diff --git "a/pages/5SOURCE TO TARGET MAPPING.py" "b/pages/5SOURCE TO TARGET MAPPING.py"
--- "a/pages/5SOURCE TO TARGET MAPPING.py"
+++ "b/pages/5SOURCE TO TARGET MAPPING.py"
@@ -16,1336 +16,1349 @@ import sdv
from sdv.metadata import MultiTableMetadata
from collections import defaultdict
import pymssql
+from streamlit_app import sidebar
# Create a GenerativeModel instance
model = genai.GenerativeModel(
-def read_excel(path, sheet):
- df = pd.read_excel(path, sheet_name = sheet, dtype = 'str')
- return df
-def split_join_condition(join_condition):
- conditions = []
- condition = ''
- bracket_count = 0
- for char in join_condition:
- if char == '(':
- bracket_count += 1
- elif char == ')':
- bracket_count -+ 1
- if char == ',' and bracket_count == 0:
+def main():
+ # st.title('PAGE TITLE') # Change this for each page
+ sidebar()
+ def read_excel(path, sheet):
+ df = pd.read_excel(path, sheet_name = sheet, dtype = 'str')
+ return df
+ def split_join_condition(join_condition):
+ conditions = []
+ condition = ''
+ bracket_count = 0
+ for char in join_condition:
+ if char == '(':
+ bracket_count += 1
+ elif char == ')':
+ bracket_count -+ 1
+ if char == ',' and bracket_count == 0:
+ conditions.append(condition.strip())
+ condition = ''
+ else:
+ condition += char
+ if condition:
- condition = ''
- else:
- condition += char
- if condition:
- conditions.append(condition.strip())
- return conditions
-def join_incr(join_conditions):
- join = []
- join_pattern = re.compile(r'(\w+\.\w+)\s*=\s*(\w+\w.\w+)', re.IGNORECASE)
- for join_condition in join_conditions:
- parts = re.split(r'\sAND\s|\sOR\s', join_condition, flags = re.IGNORECASE)
- temp = [x.strip() for x in parts if join_pattern.match(x.strip())]
- join.append(' AND '.join(temp))
- return join
-def generate_sql(temp_table):
- proc_query = []
- base_table = None
- source_table_schema = 'MAIN.GOLD'
- temp_table_schema = 'MAIN.GOLD'
- base_pk = []
- join_fields = set()
- for _,row in df.iterrows():
- source_table = row['Source Table']
- primary_key = row['Primary Key']
- source_column = row['Source Column']
- alias = row['Alias']
- joining_keys = row['Joining Keys']
- if not base_table:
- if primary_key == 'Y':
- base_table = source_table
- base_pk.append(joining_keys)
- if pd.notna(joining_keys):
- keys = [x.strip() for x in joining_keys.split(',')]
- for x in keys:
- if x not in join_fields:
- join_fields.add(x)
+ return conditions
- unique_cols = ['Source Table', 'Joining Keys', 'Primary Key', 'Join Type','Join Tables','Join Condition']
- unique_df = df.drop_duplicates(subset = unique_cols)
+ def join_incr(join_conditions):
+ join = []
+ join_pattern = re.compile(r'(\w+\.\w+)\s*=\s*(\w+\w.\w+)', re.IGNORECASE)
+ for join_condition in join_conditions:
+ parts = re.split(r'\sAND\s|\sOR\s', join_condition, flags = re.IGNORECASE)
+ temp = [x.strip() for x in parts if join_pattern.match(x.strip())]
+ join.append(' AND '.join(temp))
+ return join
- incremantal_mapping = {}
- incr_joins = {}
- for _,row in unique_df.iterrows():
- source_table = row['Source Table']
- source_column = row['Source Column']
- joining_keys = row['Joining Keys']
- primary_key = row['Primary Key']
- direct_derived = row['Direct/Derived']
- join_type = row['Join Type']
- join_tables = row['Join Tables']
- join_condition = row['Join Condition']
- if source_table == base_table:
- if primary_key == 'Y':
+ def generate_sql(temp_table):
+ proc_query = []
+ base_table = None
+ source_table_schema = 'MAIN.GOLD'
+ temp_table_schema = 'MAIN.GOLD'
+ base_pk = []
+ join_fields = set()
+ for _,row in df.iterrows():
+ source_table = row['Source Table']
+ primary_key = row['Primary Key']
+ source_column = row['Source Column']
+ alias = row['Alias']
+ joining_keys = row['Joining Keys']
+ if not base_table:
+ if primary_key == 'Y':
+ base_table = source_table
+ base_pk.append(joining_keys)
+ if pd.notna(joining_keys):
+ keys = [x.strip() for x in joining_keys.split(',')]
+ for x in keys:
+ if x not in join_fields:
+ join_fields.add(x)
+ unique_cols = ['Source Table', 'Joining Keys', 'Primary Key', 'Join Type','Join Tables','Join Condition']
+ unique_df = df.drop_duplicates(subset = unique_cols)
+ incremantal_mapping = {}
+ incr_joins = {}
+ for _,row in unique_df.iterrows():
+ source_table = row['Source Table']
+ source_column = row['Source Column']
+ joining_keys = row['Joining Keys']
+ primary_key = row['Primary Key']
+ direct_derived = row['Direct/Derived']
+ join_type = row['Join Type']
+ join_tables = row['Join Tables']
+ join_condition = row['Join Condition']
+ if source_table == base_table:
+ if primary_key == 'Y':
+ key = (source_table, joining_keys, join_type, join_tables, join_condition)
+ key1 = source_table
+ else:
+ continue
+ else:
key = (source_table, joining_keys, join_type, join_tables, join_condition)
key1 = source_table
- else:
- continue
- else:
- key = (source_table, joining_keys, join_type, join_tables, join_condition)
- key1 = source_table
- if pd.notna(direct_derived) and pd.notna(source_table) and pd.notna(source_column):
- if key not in incremantal_mapping:
- incremantal_mapping[key] = {
- 'source_table': source_table,
- 'joining_keys':joining_keys,
- 'join_type': join_type,
- 'join_tables': join_tables,
- 'join_condition': join_condition
- }
- if key1 not in incr_joins:
- if pd.notna(direct_derived) and direct_derived == 'DERIVED':
- incr_joins[key1] = {
+ if pd.notna(direct_derived) and pd.notna(source_table) and pd.notna(source_column):
+ if key not in incremantal_mapping:
+ incremantal_mapping[key] = {
+ 'source_table': source_table,
+ 'joining_keys':joining_keys,
'join_type': join_type,
- 'join_tables': ', '.join([x.strip() for x in join_tables.split(',') if x != base_table]),
+ 'join_tables': join_tables,
'join_condition': join_condition
- incremental_df = pd.DataFrame(incremantal_mapping.values())
- incr_join_grps = incremental_df.groupby(['source_table'])
- proc_query.append(f'TRUNCATE TABLE {temp_table_schema}.{temp_table}_INCR;')
- incr_table_join_info = {}
- for _,row in incremental_df.iterrows():
- source_table = row['source_table']
- if source_table != base_table:
- joining_keys = row['joining_keys']
- join_type = row['join_type']
- join_tables = [x.strip() for x in row['join_tables'].split(',')]
- index = join_tables.index(source_table)
- join_condition = [x.strip() for x in row['join_condition'].split(',')][0:index]
- incr_table_join_info[source_table] = ', '.join(join_condition)
- incr_query = []
- incr_cols = ''
- incr_tables = []
- incr_join = {}
- for _, group in incr_join_grps:
+ if key1 not in incr_joins:
+ if pd.notna(direct_derived) and direct_derived == 'DERIVED':
+ incr_joins[key1] = {
+ 'join_type': join_type,
+ 'join_tables': ', '.join([x.strip() for x in join_tables.split(',') if x != base_table]),
+ 'join_condition': join_condition
+ }
+ incremental_df = pd.DataFrame(incremantal_mapping.values())
+ incr_join_grps = incremental_df.groupby(['source_table'])
+ proc_query.append(f'TRUNCATE TABLE {temp_table_schema}.{temp_table}_INCR;')
- for table in _.split():
- if base_table != table:
- join_tables = [t.strip() for t in group['join_tables'].iloc[0].split(',')]
- join_keys = [t.strip() for t in ','.join(base_pk).split(',')]
- join_type = [t.strip() for t in group['join_type'].iloc[0].split(',')]
- join_cond = split_join_condition(incr_table_join_info[table])
- join_condition = join_incr(join_cond)
- source_table = [t.strip() for t in group['source_table'].iloc[0].split(',')]
- join_key_list = []
- for x in join_keys:
- join_key_list.append(f'{base_table}.{x}')
- join_key = ', '.join(join_key_list)
- for y in source_table:
- sql = f"""
- INSERT INTO {temp_table_schema}.{temp_table}_INCR
- (
- SELECT {join_key}, {table_details_mapping[y][0]}, {table_details_mapping[y][1]}, '{y}', 1, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
- FROM {source_table_schema}.{base_table} {base_table}"""
- incr_join_text = ''
- for i in range(len(join_condition)):
- sql += f'\n\t{join_type[i]} JOIN {source_table_schema}.{join_tables[i+1]} {join_tables[i+1]} ON {join_condition[i]}'
- incr_join_text += f'\n\t{join_type[i]} JOIN {source_table_schema}.{join_tables[i+1]} {join_tables[i+1]} ON {join_condition[i]}'
- incr_join[y] = incr_join_text
- sql += f"""
- WHERE COALESCE({join_tables[i+1]}.operation,'NA') <> 'D'
- AND TO_TIMESTAMP( CAST(SUBSTRING(({join_tables[i+1]}._hoodie_commit_time),1,4) || '-' || SUBSTRING(({join_tables[i+1]}._hoodie_commit_time),5,2) ||'-' || SUBSTRING(({join_tables[i+1]}._hoodie_commit_time),7,2) || ' ' || SUBSTRING(({join_tables[i+1]}._hoodie_commit_time),9,2) ||':' || SUBSTRING(({join_tables[i+1]}._hoodie_commit_time),11,2) ||':' || SUBSTRING(({join_tables[i+1]}._hoodie_commit_time),13,2) AS VARCHAR(30)), 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS') > (SELECT MAX(max_update_date) FROM audit.reportingdb_audit_tbl_{temp_table} WHERE mart_table_name='{temp_table}' and src_table_name='{y}')
- );"""
+ incr_table_join_info = {}
+ for _,row in incremental_df.iterrows():
+ source_table = row['source_table']
+ if source_table != base_table:
+ joining_keys = row['joining_keys']
+ join_type = row['join_type']
+ join_tables = [x.strip() for x in row['join_tables'].split(',')]
+ index = join_tables.index(source_table)
+ join_condition = [x.strip() for x in row['join_condition'].split(',')][0:index]
+ incr_table_join_info[source_table] = ', '.join(join_condition)
+ incr_query = []
+ incr_cols = ''
+ incr_tables = []
+ incr_join = {}
- incr_query.append(sql)
- incr_tables.append(y)
+ for _, group in incr_join_grps:
- else:
- source_table = [t.strip() for t in group['source_table'].iloc[0].split(',')]
- join_keys = [t.strip() for t in group['joining_keys'].iloc[0].split(',')]
+ for table in _.split():
+ if base_table != table:
+ join_tables = [t.strip() for t in group['join_tables'].iloc[0].split(',')]
+ join_keys = [t.strip() for t in ','.join(base_pk).split(',')]
+ join_type = [t.strip() for t in group['join_type'].iloc[0].split(',')]
+ join_cond = split_join_condition(incr_table_join_info[table])
+ join_condition = join_incr(join_cond)
+ source_table = [t.strip() for t in group['source_table'].iloc[0].split(',')]
+ join_key_list = []
+ for x in join_keys:
+ join_key_list.append(f'{base_table}.{x}')
+ join_key = ', '.join(join_key_list)
+ for y in source_table:
+ sql = f"""
+ INSERT INTO {temp_table_schema}.{temp_table}_INCR
+ (
+ SELECT {join_key}, {table_details_mapping[y][0]}, {table_details_mapping[y][1]}, '{y}', 1, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
+ FROM {source_table_schema}.{base_table} {base_table}"""
+ incr_join_text = ''
+ for i in range(len(join_condition)):
+ sql += f'\n\t{join_type[i]} JOIN {source_table_schema}.{join_tables[i+1]} {join_tables[i+1]} ON {join_condition[i]}'
+ incr_join_text += f'\n\t{join_type[i]} JOIN {source_table_schema}.{join_tables[i+1]} {join_tables[i+1]} ON {join_condition[i]}'
+ incr_join[y] = incr_join_text
+ sql += f"""
+ WHERE COALESCE({join_tables[i+1]}.operation,'NA') <> 'D'
+ AND TO_TIMESTAMP( CAST(SUBSTRING(({join_tables[i+1]}._hoodie_commit_time),1,4) || '-' || SUBSTRING(({join_tables[i+1]}._hoodie_commit_time),5,2) ||'-' || SUBSTRING(({join_tables[i+1]}._hoodie_commit_time),7,2) || ' ' || SUBSTRING(({join_tables[i+1]}._hoodie_commit_time),9,2) ||':' || SUBSTRING(({join_tables[i+1]}._hoodie_commit_time),11,2) ||':' || SUBSTRING(({join_tables[i+1]}._hoodie_commit_time),13,2) AS VARCHAR(30)), 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS') > (SELECT MAX(max_update_date) FROM audit.reportingdb_audit_tbl_{temp_table} WHERE mart_table_name='{temp_table}' and src_table_name='{y}')
+ );"""
+ incr_query.append(sql)
+ incr_tables.append(y)
- join_key_list = []
- for x in join_keys:
- join_key_list.append(f'{base_table}.{x}')
