481 |
8935,J.J. Moser,J.J.,Moser,8482655
482 |
5772,Oskar Sundqvist,Oskar,Sundqvist,8476897
483 |
6382,Sonny Milano,Sonny,Milano,8477947
484 |
5694,Zemgus Girgensons,Zemgus,Girgensons,8476878
485 |
6458,Michael Amadio,Michael,Amadio,8478020
486 |
7160,Wade Allison,Wade,Allison,8479322
487 |
7628,Alexey Toropchenko,Alexey,Toropchenko,8480281
488 |
5371,Jonas Brodin,Jonas,Brodin,8476463
489 |
5687,Matt Dumba,Matt,Dumba,8476856
490 |
5279,Gustav Nyquist,Gustav,Nyquist,8474679
491 |
7859,Eric Robinson,Eric,Robinson,8480762
492 |
8648,Jack Quinn,Jack,Quinn,8482097
493 |
6417,Nicolas Aube-Kubel,Nicolas,Aube-Kubel,8477979
494 |
8595,Cole Smith,Cole,Smith,8482062
495 |
6896,John Marino,John,Marino,8478507
496 |
6984,Jalen Chatfield,Jalen,Chatfield,8478970
497 |
7851,Zach Whitecloud,Zach,Whitecloud,8480727
498 |
7193,Josh Mahura,Josh,Mahura,8479372
499 |
8650,Cole Perfetti,Cole,Perfetti,8482149
500 |
7538,Pierre-Olivier Joseph,Pierre-Olivier,Joseph,8480058
501 |
7125,Dante Fabbro,Dante,Fabbro,8479371
502 |
5263,Ben Chiarot,Ben,Chiarot,8475279
503 |
6616,Liam O'Brien,Liam,O'Brien,8477070
504 |
5381,Connor Murphy,Connor,Murphy,8476473
505 |
7829,Pius Suter,Pius,Suter,8480459
506 |
6741,Derek Ryan,Derek,Ryan,8478585
507 |
8012,Paul Cotter,Paul,Cotter,8481032
508 |
6928,Steven Lorentz,Steven,Lorentz,8478904
509 |
6539,Kevin Labanc,Kevin,Labanc,8478099
510 |
4424,Alec Martinez,Alec,Martinez,8474166
511 |
6869,Niko Mikkola,Niko,Mikkola,8478859
512 |
5736,Brock McGinn,Brock,McGinn,8476934
513 |
7930,Mattias Samuelsson,Mattias,Samuelsson,8480807
514 |
7531,Juuso Valimaki,Juuso,Valimaki,8479976
515 |
6754,Denis Gurianov,Denis,Gurianov,8478495
516 |
7909,Oliver Wahlstrom,Oliver,Wahlstrom,8480789
517 |
8614,Artem Zub,Artem,Zub,8482245
518 |
6353,Patrick Brown,Patrick,Brown,8477887
519 |
6008,Jason Dickinson,Jason,Dickinson,8477450
520 |
8881,Kent Johnson,Kent,Johnson,8482660
521 |
4975,Derek Forbort,Derek,Forbort,8475762
522 |
4485,Tyler Myers,Tyler,Myers,8474574
523 |
8295,Peyton Krebs,Peyton,Krebs,8481522
524 |
7684,Nick Perbix,Nick,Perbix,8480246
525 |
6819,Sam Montembeault,Sam,Montembeault,8478470
526 |
4935,Chris Tanev,Chris,Tanev,8475690
527 |
5496,Nick Seeler,Nick,Seeler,8476372
528 |
6366,Tomas Nosek,Tomas,Nosek,8477931
529 |
7990,Connor Dewar,Connor,Dewar,8480980
530 |
5256,Tyler Johnson,Tyler,Johnson,8474870
531 |
6059,Mattias Janmark,Mattias,Janmark,8477406
532 |
6340,Trevor van Riemsdyk,Trevor,van Riemsdyk,8477845
533 |
7135,Brett Howden,Brett,Howden,8479353
534 |
3802,Andrew Cogliano,Andrew,Cogliano,8471699
535 |
8642,Quinton Byfield,Quinton,Byfield,8482124
