import gradio as gr import aiimsscrapper import amsscrapper import degruyterscrapper import sciencedirect import sciencedirect_admaths import springerscrapper from urllib.parse import urlparse from sheets import ExcelAutomator from sgoogle import GoogleSheetAutomator import os import random import string import json import base64 import crypto auth = [ (os.getenv("USERNAME1"), os.getenv("PASSWORD1")), (os.getenv("USERNAME2"), os.getenv("PASSWORD2")), (os.getenv("USERNAME3"), os.getenv("PASSWORD3")) ] description = """ For bug reports or improvements, contact [@H4CK3R_5M4CK3R]( on Telegram. **Usage Instructions:** 1. **Single Issue Scraping:** - Provide the issue link in the URL section. - Optionally, specify the desired output file name. 2. **Multiple Issues Scraping:** - Use curly braces `{}` in the URL to indicate where the volume (`v`) and issue (`i`) numbers should be inserted. - Define the range for volumes, not issues. Ensure you pass the volume range correctly. 3. **Read this before using google sheet feature** - **IMPORTANT** First make a google drive folder and then gave access to `` and `` super important. - Next make sure to check for make owner because it will transfer full control over to you you can delete or do anything as you like with the file. - You can also check for live addition of the data if you open the same folder and check for your output file. - You will get the file link in the output 4 you can also access it but only given mail will be able to access it. - Even after creating the file dont remove the access from the google drive folder as are gonna add more file if you like in there - You can get google drive folder id by just go to the -> create new folder -> click on : -> Share -> Enter the email given above both -> Make sure to gave Editor permission -> Click on Send - After this to get the drive folder id click on copy link and then it will look like this now in this like **folderid** is the folder id. - **IMPORTANT** : After everything is done make sure to accept the ownership which you can do by Click on : -> Share -> Accept ownership and congo now you are the sweet owner of the file do as you like to do. **Note:** - The range should be the volume range, not the issue range. - Some authors may not have a listed address; their profile link will be included in the address section instead. - After progress is completed make sure to click on clear because sometimes notification does't ring """ exmpl = [ ["", 0, 0, "", "asdfasdfasdfasdfasdf", "example1", False, True], ["", 0, 0, "", "asdfasdfasdfasdfasdf", "example2", False, True], ["{v}/{i}/html", 22, 23, "", "asdfasdfasdfasdfasdf", "example3", False, True], ["", 0, 0, "", "asdfasdfasdfasdfasdf", "example4", False, True], ["{v}/{i}/archive-articles", 2021, 2022, "", "asdfasdfasdfasdfasdf", "example5", False, True], ["", 0, 0, "", "asdfasdfasdfasdfasdf", "example6", False, True], ["{v}-{i}", 388, 389, "", "asdfasdfasdfasdfasdf", "example7", False, True], ["", 0, 0, "", "asdfasdfasdfasdfasdf", "example8", False, True], ["", 0, 0, "", "asdfasdfasdfasdfasdf", "example9", False, True], ["{v}/issue/{i}", 37, 38, "", "asdfasdfasdfasdfasdf", "example10", False, True] ] stop_work = False def generate_random_filename(length=8): random_string = ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_letters + string.digits, k=length)) return random_string def filterUrlandRun(url: str, from_range: int, to_range: int, reverse: bool, output: str, owner: bool, mail: str, folder_id: str, credit: dict, usegooglesheet: bool): if len(output.strip()) < 1: output = generate_random_filename() if os.path.exists(f"{output}.xlsx"): os.remove(f"{output}.xlsx") url_sch = urlparse(url) domain = url_sch.hostname if usegooglesheet: shet = GoogleSheetAutomator( [ "Name", "Email", "Address" ], folder_id, outputfile=output, creds_dict=credit ) sht = ExcelAutomator([ "Name", "Email", "Address" ], output) filen = True if "{" in url: links = [] if reverse: for vol in reversed(range(from_range, to_range+1)): links.append(url.format(v=vol, i="{i}")) else: for vol in range(from_range, to_range+1): links.append(url.format(v=vol, i="{i}")) else: links = [url] filen = False try: if domain == "" or domain == "": for ur in links: isu = 1 while True: if stop_work: break try: if filen: current_url = ur.format(i= (str(isu) if len(str(isu)) > 1 else f"0{isu}")) allLinks = amsscrapper.getlinks(current_url) isu += 1 else: current_url = ur allLinks = amsscrapper.getlinks(current_url) except Exception as e: break yield {"current_url": current_url, "status": "fetching"} for link in allLinks: authors = amsscrapper.get_authors(link) for index, auth in enumerate(authors, start=1): if usegooglesheet: yield {"author": auth, "index": index} if not filen: break if usegooglesheet: shet.save_to_file() sht.save_to_file() if stop_work: break if owner: if usegooglesheet: shet.transfer_ownership(mail) if usegooglesheet: yield {"final_output": sht.save_to_file(), "link" : shet.save_to_file()} else: yield {"final_output": sht.save_to_file(), "link" : ""} elif domain == "" or domain == "": for ur in links: isu = 1 while True: if stop_work: break try: if filen: current_url = ur.format(i=isu) allLinks = degruyterscrapper.getLinks(current_url) isu += 1 else: current_url = ur allLinks = degruyterscrapper.getLinks(current_url) except Exception as e: break yield {"current_url": current_url, "status": "fetching"} for link in allLinks: authors = degruyterscrapper.get_author_details(link) for