- join_key = ', '.join(join_key_list)
+ else:
+ source_table = [t.strip() for t in group['source_table'].iloc[0].split(',')]
+ join_keys = [t.strip() for t in group['joining_keys'].iloc[0].split(',')]
+ join_key_list = []
+ for x in join_keys:
+ join_key_list.append(f'{base_table}.{x}')
+ join_key = ', '.join(join_key_list)
+ incr_cols = join_key
+ sql = f"""
+ INSERT INTO {temp_table_schema}.{temp_table}_INCR
+ (
+ SELECT {join_key}, {table_details_mapping[base_table][0]}, {table_details_mapping[base_table][1]}, '{base_table}', 1, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
+ FROM {source_table_schema}.{base_table} {base_table}
+ WHERE COALESCE(operation,'NA') <> 'D'
+ AND TO_TIMESTAMP( CAST(SUBSTRING((_hoodie_commit_time),1,4) || '-' || SUBSTRING((_hoodie_commit_time),5,2) ||'-' || SUBSTRING((_hoodie_commit_time),7,2) || ' ' || SUBSTRING((_hoodie_commit_time),9,2) ||':' || SUBSTRING((_hoodie_commit_time),11,2) ||':' || SUBSTRING((_hoodie_commit_time),13,2) AS VARCHAR(30)), 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS') > (SELECT MAX(max_update_date) FROM audit.reportingdb_audit_tbl_{temp_table} WHERE mart_table_name='{temp_table}' and src_table_name='{base_table}')
+ );"""
+ proc_query.append(sql)
+ incr_tables.append(base_table)
+ proc_query.append('\n'.join(incr_query))
+ proc_query.append(f'TRUNCATE TABLE {temp_table_schema}.INCR1_{temp_table};')
+ sql = f"""
+ INSERT INTO {temp_table_schema}.INCR1_{temp_table}
+ (
+ SELECT DISTINCT {incr_cols.replace(f'{base_table}.', '')}
+ FROM {temp_table_schema}.{temp_table}_INCR
+ );"""
+ proc_query.append(sql)
- incr_cols = join_key
+ incr_table_dict = {}
+ for table in incr_tables:
+ if table == base_table:
+ incr_table_dict[table] = f'{temp_table_schema}.INCR2_{table}'
+ else:
+ p = [x for x in incr_join[table].split('\n\t') if len(x) > 1]
+ if len(p) == 1:
+ incr_table_dict[table] = f'{temp_table_schema}.INCR2_{table}'
+ else:
+ incr_table_dict[table] = f'{source_table_schema}.{table}'
+ s = []
+ for table in incr_tables:
+ incr2_sql_list = []
+ if table == base_table:
+ for key in incr_cols.replace(f'{base_table}.', '').split(','):
+ incr2_sql_list.append(f"{base_table}.{key} = A.{key}")
+ incr2_sql_join = ' AND '.join(incr2_sql_list)
sql = f"""
- INSERT INTO {temp_table_schema}.{temp_table}_INCR
- (
- SELECT {join_key}, {table_details_mapping[base_table][0]}, {table_details_mapping[base_table][1]}, '{base_table}', 1, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
- FROM {source_table_schema}.{base_table} {base_table}
- WHERE COALESCE(operation,'NA') <> 'D'
- AND TO_TIMESTAMP( CAST(SUBSTRING((_hoodie_commit_time),1,4) || '-' || SUBSTRING((_hoodie_commit_time),5,2) ||'-' || SUBSTRING((_hoodie_commit_time),7,2) || ' ' || SUBSTRING((_hoodie_commit_time),9,2) ||':' || SUBSTRING((_hoodie_commit_time),11,2) ||':' || SUBSTRING((_hoodie_commit_time),13,2) AS VARCHAR(30)), 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS') > (SELECT MAX(max_update_date) FROM audit.reportingdb_audit_tbl_{temp_table} WHERE mart_table_name='{temp_table}' and src_table_name='{base_table}')
- );"""
+ CREATE TABLE {temp_table_schema}.INCR2_{table}
+ AS
+ {table}.*
+ {source_table_schema}.{table} {table}
+ {temp_table_schema}.INCR1_{temp_table} A ON {incr2_sql_join}; """
+ proc_query.append(f'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {temp_table_schema}.INCR2_{table};')
- incr_tables.append(base_table)
- proc_query.append('\n'.join(incr_query))
- proc_query.append(f'TRUNCATE TABLE {temp_table_schema}.INCR1_{temp_table};')
- sql = f"""
- INSERT INTO {temp_table_schema}.INCR1_{temp_table}
- (
- SELECT DISTINCT {incr_cols.replace(f'{base_table}.', '')}
- FROM {temp_table_schema}.{temp_table}_INCR
- );"""
- proc_query.append(sql)
- incr_table_dict = {}
- for table in incr_tables:
- if table == base_table:
- incr_table_dict[table] = f'{temp_table_schema}.INCR2_{table}'
- else:
- p = [x for x in incr_join[table].split('\n\t') if len(x) > 1]
- if len(p) == 1:
- incr_table_dict[table] = f'{temp_table_schema}.INCR2_{table}'
- incr_table_dict[table] = f'{source_table_schema}.{table}'
- s = []
- for table in incr_tables:
- incr2_sql_list = []
- if table == base_table:
- for key in incr_cols.replace(f'{base_table}.', '').split(','):
- incr2_sql_list.append(f"{base_table}.{key} = A.{key}")
- incr2_sql_join = ' AND '.join(incr2_sql_list)
+ p = [x for x in incr_join[table].split('\n\t') if len(x) > 1]
+ if len(p) == 1:
+ sql = f"""
+ CREATE TABLE {temp_table_schema}.INCR2_{table}
+ AS
+ {table}.*
+ {temp_table_schema}.INCR2_{base_table} {base_table} {incr_join[table]};"""
+ s.append(f'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {temp_table_schema}.INCR2_{table};')
+ s.append(sql)
+ for x in s:
+ proc_query.append(x)
+ select_clause = []
+ from_clause = []
+ where_clause = []
+ for _,row in df.iterrows():
+ field_name = row['Field_Name']
+ source_table = row['Source Table']
+ source_column = row['Source Column']
+ joining_keys = row['Joining Keys']
+ primary_key = row['Primary Key']
+ direct_derived = row['Direct/Derived']
+ join_type = row['Join Type']
+ join_tables = row['Join Tables']
+ join_condition = row['Join Condition']
+ column_operation = row['Column Operations']
+ alias = row['Alias']
+ granularity = row['Granularity']
+ filter_condition = row['Filter Condition']
+ clauses = row['Clauses']
+ ordering = row['Ordering']
+ if pd.notna(direct_derived):
+ if pd.notna(column_operation):
+ if len(column_operation.split()) == 1:
+ select_expr = f'{column_operation.upper()}({source_table}.{source_column})'
+ else:
+ select_expr = column_operation
+ else:
+ if pd.notna(source_table):
+ select_expr = f'{source_table}.{source_column}'
+ else:
+ select_expr = source_column
+ if source_column not in join_fields:
+ if pd.notna(alias):
+ select_expr += f' AS {alias}'
+ else:
+ if pd.notna(column_operation) and pd.notna(source_column):
+ select_expr += f' AS {source_column}'
+ if direct_derived.upper() == 'DIRECT':
+ select_clause.append(select_expr)
+ elif direct_derived.upper() == 'DERIVED_BASE':
+ select_clause.append(select_expr)
+ if pd.notna(filter_condition):
+ where_clause.append(filter_condition)
+ select_query = ',\n\t'.join(select_clause)
+ sql_query = f"CREATE TABLE {temp_table_schema}.{base_table}_BASE\nAS \n\tSELECT \n\t{select_query} \nFROM\n\t{incr_table_dict[base_table]} {base_table}"
+ if where_clause:
+ sql_query += f"\nWHERE {' AND'.join(where_clause)}"
+ sql_query += ';'
+ proc_query.append(f"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {temp_table_schema}.{base_table}_BASE;")
+ proc_query.append(sql_query)
+ df['Clauses'].fillna('', inplace = True)
+ df['Ordering'].fillna('', inplace = True)
+ c = 1
+ temp_base_table = f'{base_table}_BASE'
+ grp_cols = ['Join Condition', 'Clauses', 'Ordering']
+ join_grps = df[df['Direct/Derived'] == 'DERIVED'].groupby(['Join Condition', 'Clauses', 'Ordering'])
+ temp_tables_sql = []
+ for (join_condition,clauses,ordering), group in join_grps:
+ if pd.notna(group['Direct/Derived'].iloc[0]):
+ if group['Direct/Derived'].iloc[0].upper() == 'DERIVED':
+ join_tables = [t.strip() for t in group['Join Tables'].iloc[0].split(',')]
+ join_keys = [t.strip() for t in group['Joining Keys'].iloc[0].split(',')]
+ join_type = [t.strip() for t in group['Join Type'].iloc[0].split(',')]
+ join_condition = split_join_condition(group['Join Condition'].iloc[0])
+ temp_table_name = f"TEMP_{group['Source Table'].iloc[0]}"
+ source_column = [t.strip() for t in (','.join(group['Source Column'])).split(',')]
+ alias = [t.strip() for t in (','.join(group['Alias'])).split(',')]
+ source_table = [t.strip() for t in (','.join(group['Source Table'])).split(',')]
+ base_cols = []
+ for join_key in join_keys:
+ base_cols.append(f'{join_tables[0]}.{join_key}')
+ for s_table,col,alias in zip(source_table,source_column,alias):
+ if pd.notna(group['Column Operations'].iloc[0]):
+ if len(group['Column Operations'].iloc[0].split()) == 1:
+ select_expr = f"{group['Column Operations'].iloc[0].upper()}({s_table}.{col})"
+ else:
+ select_expr = group['Column Operations'].iloc[0]
+ else:
+ if pd.notna(s_table):
+ select_expr = f"{s_table}.{col}"
+ else:
+ select_expr = col
+ if alias:
+ select_expr += f" AS {alias}"
+ base_cols.append(select_expr)
+ if ordering:
+ base_cols.append(f"{ordering} AS RN")
+ sql = ',\n\t\t'.join(base_cols)
+ join_sql = f"SELECT \n\t\t{sql} \nFROM\n\t{incr_table_dict[base_table]} {join_tables[0]}"
+ for i in range(len(join_type)):
+ join_sql += f'\n\t{join_type[i]} JOIN {incr_table_dict[join_tables[i+1]]} {join_tables[i+1]} ON {join_condition[i]}'
+ if clauses:
+ join_sql += f'\n\t{clauses}'
+ join_sql += ';'
+ proc_query.append(f"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {temp_table_schema}.{temp_table_name};")
+ proc_query.append(f"CREATE TABLE {temp_table_schema}.{temp_table_name}\nAS \n\t{join_sql}")
+ granularity = [t.strip() for t in group['Granularity'].iloc[0].split(',')]
+ sql = []
+ for key in join_keys:
+ sql.append(f"A.{key} = B.{key}")
+ temp_cols = []
+ temp_cols.append('A.*')
+ source_column = [t.strip() for t in (','.join(group['Source Column'])).split(',')]
+ alias = [t.strip() for t in (','.join(group['Alias'])).split(',')]
+ for col,alias in zip(source_column,alias):
+ select_expr = f"B.{col}"
+ if alias:
+ select_expr = f"B.{alias}"
+ else:
+ select_expr = f"B.{col}"
+ temp_cols.append(select_expr)
+ temp_select_query = ',\n\t\t'.join(temp_cols)
+ proc_query.append(f"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {temp_table_schema}.TEMP_{temp_table}_{c};")
+ base_sql = f"CREATE TABLE {temp_table_schema}.TEMP_{temp_table}_{c}\nAS \n\tSELECT \n\t\t{temp_select_query} \nFROM\n\t{temp_table_schema}.{temp_base_table} AS A"
+ base_sql += f"\n\tLEFT OUTER JOIN {temp_table_schema}.{temp_table_name} B ON {' AND '.join(sql)}"
+ if '1:1' in granularity and len(ordering) > 1:
+ base_sql += f" AND B.RN = 1"
+ base_sql += ';'
+ temp_base_table = f'TEMP_{temp_table}_{c}'
+ c += 1
+ proc_query.append(base_sql)
+ fin_table_name = temp_table
+ fin_table_cols = []
+ for _,row in df.iterrows():
+ field_name = row['Field_Name']
+ source_table = row['Source Table']
+ source_column = row['Source Column']
+ alias = row['Alias']
+ if pd.notna(row['Direct/Derived']):
+ if (source_column in join_fields):
+ fin_table_cols.append(f'{source_column} AS "{field_name}"')
+ else:
+ fin_table_cols.append(f'"{field_name}"')
+ fin_table_cols = ',\n\t\t'.join(fin_table_cols)
+ fin_sql = f"INSERT INTO {temp_table_schema}.{fin_table_name}\n\tSELECT \n\t\t{fin_table_cols} \nFROM\n\t{temp_table_schema}.TEMP_{temp_table}_{c-1};"
+ condition_col = '_'.join(incr_cols.replace(f'{base_table}.', '').split(','))
+ proc_query.append(f"DELETE FROM {temp_table_schema}.{fin_table_name}\nWHERE {'_'.join(incr_cols.replace(f'{base_table}.', '').split(','))} IN (SELECT {'_'.join(incr_cols.replace(f'{base_table}.', '').split(','))} FROM {temp_table_schema}.INCR1_{temp_table});")
+ proc_query.append(fin_sql)
+ for table in incr_tables:
sql = f"""
- CREATE TABLE {temp_table_schema}.INCR2_{table}
- AS
+ INSERT INTO audit.reportingdb_audit_tbl_{temp_table}
+ (
- {table}.*
- {source_table_schema}.{table} {table}
- {temp_table_schema}.INCR1_{temp_table} A ON {incr2_sql_join}; """
- proc_query.append(f'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {temp_table_schema}.INCR2_{table};')
+ '{temp_table}' as mart_table_name,
+ '{table}' as src_table_name,
+ coalesce( max(TO_TIMESTAMP( CAST(SUBSTRING((_hoodie_commit_time),1,4) || '-' || SUBSTRING((_hoodie_commit_time),5,2) ||'-' || SUBSTRING((_hoodie_commit_time),7,2) || ' ' || SUBSTRING((_hoodie_commit_time),9,2) ||':' || SUBSTRING((_hoodie_commit_time),11,2) ||':' || SUBSTRING((_hoodie_commit_time),13,2) AS VARCHAR(30)), 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS')),(select max(max_update_date) from audit.reportingdb_audit_tbl_{temp_table} where Mart_Table_Name='{temp_table}' and Src_Table_Name= '{table}')) max_update_date,
