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# Setup of a Correlation Lower Panel in Scatterplot Matrix
myPanel.hist <- function(x, ...){
usr <- par("usr"); on.exit(par(usr))
# Para definir región de graficiación
par(usr = c(usr[1:2], 0, 1.5) )
# Para obtener una lista que guarde las marcas de clase y conteos en cada una:
h <- hist(x, plot = FALSE)
breaks <- h$breaks;
nB <- length(breaks)
y <- h$counts; y <- y/max(y)
# Para dibujar los histogramas
rect(breaks[-nB], 0, breaks[-1], y, col="cyan", ...)
# Setup of a Boxplot Diagonal Panel in Scatterplot Matrix <- function(x, ...){
usr <- par("usr", bty = 'n')
par(usr = c(-1, 1, min(x) - 0.5, max(x) + 0.5))
b <- boxplot(x, plot = F)
whisker.i <- b$stats[1,]
whisker.s <- b$stats[5,]
hinge.i <- b$stats[2,]
mediana <- b$stats[3,]
hinge.s <- b$stats[4,]
rect(-0.5, hinge.i, 0.5, mediana, col = 'gray')
segments(0, hinge.i, 0, whisker.i, lty = 2)
segments(-0.1, whisker.i, 0.1, whisker.i)
rect(-0.5, mediana, 0.5, hinge.s, col = 'gray')
segments(0, hinge.s, 0, whisker.s, lty = 2)
segments(-0.1, whisker.s, 0.1, whisker.s)
# Setup of a Correlation Lower Panel in Scatterplot Matrix
myPanel.cor <- function(x, y, digits = 2, prefix = "", cex.cor){
usr <- par("usr"); on.exit(par(usr = usr))
par(usr = c(0, 1, 0, 1))
r <- cor(x, y)
txt <- format(c(r, 0.123456789), digits = digits)[1]
txt <- paste(prefix, txt, sep = "")
cex = 0.4/strwidth(txt)
text(0.5, 0.5, txt, cex = 1 + 1.5*abs(r))
# Ordinary or Studentized residuals QQ-plot with Shapiro-Wilk normal test results
myQQnorm <- function(modelo, student = F, ...){
res <- rstandard(modelo)
lab.plot <- "Normal Q-Q Plot of Studentized Residuals"
} else {
res <- residuals(modelo)
lab.plot <- "Normal Q-Q Plot of Residuals"
shapiro <- shapiro.test(res)
shapvalue <- ifelse(shapiro$p.value < 0.001, "P value < 0.001", paste("P value = ", round(shapiro$p.value, 4), sep = ""))
shapstat <- paste("W = ", round(shapiro$statistic, 4), sep = "")
q <- qqnorm(res, = FALSE)
qqnorm(res, main = lab.plot, ...)
qqline(res, lty = 2, col = 2)
text(min(q$x, na.rm = TRUE), max(q$y, na.rm = TRUE)*0.95, pos = 4, 'Shapiro-Wilk Test', col = "blue", font = 2)
text(min(q$x, na.rm = TRUE), max(q$y, na.rm = TRUE)*0.80, pos = 4, shapstat, col = "blue", font = 3)
text(min(q$x, na.rm = TRUE), max(q$y, na.rm = TRUE)*0.65, pos = 4, shapvalue, col = "blue", font = 3)
# Table of Summary Statistics
mySumStats <- function(lm.model){
stats <- summary(lm.model)
RMSE <- stats$sigma
R2 <- stats$r.squared
adjR2 <- stats$adj.r.squared
result <- data.frame(Root_MSE = RMSE, R_square = R2, Adj_R_square = adjR2, row.names = "")
format(result, digits = 6)
# Extract estimated and standardized coefficients, their 95% CI's and VIF's
myCoefficients <- function(lm.model, dataset){
coeff <- coef(lm.model) <-
coef.std <- c(0, coef(lm(update(formula(lm.model), ~.+0),
limites <- confint(lm.model, level = 0.95)
vifs <- c(0, vif(lm.model))
result <- data.frame(Estimation = coeff, Coef.Std = coef.std, Limits = limites, Vif = vifs)
names(result)[3:4] <- c("Limit_2.5%","Limit_97.5%")
cat("Estimated and standardized coefficients, their 95% CI's and VIF's", "\n")
# Analysis of Variance Table
myAnova <- function(lm.model){
SSq <- unlist(anova(lm.model)["Sum Sq"])
