ui <- fluidPage(#shinythemes::themeSelector(), | |
tags$head( | |
tags$link(rel = "stylesheet", type = "text/css", href = "styles.css") | |
), | |
titlePanel("Email Extractor: "), | |
sidebarLayout( | |
sidebarPanel( | |
helpText("Please select the file type first, then upload your file."), | |
selectInput("file_type", "Choose File Type:", choices = c("CSV", "XLSX","TXT")), | |
fileInput("file", "Choose a File", accept = c("text/csv", "text/xlsx", 'text/txt' , ".csv", ".xlsx", ".txt")), | |
conditionalPanel( | |
condition = "input.file_type == 'CSV'", | |
selectInput("csv_sep", "CSV Separator:", choices = c("Comma" = ",", "Semicolon" = ";", "Tab" = "\t", "Space" = " ", "Other" = "Other")), | |
textInput('csv_other', 'Other Separator:', ',') | |
), | |
conditionalPanel( | |
condition = "input.file_type == 'XLSX'", | |
numericInput("excel_sheet", "Excel Sheet Number:", 1) | |
), | |
uiOutput("checkbox_group"), | |
downloadButton("Download", "Download xlsx", icon = icon("download"), class = 'DESCARGA1'), | |
downloadButton("Download2", "Download txt", icon = icon("download"), class = 'DESCARGA2') | |
), # End of sidebarPanel | |
# Show the content of the file | |
mainPanel( | |
tableOutput("contents") | |
) # End of mainPanel | |
), # End of sidebarLayout | |
#tuturial panel | |
mainPanel( | |
h2("Tuturial:"), | |
p("This app is designed to extract email addresses from different file types."), | |
p("Please select the file type first, then upload your file."), | |
p("If you choose CSV or TXT, you can select the separator."), | |
p("If you choose XLSX, you can input the sheet number."), | |
p("After you upload the file, you can download the extracted email addresses in xlsx and txt format.") | |
) # End of mainPanel | |
) # End of fluidPage | |