+ CURRENT_TIMESTAMP as load_timestamp,
+ coalesce(max(prev_updt_ts),(select max(source_reference_date) from audit.reportingdb_audit_tbl_{temp_table} where Mart_Table_Name='{temp_table}' and Src_Table_Name= '{table}')) AS source_reference_date,
+ max(nvl(batch_number,0))+1
+ FROM {temp_table_schema}.{temp_table}_INCR where table_name = '{table}'
+ );"""
- else:
- p = [x for x in incr_join[table].split('\n\t') if len(x) > 1]
- if len(p) == 1:
- sql = f"""
- CREATE TABLE {temp_table_schema}.INCR2_{table}
- AS
- {table}.*
- {temp_table_schema}.INCR2_{base_table} {base_table} {incr_join[table]};"""
- s.append(f'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {temp_table_schema}.INCR2_{table};')
- s.append(sql)
- for x in s:
- proc_query.append(x)
- select_clause = []
- from_clause = []
- where_clause = []
+ return base_table, base_pk, proc_query, incr_join_grps, incr_table_join_info, incr_join, temp_table_schema
+ def create_df(query, table_df_mapping, table_usage_count):
+ script = []
+ query = ' '.join(query.split()).strip()
+ match = re.match(r'CREATE TABLE (\w+\.\w+\.\w+) AS (SELECT .+)', query, re.IGNORECASE)
+ source_tables = re.findall(r'\bFROM\s+(\w+\.\w+\.\w+)|\bJOIN\s+(\w+\.\w+\.\w+)', query, re.IGNORECASE)
+ source_tables = [table for pair in source_tables for table in pair if table]
+ if not match:
+ raise ValueError('Invalid SQL')
+ table_name = match.group(1).split('.')[2]
+ select_statement = match.group(2)
+ create_script = f'{table_name} = spark.sql(""" {select_statement} """)'
+ persist_script = f'{table_name} = {table_name}.persist()'
+ view_script = f'{table_name}.createOrReplaceTempView("{table_name}")'
+ for table in source_tables:
+ create_script = create_script.replace(table, table_df_mapping[table])
+ script.append(f"\n\t\t######################---------Creating table {create_script.split('=')[0].strip()}-------############################")
+ script.append(create_script)
+ script.append(persist_script)
+ script.append(view_script)
+ script.append(f'''print("{create_script.split('=')[0].strip()} count: ", {create_script.split('=')[0].strip()}.count()''')
+ if 'INCR2_' in table_name:
+ x = table_name.split('INCR2_')[1]
+ if x in table_details_mapping.keys():
+ script.append(f"\n\t\t######################---------Updating the max_update_date in audit-------############################")
+ script.append(f"{x}_max_update_date = INCR2_{x}.agg({{'_hoodie_commit_time' : 'max'}}).first()[0]")
+ script.append(f"{x}_max_source_reference_date = INCR2_{x}.agg(max(to_timestamp('{table_details_mapping[x][1].replace(x+'.','')}','yyyy-MM-dd-HH.mm.ss.SSSSSS'))).first()[0]")
+ script.append(f"insert_max_update_date(spark,redshift_conn, config['application_name'],'{x}',{x}_max_update_date,{x}_max_source_reference_date, max_batch_id, config)")
+ script.append('\n')
+ for table in source_tables:
+ table_usage_count[table.split('.')[2]] -= 1
- for _,row in df.iterrows():
- field_name = row['Field_Name']
- source_table = row['Source Table']
- source_column = row['Source Column']
- joining_keys = row['Joining Keys']
- primary_key = row['Primary Key']
- direct_derived = row['Direct/Derived']
- join_type = row['Join Type']
- join_tables = row['Join Tables']
- join_condition = row['Join Condition']
- column_operation = row['Column Operations']
- alias = row['Alias']
- granularity = row['Granularity']
- filter_condition = row['Filter Condition']
- clauses = row['Clauses']
- ordering = row['Ordering']
+ for table in source_tables:
+ if table_usage_count[table.split('.')[2]] == 0 and 'INCR1_' not in table:
+ unpersist_script = f"{table.split('.')[2]}.unpersist()"
+ script.append(unpersist_script)
+ return '\n\t\t'.join(script)
- if pd.notna(direct_derived):
- if pd.notna(column_operation):
- if len(column_operation.split()) == 1:
- select_expr = f'{column_operation.upper()}({source_table}.{source_column})'
- else:
- select_expr = column_operation
- else:
- if pd.notna(source_table):
- select_expr = f'{source_table}.{source_column}'
- else:
- select_expr = source_column
+ def generate_spark(proc_query, incr_join_grps, base_table, base_pk, incr_table_join_info, incr_join, temp_table_schema):
+ table_usage_count = defaultdict(int)
+ table_df_mapping = {}
+ for query in proc_query:
+ if 'CREATE TABLE' or 'DELETE' in query:
+ source_tables = re.findall(r'\bFROM\s+(\w+\.\w+\.\w+)|\bJOIN\s+(\w+\.\w+\.\w+)', query, re.IGNORECASE)
+ source_tables = [table for pair in source_tables for table in pair if table]
+ for table in source_tables:
+ table_usage_count[table.split('.')[2]] += 1
+ if 'DELETE' not in query:
+ table_df_mapping[table] = table.split('.')[2]
+ script = []
+ for query in proc_query:
+ if 'CREATE TABLE' in query:
+ script.append(create_df(query, table_df_mapping,table_usage_count))
+ spark_query = []
+ spark_query.append("\t\t######################---------Reading source data -------############################")
+ for table in table_details_mapping.keys():
+ spark_query.append(f'{table} = read_file(spark, config, \"{table}\").filter("{table_details_mapping[table][2]}")')
+ spark_query.append(f'{table} = {table}.persist()')
+ spark_query.append(f'{table}.createOrReplaceTempView("{table}")')
+ spark_query.append(f'print("{table} count: ", {table}.count()')
+ spark_query.append('\n')
+ spark_query.append("\n\t\t######################---------Reading records-------############################")
+ for table in table_details_mapping.keys():
+ spark_query.append(f"{table}_max_update_date = read_max_update_date(redshift_conn, config['application_name'],'{table}', config)")
+ spark_query.append(f'{table}_max_update_date = {table}_max_update_date[0][0]')
+ spark_query.append('\n')
+ incr1_spark = []
+ temp_incr1 = []
+ for _, group in incr_join_grps:
+ for table in _.split():
+ if base_table != table:
+ join_tables = [t.strip() for t in group['join_tables'].iloc[0].split(',')]
+ join_keys = [t.strip() for t in ','.join(base_pk).split(',')]
+ join_type = [t.strip() for t in group['join_type'].iloc[0].split(',')]
+ join_cond = split_join_condition(incr_table_join_info[table])
+ join_condition = join_incr(join_cond)
+ source_table = [t.strip() for t in group['source_table'].iloc[0].split(',')]
- if source_column not in join_fields:
- if pd.notna(alias):
- select_expr += f' AS {alias}'
- else:
- if pd.notna(column_operation) and pd.notna(source_column):
- select_expr += f' AS {source_column}'
- if direct_derived.upper() == 'DIRECT':
- select_clause.append(select_expr)
- elif direct_derived.upper() == 'DERIVED_BASE':
- select_clause.append(select_expr)
+ join_key_list = []
+ for x in join_keys:
+ join_key_list.append(f'{base_table}.{x}')
+ join_key = ', '.join(join_key_list)
- if pd.notna(filter_condition):
- where_clause.append(filter_condition)
- select_query = ',\n\t'.join(select_clause)
- sql_query = f"CREATE TABLE {temp_table_schema}.{base_table}_BASE\nAS \n\tSELECT \n\t{select_query} \nFROM\n\t{incr_table_dict[base_table]} {base_table}"
- if where_clause:
- sql_query += f"\nWHERE {' AND'.join(where_clause)}"
- sql_query += ';'
- proc_query.append(f"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {temp_table_schema}.{base_table}_BASE;")
- proc_query.append(sql_query)
- df['Clauses'].fillna('', inplace = True)
- df['Ordering'].fillna('', inplace = True)
- c = 1
- temp_base_table = f'{base_table}_BASE'
- grp_cols = ['Join Condition', 'Clauses', 'Ordering']
- join_grps = df[df['Direct/Derived'] == 'DERIVED'].groupby(['Join Condition', 'Clauses', 'Ordering'])
- temp_tables_sql = []
- for (join_condition,clauses,ordering), group in join_grps:
- if pd.notna(group['Direct/Derived'].iloc[0]):
- if group['Direct/Derived'].iloc[0].upper() == 'DERIVED':
- join_tables = [t.strip() for t in group['Join Tables'].iloc[0].split(',')]
- join_keys = [t.strip() for t in group['Joining Keys'].iloc[0].split(',')]
- join_type = [t.strip() for t in group['Join Type'].iloc[0].split(',')]
- join_condition = split_join_condition(group['Join Condition'].iloc[0])
- temp_table_name = f"TEMP_{group['Source Table'].iloc[0]}"
- source_column = [t.strip() for t in (','.join(group['Source Column'])).split(',')]
- alias = [t.strip() for t in (','.join(group['Alias'])).split(',')]
- source_table = [t.strip() for t in (','.join(group['Source Table'])).split(',')]
- base_cols = []
- for join_key in join_keys:
- base_cols.append(f'{join_tables[0]}.{join_key}')
- for s_table,col,alias in zip(source_table,source_column,alias):
- if pd.notna(group['Column Operations'].iloc[0]):
- if len(group['Column Operations'].iloc[0].split()) == 1:
- select_expr = f"{group['Column Operations'].iloc[0].upper()}({s_table}.{col})"
- else:
- select_expr = group['Column Operations'].iloc[0]
- else:
- if pd.notna(s_table):
- select_expr = f"{s_table}.{col}"
- else:
- select_expr = col
- if alias:
- select_expr += f" AS {alias}"
- base_cols.append(select_expr)
- if ordering:
- base_cols.append(f"{ordering} AS RN")
- sql = ',\n\t\t'.join(base_cols)
- join_sql = f"SELECT \n\t\t{sql} \nFROM\n\t{incr_table_dict[base_table]} {join_tables[0]}"
- for i in range(len(join_type)):
- join_sql += f'\n\t{join_type[i]} JOIN {incr_table_dict[join_tables[i+1]]} {join_tables[i+1]} ON {join_condition[i]}'
- if clauses:
- join_sql += f'\n\t{clauses}'
- join_sql += ';'
- proc_query.append(f"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {temp_table_schema}.{temp_table_name};")
- proc_query.append(f"CREATE TABLE {temp_table_schema}.{temp_table_name}\nAS \n\t{join_sql}")
- granularity = [t.strip() for t in group['Granularity'].iloc[0].split(',')]
- sql = []
- for key in join_keys:
- sql.append(f"A.{key} = B.{key}")
- temp_cols = []
- temp_cols.append('A.*')
- source_column = [t.strip() for t in (','.join(group['Source Column'])).split(',')]
- alias = [t.strip() for t in (','.join(group['Alias'])).split(',')]
- for col,alias in zip(source_column,alias):
- select_expr = f"B.{col}"
- if alias:
- select_expr = f"B.{alias}"
- else:
- select_expr = f"B.{col}"
- temp_cols.append(select_expr)
- temp_select_query = ',\n\t\t'.join(temp_cols)
- proc_query.append(f"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {temp_table_schema}.TEMP_{temp_table}_{c};")
- base_sql = f"CREATE TABLE {temp_table_schema}.TEMP_{temp_table}_{c}\nAS \n\tSELECT \n\t\t{temp_select_query} \nFROM\n\t{temp_table_schema}.{temp_base_table} AS A"
- base_sql += f"\n\tLEFT OUTER JOIN {temp_table_schema}.{temp_table_name} B ON {' AND '.join(sql)}"
- if '1:1' in granularity and len(ordering) > 1:
- base_sql += f" AND B.RN = 1"
- base_sql += ';'
- temp_base_table = f'TEMP_{temp_table}_{c}'
- c += 1
- proc_query.append(base_sql)
- fin_table_name = temp_table
- fin_table_cols = []
- for _,row in df.iterrows():
- field_name = row['Field_Name']
- source_table = row['Source Table']
- source_column = row['Source Column']
- alias = row['Alias']
- if pd.notna(row['Direct/Derived']):
- if (source_column in join_fields):
- fin_table_cols.append(f'{source_column} AS "{field_name}"')
- else:
- fin_table_cols.append(f'"{field_name}"')
+ for y in source_table:
+ sql = f"""SELECT {join_key} FROM {base_table} {base_table}"""
+ incr_join_text = ''
+ i=0
+ for i in range(len(join_condition)):
+ sql += f' {join_type[i]} JOIN {join_tables[i+1]} {join_tables[i+1]} ON {join_condition[i]}'
+ incr_join_text += f' {join_type[i]} JOIN {join_tables[i+1]} {join_tables[i+1]} ON {join_condition[i]}'
+ sql += f''' WHERE {join_tables[i+1]}._hoodie_commit_time > cast('"""+str({join_tables[i+1]}_max_update_date)+"""' as timestamp)'''