k <- length(SSq) - 1
SSR <- sum(SSq[1:k])
SSE <- SSq[(k + 1)]
MSR <- SSR/k
df.error <- unlist(anova(lm.model)["Df"])[k + 1]
MSE <- SSE/df.error
PV <- pf(F0, k, df.error, lower.tail = F)
result<-data.frame(Sum_of_Squares = format(c(SSR, SSE), digits = 6), DF = format(c(k, df.error), digits = 6),
Mean_Square = format(c(MSR, MSE), digits = 6), F_Value = c(format(F0, digits = 6), ''),
P_value = c(format(PV, digits = 6), ''), row.names = c("Model", "Error"))
# Diagnostics table for Leverage and Influence observations
myInfluence <- function(model, infl = influence(model), covr = F){
is.influential <- function(infmat, n, covr = F){
d <- dim(infmat)
colrm <- if(covr) 4L else 3L
k <- d[[length(d)]] - colrm
if (n <= k)
stop("too few cases i with h_ii > 0), n < k")
absmat <- abs(infmat)
r <- if(!covr){
cbind(absmat[, 1L:k] > 2/sqrt(n), # > 1,
absmat[, k + 1] > 2 * sqrt(k/n), # > 3 * sqrt(k/(n - k)),
infmat[, k + 2] > 1, # pf(infmat[, k + 3], k, n - k) > 0.5,
infmat[, k + 3] > 2 * p / n) # infmat[, k + 4] > (3 * k)/n)
} else {
c(absmat[, 1L:k] > 2/sqrt(n), # > 1,
absmat[, k + 1] > 2 * sqrt(k/n), # > 3 * sqrt(k/(n - k)),
infmat[, k + 3] > 1, # pf(infmat[, , k + 3], k, n - k) > 0.5,
infmat[, k + 4] > 2 * p / n) # > (3 * k)/n)
} else {
cbind(absmat[, 1L:k] > 2/sqrt(n), # > 1,
absmat[, k + 1] > 2 * sqrt(k/n), # > 3 * sqrt(k/(n - k)),
abs(1 - infmat[, k + 2]) > 3 * p / n, # > (3 * k)/(n - k),
infmat[, k + 3] > 1, # pf(infmat[, k + 3], k, n - k) > 0.5,
infmat[, k + 4] > 2 * p / n) # infmat[, k + 4] > (3 * k)/n)
} else {
c(absmat[, 1L:k] > 2/sqrt(n), # > 1,
absmat[, k + 1] > 2 * sqrt(k/n), # > 3 * sqrt(k/(n - k)),
abs(1 - infmat[, , k + 2]) > 3 * p / n, # > (3 * k)/(n - k),
infmat[, k + 3] > 1, # pf(infmat[, , k + 3], k, n - k) > 0.5,
infmat[, k + 4] > 2 * p / n) # > (3 * k)/n)
attributes(r) <- attributes(infmat)
p <- model$rank
e <- weighted.residuals(model)
s <- sqrt(sum(e^2, na.rm = TRUE)/df.residual(model))
mqr <- stats:::qr.lm(model)
xxi <- chol2inv(mqr$qr, mqr$rank)
si <- infl$sigma
h <- infl$hat
is.mlm <- is.matrix(e)
cf <- if (is.mlm){
aperm(infl$coefficients, c(1L, 3:2))
} else infl$coefficients
dfbetas <- cf/outer(infl$sigma, sqrt(diag(xxi)))
vn <- variable.names(model)
vn[vn == "(Intercept)"] <- "1_"
dimnames(dfbetas)[[length(dim(dfbetas))]] <- paste0("dfb.", abbreviate(vn))
dffits <- e * sqrt(h)/(si * (1 - h))
if(any(ii <- is.infinite(dffits))) dffits[ii] <- NaN
if(covr) cov.ratio <- (si/s)^(2 * p)/(1 - h)
cooks.d <- if (inherits(model, "glm")){
(infl$pear.res/(1 - h))^2 * h/(summary(model)$dispersion * p)
} else ((e/(s * (1 - h)))^2 * h)/p
infmat <- if(is.mlm){
dns <- dimnames(dfbetas)
dns[[3]] <- c(dns[[3]], "dffit", "cov.r",
"cook.d", "hat")
a <- array(dfbetas, dim = dim(dfbetas) + c(0, 0, 3 + 1), dimnames = dns)
a[, , "dffit"] <- dffits
if(covr) a[, , "cov.r"] <- cov.ratio
a[, , "cook.d"] <- cooks.d
a[, , "hat"] <- h
} else {
cbind(dfbetas, dffit = dffits, cov.r = cov.ratio, cook.d = cooks.d, hat = h)
} else cbind(dfbetas, dffit = dffits, cook.d = cooks.d, hat = h)
infmat[is.infinite(infmat)] <- NaN
is.inf <- is.influential(infmat, sum(h > 0))
ans <- list(infmat = infmat, is.inf = is.inf, call = model$call)
class(ans) <- "infl"
