add fast cpp wavegru
* Copyright 2021 Google LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <cstdint>
#if defined __ARM_NEON || defined __aarch64__
#include <arm_neon.h>
#include <algorithm>
#if defined __AVX__ || defined __AVX2__
#include <immintrin.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "sparse_matmul/numerics/fixed_types.h"
#include "sparse_matmul/numerics/type_utils.h"
namespace csrblocksparse {
// The input to exp is clipped to bounds that prevent overflow/underflow in a
// 32 bit float representation. e^80 ~ 6e34, which is close to maxfloat.
constexpr float kMaxExpInput = 80.f;
constexpr int kMaxExpInputInt = static_cast<int>(kMaxExpInput);
constexpr float kMinExpInput = -80.f;
// tanh(9) ~ 0.99999997, which cannot be resolved from 1 in a float32.
constexpr float kMaxTanhInput = 9.f;
constexpr float kMinTanhInput = -9.f;
// sigmoid(18) ~ 0.999999985, which cannot be resolved from 1 in a float32.
constexpr float kMaxSigmoidInput = 18.f;
constexpr float kMinSigmoidInput = -18.f;
// kAConstant ~= 2^23 / ln 2
constexpr uint32_t kAConstant = 0x4b38aa3b;
// kBConstant ~= (127 << 23) - 366000
constexpr uint32_t kBConstant = 0x4e7de9a9;
// Coefficients of the rational approximation to tanh.
// Coefficients of the numerator polynomial (odd).
constexpr float kTanhAlpha1 = 4.89352455891786e-03;
constexpr float kTanhAlpha3 = 6.37261928875436e-04;
constexpr float kTanhAlpha5 = 1.48572235717979e-05;
constexpr float kTanhAlpha7 = 5.12229709037114e-08;
constexpr float kTanhAlpha9 = -8.60467152213735e-11;
constexpr float kTanhAlpha11 = 2.00018790482477e-13;
constexpr float kTanhAlpha13 = -2.76076847742355e-16;
// The monomial coefficients of the denominator polynomial (even).
constexpr float kTanhBeta0 = 4.89352518554385e-03;
constexpr float kTanhBeta2 = 2.26843463243900e-03;
constexpr float kTanhBeta4 = 1.18534705686654e-04;
constexpr float kTanhBeta6 = 1.19825839466702e-06;
// Coefficients of the rational approximation to sigmoid.
// Coefficients of the numerator polynomial (odd).
constexpr float kSigmoidAlpha1 = 2.48287947061529e-01;
constexpr float kSigmoidAlpha3 = 8.51377133304701e-03;
constexpr float kSigmoidAlpha5 = 6.08574864600143e-05;
constexpr float kSigmoidAlpha7 = 1.15627324459942e-07;
constexpr float kSigmoidAlpha9 = 4.37031012579801e-11;
// The monomial coefficients of the denominator polynomial (even).
constexpr float kSigmoidBeta0 = 9.93151921023180e-01;
constexpr float kSigmoidBeta2 = 1.16817656904453e-01;
constexpr float kSigmoidBeta4 = 1.70198817374094e-03;
constexpr float kSigmoidBeta6 = 6.29106785017040e-06;
constexpr float kSigmoidBeta8 = 5.76102136993427e-09;
constexpr float kSigmoidBeta10 = 6.10247389755681e-13;
// x is the first term of the Taylor series approximation of tanh near 0 and
// because the leading error term of tanh(x) - x is O(x^3), it is good for a
// wide interval, use it in this region where the other approximation is
// inaccurate. tanh(x) = x - x^3 / 3 + 2x^5 / 15 - 17x^7 / 315 + ...
// Similarly for sigmoid where the first term is .25x
constexpr float kTanhLinearRegion = .15f;
constexpr float kSigmoidLinearRegion = .75f;
// Maximum shift factor for 1/log 2 to keep it inside int32.
constexpr int kMaxLog2Shift = 30;
static const int kLogFactor = static_cast<int>((1 << kMaxLog2Shift) / log(2.f));
static const float kOneOverLog2 = 1.0f / log(2.f);
// Number of real mantissa bits in IEEE float32.
constexpr int kFloatMantissaBits = 23;
// Offset to correct the exponent value in the resulting float.
constexpr int kFloatExponentOffset = 127 << kFloatMantissaBits;
// Mask for mantissa.
constexpr int kFloatMantissaMask = (1 << kFloatMantissaBits) - 1;
// Mask for exponent;
constexpr int kFloatExponentMask = (-1) ^ kFloatMantissaMask;
// Summary: Use the exponent-mantissa representation of a floating point number
// to give exponentiation of 2 for free. If we desire f(z) = e^z = 2^(x+n), (for
// some fixed-point z expressed as an integer with imaginary binary point within
// it) then we have to compute x+n = z / ln 2 and then splitting x+n into
// n = int(x+n) and x = fract(x+n) in [0, 1), we can use n and 2^x as the
// exponent and mantissa of a floating point number, and that float is equal to
// e^z. For original reference see:
// Important detail:
// IEEE floats are stored normalized, ie 1.bbbbbbb... x 2^exponent. The leading
// 1 bit is not actually stored, (as it is always 1), providing an extra bit of
// precision.
// Since 2^0=1 and 2^1=2, we can treat the problem as 2^x = 1 + u and we thus
// need a mapping x in [0, 1) -> u in [0, 1) and the 1 + is provided by the
// representation.
// In the original paper cited above, the mapping is u = x - c, where c is set
// to minimize the average error. The function to compute exp(x) this way is
// incredibly simple and computationally cheap, but not very accurate.
// Fortunately, the problem has been reduced to u = 2^x - 1 over [0, 1) for
// which it is far easier to construct accurate approximations with small
// polynomials than a full range exp(x), and this is what the cubic and quartic
// versions below do. An important feature of these functions is that they
// constrain the solution to be exact at 0 and 1 so there is continuity at each
// integer boundary where we wrap from 1 to 0 and increment the power of 2.
// Coefficients for quartic representation of 2^x - 1 for x on [0,1).
// The quartic representation is 2^x - 1 ~ x - x(1-x)(ax^2 + bx + c), hence the
// coefficients of a quadratic are all that is required.
// Coefficients came from numerical experiments.
constexpr float kExpQuarticFactor2 = 0.0135302434f;
constexpr float kExpQuarticFactor1 = 0.0656107542f;
constexpr float kExpQuarticFactor0 = 0.306963906f;
// Coefficients for cubic representation of 2^x - 1 for x on [0,1]
// The cubic representation is 2^x - 1 ~ x - x(1-x)(mx + c), hence the
// coefficients of a linear function are all that is required.
// Coefficients came from numerical experiments.
constexpr float kExpCubicFactor1 = 0.0780252018f;
constexpr float kExpCubicFactor0 = 0.304684167f;
// Coefficients are optimized to minimize the absolute error on
// tanh = (e^2x - 1) / (e^2x + 1) instead of on pure e^x.
// Enum that determines how a transcendental is computed.
enum TranscendentalMode {
// Cubic using 16 bit integer arithmetic.
// Quartic using 16 bit integer arithmetic.
// Quartic using 32 bit float arithmetic.
inline int FloatAsInt16(float x) {
return static_cast<int>(x * (1 << 15) + 0.5f);
inline int FloatAsInt32(float x) {
return static_cast<int>(x * (1 << 30) + 0.5f);
#if defined __ARM_NEON || defined __aarch64__
constexpr int kMaxSigmoidInputInt = static_cast<int>(kMaxSigmoidInput);
// Computes and returns 2^(x>>23) ie 2^u where x = u << 23 bits.