+ temp_incr1.append(sql)
- fin_table_cols = ',\n\t\t'.join(fin_table_cols)
- fin_sql = f"INSERT INTO {temp_table_schema}.{fin_table_name}\n\tSELECT \n\t\t{fin_table_cols} \nFROM\n\t{temp_table_schema}.TEMP_{temp_table}_{c-1};"
- condition_col = '_'.join(incr_cols.replace(f'{base_table}.', '').split(','))
- proc_query.append(f"DELETE FROM {temp_table_schema}.{fin_table_name}\nWHERE {'_'.join(incr_cols.replace(f'{base_table}.', '').split(','))} IN (SELECT {'_'.join(incr_cols.replace(f'{base_table}.', '').split(','))} FROM {temp_table_schema}.INCR1_{temp_table});")
- proc_query.append(fin_sql)
- for table in incr_tables:
- sql = f"""
- INSERT INTO audit.reportingdb_audit_tbl_{temp_table}
- (
- '{temp_table}' as mart_table_name,
- '{table}' as src_table_name,
- coalesce( max(TO_TIMESTAMP( CAST(SUBSTRING((_hoodie_commit_time),1,4) || '-' || SUBSTRING((_hoodie_commit_time),5,2) ||'-' || SUBSTRING((_hoodie_commit_time),7,2) || ' ' || SUBSTRING((_hoodie_commit_time),9,2) ||':' || SUBSTRING((_hoodie_commit_time),11,2) ||':' || SUBSTRING((_hoodie_commit_time),13,2) AS VARCHAR(30)), 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS')),(select max(max_update_date) from audit.reportingdb_audit_tbl_{temp_table} where Mart_Table_Name='{temp_table}' and Src_Table_Name= '{table}')) max_update_date,
- CURRENT_TIMESTAMP as load_timestamp,
- coalesce(max(prev_updt_ts),(select max(source_reference_date) from audit.reportingdb_audit_tbl_{temp_table} where Mart_Table_Name='{temp_table}' and Src_Table_Name= '{table}')) AS source_reference_date,
- max(nvl(batch_number,0))+1
- FROM {temp_table_schema}.{temp_table}_INCR where table_name = '{table}'
- );"""
- proc_query.append(sql)
+ else:
+ source_table = [t.strip() for t in group['source_table'].iloc[0].split(',')]
+ join_keys = [t.strip() for t in group['joining_keys'].iloc[0].split(',')]
+ join_key_list = []
+ for x in join_keys:
+ join_key_list.append(f'{base_table}.{x}')
+ join_key = ', '.join(join_key_list)
- return base_table, base_pk, proc_query, incr_join_grps, incr_table_join_info, incr_join, temp_table_schema
-def create_df(query, table_df_mapping, table_usage_count):
- script = []
- query = ' '.join(query.split()).strip()
- match = re.match(r'CREATE TABLE (\w+\.\w+\.\w+) AS (SELECT .+)', query, re.IGNORECASE)
- source_tables = re.findall(r'\bFROM\s+(\w+\.\w+\.\w+)|\bJOIN\s+(\w+\.\w+\.\w+)', query, re.IGNORECASE)
- source_tables = [table for pair in source_tables for table in pair if table]
- if not match:
- raise ValueError('Invalid SQL')
- table_name = match.group(1).split('.')[2]
- select_statement = match.group(2)
- create_script = f'{table_name} = spark.sql(""" {select_statement} """)'
- persist_script = f'{table_name} = {table_name}.persist()'
- view_script = f'{table_name}.createOrReplaceTempView("{table_name}")'
- for table in source_tables:
- create_script = create_script.replace(table, table_df_mapping[table])
- script.append(f"\n\t\t######################---------Creating table {create_script.split('=')[0].strip()}-------############################")
- script.append(create_script)
- script.append(persist_script)
- script.append(view_script)
- script.append(f'''print("{create_script.split('=')[0].strip()} count: ", {create_script.split('=')[0].strip()}.count()''')
- if 'INCR2_' in table_name:
- x = table_name.split('INCR2_')[1]
- if x in table_details_mapping.keys():
- script.append(f"\n\t\t######################---------Updating the max_update_date in audit-------############################")
- script.append(f"{x}_max_update_date = INCR2_{x}.agg({{'_hoodie_commit_time' : 'max'}}).first()[0]")
- script.append(f"{x}_max_source_reference_date = INCR2_{x}.agg(max(to_timestamp('{table_details_mapping[x][1].replace(x+'.','')}','yyyy-MM-dd-HH.mm.ss.SSSSSS'))).first()[0]")
- script.append(f"insert_max_update_date(spark,redshift_conn, config['application_name'],'{x}',{x}_max_update_date,{x}_max_source_reference_date, max_batch_id, config)")
- script.append('\n')
- for table in source_tables:
- table_usage_count[table.split('.')[2]] -= 1
- for table in source_tables:
- if table_usage_count[table.split('.')[2]] == 0 and 'INCR1_' not in table:
- unpersist_script = f"{table.split('.')[2]}.unpersist()"
- script.append(unpersist_script)
- return '\n\t\t'.join(script)
-def generate_spark(proc_query, incr_join_grps, base_table, base_pk, incr_table_join_info, incr_join, temp_table_schema):
- table_usage_count = defaultdict(int)
- table_df_mapping = {}
- for query in proc_query:
- if 'CREATE TABLE' or 'DELETE' in query:
- source_tables = re.findall(r'\bFROM\s+(\w+\.\w+\.\w+)|\bJOIN\s+(\w+\.\w+\.\w+)', query, re.IGNORECASE)
- source_tables = [table for pair in source_tables for table in pair if table]
- for table in source_tables:
- table_usage_count[table.split('.')[2]] += 1
- if 'DELETE' not in query:
- table_df_mapping[table] = table.split('.')[2]
+ sql = f'''SELECT {join_key} FROM {base_table} {base_table} WHERE {base_table}._hoodie_commit_time > cast('"""+str({base_table}_max_update_date)+"""' as timestamp)'''
+ incr1_spark.append(sql)
+ for i in temp_incr1:
+ incr1_spark.append(i)
+ incr1_spark = '\nUNION\n'.join(incr1_spark)
+ spark_query.append("\n\t\t######################---------Creating INCR1-------############################")
+ spark_query.append(f'INCR1_{temp_table} = spark.sql(""" {incr1_spark} """)')
+ spark_query.append(f'\n\t\tINCR1_{temp_table} = INCR1_{temp_table}.dropDuplicates()')
+ spark_query.append(f'INCR1_{temp_table} = INCR1_{temp_table}.persist()')
+ spark_query.append(f'INCR1_{temp_table}.createOrReplaceTempView("INCR1_{temp_table}")')
+ spark_query.append(f'print("INCR1_{temp_table} count: ", INCR1_{temp_table}.count())')
+ spark_query.append("\n\t\t######################---------Creating INCR2-------############################")
+ for table in table_details_mapping.keys():
+ if table in incr_join.keys():
+ p = [x for x in incr_join[table].split('\n\t') if len(x) > 1]
+ if len(p) > 1:
+ spark_query.append(f"\n\t\t######################---------Updating the max_update_date in audit-------############################")
+ spark_query.append(f"{table}_max_update_date = {table}.agg({{'_hoodie_commit_time' : 'max'}}).first()[0]")
+ spark_query.append(f"{table}_max_source_reference_date = {table}.agg(max(to_timestamp('{table_details_mapping[table][1].replace(table+'.','')}','yyyy-MM-dd-HH.mm.ss.SSSSSS'))).first()[0]")
+ spark_query.append(f"insert_max_update_date(spark,redshift_conn, config['application_name'],'{table}',{table}_max_update_date,{table}_max_source_reference_date, max_batch_id, config)")
+ spark_query.append('\n')
+ for query in script:
+ spark_query.append(query)
+ spark_query.append('\n')
+ spark_query1 = []
+ spark_query1.append('\n')
+ for query in proc_query:
+ if f'{temp_table_schema}.{temp_table}\n' in query:
+ final_tables = re.findall(r'\bFROM\s+(\w+\.\w+\.\w+)|\bJOIN\s+(\w+\.\w+\.\w+)', query, re.IGNORECASE)
+ final_tables = [table.split('.')[2].strip() for pair in final_tables for table in pair if table and table.split('.')[2].strip() != temp_table][0]
+ if 'INCR1_' in final_tables:
+ spark_query.append(f"{final_tables}.write.mode('overwrite').parquet(config['incr2df_path'])")
+ else:
+ spark_query.append(f"{final_tables}.write.mode('overwrite').parquet(config['resultdf_path'])")
+ spark_query1.append(f'''cur.execute(""" {query} """)''')
+ spark_query1.append('\n')
+ with open('template.txt') as file:
+ template = file.read()
+ result = template.replace('INSERT_CODE_1', '\n\t\t'.join(spark_query))
+ result = result.replace('INSERT_CODE_2', '\t\t'.join(spark_query1))
- script = []
- for query in proc_query:
- if 'CREATE TABLE' in query:
- script.append(create_df(query, table_df_mapping,table_usage_count))
+ return result
- spark_query = []
- spark_query.append("\t\t######################---------Reading source data -------############################")
- for table in table_details_mapping.keys():
- spark_query.append(f'{table} = read_file(spark, config, \"{table}\").filter("{table_details_mapping[table][2]}")')
- spark_query.append(f'{table} = {table}.persist()')
- spark_query.append(f'{table}.createOrReplaceTempView("{table}")')
- spark_query.append(f'print("{table} count: ", {table}.count()')
- spark_query.append('\n')
- spark_query.append("\n\t\t######################---------Reading records-------############################")
- for table in table_details_mapping.keys():
- spark_query.append(f"{table}_max_update_date = read_max_update_date(redshift_conn, config['application_name'],'{table}', config)")
- spark_query.append(f'{table}_max_update_date = {table}_max_update_date[0][0]')
- spark_query.append('\n')
- incr1_spark = []
- temp_incr1 = []
- for _, group in incr_join_grps:
- for table in _.split():
- if base_table != table:
- join_tables = [t.strip() for t in group['join_tables'].iloc[0].split(',')]
- join_keys = [t.strip() for t in ','.join(base_pk).split(',')]
- join_type = [t.strip() for t in group['join_type'].iloc[0].split(',')]
- join_cond = split_join_condition(incr_table_join_info[table])
- join_condition = join_incr(join_cond)
- source_table = [t.strip() for t in group['source_table'].iloc[0].split(',')]
- join_key_list = []
- for x in join_keys:
- join_key_list.append(f'{base_table}.{x}')
- join_key = ', '.join(join_key_list)
+ st.set_page_config(page_title='AUTOMATED SOURCE TO TARGET MAPPING', layout= 'wide')
+ st.markdown("""
+ """, unsafe_allow_html=True)
+ mode= st.selectbox('Select Mode of Mapping',('Supervised Mapping(You Have Sufficient Sample Data in Target Template)', 'Unsupervised Mapping(You Do Not Have Sufficient Sample Data in Target Template)'), index=None,placeholder='Select category of table')
+ if mode == 'Supervised Mapping(You Have Sufficient Sample Data in Target Template)':
+ conn = pymssql.connect( "Server=sql-ext-dev-uks-001.database.windows.net;"
+ "Database=sqldb-ext-dev-uks-001;"
+ "UID=dbadmin;"
+ "PWD=mYpa$$w0rD" )
+ table1=pd.read_sql_query(query1,con=conn)
+ st.session_state.table1_un= table1
+ table1['TABLE_NAME']=table1['TABLE_NAME'].astype('str')
+ colsel1, colsel2= st.columns(2)
+ with colsel1:
+ table_selector=st.selectbox('SOURCE TABLE NAME',['TCM', 'TCVM','TEM', 'TPM', 'TPP', 'TPT', 'TRM', 'TSCM', 'TSM'],index=None,placeholder='Select table for automated column mapping')
+ with colsel2:
+ target_selector=st.selectbox('TARGET TABLE NAME',['POLICY_MAPPINGTARGET_TBL','FINANCE_MAAPINGTARGET_TBL','CUSTOMER_MASTER_TARGET'],index=None,placeholder='Select target table')
+ st.session_state.target_selector_un = target_selector
+ if table_selector is not None and target_selector is not None:
+ btn=button('RUN',key='RUN_GENAI_UN')
+ if target_selector is not None and btn and f'{table_selector}_{target_selector}_map_un' not in st.session_state:
+ query2="select * from ["+ table1['TABLE_SCHEMA'][0]+"].["+table_selector+"]"
+ i_df = pd.read_sql_query(query2,con=conn)
+ # conn.close()
+ i_df=i_df.drop(['ID','LOADID','FILE_NAME'],axis=1)
+ st.session_state['source_data_un'] = i_df
+ #st.markdown('---')
+ # st.subheader('Souce Data Preview')
+ # st.dataframe(i_df)
+ query3="select * from ["+ table1['TABLE_SCHEMA'][0]+"].["+target_selector+"]"
+ tgt_df=pd.read_sql_query(query3,con=conn).reset_index(drop=True)
+ main_list=tgt_df.columns.to_list()
+ sub_list=['ID','LOADID','FILE_NAME']
+ if any(main_list[i:i+len(sub_list)] == sub_list for i in range(len(main_list) - len(sub_list) + 1)):
+ tgt_df=tgt_df.drop(['ID','LOADID','FILE_NAME'],axis=1)
+ st.session_state.opt_un= list(tgt_df.columns)
+ st.session_state['target_data_un'] = tgt_df.head(20).reset_index()
+ # if tgt:
+ # # st.subheader('Target Table Preview')
+ # # st.write(tgt_df.sample(20).reset_index(drop=True))
+ # # st.markdown('---')
- for y in source_table:
