import gspread from google.oauth2 import service_account from googleapiclient.discovery import build import time class GoogleSheetAutomator: def __init__(self, name: list, folder_id: str, creds_dict: dict, outputfile: str): self.columns = name self.folder_id = folder_id scope = [ '', '', '', '' ] creds = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_info(creds_dict, scopes=scope) self.client = gspread.authorize(creds) self.worksheet_main = self.client.create(outputfile, folder_id) self.worksheet = self.worksheet_main.sheet1 self.worksheet.append_row(self.columns) def save(self, data_dict): """ Save a new row of data to the Google Sheet. :param data_dict: Dictionary with keys as column names and values as the data to save. """ row_data = [data_dict.get(column, '') for column in self.columns] self.worksheet.append_row(row_data) time.sleep(2) def save_to_file(self): """ Since the data is saved in real-time to Google Sheets, this method can simply return the sheet URL. """ return self.worksheet_main.url def transfer_ownership(self, mail: str): resp = self.worksheet_main.share(mail, perm_type='user', role='writer', notify=True) self.worksheet_main.transfer_ownership(resp.json()["id"]) return True