// Uses the quartic floating point exponent trick, see COMMON DOCUMENTATION FOR
// THE FLOATING EXPONENT TRICK above for details.
// Returns the true value, ie not scaled.
inline float32x4_t float32_pow2(float32x4_t x) {
// The input is already shifted left by 23 bits, so when we convert to int,
// the bottom 23 bits are the fractional part, and the top bits are the
// integer part. We want to compute a function of the fractional part, so
// we will mask it off and manipulate it.
int32x4_t exp_int_x = vcvtq_s32_f32(x);
// Mask to allow conversion of just the fractional part of x to fixed16<0>.
int32x4_t mantissa_mask16 = vdupq_n_s32(0x7fff00);
// Mask to allow conversion of just the fractional part of x to fixed32<1>.
int32x4_t mantissa_mask32 = vdupq_n_s32(0x7fffff);
// Narrowing shift to convert to fixed16<0>.
int16x4_t x_16 = vshrn_n_s32(vandq_s32(mantissa_mask16, exp_int_x), 8);
// Shift to convert to fixed32<1>.
int32x4_t x_32 = vshlq_n_s32(vandq_s32(mantissa_mask32, exp_int_x), 7);
// Compute the polynomial x(x - 1)(ax^2 + bx + c) of the fractional part.
// Ordering these lines carefully makes it faster, as some of the multiply
// operations can pipeline instead of waiting for the previous result.
int32x4_t x_squared = vmull_s16(x_16, x_16);
int16x4_t b = vdup_n_s16(FloatAsInt16(kExpQuarticFactor1));
int32x4_t c = vdupq_n_s32(FloatAsInt32(kExpQuarticFactor0));
int32x4_t bx_plus_c = vmlal_s16(c, b, x_16);
int16x4_t a = vdup_n_s16(FloatAsInt16(kExpQuarticFactor2));
// Finish the quadratic: result = ax^2 + bx + c.
int32x4_t result = vmlal_s16(bx_plus_c, a, vshrn_n_s32(x_squared, 15));
int32x4_t x_squared_minus_x = vsubq_s32(x_squared, x_32);
// Multiply by x^2 - x.
result = vqrdmulhq_s32(result, x_squared_minus_x);
// Shift back to mantissa position. vqrdmulhq_s32 took 2x 30-mantissa bit
// inputs, made 60-mantissa bit result, doubled it to 61 bits, then discarded
// the bottom 32 making 29, so shift right 6 to get 23.
result = vshrq_n_s32(result, 6);
// Add the constant to normalize the exponent for IEEE format.
int32x4_t exp_offset = vdupq_n_s32(kFloatExponentOffset);
exp_int_x = vaddq_s32(exp_int_x, exp_offset);
exp_int_x = vaddq_s32(exp_int_x, result);
// Cast back to float, as we just computed the exponent and mantissa and
// assembled them in IEEE format.
return vreinterpretq_f32_s32(exp_int_x);
// Scaled float to float exp approximation, using a quartic refinement of
// above for details. Input is a fixed32<31 - mantissa_bits> that has been
// converted to a float without any further shifting. MUST HAVE ALREADY BEEN
// CLIPPED to a suitable range for exp!
// Returns a vector of standard unscaled floats.
inline float32x4_t fixed32_exp_float_preclipped(const int mantissa_bits,
float32x4_t x) {
// Divide by log 2 to convert problem to 2^x, and scale to match the
// mantissa bits required by IEEE floats.
// This is the shift of the FP mantissa relative to the input mantissa.
const int kXShift = kFloatMantissaBits - mantissa_bits;
const float kLogFactor = static_cast<float>(1 << kXShift);
float32x4_t factor = vdupq_n_f32(kLogFactor * kOneOverLog2);
float32x4_t y = vmulq_f32(x, factor);
// Now compute 2^x.
return float32_pow2(y);
// uses trick that 2^x can be computed by shifting integer into the
// exponent, see the following reference for a derivation using double:
// Input x is clamped to [-64, 64], even infinity and NaN.
// Accurate to within 3% relative across the entire range.
// Fully pipelined throughput is about 10 cycles per fast_exp call.
inline float32x4_t fast_exp(float32x4_t x) {
#if defined FAST_TRANSCENDENTALS && __ARM_ARCH >= 800
// Uses vcvtnq_s32_f32, not available on ARM v7 NEON.
// Load A and B, which are defined as integers into float registers.
float32x4_t A = vreinterpretq_f32_u32(vdupq_n_u32(kAConstant));
float32x4_t res = vreinterpretq_f32_u32(vdupq_n_u32(kBConstant));
// Make sure x within the allowed range.
x = vminq_f32(x, vdupq_n_f32(kMaxExpInput));
x = vmaxq_f32(x, vdupq_n_f32(kMinExpInput));
// res = A * x + B.
// This shifts x into the exponent field and adds the bias.
res = vmlaq_f32(res, A, x);
// Convert back to an integer, this is what uses the floating point
// unit to compute 2^x.
int32x4_t x_int = vcvtnq_s32_f32(res);
return vreinterpretq_f32_s32(x_int);
float32x4_t return_val = vdupq_n_f32(0.f);
float exponent = expf(vgetq_lane_f32(x, 0));
return_val = vld1q_lane_f32(&exponent, return_val, 0);
exponent = expf(vgetq_lane_f32(x, 1));
return_val = vld1q_lane_f32(&exponent, return_val, 1);
exponent = expf(vgetq_lane_f32(x, 2));
return_val = vld1q_lane_f32(&exponent, return_val, 2);
exponent = expf(vgetq_lane_f32(x, 3));
return_val = vld1q_lane_f32(&exponent, return_val, 3);
return return_val;
// This version does a conversion of the input to floating point, then calls
// the floating point fast_exp function. There is another version
// fast_exp_fixed, that never does a conversion and is less accurate, but much
// faster.
template <int ExponentBits>
inline float32x4_t fast_exp(int32x4_t x) {
return fast_exp(vcvtq_n_f32_s32(x, 31 - ExponentBits));
// Performs an exp estimate without doing any floating point operations. The
// result is a floating point number. See scalar version for an explanation.
template <int ExponentBits>
inline float32x4_t fast_exp_fixed(int32x4_t x) {
static_assert(ExponentBits > 8, "Must have more than 8 ExponentBits");
constexpr int kA = 1.4426950408889634 * (1 << (ExponentBits - 8));
constexpr int kB = (127 << 23) - 366000;
constexpr int maxInput = 80 << (31 - ExponentBits);
constexpr int minInput = -maxInput;
int32x4_t A = vdupq_n_s32(kA);
int32x4_t res = vdupq_n_s32(kB);
// Make sure x within the allowed range.
x = vminq_s32(x, vdupq_n_s32(maxInput));
x = vmaxq_s32(x, vdupq_n_s32(minInput));
// res = A * x + B.
// This shifts x into the exponent field and adds the bias.
res = vmlaq_s32(res, A, x);
return vreinterpretq_f32_s32(res);
// fast_exp_norange_check uses vcvtnq_s32_f32, not available on ARM v7 NEON.
#if __ARM_ARCH >= 800
namespace detail {
// tanh can do range check once.