- sql = f"""SELECT {join_key} FROM {base_table} {base_table}"""
- incr_join_text = ''
- i=0
- for i in range(len(join_condition)):
- sql += f' {join_type[i]} JOIN {join_tables[i+1]} {join_tables[i+1]} ON {join_condition[i]}'
- incr_join_text += f' {join_type[i]} JOIN {join_tables[i+1]} {join_tables[i+1]} ON {join_condition[i]}'
- sql += f''' WHERE {join_tables[i+1]}._hoodie_commit_time > cast('"""+str({join_tables[i+1]}_max_update_date)+"""' as timestamp)'''
- temp_incr1.append(sql)
+ with st.spinner('Running data on neural network...'):
+ df=pd.read_csv('C:\\Applications\\MARCO POLO O AIML\\DATA CATALOG\\pages\\CUSTOMER_MASTER_TRAIN_1306.csv') #POLICY
+ cols=df.columns.tolist()
+ data=pd.DataFrame(columns=['DATA','LABEL'])
+ temp=pd.DataFrame(columns=['DATA','LABEL'])
+ for x in cols:
+ temp['DATA']=df[x]
+ temp['LABEL']=x
+ data=pd.concat([data,temp],ignore_index=True)
+ data['DATA']=data['DATA'].astype('string')
+ data['LABEL']=data['LABEL'].astype('string')
+ data=data.dropna()
+ data=data.reset_index(drop=True)
+ vectorizer = CountVectorizer(analyzer='char_wb', ngram_range=(1, 3), min_df=1)
+ X=vectorizer.fit_transform(data['DATA'])
+ feature=pd.DataFrame(data=X.toarray(),columns=vectorizer.get_feature_names_out())
+ data1=pd.concat([data,feature],axis=1)
+ from sklearn.feature_selection import chi2
+ chi_x=data1.drop(['DATA','LABEL'],axis=1)
+ chi_y=data1['LABEL']
+ chi_scores=chi2(chi_x,chi_y)
+ p_values=pd.Series(chi_scores[1],index=chi_x.columns)
+ p_values=p_values.sort_values(ascending=True).reset_index()
+ feature_chi=p_values['index'][:1000]
+ data2=data1[feature_chi.to_list()]
+ data2=pd.concat([data,data2],axis=1)
+ def count_digits(str1):
+ return len("".join(re.findall("\d+", str1)))
+ def count_vowels(string):
+ vowels = "aeiouAEIOU"
+ count = 0
+ for char in string:
+ if char in vowels:
+ count += 1
+ return count
+ def count_special_character(string):
+ special_characters = "!@#$%^&*()-+?_=,<>/"
+ special_char = 0
+ for i in range(0, len(string)):
+ if (string[i] in special_characters):
+ special_char += 1
+ return special_char
+ def count_spaces(string):
+ spaces = 0
+ for char in string:
+ if char == " ":
+ spaces += 1
+ return spaces
+ data2['LENGTH']=data2['DATA'].apply(lambda x:len(x))
+ data2['digit_c']=data2['DATA'].apply(lambda x:count_digits(x))
+ data2['vowel_c']=data2['DATA'].apply(lambda x:count_vowels(x))
+ data2['spchar_c']=data2['DATA'].apply(lambda x:count_special_character(x))
+ data2['space_c']=data2['DATA'].apply(lambda x:count_spaces(x))
+ chi_scores1=chi2(data2[['LENGTH','digit_c','vowel_c','spchar_c','space_c']],data2['LABEL'])
+ p_values1=pd.Series(chi_scores1[1],index=data2[['LENGTH','digit_c','vowel_c','spchar_c','space_c']].columns).sort_values(ascending=True).reset_index()
+ import tensorflow as tf
+ from tensorflow.keras import layers
+ from tensorflow import keras
+ from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
+ from ast import literal_eval
+ train_df, test_df = train_test_split(data2,test_size=.1,stratify=data2['LABEL'].values)
+ val_df = test_df.sample(frac=0.5)
+ test_df.drop(val_df.index, inplace=True)
+ terms = tf.ragged.constant(data2['LABEL'].values)
+ lookup = tf.keras.layers.StringLookup(output_mode="one_hot")
+ lookup.adapt(terms)
+ vocab = lookup.get_vocabulary()
+ def invert_multi_hot(encoded_labels):
+ hot_indices = np.argwhere(encoded_labels == 1.0)[..., 0]
+ return np.take(vocab, hot_indices)
+ max_seqlen = 150
+ batch_size = 128
+ padding_token = ""
+ auto = tf.data.AUTOTUNE
+ feature_tf=data2.columns.tolist()[2:]
+ def make_dataset(dataframe,feature,batch_size,is_train=True):
+ labels = tf.ragged.constant(dataframe["LABEL"].values)
+ label_binarized = lookup(labels).numpy()
+ dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(
+ (dataframe[feature].values, label_binarized)
+ )
+ dataset = dataset.shuffle(batch_size * 10) if is_train else dataset
+ return dataset.batch(batch_size)
+ train_dataset = make_dataset(train_df,feature_tf,batch_size, is_train=True)
+ validation_dataset = make_dataset(val_df,feature_tf,batch_size, is_train=False)
+ test_dataset = make_dataset(test_df,feature_tf,batch_size, is_train=False)
+ shallow_mlp_model = keras.Sequential(
+ [
+ layers.Dense(512, activation="relu"),
+ layers.Dense(256, activation="relu"),
+ layers.Dense(lookup.vocabulary_size(), activation="softmax"),
+ ]
+ )
+ shallow_mlp_model.compile(loss="categorical_crossentropy", optimizer="adam", metrics=["CategoricalAccuracy"])
+ epochs=20
+ history = shallow_mlp_model.fit(train_dataset, validation_data=validation_dataset, epochs=epochs)
+ _, category_acc = shallow_mlp_model.evaluate(test_dataset)
+ i_cols=i_df.columns
+ i_cols=i_df.columns.tolist()
+ i_data=pd.DataFrame(columns=['DATA','LABEL'])
+ i_temp=pd.DataFrame(columns=['DATA','LABEL'])
+ for x in i_cols:
+ i_temp['DATA']=i_df[x]
+ i_temp['LABEL']=x
+ i_data=pd.concat([i_data,i_temp],ignore_index=True)
+ i_data['DATA']=i_data['DATA'].astype('string')
+ i_data['LABEL']=i_data['LABEL'].astype('string')
+ i_data=i_data.dropna()
+ i_data=i_data.reset_index(drop=True)
+ i_X=vectorizer.transform(i_data['DATA'])
+ i_feature=pd.DataFrame(data=i_X.toarray(),columns=vectorizer.get_feature_names_out())
+ i_data1=pd.concat([i_data,i_feature],axis=1)
+ i_data2=i_data1[feature_chi.to_list()]
+ i_data2=pd.concat([i_data,i_data2],axis=1)
+ i_data2['LENGTH']=i_data2['DATA'].apply(lambda x:len(x))
+ i_data2['digit_c']=i_data2['DATA'].apply(lambda x:count_digits(x))
+ i_data2['vowel_c']=i_data2['DATA'].apply(lambda x:count_vowels(x))
+ i_data2['spchar_c']=i_data2['DATA'].apply(lambda x:count_special_character(x))
+ i_data2['space_c']=i_data2['DATA'].apply(lambda x:count_spaces(x))
+ i_run_dataset=tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices((i_data2[feature_tf].values,lookup(tf.ragged.constant(i_data2["LABEL"].values)).numpy())).batch(649)
+ i_predicted_probabilities = shallow_mlp_model.predict(i_run_dataset)
+ i_predicted_labels = np.where(i_predicted_probabilities == i_predicted_probabilities.max(axis=1, keepdims=True), 1, 0)
+ i_predicted_label_df=pd.DataFrame(i_predicted_labels,columns=vocab)
+ i_predicted_label_df1=pd.concat([i_data,i_predicted_label_df],axis=1)
+ i_predicted_label_df1['PREDICTION']=i_predicted_label_df1[vocab].idxmax(axis=1)
+ i_result=i_predicted_label_df1[['DATA','LABEL','PREDICTION']]
+ column_mapping=pd.DataFrame(columns=['source','target'])
+ temp_column_mapping=pd.DataFrame(columns=['source','target'])
+ for i in i_df.columns.to_list():
+ temp_df1=i_result.loc[i_result['LABEL']==i]
+ temp_max=temp_df1['PREDICTION'].value_counts().idxmax()
+ temp_column_mapping.loc[0]=[i,temp_max]
+ column_mapping=pd.concat([column_mapping,temp_column_mapping],ignore_index=True)
+ not_null=i_df.count().reset_index()
+ tot_rows=i_df.shape[0]
+ not_null['not null percentage']=not_null[0]/tot_rows
+ coltobemodified=not_null[not_null['not null percentage']<.05]['index'].to_list()
+ column_mapping.loc[column_mapping['source'].isin(coltobemodified), 'target'] = '**TOO FEW COLUMN VALUES**'
+ st.success('Mapping completed successfully!')
+ st.session_state[f'{table_selector}_{target_selector}_map_un'] = column_mapping.copy()
+ # st.subheader('MAPPED COLUMN')
+ # st.dataframe(column_mapping)
- else:
- source_table = [t.strip() for t in group['source_table'].iloc[0].split(',')]
- join_keys = [t.strip() for t in group['joining_keys'].iloc[0].split(',')]
- join_key_list = []
- for x in join_keys:
- join_key_list.append(f'{base_table}.{x}')
- join_key = ', '.join(join_key_list)
+ if f'{table_selector}_{target_selector}_map_un' in st.session_state and btn:
+ taba, tabb, tabc = st.tabs(['Mappings Generated', 'Source Table Preview', 'Target Table Preview'])
+ with tabb:
+ st.subheader('Souce Data Preview')
+ with stylable_container(
+ key=f"source_container_with_border",
+ css_styles="""
+ {
+ border: 1px solid white;
+ border-radius: 0.5rem;
+ padding: calc(1em - 1px);
+ width: 103%; /* Set container width to 100% */
+ }
+ """
+ ):
+ st.dataframe(st.session_state['source_data_un'])
+ with tabc:
+ st.subheader('Target Table Preview')
+ with stylable_container(
+ key=f"target_container_with_border",
+ css_styles="""
+ {
+ border: 1px solid white;
+ border-radius: 0.5rem;
+ padding: calc(1em - 1px);
+ width: 103%; /* Set container width to 100% */
+ }
+ """
+ ):
+ st.write(st.session_state['target_data_un'])
+ with taba:
+ st.subheader("Mapping Generated:")
+ with stylable_container(
+ key=f"container_with_border",
+ css_styles="""
+ {
+ border: 1px solid white;
+ border-radius: 0.5rem;
+ padding: calc(1em - 1px);
+ width: 103%; /* Set container width to 100% */
+ }
+ """
+ ):
+ edited_map_df = st.data_editor(
+ st.session_state[f'{table_selector}_{target_selector}_map_un'],
+ column_config={
+ "target": st.column_config.SelectboxColumn(
+ "Available Column Names",
+ help="Please Verify/Change the Target Column Mapping",
+ width="medium",
+ options=st.session_state.opt_un,
+ required=True,
+ )
+ },
+ hide_index=False,
+ num_rows = 'fixed',
+ use_container_width = True
+ )
+ val = button("Validate", key="Val_un")
+ if val:
+ st.session_state[f'{table_selector}_{target_selector}_map_un'].update(edited_map_df)
+ dup= len(st.session_state[f'{table_selector}_{target_selector}_map_un'][st.session_state[f'{table_selector}_{target_selector}_map_un']['target'].duplicated()])
+ if dup != 0:
+ dup_index= list(st.session_state[f'{table_selector}_{target_selector}_map_un'][st.session_state[f'{table_selector}_{target_selector}_map_un']['target'].duplicated(keep=False)].index)
+ dup_mess=str(dup_index[0])
+ for val in dup_index[1:]:
+ dup_mess = dup_mess + f' and {str(val)}'
+ st.error(f"One to Many Column mapping Exists. Please Check Mapping Number: {dup_mess}")
+ else:
+ st.success("Mapping Validated! You can proceed for Mapping")
+ migrate= st.button("Mapping")
+ if migrate:
+ st.subheader('Mapping PHASE')
+ m_queiry1="select count(*) as TARGET_COUNT_CURRENT from ["+ st.session_state.table1_un['TABLE_SCHEMA'][0]+"].["+st.session_state.target_selector_un+"]"
+ #st.write(m_queiry1)
+ old_count=pd.read_sql_query(m_queiry1,con=conn)
+ st.write('RECORDS IN TARGET TABLE BEFORE Mapping',old_count)
+ with st.spinner('Mapping in progress...'):
+ cursor1=conn.cursor()
+ q1='INSERT INTO ['+ st.session_state.table1_un['TABLE_SCHEMA'][0]+'].['+st.session_state.target_selector_un+'] ("'
+ q2=' select "'
+ for i,x in enumerate(st.session_state['source_data_un'].columns.values.tolist()):
+ t=st.session_state[f'{table_selector}_{target_selector}_map_un'].loc[st.session_state[f'{table_selector}_{target_selector}_map_un']['source']==x,'target'].values[0]
+ if i==len(st.session_state['source_data_un'].columns.values.tolist())-1:
+ q_temp1=t+'") '
+ q_temp2=x+'" '
+ else:
+ q_temp1=t+'", "'
+ q_temp2=x+'", "'
+ q1=q1+q_temp1
+ q2=q2+q_temp2
+ #q_temp='INSERT INTO ['+ table1['TABLE_SCHEMA'][0]+'].['+target_selector+'] ("'+t+'") select "'+x+'" from ['+ table1['TABLE_SCHEMA'][0]+'].['+table_selector+']'
+ # st.write(q)
+ q=q1+q2+' from ['+ st.session_state.table1_un['TABLE_SCHEMA'][0]+'].['+table_selector+']'
+ #st.write(q)
+ cursor1.execute(q)
+ conn.commit()
+ # m_query2="UPDATE ["+ table1['TABLE_SCHEMA'][0]+"].["+target_selector+"] SET ID=9999 WHERE ID IS NULL"
+ # # cur_time=datetime.datetime.now().time().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
+ # m_query3="UPDATE ["+ table1['TABLE_SCHEMA'][0]+"].["+target_selector+"] SET LOADID='LOADEDBYAI' WHERE LOADID IS NULL"
+ # m_query4="UPDATE ["+ table1['TABLE_SCHEMA'][0]+"].["+target_selector+"] SET FILE_NAME='AUTOMATED_INSERT' WHERE FILE_NAME IS NULL"
+ # cursor1.execute(m_query2)
+ # cursor1.execute(m_query3)
+ # cursor1.execute(m_query4)
+ # conn.commit()
+ st.success('Mapping completed successfully!')