536 |
4963,Erik Gudbranson,Erik,Gudbranson,8475790
537 |
5542,Travis Boyd,Travis,Boyd,8476329
538 |
4694,Dmitry Kulikov,Dmitry,Kulikov,8475179
539 |
4686,Oliver Ekman-Larsson,Oliver,Ekman-Larsson,8475171
540 |
7654,Sebastian Aho,Sebastian,Aho,8480222
541 |
7938,Ryan McLeod,Ryan,McLeod,8480802
542 |
7384,Zack MacEwen,Zack,MacEwen,8479772
543 |
7578,Fabian Zetterlund,Fabian,Zetterlund,8480188
544 |
5996,Curtis Lazar,Curtis,Lazar,8477508
545 |
7551,Jesper Boqvist,Jesper,Boqvist,8480003
546 |
5343,Jakob Silfverberg,Jakob,Silfverberg,8475164
547 |
6060,Anthony Duclair,Anthony,Duclair,8477407
548 |
7118,Tyson Jost,Tyson,Jost,8479370
549 |
5741,Teddy Blueger,Teddy,Blueger,8476927
550 |
7832,Mark Kastelic,Mark,Kastelic,8480355
551 |
4589,Jake Allen,Jake,Allen,8474596
552 |
9154,Arber Xhekaj,Arber,Xhekaj,8482964
553 |
7828,Parker Kelly,Parker,Kelly,8480448
554 |
6859,Caleb Jones,Caleb,Jones,8478452
555 |
7123,Luke Kunin,Luke,Kunin,8479316
556 |
5525,Josh Manson,Josh,Manson,8476312
557 |
7514,Jan Rutta,Jan,Rutta,8480172
558 |
6387,Robby Fabbri,Robby,Fabbri,8477952
559 |
6400,Brendan Lemieux,Brendan,Lemieux,8477962
560 |
4692,Calvin de Haan,Calvin,de Haan,8475177
561 |
6174,Kyle Burroughs,Kyle,Burroughs,8477335
562 |
7889,Ilya Lyubushkin,Ilya,Lyubushkin,8480950
563 |
8485,Juuso Parssinen,Juuso,Parssinen,8481704
564 |
4696,Nick Leddy,Nick,Leddy,8475181
565 |
6781,A.J. Greer,A.J.,Greer,8478421
566 |
6910,Mason Appleton,Mason,Appleton,8478891
567 |
5702,Olli Maatta,Olli,Maatta,8476874
568 |
7589,Johnathan Kovacevic,Johnathan,Kovacevic,8480192
569 |
7530,Erik Brannstrom,Erik,Brannstrom,8480073
570 |
5415,Matt Nieto,Matt,Nieto,8476442
571 |
6043,Spencer Martin,Spencer,Martin,8477484
572 |
7332,Mathieu Olivier,Mathieu,Olivier,8479671
573 |
7816,Sheldon Dries,Sheldon,Dries,8480326
574 |
5976,Luke Glendening,Luke,Glendening,8476822
575 |
5114,Petr Mrazek,Petr,Mrazek,8475852
576 |
8152,Rafael Harvey-Pinard,Rafael,Harvey-Pinard,8481093
577 |
7142,Andrew Peeke,Andrew,Peeke,8479369
578 |
6857,Alexandre Carrier,Alexandre,Carrier,8478851
579 |
6427,Christian Dvorak,Christian,Dvorak,8477989
580 |
5004,Tyler Pitlick,Tyler,Pitlick,8475752
581 |
8674,JJ Peterka,JJ,Peterka,8482175
582 |
7951,Calen Addison,Calen,Addison,8480884
583 |
8229,Reese Johnson,Reese,Johnson,8481147
584 |
7129,Julien Gauthier,Julien,Gauthier,8479328
585 |
6232,Nathan Walker,Nathan,Walker,8477573
586 |
5120,Brendan Gallagher,Brendan,Gallagher,8475848
587 |
4838,Nick Bonino,Nick,Bonino,8474009
588 |
4266,Brendan Smith,Brendan,Smith,8474090
589 |
3777,Jack Johnson,Jack,Johnson,8471677