// Input x is clamped to [-64, 64], even infinity and NaN.
inline float32x4_t fast_exp_norange_check(float32x4_t x) {
float32x4_t A = vreinterpretq_f32_u32(vdupq_n_u32(kAConstant));
float32x4_t res = vreinterpretq_f32_u32(vdupq_n_u32(kBConstant));
res = vmlaq_f32(res, A, x);
int32x4_t x_int = vcvtnq_s32_f32(res);
return vreinterpretq_f32_s32(x_int);
} // namespace detail
#endif // __ARM_ARCH >= 800
// Clips float input to [-kLimit,kLimit].
inline float32x4_t ClipToFloatBounds(const float kLimit, const float32x4_t x) {
// Clip to the input bounds for this approximation.
float32x4_t clip_limit = vdupq_n_f32(kLimit);
float32x4_t clipped_x = vminq_f32(x, clip_limit);
clip_limit = vnegq_f32(clip_limit);
return vmaxq_f32(clipped_x, clip_limit);
inline float32x4_t float_tanh_float(const float32x4_t& x) {
float32x4_t clipped_x = ClipToFloatBounds(kMaxTanhInput, x);
// Divide by log 2 to convert problem to 2^x, double (as we need exp(2x)) and
// scale to the mantissa bits required by float32_pow2 all in one multiply.
// Add one to double the input.
const float kLogFactor = static_cast<float>(1 << (kFloatMantissaBits + 1));
float32x4_t factor = vdupq_n_f32(kLogFactor * kOneOverLog2);
clipped_x = vmulq_f32(clipped_x, factor);
// Now compute 2^x.
float32x4_t exp_result = float32_pow2(clipped_x);
// Now compute tanh using (e^2x - 1) / (e^2x + 1).
float32x4_t one = vdupq_n_f32(1.0f);
float32x4_t numerator = vsubq_f32(exp_result, one);
float32x4_t denominator = vaddq_f32(exp_result, one);
float32x4_t recp = vrecpeq_f32(denominator);
// Newton-Raphson iteration, accuracy is important for audio quality
recp = vmulq_f32(recp, vrecpsq_f32(recp, denominator));
recp = vmulq_f32(recp, numerator);
// Compute 3rd-order Taylor tanh ~ x - x^3/3 for high accuracy and thus low
// relative error close to 0.
float32x4_t third = vdupq_n_f32(1.0f / 3.0f);
float32x4_t taylor = vmulq_f32(x, x);
taylor = vmulq_f32(taylor, x);
taylor = vmulq_f32(taylor, third);
taylor = vsubq_f32(x, taylor);
// Test |x| <= 1/9, roughly where the errors cross over, without needing yet
// another constant.
float32x4_t ninth = vmulq_f32(third, third);
uint32x4_t cmp_results = vcaleq_f32(x, ninth);
return vbslq_f32(cmp_results, taylor, recp);
// Calculates (exp(x) - exp(-x)) / (exp(x) + exp(-x)).
// Input x is clamped to [-9, 9], even infinity and NaN.
// See test program for bounds. Throughput of FAST is 334 Mega/sec,
// throughput of accurate is 232 Mega/sec.
inline float32x4_t fast_tanh(float32x4_t x) {
return float_tanh_float(x);
x = vminq_f32(x, vdupq_n_f32(kMaxTanhInput));
x = vmaxq_f32(x, vdupq_n_f32(kMinTanhInput));
// The monomial coefficients of the numerator polynomial (odd).
const float32x4_t alpha_1 = vdupq_n_f32(kTanhAlpha1);
const float32x4_t alpha_3 = vdupq_n_f32(kTanhAlpha3);
const float32x4_t alpha_5 = vdupq_n_f32(kTanhAlpha5);
const float32x4_t alpha_7 = vdupq_n_f32(kTanhAlpha7);
const float32x4_t alpha_9 = vdupq_n_f32(kTanhAlpha9);
const float32x4_t alpha_11 = vdupq_n_f32(kTanhAlpha11);
const float32x4_t alpha_13 = vdupq_n_f32(kTanhAlpha13);
// The monomial coefficients of the denominator polynomial (even).
const float32x4_t beta_0 = vdupq_n_f32(kTanhBeta0);
const float32x4_t beta_2 = vdupq_n_f32(kTanhBeta2);
const float32x4_t beta_4 = vdupq_n_f32(kTanhBeta4);
const float32x4_t beta_6 = vdupq_n_f32(kTanhBeta6);
// Since the polynomials are odd/even, we need x^2.
const float32x4_t x2 = vmulq_f32(x, x);
// Evaluate the numerator polynomial |p|.
float32x4_t p = vmlaq_f32(alpha_11, x2, alpha_13);
p = vmlaq_f32(alpha_9, x2, p);
p = vmlaq_f32(alpha_7, x2, p);
p = vmlaq_f32(alpha_5, x2, p);
p = vmlaq_f32(alpha_3, x2, p);
p = vmlaq_f32(alpha_1, x2, p);
p = vmulq_f32(x, p);
// Evaluate the denominator polynomial p.
float32x4_t q = vmlaq_f32(beta_4, x2, beta_6);
q = vmlaq_f32(beta_2, x2, q);
q = vmlaq_f32(beta_0, x2, q);
// Divide the numerator by the denominator.
float32x4_t recp = vrecpeq_f32(q);
recp = vmulq_f32(recp, vrecpsq_f32(recp, q));
return vmulq_f32(p, recp);
#elif defined FAST_TRANSCENDENTALS && __ARM_ARCH >= 800
// Uses vcvtnq_s32_f32, not available on ARM v7 NEON.
x = vminq_f32(x, vdupq_n_f32(kMaxTanhInput));
x = vmaxq_f32(x, vdupq_n_f32(kMinTanhInput));
float32x4_t exp_est = detail::fast_exp_norange_check(x);
float32x4_t neg_exp_est = detail::fast_exp_norange_check(-x);
// If we're in the linear region.
// caleq = compare absolute <=
uint32x4_t cmp_results = vcaleq_f32(x, vdupq_n_f32(kTanhLinearRegion));
float32x4_t diff = vsubq_f32(exp_est, neg_exp_est);
float32x4_t sum = vaddq_f32(exp_est, neg_exp_est);
float32x4_t recp = vrecpeq_f32(sum);
recp = vmulq_f32(recp, vrecpsq_f32(recp, sum));
float32x4_t tanh_estimate = vmulq_f32(diff, recp);
// Based on comparison, possibly copy x through instead of calculated value.
// TODO(b/191497441): Is the compiler generating VBIT or VBSL ? VBIT is one
// cycle and VBSL is two... documentation suggests it can do either.
return vbslq_f32(cmp_results, x, tanh_estimate);
float32x4_t return_val = vdupq_n_f32(0.f);
float tanh_value = tanhf(vgetq_lane_f32(x, 0));
return_val = vld1q_lane_f32(&tanh_value, return_val, 0);
tanh_value = tanhf(vgetq_lane_f32(x, 1));
return_val = vld1q_lane_f32(&tanh_value, return_val, 1);
tanh_value = tanhf(vgetq_lane_f32(x, 2));
return_val = vld1q_lane_f32(&tanh_value, return_val, 2);
tanh_value = tanhf(vgetq_lane_f32(x, 3));
return_val = vld1q_lane_f32(&tanh_value, return_val, 3);
return return_val;
// Input x is clamped to [-18, 18], even infinity and NaN.
// See tests for error bounds. Using SIGMOID_AS_TANH with
// ACCURATE_TRANSCENDENTAL_APPROX is both faster and more accurate. Using
// SIGMOID_AS_TANH with just FAST is slower, but more accurate.