index, auth in enumerate(authors, start=1): if usegooglesheet: yield {"author": auth, "index": index} if not filen: break if usegooglesheet: shet.save_to_file() sht.save_to_file() if stop_work: break if owner: if usegooglesheet: shet.transfer_ownership(mail) if usegooglesheet: yield {"final_output": sht.save_to_file(), "link" : shet.save_to_file()} else: yield {"final_output": sht.save_to_file(), "link" : ""} elif domain == "" or domain == "": for ur in links: isu = 1 while True: if stop_work: break try: if filen: current_url = ur.format(i=isu) allLinks = aiimsscrapper.get_links(current_url) isu += 1 else: current_url = ur allLinks = aiimsscrapper.get_links(current_url) except Exception as e: break yield {"current_url": current_url, "status": "fetching"} for link in allLinks: authors = aiimsscrapper.get_author_details(link) for index, auth in enumerate(authors, start=1): if usegooglesheet: yield {"author": auth, "index": index} if not filen: break if usegooglesheet: shet.save_to_file() sht.save_to_file() if stop_work: break if owner: if usegooglesheet: shet.transfer_ownership(mail) if usegooglesheet: yield {"final_output": sht.save_to_file(), "link" : shet.save_to_file()} else: yield {"final_output": sht.save_to_file(), "link" : ""} elif domain == "": for ur in links: isu = 1 while True: if stop_work: break try: if filen: current_url = ur.format(i=isu) allLinks = springerscrapper.get_all_articals_link(current_url) isu += 1 else: current_url = ur allLinks = springerscrapper.get_all_articals_link(current_url) except Exception as e: break yield {"current_url": current_url, "status": "fetching"} for link in allLinks: authors = springerscrapper.get_authors(link) for index, auth in enumerate(authors, start=1): if usegooglesheet: yield {"author": auth, "index": index} if not filen: break if usegooglesheet: shet.save_to_file() sht.save_to_file() if stop_work: break if owner: if usegooglesheet: shet.transfer_ownership(mail) if usegooglesheet: yield {"final_output": sht.save_to_file(), "link" : shet.save_to_file()} else: yield {"final_output": sht.save_to_file(), "link" : ""} elif domain == "": for ur in links: isu = 1 while True: if stop_work: break try: if filen: current_url = ur.format(i=isu) authors, _ = isu += 1 else: current_url = ur authors, _ = except Exception as e: break yield {"current_url": current_url, "status": "fetching"} for index, auth in enumerate(authors, start=1): if usegooglesheet: yield {"author": auth, "index": index} if not filen: break sht.save_to_file() if usegooglesheet: shet.save_to_file() if stop_work: break if owner: if usegooglesheet: shet.transfer_ownership(mail) if usegooglesheet: yield {"final_output": sht.save_to_file(), "link" : shet.save_to_file()} else: yield {"final_output": sht.save_to_file(), "link" : ""} elif domain == "" and "acta-mathematica-scientia" in url: for ur in links: isu = 1 while True: if stop_work: break try: if filen: current_url = ur.format(i=isu) authors, _ = isu += 1 else: current_url = ur authors, _ = except Exception as e: break yield {"current_url": current_url, "status": "fetching"} for index, auth in enumerate(authors, start=1): if usegooglesheet: yield {"author": auth, "index": index} if not filen: break if usegooglesheet: shet.save_to_file() sht.save_to_file() if stop_work: break if owner: if usegooglesheet: shet.transfer_ownership(mail) if usegooglesheet: yield {"final_output": sht.save_to_file(), "link" : shet.save_to_file()} else: yield {"final_output": sht.save_to_file(), "link" : ""} else: raise gr.Error("Invalid URL. Contact @H4CK3R_5M4CK3R on Telegram") except gr.Error: pass except Exception as e: raise gr.Error("An error occurred. Check your URL or contact @H4CK3R_5M4CK3R on Telegram") def handle_url(url, From_volume: int, To_Volume: int, Gmail: str, FolderId: str, Output: str, MakeOwner:bool=True, UseGoogleSheet:bool=True, Reverse: bool=False): authors = [] details = [] final_output = None link = None credit = crypto.decrypt(os.getenv("KEY"), os.getenv("GOOGLE_AUTH_CREDENTIALS")) credit = json.loads(credit) for key, result in enumerate(filterUrlandRun(url, From_volume, To_Volume, Reverse, Output, MakeOwner, Gmail, FolderId, credit=credit, usegooglesheet=UseGoogleSheet)): if "final_output" in result: final_output = result["final_output"] link = result["link"] else: if "author" in result: author = result["author"] authors.append(f"Saving Author: {author.get('Name')}\n") if "current_url" in result: current_url = result["current_url"] details.append(f"Scraping: {current_url}\n") authors = authors[-3:] if len(authors) > 3 else authors details = details[-3:] if len(details) > 3 else details yield "\n".join(authors), "\n".join(details), final_output if final_output else None, gr.Audio("notification.mp3", autoplay=True) if final_output else None, link interface = gr.Interface( fn=handle_url, inputs=["textbox", gr.Number(0, label="From Volume"), gr.Number(0, label="To Volume"), gr.Textbox(label="Access Gmail (Check Docs)"), gr.Textbox(label="Google Folder ID (Check Docs)"), gr.Textbox(label="Output File Name"), gr.Checkbox(True, label="Make Owner"), gr.Checkbox(True, label="Use Google Sheets"), "checkbox"], outputs=[gr.Markdown("LOGS", height="250px", elem_id="authorscroll"), gr.Markdown("", height="100px", elem_id="authorscroll"), "file", "audio", "textbox"], title="Web Scraper", description=description, examples=exmpl, cache_examples=False ) interface.launch( share=False, show_api=False, auth=auth )