590 |
5899,Jaycob Megna,Jaycob,Megna,8477034
591 |
7906,Adam Boqvist,Adam,Boqvist,8480871
592 |
7152,Boris Katchouk,Boris,Katchouk,8479383
593 |
5982,Jonathan Drouin,Jonathan,Drouin,8477494
594 |
7506,Calle Rosen,Calle,Rosen,8480157
595 |
7624,Adam Ruzicka,Adam,Ruzicka,8480008
596 |
7947,Kirill Marchenko,Kirill,Marchenko,8480893
597 |
6097,Hudson Fasching,Hudson,Fasching,8477392
598 |
7931,Jonatan Berggren,Jonatan,Berggren,8481013
599 |
4473,Zach Bogosian,Zach,Bogosian,8474567
600 |
6132,Josh Brown,Josh,Brown,8477384
601 |
6573,Jake Evans,Jake,Evans,8478133
602 |
7926,Nils Lundkvist,Nils,Lundkvist,8480878
603 |
7751,Sean Walker,Sean,Walker,8480336
604 |
7584,MacKenzie Entwistle,MacKenzie,Entwistle,8480025
605 |
7632,Emil Bemstrom,Emil,Bemstrom,8480205
606 |
5864,Matt Benning,Matt,Benning,8476988
607 |
7558,Dylan Samberg,Dylan,Samberg,8480049
608 |
6506,Oskar Lindblom,Oskar,Lindblom,8478067
609 |
7132,Max Jones,Max,Jones,8479368
610 |
6365,Pierre-Edouard Bellemare,Pierre-Edouard,Bellemare,8477930
611 |
7918,Rasmus Kupari,Rasmus,Kupari,8480845
612 |
6379,Jakub Vrana,Jakub,Vrana,8477944
613 |
6477,Kaapo Kahkonen,Kaapo,Kahkonen,8478039
614 |
6021,Robert Hagg,Robert,Hagg,8477462
615 |
7540,Ryan Poehling,Ryan,Poehling,8480068
616 |
7093,Troy Stecher,Troy,Stecher,8479442
617 |
5985,Sean Monahan,Sean,Monahan,8477497
618 |
7544,Henri Jokiharju,Henri,Jokiharju,8480035
619 |
4881,Matt Irwin,Matt,Irwin,8475625
620 |
5950,Chad Ruhwedel,Chad,Ruhwedel,8477244
621 |
4953,David Savard,David,Savard,8475233
622 |
5377,Joel Armia,Joel,Armia,8476469
623 |
3982,Nicklas Backstrom,Nicklas,Backstrom,8473563
624 |
4287,Alex Goligoski,Alex,Goligoski,8471274
625 |
8288,Vasily Podkolzin,Vasily,Podkolzin,8481617
626 |
8292,Cam York,Cam,York,8481546
627 |
4758,Robert Bortuzzo,Robert,Bortuzzo,8474145
628 |
7529,Cal Foote,Cal,Foote,8479984
629 |
7969,Jordan Harris,Jordan,Harris,8480887
630 |
7564,Mario Ferraro,Mario,Ferraro,8479983
631 |
5011,Jon Merrill,Jon,Merrill,8475750
632 |
6750,Zach Werenski,Zach,Werenski,8478460
633 |
7534,Josh Norris,Josh,Norris,8480064
634 |
7168,Dylan Gambrell,Dylan,Gambrell,8479580
635 |
8369,Aliaksei Protas,Aliaksei,Protas,8481656
636 |
5117,Sam Carrick,Sam,Carrick,8475842
637 |
6409,Andreas Englund,Andreas,Englund,8477971
638 |
5727,Phillip Di Giuseppe,Phillip,Di Giuseppe,8476858
639 |
5904,Kurtis MacDermid,Kurtis,MacDermid,8477073
640 |
7098,Nikita Zaitsev,Nikita,Zaitsev,8479458
641 |
7252,Axel Jonsson-Fjallby,Axel,Jonsson-Fjallby,8479536
642 |
8654,Dylan Holloway,Dylan,Holloway,8482077
643 |
6445,Elvis Merzlikins,Elvis,Merzlikins,8478007
644 |