// SIGMOID_AS_TANH, ACCURATE is 205 Mega/sec
// SIGMOID_AS_TANH, FAST is 290 Mega/sec
// FAST is 340 Mega/sec
inline float32x4_t fast_sigmoid(float32x4_t x) {
float32x4_t half = vdupq_n_f32(0.5f);
return vmlaq_f32(half, half, fast_tanh(vmulq_f32(half, x)));
x = vminq_f32(x, vdupq_n_f32(kMaxSigmoidInput));
x = vmaxq_f32(x, vdupq_n_f32(kMinSigmoidInput));
// The monomial coefficients of the numerator polynomial (odd).
const float32x4_t alpha_1 = vdupq_n_f32(kSigmoidAlpha1);
const float32x4_t alpha_3 = vdupq_n_f32(kSigmoidAlpha3);
const float32x4_t alpha_5 = vdupq_n_f32(kSigmoidAlpha5);
const float32x4_t alpha_7 = vdupq_n_f32(kSigmoidAlpha7);
const float32x4_t alpha_9 = vdupq_n_f32(kSigmoidAlpha9);
// The monomial coefficients of the denominator polynomial (even).
const float32x4_t beta_0 = vdupq_n_f32(kSigmoidBeta0);
const float32x4_t beta_2 = vdupq_n_f32(kSigmoidBeta2);
const float32x4_t beta_4 = vdupq_n_f32(kSigmoidBeta4);
const float32x4_t beta_6 = vdupq_n_f32(kSigmoidBeta6);
const float32x4_t beta_8 = vdupq_n_f32(kSigmoidBeta8);
const float32x4_t beta_10 = vdupq_n_f32(kSigmoidBeta10);
// Since the polynomials are odd/even, we need x^2.
const float32x4_t x2 = vmulq_f32(x, x);
// Evaluate the numerator polynomial p.
float32x4_t p = vmlaq_f32(alpha_7, x2, alpha_9);
p = vmlaq_f32(alpha_5, x2, p);
p = vmlaq_f32(alpha_3, x2, p);
p = vmlaq_f32(alpha_1, x2, p);
p = vmulq_f32(x, p);
// Evaluate the denominator polynomial p.
float32x4_t q = vmlaq_f32(beta_8, x2, beta_10);
q = vmlaq_f32(beta_6, x2, q);
q = vmlaq_f32(beta_4, x2, q);
q = vmlaq_f32(beta_2, x2, q);
q = vmlaq_f32(beta_0, x2, q);
// Divide the numerator by the denominator.
float32x4_t recp = vrecpeq_f32(q);
recp = vmulq_f32(recp, vrecpsq_f32(recp, q));
return vmlaq_f32(vdupq_n_f32(0.5f), p, recp);
float32x4_t denom = vaddq_f32(fast_exp(vnegq_f32(x)), vdupq_n_f32(1.f));
float32x4_t recp = vrecpeq_f32(denom);
// Newton-Raphson iteration, accuracy is important for audio quality.
recp = vmulq_f32(recp, vrecpsq_f32(recp, denom));
float32x4_t half = vdupq_n_f32(0.5f);
float32x4_t quarter = vdupq_n_f32(0.245f);
float32x4_t linear_approx = vmlaq_f32(half, quarter, x);
uint32x4_t cmp_results = vcaleq_f32(x, vdupq_n_f32(kSigmoidLinearRegion));
return vbslq_f32(cmp_results, linear_approx, recp);
float32x4_t return_val = vdupq_n_f32(0.f);
float result = 1.f / (1.f + expf(-vgetq_lane_f32(x, 0)));
return_val = vld1q_lane_f32(&result, return_val, 0);
result = 1.f / (1.f + expf(-vgetq_lane_f32(x, 1)));
return_val = vld1q_lane_f32(&result, return_val, 1);
result = 1.f / (1.f + expf(-vgetq_lane_f32(x, 2)));
return_val = vld1q_lane_f32(&result, return_val, 2);
result = 1.f / (1.f + expf(-vgetq_lane_f32(x, 3)));
return_val = vld1q_lane_f32(&result, return_val, 3);
return return_val;
// Scalar implementations, mainly useful for testing.
inline float fast_exp(float x) {
return vgetq_lane_f32(fast_exp(vdupq_n_f32(x)), 0);
template <int ExponentBits>
inline float fast_exp(fixed32<ExponentBits> x) {
return vgetq_lane_f32(fast_exp<ExponentBits>(vdupq_n_s32(x.raw_val())), 0);
// Returns the exponent of a fixed point number in floating point without ever
// doing any conversions. Less accurate than the version that does conversions,
// but still accurate to within 4% relative for x < 16.
template <int ExponentBits>
inline float fast_exp_fixed(fixed32<ExponentBits> x) {
return vgetq_lane_f32(fast_exp_fixed<ExponentBits>(vdupq_n_s32(x.raw_val())),
inline float fast_sigmoid(float x) {
return vgetq_lane_f32(fast_sigmoid(vdupq_n_f32(x)), 0);
inline float fast_tanh(float x) {
return vgetq_lane_f32(fast_tanh(vdupq_n_f32(x)), 0);
// Clips integer input to [-|kLimit|, |kLimit|].
// Input: register containins 4x fixed32 with mantissa_bits.
// Output: register containing 4x fixed32 limited to
// [-|kLimit| << |mantissa_bits|, |kLimit| << |mantissa_bits|].
template <int kLimit>
inline int32x4_t ClipToBounds(const int mantissa_bits, const int32x4_t x) {
// Clip to the input bounds for this approximation.
int32x4_t clip_limit = vdupq_n_s32(-(kLimit << mantissa_bits));
int32x4_t clipped_x = vmaxq_s32(x, clip_limit);
clip_limit = vnegq_s32(clip_limit);
return vminq_s32(clipped_x, clip_limit);
// Fixed32 sigmoid approximation via a quadratic refinement of the exponent
// trick.
// Input: Register containing 4x fixed32 with |mantissa_bits|.
// Output: Register containing 4x float results.
inline float32x4_t fixed32_sigmoid_float(const int mantissa_bits,
const int32x4_t x) {
int32x4_t input = vnegq_s32(x);
float32x4_t y =
vcvtq_f32_s32(ClipToBounds<kMaxSigmoidInputInt>(mantissa_bits, input));
y = fixed32_exp_float_preclipped(mantissa_bits, y);
float32x4_t one = vdupq_n_f32(1.0f);
// Approximate reciprocal is not accurate enough - use full division.
float32x4_t denom = vaddq_f32(y, one);
float32x4_t recp = vrecpeq_f32(denom);
// Newton-Raphson iteration, accuracy is important for audio quality
recp = vmulq_f32(recp, vrecpsq_f32(recp, denom));
return recp;
template <int ExponentBits>
inline float32x4_t fast_sigmoid(int32x4_t x) {
// Computation will fail to produce the right result if the input mantissa
// bits exceeds the number in a float.
static_assert(kFloatMantissaBits >= fixed32<ExponentBits>::kMantissaBits,
"Mantissa bits must be at most 23!");
return fixed32_sigmoid_float(fixed32<ExponentBits>::kMantissaBits, x);
return fast_sigmoid(vcvtq_n_f32_s32(x, fixed32<ExponentBits>::kMantissaBits));
template <int ExponentBits>
inline float fast_sigmoid(fixed32<ExponentBits> x) {
return vgetq_lane_f32(fast_sigmoid<ExponentBits>(vdupq_n_s32(x.raw_val())),
#else // defined __ARM_NEON || defined __aarch64__
inline float fast_exp(float x) {
if (isnan(x)) return 0.0f;
x = std::max(std::min(x, kMaxExpInput), kMinExpInput);
float AConstant, BConstant;
memcpy(&AConstant, &kAConstant, sizeof(int));
memcpy(&BConstant, &kBConstant, sizeof(int));
float y = x * AConstant + BConstant;
int x_int = static_cast<int>(y);
float ret;
memcpy(&ret, &x_int, sizeof(float));
return ret;
return expf(x);
template <int ExponentBits>
inline float fast_exp(fixed32<ExponentBits> x) {
return fast_exp(static_cast<float>(x));
template <int ExponentBits>
inline float fast_exp_fixed(fixed32<ExponentBits> x) {
static_assert(ExponentBits > 8, "Must have more than 8 ExponentBits");
int matched_decimal =
std::max(std::min(x.raw_val(), (80 << (31 - ExponentBits))),
-(80 << (31 - ExponentBits)));
// Convert 1 / log(2) to 16-bit fixed point with 1 exponent bit
// (1 / log(2)) * (1 << 14), but then right shift by the appropriate amount to
// line the decimal point up with the 32-bit float representation.
