import json import streamlit as st def app(): st.header("Identify Your Core Values") core_value_questions = [ "What annoys you or gets under your skin at work?", "What brings you joy in your work?", "What could you not live without in a workplace or on a work team?", "Who do you admire and what do you admire about them?" ] if 'core_values_responses' not in st.session_state: st.session_state['core_values_responses'] = {question: "" for question in core_value_questions} def update_response(question): new_value = st.session_state[question] st.session_state.core_values_responses[question] = new_value for question in core_value_questions: st.text_input( label=question, value=st.session_state.core_values_responses[question], key=question, on_change=update_response, args=(question,) ) if st.button('Save Core Values', key='save'): save_responses_to_file(st.session_state.core_values_responses) st.success('Core Values saved!') def save_responses_to_file(responses, file_path='core_values_responses.json'): with open(file_path, 'w') as file: json.dump(responses, file) if __name__ == "__main__": app()