# Extract Collinearity Diagnostics
myCollinDiag <- function(lm.model, center = F){
if(center == F){
X <- model.matrix(lm.model)
eigen <- prcomp(X, center = FALSE, scale = TRUE)$sdev^2
cond.idx <- colldiag(lm.model)
cond.idx$pi <- round(cond.idx$pi, 6)
result <- data.frame(Eigen_Value = format(eigen, digits = 5),
Condition_Index = cond.idx$condindx,
names(result)[2:3] <- c('Condition_Index','Intercept')
cat("Collinearity Diagnostics", "\n",
paste0(rep("", 3+sum(nchar(names(result)[1:2])))), "Variance Decomposition Proportions", "\n")
X <- model.matrix(lm.model)[, -1]
eigen <- prcomp(X, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)$sdev^2
cond.idx <- colldiag(lm.model, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
cond.idx$pi <- round(cond.idx$pi, 6)
result <- data.frame(Eigen_Value = format(eigen, digits = 5),
Condition_Index = cond.idx$condindx,
names(result)[2] <- 'Condition_Index'
cat("Collinearity Diagnostics (intercept adjusted)", "\n",
paste0(rep("", 3+sum(nchar(names(result)[1:2])))), "Variance Decomposition Proportions", "\n")
# All Posible Regressions Table
myAllRegTable <- function(lm.model, response = model.response(model.frame(lm.model)), MSE = F){
regTable <- summary(regsubsets(model.matrix(lm.model)[, -1], response,
nbest = 2^(lm.model$rank - 1) - 1, really.big = T))
pvCount <- as.vector(apply(regTable$which[, -1], 1, sum))
pvIDs <- apply(regTable$which[, -1], 1, function(x) as.character(paste(colnames(model.matrix(lm.model)[, -1])[x],
collapse = " ")))
result <- if(MSE){
data.frame(k = pvCount, R_sq = round(regTable$rsq, 3), adj_R_sq = round(regTable$adjr2, 3),
MSE = round(regTable$rss/(nrow(model.matrix(lm.model)[,-1]) - (pvCount + 1)), 3),
Cp = round(regTable$cp, 3), Variables_in_model = pvIDs)
} else {
data.frame(k = pvCount, R_sq = round(regTable$rsq, 3), adj_R_sq = round(regTable$adjr2, 3),
SSE = round(regTable$rss, 3),
Cp = round(regTable$cp, 3), Variables_in_model = pvIDs)
format(result, digits = 6)
# Summary table and Plots of the Best of All Posible Models by Criterion
# Cp Criterion
myCp_criterion <- function(lm.model, response = model.response(model.frame(lm.model))){
Cp <- leaps(model.matrix(lm.model)[, -1], response, method = "Cp", nbest = 1) # The Best model by number of parameters
var_in_model <- apply(Cp$which, 1,
function(x) as.character(paste(colnames(model.matrix(lm.model)[, -1])[x], collapse = " ")))
Cp_result <- data.frame(k = Cp$size - 1, p = Cp$size, Cp = Cp$Cp, = var_in_model)
plot(Cp$size, Cp$Cp, type = "b", xlab = "p", ylab = '', xaxt = "n", cex = 2, ylim = c(0, max(Cp$Cp)), las = 1)
axis(1, at = Cp$size, labels = Cp$size)
mtext('Cp', 2, las = 1, adj = 3)
abline(a = 0, b = 1, lty = 2, col = 2)
cat("Models are Indexed in rows", "\n")
print(Cp_result, row.names = F)
# R2 Criterion
myR2_criterion <- function(lm.model, response = model.response(model.frame(lm.model))){
R2 <- leaps(model.matrix(lm.model)[, -1], response, method = "r2", nbest = 1) #Mejor modelo para cada p
var_in_model <- apply(R2$which, 1,
function(x) as.character(paste(colnames(model.matrix(lm.model)[, -1])[x], collapse = " ")))
R2_result <- data.frame(k = R2$size - 1, p = R2$size, R2 = R2$r2, = var_in_model)
plot(R2$size, R2$r2, type = "b", xlab = "p", ylab = "", xaxt = "n", cex = 2, las = 1)