// (MantissaBits of x) + (MantissaBits of constant) = 23
// 23 - (MantissaBits of x) = MantissaBits of constant
// 23 - (31 - ExponentBits of x) = ...
// (ExponentBits of x - 8) = MantissaBits of constant
const int16_t A = (1.f / logf(2.f)) * (1 << (ExponentBits - 8));
// Same rationale as for floating point versions, bias exponent, subtract
// 366000 to reduce error by centering approximation, instead of being
// one-sided.
const int B = (127 << 23) - 366000;
matched_decimal = A * matched_decimal + B;
float ret_val;
memcpy(&ret_val, &matched_decimal, sizeof(float));
return ret_val;
inline float fast_tanh(float x) {
// Doesn't do anything fancy, just a 13/6-degree rational interpolant which
// is accurate up to a couple of ulp in the range [-9, 9], outside of which
// fl(tanh(x)) = +/-1.
x = std::max(std::min(x, kMaxTanhInput), kMinTanhInput);
// Since the polynomials are odd/even, we need x^2.
float x2 = x * x;
// Evaluate numerator.
float p = kTanhAlpha11 + x2 * kTanhAlpha13;
p = kTanhAlpha9 + x2 * p;
p = kTanhAlpha7 + x2 * p;
p = kTanhAlpha5 + x2 * p;
p = kTanhAlpha3 + x2 * p;
p = kTanhAlpha1 + x2 * p;
p = x * p;
// Evaluate denominator.
float q = kTanhBeta4 + x2 * kTanhBeta6;
q = kTanhBeta2 + x2 * q;
q = kTanhBeta0 + x2 * q;
return p / q;
if (std::abs(x) < kTanhLinearRegion) {
return x;
} else {
x = std::max(std::min(x, kMaxTanhInput), kMinTanhInput);
float positive = fast_exp(x);
float negative = fast_exp(-x);
return (positive - negative) / (positive + negative);
return tanhf(x);
inline float fast_sigmoid(float x) {
return .5f * fast_tanh(.5f * x) + .5f;
// Doesn't do anything fancy, just a 9/10-degree rational interpolant which
// interpolates 1/(1+exp(-x)) - 0.5 up to a couple of ulp in the range
// [-18, 18], outside of which the fl(sigmoid(x)) = {0|1}. The shifted
// sigmoid is interpolated because it was easier to make the fit converge.
// See GenericPacketMath.h* in the open source Eigen library.
x = std::max(std::min(x, kMaxSigmoidInput), kMinSigmoidInput);
// Since the polynomials are odd/even, we need x^2.
float x2 = x * x;
// Evaluate numerator.
float p = kSigmoidAlpha7 + x2 * kSigmoidAlpha9;
p = kSigmoidAlpha5 + x2 * p;
p = kSigmoidAlpha3 + x2 * p;
p = kSigmoidAlpha1 + x2 * p;
p = x * p;
// Evaluate denominator.
float q = kSigmoidBeta8 + x2 * kSigmoidBeta10;
q = kSigmoidBeta6 + x2 * q;
q = kSigmoidBeta4 + x2 * q;
q = kSigmoidBeta2 + x2 * q;
q = kSigmoidBeta0 + x2 * q;
return p / q + 0.5f;
if (std::abs(x) < kSigmoidLinearRegion) {
return .245 * x + .5;
} else {
return 1.f / (1.f + fast_exp(-x));
return 1.f / (1.f + expf(-x));
template <int ExponentBits>
inline float fast_sigmoid(fixed32<ExponentBits> x) {
return fast_sigmoid(static_cast<float>(x));
#endif // defined __aarch64__
// Number of exponent bits to use for tanh.
static constexpr int kNumTanhExpBits = 3;
// Number of exponent bits to use for sigmoid.
static constexpr int kNumSigmoidExpBits = 4;
// Number of extra bits to shift sigmoid, due to its low gradient.
static constexpr int kNumExtraSigmoidShiftBits = 1;
// Returns (and builds if not done yet) a static data table (that is never
// deleted, as per the style guide) that implements tanh on fixed32 input,
// returning another fixed32 with the given number of mantissa bits (which is
// assumed to be less than the input mantissa bits).
// NOTE that this function is intended to be used only with fixed16 outputs that
// are sign-extended to 32 bits for convenience, and will return a nullptr
// if asked for more than |kMaxMantissaBits| of precision in the output table.
const int* TanhTable(int num_mantissa_bits_out);
// As TanhTable, but for Sigmoid.
const int* SigmoidTable(int num_mantissa_bits_out);
// Scalar/generic function to compute and return the fast approximation to exp
// via a polynomial refinement of the floating point exponent trick.
// TM_ORDER4_16BIT:Max relative error < 5e-6, absolute error < 1e-5 for x < 1.
// TM_ORDER3_16BIT:Max relative error < 1.1e-4, absolute error < 3e-4 for x
// < 1.
template <int kExponentBits, TranscendentalMode kOrder = TM_ORDER4_16BIT>
float fixed32_exp(fixed32<kExponentBits> x) {
constexpr int kMantissaBits = MantissaBitsOf<fixed32<kExponentBits>>::value;
// Clip x to min/max exp input to avoid infinities.
int64_t clipped_x =
std::max(std::min(x.raw_val(), kMaxExpInputInt << kMantissaBits),
-(kMaxExpInputInt << kMantissaBits));
// First convert problem from e^x to 2^x by multiplying by 1/log(2).
// To maximize precision, log_factor is shifted left the maximum amount to
// keep within int32, and we shift x left a further amount such that the
// binary point of the product sits in the correct place in the top 32 bits of
// the result to be used directly as a float. We can't do that directly, as x
// would overflow, so we have to shift by 1 bit less and shift the result by
// 1 bit less to match.
constexpr int kXShift =
kFloatMantissaBits + 31 - kMaxLog2Shift - kMantissaBits;
static_assert(kXShift >= 0,
"Mantissa bits > kFloatMantissaBits + 31 - kMaxLog2Shift");
clipped_x <<= kXShift;
int float_as_int = (kLogFactor * clipped_x >> 31) + kFloatExponentOffset;
// Separate the resulting fixed-point into integer and fractional parts.
int int_part = float_as_int & kFloatExponentMask;
int float_part = float_as_int & kFloatMantissaMask;
float fraction = static_cast<float>(float_part) / (1 << kFloatMantissaBits);
// Compute the mantissa = 2^fraction using:
// fraction - fraction*(1-fraction)*(polynomial of fraction)
// This guarantees exactness at 0 and 1, providing continuity of the error at
// integer boundaries.
float mantissa;
if (kOrder == TM_ORDER4_16BIT || kOrder == TM_ORDER4_FLOAT) {
mantissa = (kExpQuarticFactor2 * fraction + kExpQuarticFactor1) * fraction +
} else if (kOrder == TM_ORDER3_16BIT) {
mantissa = kExpCubicFactor1 * fraction + kExpCubicFactor0;
mantissa = fraction - fraction * (1.0f - fraction) * mantissa;
// Since the function above guarantees to stay within [0, 1), we could do all
// the above in fixed point if necessary, in which case, we can just stuff
// the bottom kFloatMantissaBits in with the exponent and we are done.