5837,Ben Hutton,Ben,Hutton,8477018
645 |
5414,Joel Edmundson,Joel,Edmundson,8476441
646 |
7141,Rasmus Asplund,Rasmus,Asplund,8479335
647 |
3829,Marc-Edouard Vlasic,Marc-Edouard,Vlasic,8471709
648 |
8665,Justin Barron,Justin,Barron,8482111
649 |
7904,Filip Zadina,Filip,Zadina,8480821
650 |
7220,Riley Stillman,Riley,Stillman,8479388
651 |
7921,Isac Lundestrom,Isac,Lundestrom,8480806
652 |
5559,Colin Blackwell,Colin,Blackwell,8476278
653 |
4261,Max Pacioretty,Max,Pacioretty,8474157
654 |
8865,Walker Duehr,Walker,Duehr,8482652
655 |
4982,Jarred Tinordi,Jarred,Tinordi,8475797
656 |
7869,Karson Kuhlman,Karson,Kuhlman,8480901
657 |
7154,Givani Smith,Givani,Smith,8479379
658 |
6800,Kevin Stenlund,Kevin,Stenlund,8478831
659 |
5710,Tanner Pearson,Tanner,Pearson,8476871
660 |
9243,Nick Blankenburg,Nick,Blankenburg,8483565
661 |
8656,Kaiden Guhle,Kaiden,Guhle,8482087
662 |
8318,Nils Hoglander,Nils,Hoglander,8481535
663 |
8885,Dylan Guenther,Dylan,Guenther,8482699
664 |
7773,Jacob MacDonald,Jacob,MacDonald,8479439
665 |
7556,Jaret Anderson-Dolan,Jaret,Anderson-Dolan,8479994
666 |
4633,Marco Scandella,Marco,Scandella,8474618
667 |
7940,Jack Drury,Jack,Drury,8480835
668 |
7824,Alex Belzile,Alex,Belzile,8475968
669 |
6346,Jordan Oesterle,Jordan,Oesterle,8477851
670 |
7288,Vincent Desharnais,Vincent,Desharnais,8479576
671 |
7126,Logan Stanley,Logan,Stanley,8479378
672 |
5859,Vinnie Hinostroza,Vinnie,Hinostroza,8476994
673 |
7907,Vitali Kravtsov,Vitali,Kravtsov,8480833
674 |
7184,Rem Pitlick,Rem,Pitlick,8479514
675 |
6087,Ben Harpur,Ben,Harpur,8477433
676 |
6974,Lane Pederson,Lane,Pederson,8478967
677 |
7568,Jack Studnicka,Jack,Studnicka,8480021
678 |
5282,Cam Atkinson,Cam,Atkinson,8474715
679 |
5638,Chris Wideman,Chris,Wideman,8475227
680 |
8286,Philip Broberg,Philip,Broberg,8481598
681 |
5464,Mike Reilly,Mike,Reilly,8476422
682 |
8806,Nils Aman,Nils,Aman,8482496
683 |
7508,Radim Simek,Radim,Simek,8480160
684 |
7121,Jake Bean,Jake,Bean,8479402
685 |
7547,Conor Timmins,Conor,Timmins,8479982
686 |
8598,Connor Mackey,Connor,Mackey,8482067
687 |
7171,Markus Niemelainen,Markus,Niemelainen,8479338
688 |
8666,Jake Neighbours,Jake,Neighbours,8482089
689 |
6180,Andreas Johnsson,Andreas,Johnsson,8477341
690 |
8056,Tim Berni,Tim,Berni,8481072
691 |
9269,Juraj Slafkovsky,Juraj,Slafkovsky,8483515
692 |
7958,David Gustafsson,David,Gustafsson,8481019
693 |
7916,Liam Foudy,Liam,Foudy,8480853
694 |
5744,Chris Tierney,Chris,Tierney,8476919
695 |
8304,Jakob Pelletier,Jakob,Pelletier,8481592
696 |
6833,Dennis Gilbert,Dennis,Gilbert,8478502
697 |
6466,Fredrik Olofsson,Fredrik,Olofsson,8478028
