Upload 2 files
Browse files
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
1 |
server <- function(input, output, session) {
2 |
# Reactive variable to store the original file content
3 |
originalFileContent <- reactiveVal()
4 |
5 |
# Observe file upload
6 |
observeEvent(input$file1, {
7 |
8 |
# Read the file content
9 |
fileContent <- readLines(input$file1$datapath)
10 |
# Store the original file content
11 |
12 |
# Update Ace editor with file content
13 |
updateAceEditor(session, "code", value = paste(fileContent, collapse = "\n"), theme = "monokai")
14 |
15 |
16 |
# Function to generate YAML header
17 |
generate_yaml <- function() {
18 |
yaml_header <- c(
19 |
20 |
paste0("author: ", input$author),
21 |
paste0("date: ", if(input$date_type == 'custom') {input$date} else {'"`r Sys.Date()`"'}),
22 |
paste0("description: ", input$description),
23 |
24 |
" html:",
25 |
paste0(" highlight-style: ", input$highlight_style),
26 |
paste0(" theme: ", input$theme),
27 |
paste0(" toc: ", ifelse(input$toc, "true", "false")),
28 |
" code-fold: true",
29 |
paste0(" file: ", tools::file_path_sans_ext(input$file1$name), ".", tools::file_ext(input$file1$name)),
30 |
paste0(" title: ", input$title),
31 |
paste0(' subtitle: "', input$subtitle, '"')
32 |
33 |
34 |
if (input$`toc-float`) {
35 |
yaml_header <- c(yaml_header,
36 |
" toc_float:",
37 |
" collapsed: true",
38 |
" smooth_scroll: true")
39 |
40 |
41 |
yaml_header <- c(yaml_header, "---")
42 |
43 |
44 |
45 |
46 |
47 |
# Observe generate button
48 |
observeEvent(input$generate, {
49 |
# Generate YAML header
50 |
yaml_header <- generate_yaml()
51 |
# Combine YAML header and original file content
52 |
new_fileContent <- c(yaml_header, originalFileContent())
53 |
# Update Ace editor with new file content
54 |
updateAceEditor(session, "code", value = paste(new_fileContent, collapse = "\n"))
55 |
56 |
57 |
# Download handler
58 |
output$Download <- downloadHandler(
59 |
60 |
filename = function() {
61 |
paste(tools::file_path_sans_ext(input$file1$name), ".", tools::file_ext(input$file1$name), sep = "")
62 |
63 |
content = function(file) {
64 |
# Generate YAML header
65 |
yaml_header <- generate_yaml()
66 |
# Combine YAML header and original file content
67 |
new_fileContent <- c(yaml_header, originalFileContent())
68 |
# Write the new file content to the file
69 |
writeLines(new_fileContent, file)
70 |
71 |
72 |
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
ui <- fluidPage(
6 |
7 |
8 |
tags$link(rel = "stylesheet", type = "text/css", href = "styles.css"),
9 |
tags$script(src = "script.js")
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
img(src="portada.png", height=200, width=200),
17 |
textInput('title', 'Title'),
18 |
textInput('subtitle', 'Subtitle'),
19 |
textInput('author', 'Author'),
20 |
radioButtons('date_type', 'Date',
21 |
choices = c('Use system date' = '`r Sys.Date()`', 'Enter a date' = 'custom')),
22 |
23 |
condition = "input.date_type == 'custom'",
24 |
dateInput('date', 'Date', value = Sys.Date())
25 |
26 |
textInput('description', 'Description'),
27 |
selectInput('highlight_style', 'Choose highlight style',
28 |
choices = c('default', 'github', 'tango', 'pygments', 'kate', 'monochrome', 'espresso', 'zenburn', 'haddock')),
29 |
selectInput('theme', 'Choose theme',
30 |
choices = c('cerulean', 'journal', 'flatly', 'darkly', 'readable', 'spacelab', 'united', 'cosmo', 'lumen', 'paper', 'sandstone', 'simplex', 'yeti')),
31 |
checkboxInput('toc', 'Table of Contents', value = FALSE),
32 |
checkboxInput('code-fold', 'Code fold', value = FALSE),
33 |
checkboxInput('toc-float', 'Table of Contents Float', value = FALSE),
34 |
35 |
condition = "input['toc-float'] == true",
36 |
checkboxInput('collapsed', 'Collapsed', value = TRUE),
37 |
checkboxInput('smooth_scroll', 'Smooth Scroll', value = TRUE)
38 |
39 |
40 |
41 |
fileInput('file1', 'Choose qmd or Markdown File',
42 |
accept=c('text/qmd', 'text/markdown',
43 |
44 |
'.csv', '.qmd', '.md')), # End of file input
45 |
downloadButton('Download', 'Download Document'),
46 |
actionButton('generate', 'Generate YAML Header'),
47 |
tags$a(href = "https://github.com/pablovanegas/runr", target = "_blank", class = "btn btn-default shiny-bound-input", "Ver C贸digo Fuente"),
48 |
tags$a(href = "https://huggingface.co/spaces/pajuan/bbbb", target = "_blank", class = "btn btn-default shiny-bound-input", "Markdown generator")
49 |
), # End of sidebar panel
50 |
51 |
52 |
h2("This is an app to help you create YALM headers for your documents"),
53 |
# User Guide #generate the .col-sm-8 class
54 |
55 |
h2("User Guide", class = 'guide-title'),
56 |
57 |
tags$li("If you're going to update your document make sure to delete this before you begin."),
58 |
tags$li("Custom your header: Enter your own title, author, and description in the respective text input fields on the sidebar panel."),
59 |
tags$li("Choose the Date: You have the option to use the system date or enter a custom date. Select your preference using the 'Date' radio buttons."),
60 |
tags$li("Select Highlight Style and Theme: Choose your preferred highlight style and theme from the dropdown menus."),
61 |
tags$li("Table of Contents and Code Fold: If you want a table of contents or code fold in your document, check the respective boxes."),
62 |
tags$li("Upload Your File: Choose the QMD or Markdown file you want to work with using the 'Choose qmd or Markdown File' button."),
63 |
tags$li("Download Your Document: Once you're done, click the 'Download Document' button to get your document.")
64 |
65 |
p("Remember, make sure to decide on the parameters before inserting the archive or you can generate the header without the file and click on generate YALM"),
66 |
), # End of User Guide
67 |
68 |
69 |
img(src = "guia.png", height = 300, width = 1000, align = "center"),
70 |
71 |
p(" "),
72 |
p("Your YALM : "),
73 |
74 |
75 |
76 |
column(12, wellPanel(
77 |
aceEditor('code', mode = 'r', theme = 'chaos', fontSize = 12, height = '400px')
78 |
79 |
) # End of fluid row
80 |
81 |
) #End Main Panel
82 |
83 |
) # End Slider Layout
84 |
85 |
) # End of fluid page