// In the floating point world, it is simpler to just multiply them together.
float result;
memcpy(&result, &int_part, sizeof(float));
return result * (1.0f + mantissa);
// Computes and returns tanh(x) fixed32->float using a polynomial refinement of
// the floating point exponent trick.
// kOrder=4: Absolute error < 1.8e-6. Relative error < 1.2e-4 for |x| > 0.01.
// kOrder=3: Absolute error < 6e-5. Relative error < 3e-3 for |x| > 0.01
template <int kExponentBits, TranscendentalMode kOrder = TM_ORDER4_16BIT>
float fixed32_tanh(fixed32<kExponentBits> x) {
float float_x = static_cast<float>(x);
if (std::abs(float_x) < 1.0f / 9.0f) {
return float_x * (1 - float_x * float_x / 3.0f);
x = static_cast<fixed32<kExponentBits>>(x.raw_val() * 2);
float exp_2x = fixed32_exp<kExponentBits, kOrder>(x);
return (exp_2x - 1.0f) / (exp_2x + 1.0f);
// Computes and returns sigmoid(x) fixed32->float using a polynomial refinement
// of the floating point exponent trick.
// TM_ORDER4_16BIT: Absolute error < 9e-7, relative < 4e-6.
// TM_ORDER3_16BIT: Absolute error < 3e-5, relative < 1.1e-4.
template <int kExponentBits, TranscendentalMode kOrder = TM_ORDER4_16BIT>
float fixed32_sigmoid(fixed32<kExponentBits> x) {
x = static_cast<fixed32<kExponentBits>>(-x.raw_val());
float exp_x = fixed32_exp<kExponentBits, kOrder>(x);
return 1.0f / (exp_x + 1.0f);
#if defined __AVX2__
// Inline function to access an int32 data table by shifting |x| right by
// |kNumShiftBits|, and adding |kTableOffset| to the result. |x| contains 8
// indices and 8 results are returned. The data table is of size
// |kTableOffset| * 2 + 1.
template <int kNumShiftBits, int kTableOffset>
inline __m256i index_data_table(const int32_t* data_table, const __m256i& x) {
// Shift right with rounding to match input and output precision.
__m256i shifted = _mm256_set1_epi32(1 << (kNumShiftBits - 1));
shifted = _mm256_add_epi32(x, shifted);
shifted = _mm256_srai_epi32(shifted, kNumShiftBits);
// Add the offset.
__m256i addend = _mm256_set1_epi32(kTableOffset);
shifted = _mm256_add_epi32(shifted, addend);
// And clamp to the indices of the LUT.
addend = _mm256_add_epi32(addend, addend);
shifted = _mm256_min_epi32(shifted, addend);
shifted = _mm256_max_epi32(shifted, _mm256_setzero_si256());
// Lookup the results in the table.
return _mm256_i32gather_epi32(data_table, shifted, 4);
// Fixed32 to fixed16-in-an-int32 tanh LUT function.
// Input: register containins 8x fixed32 with |NumInputMantissaBits|.
// Output: a register containing 8x fixed16 with |NumOutputMantissaBits|, but
// note that they are sign-extended to 32 bits and are therefore basically the
// same as fixed32 with |NumOutputMantissaBits|.
template <int NumInputMantissaBits, int NumOutputMantissaBits>
inline __m256i fixed32_tanh_fixed16(const int* tanh_table, const __m256i& x) {
// Lose the unnecessary input precision.
constexpr int kNumShiftBits = NumInputMantissaBits - NumOutputMantissaBits;
constexpr int kTableOffset = 1 << (NumOutputMantissaBits + kNumTanhExpBits);
return index_data_table<kNumShiftBits, kTableOffset>(tanh_table, x);
// Fixed32 to fixed16-in-an-int32 sigmoid LUT function.
// Input: register containins 8x fixed32 with |NumInputMantissaBits|.
// Output: a register containing 8x fixed16 with |NumOutputMantissaBits|, but
// note that they are sign-extended to 32 bits and are therefore basically the
// same as fixed32 with |NumOutputMantissaBits|.
template <int NumInputMantissaBits, int NumOutputMantissaBits>
inline __m256i fixed32_sigmoid_fixed16(const int* sigmoid_table,
const __m256i& x) {
// Lose the unnecessary input precision.
constexpr int kNumShiftBits =
kNumExtraSigmoidShiftBits + NumInputMantissaBits - NumOutputMantissaBits;
constexpr int kTableOffset = 1
<< (NumOutputMantissaBits + kNumSigmoidExpBits -
return index_data_table<kNumShiftBits, kTableOffset>(sigmoid_table, x);
// Convert 2x registers of 8x float32 into 1 register of 16x16 bit fixed int,
// assuming that the floats are already scaled up.
inline __m256i PackFloatsToFixed16(const __m256& x0, const __m256& x1) {
__m256i int0 = _mm256_cvtps_epi32(x0);
__m256i int1 = _mm256_cvtps_epi32(x1);
int0 = _mm256_packs_epi32(int0, int1);
// Swap the middle 64 bit elements so the results are in the right order.
return _mm256_permute4x64_epi64(int0, 0xd8);
// Clips integer input to [-|kLimit|, |kLimit|].
// Input: register containins 8x fixed32 with |mantissa_bits|.
// Output: register containing 8x fixed32 limited to
// [-|kLimit| << |mantissa_bits|, |kLimit| << |mantissa_bits|].
template <int kLimit>
inline __m256i ClipToBounds(const int mantissa_bits, const __m256i& x) {
// Clip to the input bounds for this approximation.
__m256i clip_limit = _mm256_set1_epi32(-(kLimit << mantissa_bits));
__m256i clipped_x = _mm256_max_epi32(x, clip_limit);
// This quickly negates the limit without having to load another constant.
clip_limit = _mm256_sign_epi32(clip_limit, clip_limit);
return _mm256_min_epi32(clipped_x, clip_limit);
// Clips float input to [-|kLimit|, |kLimit|].
// Input: register containins 8x float.
// Output: register containing 8x float limited to [-|kLimit|, |kLimit|].
inline __m256 ClipToFloatBounds(const float kLimit, const __m256& x) {
__m256 clip_limit = _mm256_set1_ps(kLimit);
__m256 clipped_x = _mm256_min_ps(x, clip_limit);
clip_limit = _mm256_set1_ps(-kLimit);
return _mm256_max_ps(clipped_x, clip_limit);
// Float to float power of 2 approximation, using a quartic refinement of
// the exponent trick. For TM_ORDER4_16BIT and TM_ORDER3_16BIT, implementation
// is entirely in integer, using 16x16=16 multiplication, using AVX2, which
// enables 16 elements to be computed in parallel, hence the double register
// input/output args.
// The price paid for this speed is an increase in error over the (scalar) int32
// example implementations above by a variable factor of 4-10.
// For the TM_ORDER4_FLOAT case, the computation is all done in float, solving
// this lower precision problem.
// NOTE: The input must have already been clipped to prevent overflow, which
// sets the practical limit to +/-126 << kFloatMantissaBits.
// NOTE: The input is a scaled float, as if converted raw from int, and the
// scale factor is fixed at kFloatMantissaBits!
// Input: 2x register containining 8x float * 1 << kFloatMantissaBits.
// Output: 2x register containing 8x float.