+ m_query5="select count(*) as TARGET_COUNT_AFTER_Mapping from ["+ st.session_state.table1_un['TABLE_SCHEMA'][0]+"].["+st.session_state.target_selector_un+"]"
+ new_count=pd.read_sql_query(m_query5,con=conn)
+ conn.close()
+ st.write('RECORDS IN TARGET TABLE AFTER Mapping',new_count)
+ if mode == 'Unsupervised Mapping(You Do Not Have Sufficient Sample Data in Target Template)':
+ conn = pymssql.connect("Server=sql-ext-dev-uks-001.database.windows.net;"
+ "Database=sqldb-ext-dev-uks-001;"
+ "UID=dbadmin;"
+ "PWD=mYpa$$w0rD" )
+ table1=pd.read_sql_query(query1,con=conn)
+ st.session_state.table1= table1
+ table1['TABLE_NAME']=table1['TABLE_NAME'].astype('str')
+ #col2sel1, col2sel2 = st.columns(2)
+ table_selector=st.multiselect('SOURCE TABLE NAME(S)',['TCM', 'TCVM','TEM', 'TPM', 'TPP', 'TPT', 'TRM', 'TSCM', 'TSM'],default=None,placeholder='Select table for automated column mapping')
+ #target_selector=st.selectbox('TARGET TABLE NAME',['POLICY_MAPPINGTARGET_TBL','FINANCE_MAPPINGTARGET_TBL','CUSTOMER_MASTER_TARGET'],index=None,placeholder='Select target table')
+ target_selector = st.file_uploader("UPLOAD TARGET METADATA FILE", type=['csv'])
+ tgt_name=None
+ mapping_df=None
+ if target_selector is not None:
+ mapping_df = pd.read_csv(target_selector)
+ tgt_name = target_selector.name
+ required_columns = ['Field_Name', 'Primary Key']
+ if all(col in mapping_df.columns for col in required_columns):
+ field_names = mapping_df['Field_Name'].tolist()
+ tgt_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=field_names)
+ st.session_state.target_selector = target_selector
+ # mapping_selector = target_selector
+ # st.session_state.mapping_selector = mapping_selector
+ if mapping_df is not None:
+ st.session_state.mapping_df = mapping_df
+ if table_selector is not None:
+ if len(table_selector)==1:
+ query2="select * from ["+ table1['TABLE_SCHEMA'][0]+"].["+str(table_selector[0])+"]"
+ i_df = pd.read_sql_query(query2,con=conn)
+ # conn.close()
+ if set(['ID','LOADID','FILE_NAME']).issubset(i_df.columns):
+ i_df=i_df.drop(['ID','LOADID','FILE_NAME'],axis=1)
+ elif len(table_selector)>1:
+ dataframes = {}
+ col_names = []
+ for tab in table_selector:
+ query2_2= "select * from [dbo].["+tab+"]"
+ dataframes[f'{tab}'] = pd.read_sql_query(query2_2,con=conn)
+ col_names = col_names + list(dataframes[f'{tab}'].columns)
+ tab_names = table_selector
+ metadata = MultiTableMetadata()
+ metadata.detect_from_dataframes(
+ data= dataframes
+ )
+ multi_python_dict = metadata.to_dict()
+ rlist1=multi_python_dict['relationships']
+ relationships=pd.DataFrame(columns=['PARENT TABLE','CHILD TABLE','PARENT PRIMARY KEY','CHILD FOREIGN KEY'])
+ for i in range(len(rlist1)):
+ rlist=rlist1[i]
+ nrow=pd.DataFrame({'PARENT TABLE':rlist['parent_table_name'],'CHILD TABLE':rlist['child_table_name'],'PARENT PRIMARY KEY':rlist['parent_primary_key'],'CHILD FOREIGN KEY':rlist['child_foreign_key']},index=[i])
+ relationships=pd.concat([relationships,nrow],ignore_index=True)
+ filtered_relationships = relationships[
+ (relationships['PARENT TABLE'].isin(table_selector)) &
+ (relationships['CHILD TABLE'].isin(table_selector))
+ ]
+ i_df = pd.DataFrame()
+ for _, row in filtered_relationships.iterrows():
+ parent_table = row['PARENT TABLE']
+ child_table = row['CHILD TABLE']
+ parent_key = row['PARENT PRIMARY KEY']
+ child_key = row['CHILD FOREIGN KEY']
+ if parent_table in dataframes and child_table in dataframes:
+ parent_df = dataframes[parent_table]
+ child_df = dataframes[child_table]
+ left_joined_df = pd.merge(
+ parent_df, child_df, how='left',
+ left_on=parent_key, right_on=child_key,
+ suffixes=(f'_{parent_table}', f'_{child_table}')
+ )
- sql = f'''SELECT {join_key} FROM {base_table} {base_table} WHERE {base_table}._hoodie_commit_time > cast('"""+str({base_table}_max_update_date)+"""' as timestamp)'''
- incr1_spark.append(sql)
- for i in temp_incr1:
- incr1_spark.append(i)
- incr1_spark = '\nUNION\n'.join(incr1_spark)
- spark_query.append("\n\t\t######################---------Creating INCR1-------############################")
- spark_query.append(f'INCR1_{temp_table} = spark.sql(""" {incr1_spark} """)')
- spark_query.append(f'\n\t\tINCR1_{temp_table} = INCR1_{temp_table}.dropDuplicates()')
- spark_query.append(f'INCR1_{temp_table} = INCR1_{temp_table}.persist()')
- spark_query.append(f'INCR1_{temp_table}.createOrReplaceTempView("INCR1_{temp_table}")')
- spark_query.append(f'print("INCR1_{temp_table} count: ", INCR1_{temp_table}.count())')
+ for col in child_df.columns:
+ if col != child_key:
+ left_joined_df.rename(
+ columns={col: f'{col}_{parent_table}_{child_table}'}, inplace=True
+ )
- spark_query.append("\n\t\t######################---------Creating INCR2-------############################")
- for table in table_details_mapping.keys():
- if table in incr_join.keys():
- p = [x for x in incr_join[table].split('\n\t') if len(x) > 1]
- if len(p) > 1:
- spark_query.append(f"\n\t\t######################---------Updating the max_update_date in audit-------############################")
- spark_query.append(f"{table}_max_update_date = {table}.agg({{'_hoodie_commit_time' : 'max'}}).first()[0]")
- spark_query.append(f"{table}_max_source_reference_date = {table}.agg(max(to_timestamp('{table_details_mapping[table][1].replace(table+'.','')}','yyyy-MM-dd-HH.mm.ss.SSSSSS'))).first()[0]")
- spark_query.append(f"insert_max_update_date(spark,redshift_conn, config['application_name'],'{table}',{table}_max_update_date,{table}_max_source_reference_date, max_batch_id, config)")
- spark_query.append('\n')
+ right_joined_df = pd.merge(
+ parent_df, child_df, how='left',
+ left_on=child_key, right_on=parent_key,
+ suffixes=(f'_{child_table}', f'_{parent_table}')
+ )
- for query in script:
- spark_query.append(query)
- spark_query.append('\n')
+ for col in child_df.columns:
+ if col != child_key:
+ left_joined_df.rename(
+ columns={col: f'{col}_{child_table}_{parent_table}'}, inplace=True
+ )
- spark_query1 = []
- spark_query1.append('\n')
- for query in proc_query:
- if f'{temp_table_schema}.{temp_table}\n' in query:
- final_tables = re.findall(r'\bFROM\s+(\w+\.\w+\.\w+)|\bJOIN\s+(\w+\.\w+\.\w+)', query, re.IGNORECASE)
- final_tables = [table.split('.')[2].strip() for pair in final_tables for table in pair if table and table.split('.')[2].strip() != temp_table][0]
- if 'INCR1_' in final_tables:
- spark_query.append(f"{final_tables}.write.mode('overwrite').parquet(config['incr2df_path'])")
- else:
- spark_query.append(f"{final_tables}.write.mode('overwrite').parquet(config['resultdf_path'])")
- spark_query1.append(f'''cur.execute(""" {query} """)''')
- spark_query1.append('\n')
+ i_df = pd.concat([i_df, left_joined_df, right_joined_df], ignore_index=True)
- with open('template.txt') as file:
- template = file.read()
+ i_df = i_df.loc[:, ~i_df.columns.duplicated()]
- result = template.replace('INSERT_CODE_1', '\n\t\t'.join(spark_query))
- result = result.replace('INSERT_CODE_2', '\t\t'.join(spark_query1))
- return result
-st.set_page_config(page_title='AUTOMATED SOURCE TO TARGET MAPPING', layout= 'wide')
- """, unsafe_allow_html=True)
-mode= st.selectbox('Select Mode of Mapping',('Supervised Mapping(You Have Sufficient Sample Data in Target Template)', 'Unsupervised Mapping(You Do Not Have Sufficient Sample Data in Target Template)'), index=None,placeholder='Select category of table')
-if mode == 'Supervised Mapping(You Have Sufficient Sample Data in Target Template)':
- conn = pymssql.connect( "Server=sql-ext-dev-uks-001.database.windows.net;"
- "Database=sqldb-ext-dev-uks-001;"
- "UID=dbadmin;"
- "PWD=mYpa$$w0rD" )
- table1=pd.read_sql_query(query1,con=conn)
- st.session_state.table1_un= table1
- table1['TABLE_NAME']=table1['TABLE_NAME'].astype('str')
- colsel1, colsel2= st.columns(2)
- with colsel1:
- table_selector=st.selectbox('SOURCE TABLE NAME',['TCM', 'TCVM','TEM', 'TPM', 'TPP', 'TPT', 'TRM', 'TSCM', 'TSM'],index=None,placeholder='Select table for automated column mapping')
- with colsel2:
- target_selector=st.selectbox('TARGET TABLE NAME',['POLICY_MAPPINGTARGET_TBL','FINANCE_MAAPINGTARGET_TBL','CUSTOMER_MASTER_TARGET'],index=None,placeholder='Select target table')
- st.session_state.target_selector_un = target_selector
- if table_selector is not None and target_selector is not None:
- btn=button('RUN',key='RUN_GENAI_UN')
- if target_selector is not None and btn and f'{table_selector}_{target_selector}_map_un' not in st.session_state:
- query2="select * from ["+ table1['TABLE_SCHEMA'][0]+"].["+table_selector+"]"
- i_df = pd.read_sql_query(query2,con=conn)
- # conn.close()
- i_df=i_df.drop(['ID','LOADID','FILE_NAME'],axis=1)
- st.session_state['source_data_un'] = i_df
- #st.markdown('---')
- # st.subheader('Souce Data Preview')
- # st.dataframe(i_df)
- query3="select * from ["+ table1['TABLE_SCHEMA'][0]+"].["+target_selector+"]"
- tgt_df=pd.read_sql_query(query3,con=conn).reset_index(drop=True)
- main_list=tgt_df.columns.to_list()
- sub_list=['ID','LOADID','FILE_NAME']
- if any(main_list[i:i+len(sub_list)] == sub_list for i in range(len(main_list) - len(sub_list) + 1)):
- tgt_df=tgt_df.drop(['ID','LOADID','FILE_NAME'],axis=1)
- st.session_state.opt_un= list(tgt_df.columns)
- st.session_state['target_data_un'] = tgt_df.head(20).reset_index()
- # if tgt:
- # # st.subheader('Target Table Preview')
- # # st.write(tgt_df.sample(20).reset_index(drop=True))
- # # st.markdown('---')
- with st.spinner('Running data on neural network...'):
- df=pd.read_csv('C:\\Applications\\MARCO POLO O AIML\\DATA CATALOG\\pages\\CUSTOMER_MASTER_TRAIN_1306.csv') #POLICY
- cols=df.columns.tolist()
- data=pd.DataFrame(columns=['DATA','LABEL'])
- temp=pd.DataFrame(columns=['DATA','LABEL'])
- for x in cols:
- temp['DATA']=df[x]
- temp['LABEL']=x
- data=pd.concat([data,temp],ignore_index=True)
- data['DATA']=data['DATA'].astype('string')
- data['LABEL']=data['LABEL'].astype('string')
- data=data.dropna()
- data=data.reset_index(drop=True)
- vectorizer = CountVectorizer(analyzer='char_wb', ngram_range=(1, 3), min_df=1)
- X=vectorizer.fit_transform(data['DATA'])
- feature=pd.DataFrame(data=X.toarray(),columns=vectorizer.get_feature_names_out())
- data1=pd.concat([data,feature],axis=1)