698 |
7647,Jacob Peterson,Jacob,Peterson,8480216
699 |
8646,Jamie Drysdale,Jamie,Drysdale,8482142
700 |
6955,Joel Hanley,Joel,Hanley,8477810
701 |
4819,Jake Muzzin,Jake,Muzzin,8474162
702 |
8335,Samuel Bolduc,Samuel,Bolduc,8481541
703 |
8331,Nicholas Robertson,Nicholas,Robertson,8481582
704 |
7119,Logan Brown,Logan,Brown,8479366
705 |
5846,Connor Brown,Connor,Brown,8477015
706 |
7194,Casey Fitzgerald,Casey,Fitzgerald,8479578
707 |
8334,Brett Leason,Brett,Leason,8481517
708 |
7929,Alexander Alexeyev,Alexander,Alexeyev,8480823
709 |
8868,Justin Danforth,Justin,Danforth,8479941
710 |
8301,Simon Holmstrom,Simon,Holmstrom,8481601
711 |
7320,Michael Carcone,Michael,Carcone,8479619
712 |
6721,Austin Czarnik,Austin,Czarnik,8478512
713 |
6755,Jakub Zboril,Jakub,Zboril,8478415
714 |
6283,Ross Johnston,Ross,Johnston,8477527
715 |
7159,Kale Clague,Kale,Clague,8479348
716 |
7445,Matt Luff,Matt,Luff,8479644
717 |
6373,Haydn Fleury,Haydn,Fleury,8477938
718 |
6805,Kyle Capobianco,Kyle,Capobianco,8478476
719 |
7553,Gustav Lindstrom,Gustav,Lindstrom,8480184
720 |
7695,Cole Guttman,Cole,Guttman,8480252
721 |
8199,Brayden Pachal,Brayden,Pachal,8481167
722 |
8863,Matt Kiersted,Matt,Kiersted,8482641
723 |
9246,Ben Meyers,Ben,Meyers,8483570
724 |
8097,Tyler Tucker,Tyler,Tucker,8481006
725 |
8300,Tobias Bjornfot,Tobias,Bjornfot,8481600
726 |
5902,Jayson Megna,Jayson,Megna,8477126
727 |
7274,Tanner Laczynski,Tanner,Laczynski,8479550
728 |
8296,Thomas Harley,Thomas,Harley,8481581
729 |
6643,Darren Raddysh,Darren,Raddysh,8478178
730 |
7572,Ian Mitchell,Ian,Mitchell,8480070
731 |
7614,Jacob Bryson,Jacob,Bryson,8480196
732 |
6776,Travis Dermott,Travis,Dermott,8478408
733 |
5369,Sean Couturier,Sean,Couturier,8476461
734 |
8373,Jordan Spence,Jordan,Spence,8481606
735 |
6839,Colton White,Colton,White,8478841
736 |
7374,Jeffrey Viel,Jeffrey,Viel,8479705
737 |
6854,Parker Wotherspoon,Parker,Wotherspoon,8478450
738 |
6107,Tucker Poolman,Tucker,Poolman,8477359
739 |
8647,Alexander Holtz,Alexander,Holtz,8482125
740 |
7116,Alex Nylander,Alex,Nylander,8479423
741 |
4834,Zac Dalpe,Zac,Dalpe,8474610
742 |
7217,Lucas Carlsson,Lucas,Carlsson,8479523
743 |
8305,Nolan Foote,Nolan,Foote,8481518
744 |
7207,Victor Mete,Victor,Mete,8479376
745 |
6808,Guillaume Brisebois,Guillaume,Brisebois,8478465
746 |
8131,Egor Zamula,Egor,Zamula,8481178
747 |
30150,Akito Hirose,Akito,Hirose,8484254
748 |
9272,Shane Wright,Shane,Wright,8483524
749 |
30124,Tyler Kleven,Tyler,Kleven,8482095
750 |
8884,Brandt Clarke,Brandt,Clarke,8482730
751 |
30000,Nikita Nesterenko,Nikita,Nesterenko,8481754
