import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) import os import re from deep_translator import GoogleTranslator from deep_translator import exceptions from gematria import calculate_gematria import math import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import glob # Hebrew letters and whitespace range DIACRITICS_REGEX = re.compile(r"[^\u05D0-\u05EA\s]+") def process_json_files(start, end, step, rounds="1", length=0, tlang="en", strip_spaces=True, strip_in_braces=True, strip_diacritics=True, translate=False): base_path = "texts/tanach" translator = GoogleTranslator(source='auto', target=tlang) results = [] for i in range(start, end + 1): file_pattern = f"{base_path}/{i:02}*.xml" matching_files = glob.glob(file_pattern) if not matching_files: results.append({"error": f"No file matching pattern '{file_pattern}' found."}) continue for file_name in matching_files: try: tree = ET.parse(file_name) root = tree.getroot() # Step 1: Collect text by verse, each verse's words joined by spaces text_blocks = [] for verse in root.findall('.//v'): verse_words = [] for word in verse.findall('./w'): verse_words.append("".join(word.itertext())) # Now join words into a single verse string verse_text = " ".join(verse_words) text_blocks.append(verse_text) # Step 2: Join all verses with spaces to get a single string full_text = " ".join(text_blocks) # -- The rest of the cleaning logic remains as before -- if strip_in_braces: full_text = re.sub(r"\[.*?\]", "", full_text, flags=re.DOTALL) if strip_diacritics: full_text = DIACRITICS_REGEX.sub("", full_text) if strip_spaces: # Remove *all* spaces full_text = full_text.replace(" ", "") else: # Collapse multiple spaces into one full_text = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', full_text) text_length = len(full_text) if text_length == 0: # If after cleaning, there's no text, skip continue rounds_list = list(map(float, rounds.split(','))) # Allow floats result_text = "" # -- Rounds logic (unchanged) -- for r in rounds_list: abs_r = abs(r) full_passes = math.floor(abs_r) remainder = abs_r - full_passes base_chars = text_length // step if base_chars == 0: if abs_r > 1: chars_per_full_pass = 1 else: chars_per_full_pass = 0 chars_for_remainder = 0 else: chars_per_full_pass = base_chars chars_for_remainder = math.floor(base_chars * remainder) if r > 0: current_index = (step - 1) % text_length direction = 1 else: current_index = (text_length - step) % text_length direction = -1 pass_result = "" for pass_num in range(1, full_passes + 1): current_pass_chars = "" for _ in range(chars_per_full_pass): if chars_per_full_pass == 0: break current_pass_chars += full_text[current_index] current_index = (current_index + direction * step) % text_length # Keep only the last full pass if pass_num == full_passes: pass_result = current_pass_chars if remainder > 0 and chars_for_remainder > 0: current_pass_chars = "" for _ in range(chars_for_remainder): current_pass_chars += full_text[current_index] current_index = (current_index + direction * step) % text_length pass_result += current_pass_chars result_text += pass_result # Optional translation translated_text = "" if translate and result_text: translated_text = translator.translate(result_text) if length != 0: result_text = result_text[:length] # Append final if we have any picked text if result_text: title_el = root.find('.//names/name') title_str = title_el.text if title_el is not None else os.path.basename(file_name) results.append({ "book": i, "title": title_str, "result_text": result_text, "result_sum": calculate_gematria(result_text), "translated_text": translated_text, "source_language": "he", }) except FileNotFoundError: results.append({"error": f"File {file_name} not found."}) except ET.ParseError as e: results.append({"error": f"File {file_name} could not be read as XML: {e}"}) except KeyError as e: results.append({"error": f"Expected key 'text' is missing in {file_name}: {e}"}) logger.debug(f"Returning results from torah.process_json_files: {results}") return results # Tests test_results = [ (process_json_files(0, 0, 21, rounds="3", length=0), "ק"), (process_json_files(0, 0, 22, rounds="1", length=0), "ת"), (process_json_files(0, 0, 22, rounds="3", length=0), "ת"), (process_json_files(0, 0, 23, rounds="3", length=0), "ג"), (process_json_files(0, 0, 11, rounds="1", length=0), "כת"), (process_json_files(0, 0, 2, rounds="1", length=0), "בדוחילנעצרת"), (process_json_files(0, 0, 23, rounds="1", length=0), None), # Expect None, when no results (process_json_files(0, 0, 23, rounds="-1", length=0), None), # Expect None, when no results (process_json_files(0, 0, 22, rounds="-1", length=0), "א"), (process_json_files(0, 0, 22, rounds="-2", length=0), "א"), (process_json_files(0, 0, 1, rounds="1,-1", length=0), "אבגדהוזחטיכלמנסעפצקרשתתשרקצפעסנמלכיטחזוהדגבא"), # Combined rounds (process_json_files(0, 0, 1, rounds="-1", length=0), "תשרקצפעסנמלכיטחזוהדגבא"), # Reversed Hebrew alphabet (process_json_files(0, 0, 1, rounds="-1.5", length=0), "תשרקצפעסנמלכיטחזוהדגבאתשרקצפעסנמל"), # Fractional rounds ] all_tests_passed = True for result, expected in test_results: result_text = result[0]['result_text'] if result else None if expected is None: # Check if no result is expected if not result: logger.warning(f"Test passed: Expected no results, got no results.") else: logger.error(f"Test failed: Expected no results, but got: {result_text}") all_tests_passed = False else: # Check if result is not empty before accessing elements if result: if result_text == expected: logger.warning(f"Test passed: Expected '{expected}', got '{result_text}'") else: logger.error(f"Test failed: Expected '{expected}', but got '{result_text}'") all_tests_passed = False else: logger.error(f"Test failed: Expected '{expected}', but got no results") all_tests_passed = False if all_tests_passed:"All round tests passed.")