// TM_ORDER4_FLOAT: Max relative error < 8e-6, absolute error < 9e-6 for x < 1.
// TM_ORDER4_16BIT: Max relative error < 3e-5, absolute error < 6e-5 for x < 1.
// TM_ORDER3_16BIT: Max relative error < 6e-4, absolute error < 2e-3 for x < 1.
template <TranscendentalMode kOrder = TM_ORDER4_16BIT>
inline void float32_pow2(__m256& x0, __m256& x1) {
// Convert straight to int.
__m256i exp_int_x0 = _mm256_cvtps_epi32(x0);
__m256i exp_int_x1 = _mm256_cvtps_epi32(x1);
__m256i result_x0, result_x1;
static_assert(kOrder == TM_ORDER4_FLOAT || kOrder == TM_ORDER4_16BIT ||
kOrder == TM_ORDER3_16BIT,
"Invalid order.");
if (kOrder == TM_ORDER4_FLOAT) {
__m256i mantissa_mask = _mm256_set1_epi32(0x7fffff);
__m256 float_factor =
_mm256_set1_ps(1.0f / static_cast<float>(1 << kFloatMantissaBits));
__m256i fract0 = _mm256_and_si256(mantissa_mask, exp_int_x0);
__m256i fract1 = _mm256_and_si256(mantissa_mask, exp_int_x1);
__m256 float0 = _mm256_mul_ps(_mm256_cvtepi32_ps(fract0), float_factor);
__m256 float1 = _mm256_mul_ps(_mm256_cvtepi32_ps(fract1), float_factor);
// Compute the polynomial of the fractional part.
// Ordering these lines carefully makes it faster, as some of the multiply
// operations can pipeline instead of waiting for the previous result.
__m256 x_squared0 = _mm256_mul_ps(float0, float0);
__m256 x_squared1 = _mm256_mul_ps(float1, float1);
__m256 b = _mm256_set1_ps(kExpQuarticFactor1);
__m256 b_x0 = _mm256_mul_ps(b, float0);
__m256 b_x1 = _mm256_mul_ps(b, float1);
__m256 a = _mm256_set1_ps(kExpQuarticFactor2);
__m256 a_x_squared0 = _mm256_mul_ps(a, x_squared0);
__m256 a_x_squared1 = _mm256_mul_ps(a, x_squared1);
__m256 x_squared_minus_x0 = _mm256_sub_ps(x_squared0, float0);
__m256 x_squared_minus_x1 = _mm256_sub_ps(x_squared1, float1);
__m256 c = _mm256_set1_ps(kExpQuarticFactor0);
b_x0 = _mm256_add_ps(b_x0, c);
b_x1 = _mm256_add_ps(b_x1, c);
float_factor = _mm256_set1_ps(static_cast<float>(1 << kFloatMantissaBits));
a_x_squared0 = _mm256_add_ps(a_x_squared0, b_x0);
a_x_squared1 = _mm256_add_ps(a_x_squared1, b_x1);
a_x_squared0 = _mm256_mul_ps(a_x_squared0, x_squared_minus_x0);
a_x_squared1 = _mm256_mul_ps(a_x_squared1, x_squared_minus_x1);
result_x0 = _mm256_cvtps_epi32(_mm256_mul_ps(a_x_squared0, float_factor));
result_x1 = _mm256_cvtps_epi32(_mm256_mul_ps(a_x_squared1, float_factor));
} else {
// Combine the fractional part of both inputs into a single register.
// The representation is fixed16<0>, ie 15 mantissa bits.
__m256i mantissa_mask = _mm256_set1_epi32(0x7fff00);
__m256i x_01 =
_mm256_srli_epi32(_mm256_and_si256(mantissa_mask, exp_int_x0), 8);
x_01 = _mm256_or_si256(
_mm256_slli_epi32(_mm256_and_si256(mantissa_mask, exp_int_x1), 8));
// Compute the polynomial of the fractional part.
// Ordering these lines carefully makes it faster, as some of the multiply
// operations can pipeline instead of waiting for the previous result.
__m256i x_squared = _mm256_mulhrs_epi16(x_01, x_01);
__m256i result, x_squared_minus_x;
if (kOrder == TM_ORDER4_16BIT) {
__m256i b = _mm256_set1_epi16(FloatAsInt16(kExpQuarticFactor1));
__m256i b_x = _mm256_mulhrs_epi16(b, x_01);
__m256i a = _mm256_set1_epi16(FloatAsInt16(kExpQuarticFactor2));
__m256i a_x_squared = _mm256_mulhrs_epi16(a, x_squared);
x_squared_minus_x = _mm256_sub_epi16(x_squared, x_01);
// LOG(INFO) << "x_squared_minus_x=" <<
// static_cast<int16>(_mm256_extract_epi16(x_squared_minus_x, 0)) /
// 32768.0f;
__m256i c = _mm256_set1_epi16(FloatAsInt16(kExpQuarticFactor0));
b_x = _mm256_add_epi16(b_x, c);
// LOG(INFO) << "bx+c=" << static_cast<int16>(_mm256_extract_epi16(b_x,
// 0)) / 32768.0f;
result = _mm256_add_epi16(a_x_squared, b_x);
} else { // kOrder = TM_ORDER3_16BIT
__m256i a = _mm256_set1_epi16(FloatAsInt16(kExpCubicFactor1));
__m256i b = _mm256_set1_epi16(FloatAsInt16(kExpQuarticFactor0));
__m256i a_x = _mm256_mulhrs_epi16(a, x_01);
x_squared_minus_x = _mm256_sub_epi16(x_squared, x_01);
result = _mm256_add_epi16(a_x, b);
result = _mm256_mulhrs_epi16(result, x_squared_minus_x);
// Extract 16x16-bit results back to the separate sets of 8x32.
result_x0 = _mm256_slli_epi32(result, 16);
result_x0 = _mm256_srai_epi32(result_x0, 8);
result_x1 = _mm256_srai_epi32(result, 16);
result_x1 = _mm256_slli_epi32(result_x1, 8);
// Add the constant to normalize the exponent.
__m256i exp_offset = _mm256_set1_epi32(kFloatExponentOffset);
exp_int_x0 = _mm256_add_epi32(exp_int_x0, exp_offset);
exp_int_x0 = _mm256_add_epi32(exp_int_x0, result_x0);
exp_int_x1 = _mm256_add_epi32(exp_int_x1, exp_offset);
exp_int_x1 = _mm256_add_epi32(exp_int_x1, result_x1);
// Cast back to float, as we just computed the exponent and mantissa and
// assembled them in IEEE format.
x0 = _mm256_castsi256_ps(exp_int_x0);
x1 = _mm256_castsi256_ps(exp_int_x1);
// Fixed32 to to float exp approximation, using a quartic/cubic refinement of
// the exponent trick. Implementation is entirely in integer, using 16x16=16
// multiplication, using AVX2, which enables 16 elements to be computed in
// parallel, hence the double register input/output args.
// The price paid for this speed is an increase in error over the (scalar) int32
// example implementations above by a variable factor of 4-10.
// The TM_ORDER4_FLOAT version uses floats and improves the precision.
// Input: 2x registers containins 8x fixed32 with kMantissaBits.
// Output: 2x registers containing 8x float32.
// TM_ORDER4_FLOAT: Max relative error < 8e-6, absolute error < 9e-6 for x < 1.
// TM_ORDER4_16BIT: Max relative error < 3e-5, absolute error < 6e-5 for x < 1.