axis(1, at = R2$size, labels = R2$size)
mtext("R2", 2, las = 1, adj = 4)
cat("Models are Indexed in rows", "\n")
print(R2_result, row.names = F)
# adjR2 Criterion
myAdj_R2_criterion <- function(lm.model, response = model.response(model.frame(lm.model))){
adjR2 <- leaps(model.matrix(lm.model)[, -1], response, method = "adjr2", nbest = 1)
var_in_model <- apply(adjR2$which, 1,
function(x) as.character(paste(colnames(model.matrix(lm.model)[, -1])[x], collapse = " ")))
adjR2_result <- data.frame(k = adjR2$size - 1, p = adjR2$size, adjR2 = adjR2$adjr2, = var_in_model)
plot(adjR2$size, adjR2$adjr2, type = "b", xlab = "p", ylab = "", xaxt = "n", cex = 2, las = 1)
axis(1, at = adjR2$size, labels = adjR2$size)
mtext("adj_R2", 2, las = 1, adj = 2.2)
cat("Models are Indexed in rows", "\n")
print(adjR2_result, row.names = F)
myStepwise <- function(full.model,,, initial.model = lm(model.response(model.frame(full.model)) ~ 1)){
# #
# Function to perform a stepwise linear regression using F tests of significance, #
# based on the function developed by Paul A. Rubin ([email protected]) #
# URL = #
# #
# #
# full.model : model containing all possible terms #
# significance level above which a variable may enter #
# significance level below which a variable may be deleted #
# initial.model : first model to consider. By default the first model is the one #
# without predictors #
# fit the full model
full <- lm(full.model);
# attach predictor variables in full model
attach([, -1]), warn.conflicts = F);
# MSE of full model
msef <- (summary(full)$sigma)^2;
# sample size
n <- length(full$residuals);
# this is the current model
current <- lm(initial.model);
# process each model until we break out of the loop
# summary output for the current model
temp <- summary(current);
# list of terms in the current model
rnames <- rownames(temp$coefficients);
# write the model description
# current model's size
p <- dim(temp$coefficients)[1];
# MSE for current model
mse <- (temp$sigma)^2;
# Mallow's cp
cp <- (n - p)*mse / msef - (n - 2 * p);
# show the fit
fit <- sprintf("\nS = %f, R-sq = %f, R-sq(adj) = %f, C-p = %f",
temp$sigma, temp$r.squared, temp$adj.r.squared, cp);
write(fit, file = "");
# print a separator
write("=====", file = "");
# don't try to drop a term if only one is left
if(p > 1){
# looks for significance of terms based on F tests
d <- drop1(current, test = "F");
# maximum p-value of any term (have to skip the intercept to avoid an NA)
pmax <- max(d[-1, 6]);
# we have a candidate for deletion
if(pmax >{
# name of variable to delete
var <- rownames(d)[d[, 6] == pmax];
# if an intercept is present, it will be the first name in the list
if(length(var) > 1){
# there also could be ties for worst p-value, a safe solution to
# both issues is taking the second entry if there is more than one
var <- var[2];
# print out the variable to be dropped
write(paste("--- Dropping", var, "\n"), file="");
# current formula
f <- formula(current);
# modify the formula to drop the chosen variable (by subtracting it)
f <- as.formula(paste(f[2], "~", paste(f[3], var, sep=" - ")));
# fit the modified model
current <- lm(f);
