Runtime error
Runtime error
import pandas as pd | |
import streamlit as st | |
import streamlit.components.v1 as components | |
from PIL import Image | |
from io import BytesIO | |
import mysql.connector | |
import ftplib | |
# Load the Excel file | |
st.set_page_config(layout="wide") | |
ipcode="" | |
ipname="" | |
ipsection='' | |
ipclass='' | |
r1c1,_,r1c2 = st.columns([4,0.5,4]) | |
section_set=() | |
if 'go' not in st.session_state: | |
st.session_state.go = False | |
if 'df' not in st.session_state: | |
st.session_state.df = None | |
def change_go(): | |
st.session_state.go = True | |
with r1c1: | |
st.title('Data Entry') | |
school_name = st.text_input("Please Enter The School Code", "12345") | |
uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Choose a file", type = 'xlsx') | |
if uploaded_file is not None: | |
if st.session_state.df is None: | |
print("****************hi*****************") | |
st.session_state.df = pd.read_excel(uploaded_file, sheet_name='Sheet1') | |
section_set=tuple(set(list(st.session_state.df['Section']))) | |
uploaded_file=None | |
if 'photo_taken' not in st.session_state.df.columns: | |
st.session_state.df['photo_taken'] = 'No' | |
r1lc1,r1lc2 = st.columns([2,2]) | |
with r1lc1: | |
Section_name= st.selectbox( "Select Section",section_set) | |
if Section_name is not None: | |
temp_name= tuple(set(list(st.session_state.df[(st.session_state.df['Section'] == Section_name)]["Name"]))) | |
select_name=st.selectbox( "Select Name",temp_name) | |
with r1lc2: | |
roll_no = st.text_input('Enter Roll Number') | |
cb0,cb1,cb2,_=st.columns([1,1,1,3]) | |
with cb2: | |
st.button('Go', on_click=change_go) | |
with cb1: | |
next=st.button('Next >') | |
with cb0: | |
prev=st.button('< Prev') | |
if(st.session_state.go): | |
picture = st.camera_input("Take a picture") | |
if st.session_state.go: | |
# Filter the dataframe based on the input | |
if(len(roll_no)): | |
filtered_df = st.session_state.df[(st.session_state.df['Section'] == Section_name) & (st.session_state.df['Roll'] == int(roll_no))] | |
index=st.session_state.df.index[(st.session_state.df['Section'] == Section_name) & (st.session_state.df['Roll'] == int(roll_no))].tolist() | |
else: | |
filtered_df = st.session_state.df[(st.session_state.df['Section'] == Section_name) & (st.session_state.df['Name'] == select_name)] | |
index=st.session_state.df.index[(st.session_state.df['Section'] == Section_name) & (st.session_state.df['Name'] == select_name)].tolist() | |
if not filtered_df.empty: | |
with r1c2: | |
st.title('Your Data') | |
r2c1,r2c2 = st.columns([2,2]) | |
# Display the data in text fields | |
with r2c1: | |
ipname=st.text_input('Name', filtered_df['Name'].values[0]) | |
ipaddress=st.text_input('Address', filtered_df['Address'].values[0]) | |
ipphone=st.text_input('Phone', filtered_df['Phone'].values[0]) | |
ipclass=st.text_input('Class', filtered_df['Class'].values[0]) | |
ipsection=st.text_input('Section', filtered_df['Section'].values[0]) | |
iproll=st.text_input('Roll', filtered_df['Roll'].values[0]) | |
ipphototaken=st.text_input('Photo Taken', filtered_df['photo_taken'].values[0]) | |
with r2c2: | |
ipcode=st.text_input('Code', filtered_df['Code'].values[0]) | |
ippic=st.text_input('Picture', filtered_df['Picture'].values[0]) | |
ipgurno=st.text_input('Guardian Number', filtered_df['Guardian Number'].values[0]) | |
ipfn=st.text_input('Father\'s Name', filtered_df['Father\'s Name'].values[0]) | |
inmn=st.text_input('Mother\'s Name', filtered_df['Mother\'s Name'].values[0]) | |
inbg=st.text_input('Blood Group', filtered_df['Blood Group'].values[0]) | |