// TM_ORDER3_16BIT: Max relative error < 6e-4, absolute error < 2e-3 for x < 1.
template <int kInputMantissaBits, TranscendentalMode kOrder = TM_ORDER4_16BIT>
inline void float_exp_float_preclipped(__m256& y0, __m256& y1) {
// Divide by log 2 to convert problem to 2^x, and scale to match the
// mantissa bits required by IEEE floats. Without a _mm256_mulhrs_epi32, it is
// much easier to do this in float, even with the double conversion, as 16 bit
// is not precise enough here.
// This is the shift of the FP mantissa relative to the input mantissa.
constexpr int kXShift = kFloatMantissaBits - kInputMantissaBits;
constexpr float kLogFactor = static_cast<float>(1 << kXShift);
__m256 factor = _mm256_set1_ps(kLogFactor * kOneOverLog2);
y0 = _mm256_mul_ps(y0, factor);
y1 = _mm256_mul_ps(y1, factor);
// Now compute 2^x.
float32_pow2<kOrder>(y0, y1);
template <int kInputMantissaBits, TranscendentalMode kOrder = TM_ORDER4_16BIT>
inline void fixed32_exp_float(const __m256i& x0, const __m256i& x1, __m256& y0,
__m256& y1) {
// Clip to acceptable bounds to prevent overflow, and convert to float.
y0 =
_mm256_cvtepi32_ps(ClipToBounds<kMaxExpInputInt>(kInputMantissaBits, x0));
y1 =
_mm256_cvtepi32_ps(ClipToBounds<kMaxExpInputInt>(kInputMantissaBits, x1));
float_exp_float_preclipped<kInputMantissaBits, kOrder>(y0, y1);
// Float->float tanh approximation via the exponent trick.
// Note that the input is scaled floats, as if converted raw from fixed16/32.
// Input: 2x registers containing 8x float scaled by input_mantissa_bits.
// Output: two registers containing 8x float.
// TM_ORDER4_FLOAT: Max relative error < 2.1e-5, absolute error < 2.3e-6.
// TM_ORDER4_16BIT: Max relative error < 1e-4, absolute error < 1.3e-5.
// TM_ORDER3_16BIT: Max relative error < 2.1e-3, absolute error < 3e-4.
template <int kInputMantissaBits, TranscendentalMode kOrder = TM_ORDER4_FLOAT>
inline void float_tanh_float(const __m256& x0, const __m256& x1, __m256& y0,
__m256& y1) {
// Divide by log 2 to convert problem to 2^x, double (as we need exp(2x)) and
// scale to the mantissa bits required by float32_pow2 all in one multiply.
// This is the shift of the FP mantissa relative to the input mantissa.
// Add one to double the input.
const float kLogFactor =
static_cast<float>(1 << (kFloatMantissaBits - kInputMantissaBits + 1));
__m256 factor = _mm256_set1_ps(kLogFactor * kOneOverLog2);
// Clip to suitable input bounds for tanh.
__m256 clip_limit = _mm256_set1_ps(kMaxTanhInput * (1 << kInputMantissaBits));
__m256 clip0 = _mm256_min_ps(x0, clip_limit);
__m256 clip1 = _mm256_min_ps(x1, clip_limit);
clip_limit = _mm256_set1_ps(-kMaxTanhInput * (1 << kInputMantissaBits));
clip0 = _mm256_max_ps(clip0, clip_limit);
clip1 = _mm256_max_ps(clip1, clip_limit);
__m256 exp0 = _mm256_mul_ps(clip0, factor);
__m256 exp1 = _mm256_mul_ps(clip1, factor);
// Now compute 2^x.
float32_pow2<kOrder>(exp0, exp1);
// Now compute tanh using (e^2x - 1) / (e^2x + 1).
__m256 one = _mm256_set1_ps(1.0f);
__m256 numerator = _mm256_sub_ps(exp0, one);
__m256 denominator = _mm256_add_ps(exp0, one);
// Approximate reciprocal is not accurate enough - use full division.
exp0 = _mm256_div_ps(numerator, denominator);
numerator = _mm256_sub_ps(exp1, one);
denominator = _mm256_add_ps(exp1, one);
exp1 = _mm256_div_ps(numerator, denominator);
// Compute 3rd-order Taylor tanh ~ x - x^3/3 for high accuracy and thus low
// relative error close to 0.
// Normalize the inputs back to proper floats.
factor = _mm256_set1_ps(1.0f / (1 << kInputMantissaBits));
clip0 = _mm256_mul_ps(clip0, factor);
clip1 = _mm256_mul_ps(clip1, factor);
__m256 third = _mm256_set1_ps(-1.0f / 3.0f);
__m256 taylor0 = _mm256_mul_ps(clip0, clip0);
__m256 taylor1 = _mm256_mul_ps(clip1, clip1);
taylor0 = _mm256_mul_ps(taylor0, clip0);
taylor1 = _mm256_mul_ps(taylor1, clip1);
// TODO(b/191497441): The next two pairs of instructions could be combined to
// _mm256_fmadd_ps, but requires -mfma compilation option, eg:
// taylor0 = _mm256_fmadd_ps(taylor0, third, clip0);
taylor0 = _mm256_mul_ps(taylor0, third);
taylor1 = _mm256_mul_ps(taylor1, third);
taylor0 = _mm256_add_ps(clip0, taylor0);
taylor1 = _mm256_add_ps(clip1, taylor1);
// Test |x| <= 1/9, roughly where the errors cross over, without needing yet
// another constant.
third = _mm256_mul_ps(third, third);
__m256 neg_zero = _mm256_set1_ps(-0.0f);
clip0 = _mm256_andnot_ps(neg_zero, clip0);
clip1 = _mm256_andnot_ps(neg_zero, clip1);
__m256 cmp_results0 = _mm256_cmp_ps(clip0, third, _CMP_LE_OQ);
__m256 cmp_results1 = _mm256_cmp_ps(clip1, third, _CMP_LE_OQ);
y0 = _mm256_blendv_ps(exp0, taylor0, cmp_results0);
y1 = _mm256_blendv_ps(exp1, taylor1, cmp_results1);
// Fixed32 sigmoid approximation via the AVX2 implementation of the exponent
// trick.
// Input: 2x registers containins 8x float containing converted fixed32 scaled
// with kInputMantissaBits.
// Output: 2x registers containing 8x float.
// TM_ORDER4_FLOAT: Max relative error < 4e-6, absolute error < 1e-6.
// TM_ORDER4_16BIT: Max relative error < 3e-5, absolute error < 7e-6.
// TM_ORDER3_16BIT: Max relative error < 5.4e-4, absolute error < 1.4e-4.
template <int kInputMantissaBits, TranscendentalMode kOrder = TM_ORDER4_FLOAT>
inline void float_sigmoid_float(__m256& y0, __m256& y1) {
constexpr float kInputFactor = static_cast<float>(1 << kInputMantissaBits);
// Negate the inputs.
__m256 minus_zero = _mm256_set1_ps(-0.0f);
y0 = _mm256_xor_ps(y0, minus_zero);
y1 = _mm256_xor_ps(y1, minus_zero);
y0 = ClipToFloatBounds(kMaxSigmoidInput * kInputFactor, y0);
y1 = ClipToFloatBounds(kMaxSigmoidInput * kInputFactor, y1);
float_exp_float_preclipped<kInputMantissaBits, kOrder>(y0, y1);
__m256 one = _mm256_set1_ps(1.0f);
// Approximate reciprocal is not accurate enough - use full division.
y0 = _mm256_div_ps(one, _mm256_add_ps(y0, one));
y1 = _mm256_div_ps(one, _mm256_add_ps(y1, one));
#endif // defined __AVX2__
} // namespace csrblocksparse