- from sklearn.feature_selection import chi2
- chi_x=data1.drop(['DATA','LABEL'],axis=1)
- chi_y=data1['LABEL']
- chi_scores=chi2(chi_x,chi_y)
- p_values=pd.Series(chi_scores[1],index=chi_x.columns)
- p_values=p_values.sort_values(ascending=True).reset_index()
- feature_chi=p_values['index'][:1000]
- data2=data1[feature_chi.to_list()]
- data2=pd.concat([data,data2],axis=1)
- def count_digits(str1):
- return len("".join(re.findall("\d+", str1)))
- def count_vowels(string):
- vowels = "aeiouAEIOU"
- count = 0
- for char in string:
- if char in vowels:
- count += 1
- return count
- def count_special_character(string):
- special_characters = "!@#$%^&*()-+?_=,<>/"
- special_char = 0
- for i in range(0, len(string)):
- if (string[i] in special_characters):
- special_char += 1
- return special_char
- def count_spaces(string):
- spaces = 0
- for char in string:
- if char == " ":
- spaces += 1
- return spaces
- data2['LENGTH']=data2['DATA'].apply(lambda x:len(x))
- data2['digit_c']=data2['DATA'].apply(lambda x:count_digits(x))
- data2['vowel_c']=data2['DATA'].apply(lambda x:count_vowels(x))
- data2['spchar_c']=data2['DATA'].apply(lambda x:count_special_character(x))
- data2['space_c']=data2['DATA'].apply(lambda x:count_spaces(x))
- chi_scores1=chi2(data2[['LENGTH','digit_c','vowel_c','spchar_c','space_c']],data2['LABEL'])
- p_values1=pd.Series(chi_scores1[1],index=data2[['LENGTH','digit_c','vowel_c','spchar_c','space_c']].columns).sort_values(ascending=True).reset_index()
- import tensorflow as tf
- from tensorflow.keras import layers
- from tensorflow import keras
- from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
- from ast import literal_eval
- train_df, test_df = train_test_split(data2,test_size=.1,stratify=data2['LABEL'].values)
- val_df = test_df.sample(frac=0.5)
- test_df.drop(val_df.index, inplace=True)
- terms = tf.ragged.constant(data2['LABEL'].values)
- lookup = tf.keras.layers.StringLookup(output_mode="one_hot")
- lookup.adapt(terms)
- vocab = lookup.get_vocabulary()
- def invert_multi_hot(encoded_labels):
- hot_indices = np.argwhere(encoded_labels == 1.0)[..., 0]
- return np.take(vocab, hot_indices)
- max_seqlen = 150
- batch_size = 128
- padding_token = ""
- auto = tf.data.AUTOTUNE
- feature_tf=data2.columns.tolist()[2:]
- def make_dataset(dataframe,feature,batch_size,is_train=True):
- labels = tf.ragged.constant(dataframe["LABEL"].values)
- label_binarized = lookup(labels).numpy()
- dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(
- (dataframe[feature].values, label_binarized)
- )
- dataset = dataset.shuffle(batch_size * 10) if is_train else dataset
- return dataset.batch(batch_size)
- train_dataset = make_dataset(train_df,feature_tf,batch_size, is_train=True)
- validation_dataset = make_dataset(val_df,feature_tf,batch_size, is_train=False)
- test_dataset = make_dataset(test_df,feature_tf,batch_size, is_train=False)
- shallow_mlp_model = keras.Sequential(
- [
- layers.Dense(512, activation="relu"),
- layers.Dense(256, activation="relu"),
- layers.Dense(lookup.vocabulary_size(), activation="softmax"),
- ]
- )
- shallow_mlp_model.compile(loss="categorical_crossentropy", optimizer="adam", metrics=["CategoricalAccuracy"])
- epochs=20
- history = shallow_mlp_model.fit(train_dataset, validation_data=validation_dataset, epochs=epochs)
- _, category_acc = shallow_mlp_model.evaluate(test_dataset)
- i_cols=i_df.columns
- i_cols=i_df.columns.tolist()
- i_data=pd.DataFrame(columns=['DATA','LABEL'])
- i_temp=pd.DataFrame(columns=['DATA','LABEL'])
- for x in i_cols:
- i_temp['DATA']=i_df[x]
- i_temp['LABEL']=x
- i_data=pd.concat([i_data,i_temp],ignore_index=True)
- i_data['DATA']=i_data['DATA'].astype('string')
- i_data['LABEL']=i_data['LABEL'].astype('string')
- i_data=i_data.dropna()
- i_data=i_data.reset_index(drop=True)
- i_X=vectorizer.transform(i_data['DATA'])
- i_feature=pd.DataFrame(data=i_X.toarray(),columns=vectorizer.get_feature_names_out())
- i_data1=pd.concat([i_data,i_feature],axis=1)
- i_data2=i_data1[feature_chi.to_list()]
- i_data2=pd.concat([i_data,i_data2],axis=1)
- i_data2['LENGTH']=i_data2['DATA'].apply(lambda x:len(x))
- i_data2['digit_c']=i_data2['DATA'].apply(lambda x:count_digits(x))
- i_data2['vowel_c']=i_data2['DATA'].apply(lambda x:count_vowels(x))
- i_data2['spchar_c']=i_data2['DATA'].apply(lambda x:count_special_character(x))
- i_data2['space_c']=i_data2['DATA'].apply(lambda x:count_spaces(x))
- i_run_dataset=tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices((i_data2[feature_tf].values,lookup(tf.ragged.constant(i_data2["LABEL"].values)).numpy())).batch(649)
- i_predicted_probabilities = shallow_mlp_model.predict(i_run_dataset)
- i_predicted_labels = np.where(i_predicted_probabilities == i_predicted_probabilities.max(axis=1, keepdims=True), 1, 0)
- i_predicted_label_df=pd.DataFrame(i_predicted_labels,columns=vocab)
- i_predicted_label_df1=pd.concat([i_data,i_predicted_label_df],axis=1)
- i_predicted_label_df1['PREDICTION']=i_predicted_label_df1[vocab].idxmax(axis=1)
- i_result=i_predicted_label_df1[['DATA','LABEL','PREDICTION']]
- column_mapping=pd.DataFrame(columns=['source','target'])
- temp_column_mapping=pd.DataFrame(columns=['source','target'])
- for i in i_df.columns.to_list():
- temp_df1=i_result.loc[i_result['LABEL']==i]
- temp_max=temp_df1['PREDICTION'].value_counts().idxmax()
- temp_column_mapping.loc[0]=[i,temp_max]
- column_mapping=pd.concat([column_mapping,temp_column_mapping],ignore_index=True)
- not_null=i_df.count().reset_index()
- tot_rows=i_df.shape[0]
- not_null['not null percentage']=not_null[0]/tot_rows
- coltobemodified=not_null[not_null['not null percentage']<.05]['index'].to_list()
- column_mapping.loc[column_mapping['source'].isin(coltobemodified), 'target'] = '**TOO FEW COLUMN VALUES**'
- st.success('Mapping completed successfully!')
- st.session_state[f'{table_selector}_{target_selector}_map_un'] = column_mapping.copy()
- # st.subheader('MAPPED COLUMN')
- # st.dataframe(column_mapping)
- if f'{table_selector}_{target_selector}_map_un' in st.session_state and btn:
- taba, tabb, tabc = st.tabs(['Mappings Generated', 'Source Table Preview', 'Target Table Preview'])
- with tabb:
- st.subheader('Souce Data Preview')
- with stylable_container(
- key=f"source_container_with_border",
- css_styles="""
- {
- border: 1px solid white;
- border-radius: 0.5rem;
- padding: calc(1em - 1px);
- width: 103%; /* Set container width to 100% */
- }
- """
- ):
- st.dataframe(st.session_state['source_data_un'])
- with tabc:
- st.subheader('Target Table Preview')
- with stylable_container(
- key=f"target_container_with_border",
- css_styles="""
- {
- border: 1px solid white;
- border-radius: 0.5rem;
- padding: calc(1em - 1px);
- width: 103%; /* Set container width to 100% */
- }
- """
- ):
- st.write(st.session_state['target_data_un'])
- with taba:
- st.subheader("Mapping Generated:")
- with stylable_container(
- key=f"container_with_border",
- css_styles="""
- {
- border: 1px solid white;
- border-radius: 0.5rem;
- padding: calc(1em - 1px);
- width: 103%; /* Set container width to 100% */
- }
- """
- ):
- edited_map_df = st.data_editor(
- st.session_state[f'{table_selector}_{target_selector}_map_un'],
- column_config={
- "target": st.column_config.SelectboxColumn(
- "Available Column Names",
- help="Please Verify/Change the Target Column Mapping",
- width="medium",
- options=st.session_state.opt_un,
- required=True,
- )
- },
- hide_index=False,
- num_rows = 'fixed',
- use_container_width = True
- )
- val = button("Validate", key="Val_un")
- if val:
- st.session_state[f'{table_selector}_{target_selector}_map_un'].update(edited_map_df)
- dup= len(st.session_state[f'{table_selector}_{target_selector}_map_un'][st.session_state[f'{table_selector}_{target_selector}_map_un']['target'].duplicated()])
- if dup != 0:
- dup_index= list(st.session_state[f'{table_selector}_{target_selector}_map_un'][st.session_state[f'{table_selector}_{target_selector}_map_un']['target'].duplicated(keep=False)].index)
- dup_mess=str(dup_index[0])
- for val in dup_index[1:]:
- dup_mess = dup_mess + f' and {str(val)}'
- st.error(f"One to Many Column mapping Exists. Please Check Mapping Number: {dup_mess}")
- else:
- st.success("Mapping Validated! You can proceed for Mapping")
- migrate= st.button("Mapping")
- if migrate:
- st.subheader('Mapping PHASE')
- m_queiry1="select count(*) as TARGET_COUNT_CURRENT from ["+ st.session_state.table1_un['TABLE_SCHEMA'][0]+"].["+st.session_state.target_selector_un+"]"
- #st.write(m_queiry1)
- old_count=pd.read_sql_query(m_queiry1,con=conn)
- st.write('RECORDS IN TARGET TABLE BEFORE Mapping',old_count)
- with st.spinner('Mapping in progress...'):
- cursor1=conn.cursor()
- q1='INSERT INTO ['+ st.session_state.table1_un['TABLE_SCHEMA'][0]+'].['+st.session_state.target_selector_un+'] ("'
- q2=' select "'
- for i,x in enumerate(st.session_state['source_data_un'].columns.values.tolist()):
- t=st.session_state[f'{table_selector}_{target_selector}_map_un'].loc[st.session_state[f'{table_selector}_{target_selector}_map_un']['source']==x,'target'].values[0]
- if i==len(st.session_state['source_data_un'].columns.values.tolist())-1:
- q_temp1=t+'") '
- q_temp2=x+'" '
- else:
- q_temp1=t+'", "'
- q_temp2=x+'", "'
- q1=q1+q_temp1
- q2=q2+q_temp2
- #q_temp='INSERT INTO ['+ table1['TABLE_SCHEMA'][0]+'].['+target_selector+'] ("'+t+'") select "'+x+'" from ['+ table1['TABLE_SCHEMA'][0]+'].['+table_selector+']'
- # st.write(q)
- q=q1+q2+' from ['+ st.session_state.table1_un['TABLE_SCHEMA'][0]+'].['+table_selector+']'
- #st.write(q)
- cursor1.execute(q)
- conn.commit()
- # m_query2="UPDATE ["+ table1['TABLE_SCHEMA'][0]+"].["+target_selector+"] SET ID=9999 WHERE ID IS NULL"
- # # cur_time=datetime.datetime.now().time().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
- # m_query3="UPDATE ["+ table1['TABLE_SCHEMA'][0]+"].["+target_selector+"] SET LOADID='LOADEDBYAI' WHERE LOADID IS NULL"
- # m_query4="UPDATE ["+ table1['TABLE_SCHEMA'][0]+"].["+target_selector+"] SET FILE_NAME='AUTOMATED_INSERT' WHERE FILE_NAME IS NULL"
- # cursor1.execute(m_query2)
- # cursor1.execute(m_query3)
- # cursor1.execute(m_query4)
- # conn.commit()
- st.success('Mapping completed successfully!')