752 |
30115,Hunter McKown,Hunter,McKown,8484125
753 |
7100,Drake Caggiula,Drake,Caggiula,8479465
754 |
7219,Jacob Moverare,Jacob,Moverare,8479421
755 |
7943,Scott Perunovich,Scott,Perunovich,8481059
756 |
30104,Wyatt Kaiser,Wyatt,Kaiser,8482176
757 |
30173,Cole McWard,Cole,McWard,8484287
758 |
30227,Matthew Knies,Matthew,Knies,8482720
759 |
7533,Urho Vaakanainen,Urho,Vaakanainen,8480001
760 |
4691,Ryan Ellis,Ryan,Ellis,8475176
761 |
8378,Matej Blumel,Matej,Blumel,8481712
762 |
7522,Lias Andersson,Lias,Andersson,8480072
763 |
5758,Mackenzie MacEachern,Mackenzie,MacEachern,8476907
764 |
30106,Aidan McDonough,Aidan,McDonough,8481683
765 |
7133,Riley Tufte,Riley,Tufte,8479362
766 |
30145,Matt Coronato,Matt,Coronato,8482679
767 |
30128,Henry Thrun,Henry,Thrun,8481567
768 |
30075,Brock Faber,Brock,Faber,8482122
769 |
30129,Sean Farrell,Sean,Farrell,8482081
770 |
9276,Marco Kasper,Marco,Kasper,8483464
771 |
8713,Jean-Luc Foudy,Jean-Luc,Foudy,8482147
772 |
8882,Simon Edvinsson,Simon,Edvinsson,8482762
773 |
7222,Rhett Gardner,Rhett,Gardner,8479587
774 |
7750,Philippe Maillet,Philippe,Maillet,8477544
775 |
8347,John Ludvig,John,Ludvig,8481206
776 |
30139,Alex Laferriere,Alex,Laferriere,8482155
777 |
7973,Oskar Back,Oskar,Back,8480840
778 |
8333,Dillon Hamaliuk,Dillon,Hamaliuk,8481549
779 |
8306,Ryan Suzuki,Ryan,Suzuki,8481576
780 |
9270,Simon Nemec,Simon,Nemec,8483495
781 |
9233,Brian Halonen,Brian,Halonen,8483531
782 |
6863,Ryan Shea,Ryan,Shea,8478854
783 |
8322,Jamieson Rees,Jamieson,Rees,8481579
784 |
30251,Mike Benning,Mike,Benning,8482107
785 |
8917,Francesco Pinelli,Francesco,Pinelli,8482748
786 |
8465,Andre Lee,Andre,Lee,8481732
787 |
9004,Topias Vilen,Topias,Vilen,8482873
788 |
8934,Samuel Helenius,Samuel,Helenius,8482726
789 |
5009,Alexander Petrovic,Alexander,Petrovic,8475755
790 |
30832,Logan Cooley,Logan,Cooley,8483431
791 |
8374,Tyce Thompson,Tyce,Thompson,8481740
792 |
30154,Jackson LaCombe,Jackson,LaCombe,8481605
793 |
8494,Nikolai Knyzhov,Nikolai,Knyzhov,8481812
794 |
8649,Marco Rossi,Marco,Rossi,8482079
795 |
8657,Lukas Reichel,Lukas,Reichel,8482117
796 |
5993,Alex Wennberg,Alex,Wennberg,8477505
797 |
6517,Rourke Chartier,Rourke,Chartier,8478078
798 |
6789,Jansen Harkins,Jansen,Harkins,8478424
799 |
6768,Noah Juulsen,Noah,Juulsen,8478454
800 |
7933,Jesse Ylonen,Jesse,Yl�nen,8481058
801 |
8302,Philip Tomasino,Philip,Tomasino,8481577
802 |
8668,Ridly Greig,Ridly,Greig,8482092
803 |
8682,Luke Evangelista,Luke,Evangelista,8482146
804 |
9275,Kevin Korchinski,Kevin,Korchinski,8483466
805 |
9322,Matthew Poitras,Matthew,Poitras,8483505