ui <- fluidPage(#shinythemes::themeSelector(), tags$head( tags$link(rel = "stylesheet", type = "text/css", href = "styles.css") ), titlePanel("Email Extractor: "), sidebarLayout( sidebarPanel( helpText("Please select the file type first, then upload your file."), selectInput("file_type", "Choose File Type:", choices = c("CSV", "XLSX","TXT")), fileInput("file", "Choose a File", accept = c("text/csv", "text/xlsx", 'text/txt' , ".csv", ".xlsx", ".txt")), conditionalPanel( condition = "input.file_type == 'CSV'", selectInput("csv_sep", "CSV Separator:", choices = c("Comma" = ",", "Semicolon" = ";", "Tab" = "\t", "Space" = " ", "Other" = "Other")), textInput('csv_other', 'Other Separator:', ',') ), conditionalPanel( condition = "input.file_type == 'XLSX'", numericInput("excel_sheet", "Excel Sheet Number:", 1) ), uiOutput("checkbox_group"), downloadButton("Download", "Download xlsx", icon = icon("download"), class = 'DESCARGA1'), downloadButton("Download2", "Download txt", icon = icon("download"), class = 'DESCARGA2') ), # End of sidebarPanel # Show the content of the file mainPanel( tableOutput("contents") ) # End of mainPanel ), # End of sidebarLayout #tuturial panel mainPanel( h2("Tuturial:"), p("This app is designed to extract email addresses from different file types."), p("Please select the file type first, then upload your file."), p("If you choose CSV or TXT, you can select the separator."), p("If you choose XLSX, you can input the sheet number."), p("After you upload the file, you can download the extracted email addresses in xlsx and txt format.") ) # End of mainPanel ) # End of fluidPage