indob=st.text_input('DOB', str(filtered_df['DOB'].values[0])) | |
submit=st.button("submit", type="primary") | |
if picture: | |
st.session_state.df.loc[st.session_state.df.Code == ipcode, 'Picture'] =f"Photo_{ipclass}_{ipsection}_{ipcode}_{ipname}.jpg" | |
ippic=f"Photo_{ipclass}_{ipsection}_{ipcode}_{ipname}.jpg" | |
print("Picture name: ",ippic) | |
# session = ftplib.FTP('','u669719505.partha','Partha123$#@') | |
# session.storbinary(f'STOR {ippic}', picture) | |
# session.quit() | |
# with open(f"Photo/{ipclass}/{ipsection}/{ipcode}_{ipname}.jpg", 'wb') as f: | |
# f.write(picture.getvalue()) | |
if(submit): | |
st.session_state.df['Name'][index]=ipname | |
st.session_state.df['Address'][index]=ipaddress | |
st.session_state.df['Phone'][index]=ipphone | |
st.session_state.df['Class'][index]=ipclass | |
st.session_state.df['Section'][index]=ipsection | |
st.session_state.df['Roll'][index]=iproll | |
st.session_state.df['photo_taken'][index]=ipphototaken | |
st.session_state.df['Code'][index]=ipcode | |
st.session_state.df['Picture'][index]=ippic | |
st.session_state.df['Guardian Number'][index]=ipgurno | |
st.session_state.df['Father\'s Name'][index]=ipfn | |
st.session_state.df['Mother\'s Name'][index]=inmn | |
st.session_state.df['Blood Group'][index]=inbg | |
st.session_state.df['DOB'][index]=indob | |
st.session_state.df.to_excel(f"Data/temp/{school_name}_{ipclass}_data.xlsx") | |
#df = pd.read_excel(f"Data/temp/{school_name}_{ipclass}_data.xlsx", sheet_name='Sheet1') | |
myconn = mysql.connector.connect(host = "", user = "u669719505_school",passwd = "+=I^|BhLc7D", database = "u669719505_school") | |
cur = myconn.cursor() | |
del_query = f"""DELETE FROM schooltest WHERE Code ='{ipcode}';""" | |
# Execute the query | |
cur.execute(del_query) | |
insert_query = f"""INSERT INTO schooltest (Name, Address, Phone, Class, Section, Roll, photo_taken, Code, Picture, Guardian_Number, Fathers_Name, Mothers_Name, Blood_Group,DOB)VALUES ('{ipname}', '{ipaddress}', '{ipphone}', '{ipclass}', '{ipsection}', '{iproll}', '{ipphototaken}', '{ipcode}', '{ippic}', '{ipgurno}', '{ipfn}', '{inmn}', '{inbg}', '{indob}');""" | |
# Execute the query | |
cur.execute(insert_query) | |
# Commit the transaction | |
myconn.commit() | |
cur.close() | |
st.success('Data Is Successfully Updated', icon="β ") | |
st.session_state.go=False | |
else: | |
with r1c2: | |
st.title('Your Data') | |
r2c1,r2c2 = st.columns([2,2]) | |
with r2c1: | |
st.text_input('Name', '') | |
st.text_input('Address', '') | |
st.text_input('Phone', '') | |
st.text_input('Class', '') | |
st.text_input('Section', '') | |
st.text_input('Roll', '') | |
st.text_input('Photo Taken', '') | |
with r2c2: | |
st.text_input('Code', '') | |
st.text_input('Picture', '') | |
st.text_input('Guardian Number','') | |
st.text_input('Father\'s Name', '') | |
st.text_input('Mother\'s Name', '') | |
st.text_input('Blood Group', '') | |
st.text_input('DOB', str('')) | |
st.success('No Data Found', icon="β") | |
else: | |
with r1c2: | |
st.title('Your Data') | |
r2c1,r2c2 = st.columns([2,2]) | |
with r2c1: | |
st.text_input('Name', '') | |
st.text_input('Address', '') | |
st.text_input('Phone', '') | |
st.text_input('Class', '') | |
st.text_input('Section', '') | |
st.text_input('Roll', '') | |
st.text_input('Photo Taken', '') | |
with r2c2: | |
st.text_input('Code', '') | |
st.text_input('Picture', '') | |
st.text_input('Guardian Number','') | |
st.text_input('Father\'s Name', '') | |
st.text_input('Mother\'s Name', '') | |
st.text_input('Blood Group', '') | |
st.text_input('DOB', str('')) |