# return to the top of the loop
# if we get here, we failed to drop a term; try adding one
# note: add1 throws an error if nothing can be added (current == full), which
# we trap with tryCatch
# looks for significance of possible additions based on F tests
a <- tryCatch(add1(current, scope = full.model, test = "F"), error = function(e) NULL);
# there are no unused variables (or something went splat), so we bail out
# minimum p-value of any term (skipping the intercept again)
pmin <- min(a[-1, 6]);
# we have a candidate for addition to the model
if(pmin <{
# name of variable to add
var <- rownames(a)[a[,6] == pmin];
# same issue with ties, intercept as above
if(length(var) > 1){
var <- var[2];
# print the variable being added
write(paste("+++ Adding", var, "\n"), file="");
# current formula
f <- formula(current);
# modify the formula to add the chosen variable
f <- as.formula(paste(f[2], "~", paste(f[3], var, sep=" + ")));
# fit the modified model
current <- lm(f);
# return to the top of the loop
# if we get here, we failed to make any changes to the model; time to punt
# detach predictor variables in full model
myBackward <- function(base.full, = 0.05, verbose = T){
# #
# Function to perform a backward linear regression using F tests of significance, #
# based on the function developed by Joris Meys #
# URL = #
# #
# #
# base.full : dataset(Y, X1...) #
# the significance level below which a variable may be deleted #
# verbose : if TRUE, prints F-tests, dropped var and resulting model after #
# #
has.interaction <- function(x, terms){
# #
# Function has.interaction developed by Joris Meys, checks whether x is part #
# of a term in terms, which is a vector with names of terms from a model #
# #
out <- sapply(terms, function(i){
sum(1 - (strsplit(x, ":")[[1]] %in% strsplit(i, ":")[[1]])) == 0
return(sum(out) > 0)
counter <- 1
# check input
#if(!is(model, "lm")) stop(paste(deparse(substitute(model)),"is not an lm object\n"))
# calculate scope for drop1 function
model <- lm(base.full)
terms <- attr(model$terms, "term.labels")
# set scopevars to all terms
scopevars <- terms
# Backward model selection:
# extract the test statistics from drop.
test <- drop1(model, scope = scopevars, test = "F")
cat("-------------STEP ", counter, "-------------\n",
"The drop statistics : \n")
pval <- test[, dim(test)[2]]
names(pval) <- rownames(test)
pval <- sort(pval, decreasing = T)
if(sum( > 0){
stop(paste("Model", deparse(substitute(model)), "is invalid. Check if all coefficients are estimated."))
# check if all significant
if(pval[1] <{
# stops the loop if all remaining vars are sign.
# select var to drop
i <- 1
dropvar <- names(pval)[i]
check.terms <- terms[-match(dropvar, terms)]
x <- has.interaction(dropvar, check.terms)
i = i + 1
} else {
# end while(T) drop var
# stops the loop if var to remove is significant
if(pval[i] <{
cat("\n--------\nTerm dropped in step", counter, ":", dropvar, "\n--------\n\n")
# update terms, scopevars and model
scopevars <- scopevars[-match(dropvar, scopevars)]
terms <- terms[-match(dropvar, terms)]
formul <- as.formula(paste(".~.-", dropvar))
model <- update(model, formul)
if(length(scopevars) == 0){
warning("All variables are thrown out of the model.\n", "No model could be specified.")
counter <- counter + 1
# end while(T) main loop