- m_query5="select count(*) as TARGET_COUNT_AFTER_Mapping from ["+ st.session_state.table1_un['TABLE_SCHEMA'][0]+"].["+st.session_state.target_selector_un+"]"
- new_count=pd.read_sql_query(m_query5,con=conn)
- conn.close()
- st.write('RECORDS IN TARGET TABLE AFTER Mapping',new_count)
-if mode == 'Unsupervised Mapping(You Do Not Have Sufficient Sample Data in Target Template)':
- conn = pymssql.connect("Server=sql-ext-dev-uks-001.database.windows.net;"
- "Database=sqldb-ext-dev-uks-001;"
- "UID=dbadmin;"
- "PWD=mYpa$$w0rD" )
- table1=pd.read_sql_query(query1,con=conn)
- st.session_state.table1= table1
- table1['TABLE_NAME']=table1['TABLE_NAME'].astype('str')
- #col2sel1, col2sel2 = st.columns(2)
+ if set(['ID','LOADID','FILE_NAME']).issubset(i_df.columns):
+ i_df=i_df.drop(['ID','LOADID','FILE_NAME'],axis=1)
- table_selector=st.multiselect('SOURCE TABLE NAME(S)',['TCM', 'TCVM','TEM', 'TPM', 'TPP', 'TPT', 'TRM', 'TSCM', 'TSM'],default=None,placeholder='Select table for automated column mapping')
+ i_df = i_df.loc[:, ~i_df.columns.duplicated()]
- #target_selector=st.selectbox('TARGET TABLE NAME',['POLICY_MAPPINGTARGET_TBL','FINANCE_MAPPINGTARGET_TBL','CUSTOMER_MASTER_TARGET'],index=None,placeholder='Select target table')
- target_selector = st.file_uploader("UPLOAD TARGET METADATA FILE", type=['csv'])
- tgt_name=None
- mapping_df=None
- if target_selector is not None:
- mapping_df = pd.read_csv(target_selector)
- tgt_name = target_selector.name
- required_columns = ['Field_Name', 'Primary Key']
- if all(col in mapping_df.columns for col in required_columns):
- field_names = mapping_df['Field_Name'].tolist()
- tgt_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=field_names)
- st.session_state.target_selector = target_selector
- # mapping_selector = target_selector
- # st.session_state.mapping_selector = mapping_selector
- if mapping_df is not None:
- st.session_state.mapping_df = mapping_df
- if table_selector is not None:
- if len(table_selector)==1:
- query2="select * from ["+ table1['TABLE_SCHEMA'][0]+"].["+str(table_selector[0])+"]"
- i_df = pd.read_sql_query(query2,con=conn)
- # conn.close()
- if set(['ID','LOADID','FILE_NAME']).issubset(i_df.columns):
- i_df=i_df.drop(['ID','LOADID','FILE_NAME'],axis=1)
- elif len(table_selector)>1:
- dataframes = {}
- col_names = []
- for tab in table_selector:
- query2_2= "select * from [dbo].["+tab+"]"
- dataframes[f'{tab}'] = pd.read_sql_query(query2_2,con=conn)
- col_names = col_names + list(dataframes[f'{tab}'].columns)
- tab_names = table_selector
- metadata = MultiTableMetadata()
- metadata.detect_from_dataframes(
- data= dataframes
- )
- multi_python_dict = metadata.to_dict()
- rlist1=multi_python_dict['relationships']
- relationships=pd.DataFrame(columns=['PARENT TABLE','CHILD TABLE','PARENT PRIMARY KEY','CHILD FOREIGN KEY'])
- for i in range(len(rlist1)):
- rlist=rlist1[i]
- nrow=pd.DataFrame({'PARENT TABLE':rlist['parent_table_name'],'CHILD TABLE':rlist['child_table_name'],'PARENT PRIMARY KEY':rlist['parent_primary_key'],'CHILD FOREIGN KEY':rlist['child_foreign_key']},index=[i])
- relationships=pd.concat([relationships,nrow],ignore_index=True)
- filtered_relationships = relationships[
- (relationships['PARENT TABLE'].isin(table_selector)) &
- (relationships['CHILD TABLE'].isin(table_selector))
- ]
- i_df = pd.DataFrame()
- for _, row in filtered_relationships.iterrows():
- parent_table = row['PARENT TABLE']
- child_table = row['CHILD TABLE']
- parent_key = row['PARENT PRIMARY KEY']
- child_key = row['CHILD FOREIGN KEY']
- if parent_table in dataframes and child_table in dataframes:
- parent_df = dataframes[parent_table]
- child_df = dataframes[child_table]
- left_joined_df = pd.merge(
- parent_df, child_df, how='left',
- left_on=parent_key, right_on=child_key,
- suffixes=(f'_{parent_table}', f'_{child_table}')
- )
- for col in child_df.columns:
- if col != child_key:
- left_joined_df.rename(
- columns={col: f'{col}_{parent_table}_{child_table}'}, inplace=True
- )
- right_joined_df = pd.merge(
- parent_df, child_df, how='left',
- left_on=child_key, right_on=parent_key,
- suffixes=(f'_{child_table}', f'_{parent_table}')
- )
- for col in child_df.columns:
- if col != child_key:
- left_joined_df.rename(
- columns={col: f'{col}_{child_table}_{parent_table}'}, inplace=True
- )
- i_df = pd.concat([i_df, left_joined_df, right_joined_df], ignore_index=True)
- i_df = i_df.loc[:, ~i_df.columns.duplicated()]
- for table_name in table_selector:
- if table_name in dataframes:
- for col in dataframes[table_name].columns:
- if col in i_df.columns and not any([col.endswith(f'_{table_name}') for table in table_selector]):
- i_df.rename(columns={col: f'{col}_{table_name}'}, inplace=True)
- if set(['ID','LOADID','FILE_NAME']).issubset(i_df.columns):
- i_df=i_df.drop(['ID','LOADID','FILE_NAME'],axis=1)
- i_df = i_df.loc[:, ~i_df.columns.duplicated()]
- if table_selector is not None:
- if tgt_name is not None:
- btn= button('RUN', key='RUN_GENAI')
- if target_selector is not None and btn and f'{table_selector}_{tgt_name}_map' not in st.session_state:
- st.session_state['source_data'] = i_df.sample(20).reset_index()
- if target_selector is not None:
- #query3="select * from ["+ table1['TABLE_SCHEMA'][0]+"].["+target_selector+"]"
- #tgt_df=pd.read_sql_query(query3,con=conn)
- # if set(['ID','LOADID','FILE_NAME']).issubset(tgt_df.columns):
- # tgt_df=tgt_df.drop(['ID','LOADID','FILE_NAME'],axis=1)
- st.session_state['opt'] = list(tgt_df.columns)
- st.session_state['target_data'] = tgt_df.head(20).reset_index()
+ if table_selector is not None:
+ if tgt_name is not None:
+ btn= button('RUN', key='RUN_GENAI')
- with st.spinner('Processing Data...'):
- selected_df = pd.DataFrame()
- #st.write(i_df)
- # Iterate through each column
- for col in i_df.columns:
- # Filter non-null and non-blank values
- non_null_values = i_df[col][i_df[col] != ''].dropna().astype(str).str.strip().unique()
- # Select up to 10 values (or fewer if less than 10 non-null values)
- selected_values = list(non_null_values[:10])
- selected_values = selected_values + [""] * (10 - len(selected_values))
- # Add selected values to the new dataframe
- selected_df[col] = selected_values
- mapping_df = st.session_state.mapping_df
- # List of tables provided
- tables_list = table_selector
- # Dictionary to store the table columns
- table_columns = {}
- # Loop through each table in the list
- for table in tables_list:
- cursor = conn.cursor()
- cursor.execute(query)
+ if target_selector is not None and btn and f'{table_selector}_{tgt_name}_map' not in st.session_state:
+ st.session_state['source_data'] = i_df.sample(20).reset_index()
+ if target_selector is not None:
+ #query3="select * from ["+ table1['TABLE_SCHEMA'][0]+"].["+target_selector+"]"
+ #tgt_df=pd.read_sql_query(query3,con=conn)
+ # if set(['ID','LOADID','FILE_NAME']).issubset(tgt_df.columns):
+ # tgt_df=tgt_df.drop(['ID','LOADID','FILE_NAME'],axis=1)
+ st.session_state['opt'] = list(tgt_df.columns)
+ st.session_state['target_data'] = tgt_df.head(20).reset_index()
+ with st.spinner('Processing Data...'):
+ selected_df = pd.DataFrame()
+ #st.write(i_df)
+ # Iterate through each column
+ for col in i_df.columns:
+ # Filter non-null and non-blank values
+ non_null_values = i_df[col][i_df[col] != ''].dropna().astype(str).str.strip().unique()
+ # Select up to 10 values (or fewer if less than 10 non-null values)
+ selected_values = list(non_null_values[:10])
+ selected_values = selected_values + [""] * (10 - len(selected_values))
+ # Add selected values to the new dataframe
+ selected_df[col] = selected_values
+ mapping_df = st.session_state.mapping_df
+ # List of tables provided
+ tables_list = table_selector
+ # Dictionary to store the table columns
+ table_columns = {}
+ # Loop through each table in the list
+ for table in tables_list:
+ cursor = conn.cursor()
+ cursor.execute(query)
+ # Fetch the column names for the current table
+ columns = [row[0] for row in cursor.fetchall()]
+ # Store the column names in the dictionary
+ table_columns[table] = columns
- # Fetch the column names for the current table
- columns = [row[0] for row in cursor.fetchall()]
+ if 'table_columns' not in st.session_state:
+ st.session_state.table_columns = table_columns
+ story = f""" Details of the source table:
+ table columns: {str(list(i_df.columns))}
+ column datatypes: {str(i_df.dtypes.to_string())}
+ table sample data: {selected_df.head(10).to_string()}
+ Source Tables selected : {str(list(table_selector))}
+ Source Table columns are given as (col_name)_(table_name)
+ Joining conditions should be based on relationship table which is : {relationships.to_string()}
+ Details of the target table:
+ table columns: {str(list(tgt_df.columns))}
+ column datatypes: {str(tgt_df.dtypes.to_string())}
+ table sample data: {tgt_df.head(10).to_string()}
+ mapping details: {mapping_df.to_string()}
+ Source Column names should match from this dictionary: {str(table_columns)}
+ """
+ response = model.generate_content(
+ textwrap.dedent("""
+ Please return JSON describing the possible **one to one mapping** between source table and target table using this following schema:
+ {"Mapping": list[MAPPING]}
+ MAPPING = {"Target_Table": str, "Field_Name": str, "Source Table": str, "Source Column": str, "Joining Keys": str, "Primary Key": str, "Direct/Derived": str, "Join Tables": str, "Join Condition": str, "Mapping Confidence": percentage, "Column Operations": str, "Alias": str, "Granularity": str, "Filter Condition": str, "Clauses": str, "Ordering": str}
+ 1. For example, Field_Name is 'Product Name', Source Table is 'TRM', Source Column is 'PRODUCT_NAME', 'Joining Keys':'PRODUCT_ID', 'Primary Key' not labelled, then {'Direct/Derived": 'DERIVED', 'Join Type':'LEFT OUTER', 'Join Tables':'TPM, TRM', 'Join Condition':'TPM.PRODUCT_ID=TRM.PRODUCT_ID', 'Alias': 'PRODUCT_NAME', 'Granularity': '1:1'}
+ Joining is done on TPM since the primary key POLICY_ID is taken from TPM table. So TPM.PRODUCT_ID = TRM.PRODUCT_ID is joining condition
+ 2. For example, Field_Name is 'Office Code', Source Table is 'TPM', Source Column is 'OFFICE_CD', 'Joining Keys':'POLICY_ID', 'Primary Key' not labelled, then {'Direct/Derived": 'DIRECT', 'Join Type':None, 'Join Tables':None, 'Join Condition':None, 'Alias': 'OFFICE_CD', 'Granularity': '1:1'}
+ Joining is not done since TPM is the parent table. So, 'Direct/Derived": 'DIRECT'. POLICY_ID is the primary key here.
+ 3. For example, Field_Name is 'Policy Submission Date', Source Table is 'TSM', Source Column is 'POLICY_SUBMISSION_DT', 'Joining Keys':'POLICY_ID', 'Primary Key' not labelled, then {'Direct/Derived": 'DERIVED', 'Join Type':'LEFT OUTER', 'Join Tables':'TPM, TSM', 'Join Condition':'TPM.POLICY_ID=TRM.POLICY_ID', 'Alias': 'POLICY_SUBMISSION_DT', 'Granularity': '1:1'}
+ Joining is done on TPM since the primary key POLICY_ID is taken from TPM table. So TPM.POLICY_ID = TRM.POLICY_ID is joining condition
+ If Source Column is POLICY_ID_TPM, then change it to POLICY_ID.
+ **Source Column should not contain the '_TPM', '_TRM', '_TSM', '_TPP' part at the end.**
+ All Target fields are required. The JSON keys will be same as the column names in mapping details.Validate the mapping as given in mapping details.
+ Ignore the columns where hardcoded values are there , such as Current Flag, Start Date, End Date, Etl Job ID,Etl Batch ID,Etl Inserted Date,Etl Updated Date. leave them blank. For other fields, there has to be mapping.
+ If you are confused on which source tables to map, then provide MAPPING CONFIDENCE LESS THAN 90
+ ALL THE JSON KEYS ARE MANDATORY: 'Target_Table', 'Field_Name', 'Source Table', 'Source Column', 'Joining Keys', 'Primary Key', 'Direct/Derived', 'Join Type', 'Join Tables', 'Join Condition', 'Mapping Confidence', 'Column Operations', 'Alias', 'Granularity', 'Filter Condition', 'Clauses', 'Ordering'
+ Important: Only return a single piece of valid JSON text. All fields are required. Please MAP all ***TARGET fields***. If you struggle to map then give low confidence score but YOU HAVE TO MAP ANYWAY. ****MAKE SURE IT IS A **one to one mapping** ****
+ Here is the table details:
+ """) + story
+ )
- # Store the column names in the dictionary
- table_columns[table] = columns
+ res= response.text.replace("\n", '').replace("`", '').replace('json','')
+ map = print(json.dumps(json.loads(res), indent=2))
+ data = json.loads(res)
+ map_df = pd.json_normalize(data, record_path=['Mapping'])
+ st.session_state[f'{table_selector}_{tgt_name}_map'] = map_df.copy()
- if 'table_columns' not in st.session_state:
- st.session_state.table_columns = table_columns
- story = f""" Details of the source table:
- table columns: {str(list(i_df.columns))}
- column datatypes: {str(i_df.dtypes.to_string())}
- table sample data: {selected_df.head(10).to_string()}
- Source Tables selected : {str(list(table_selector))}
- Source Table columns are given as (col_name)_(table_name)
- Joining conditions should be based on relationship table which is : {relationships.to_string()}
- Details of the target table:
- table columns: {str(list(tgt_df.columns))}
- column datatypes: {str(tgt_df.dtypes.to_string())}
- table sample data: {tgt_df.head(10).to_string()}
- mapping details: {mapping_df.to_string()}
- Source Column names should match from this dictionary: {str(table_columns)}
- """
- response = model.generate_content(
- textwrap.dedent("""
- Please return JSON describing the possible **one to one mapping** between source table and target table using this following schema:
- {"Mapping": list[MAPPING]}
- MAPPING = {"Target_Table": str, "Field_Name": str, "Source Table": str, "Source Column": str, "Joining Keys": str, "Primary Key": str, "Direct/Derived": str, "Join Tables": str, "Join Condition": str, "Mapping Confidence": percentage, "Column Operations": str, "Alias": str, "Granularity": str, "Filter Condition": str, "Clauses": str, "Ordering": str}
- 1. For example, Field_Name is 'Product Name', Source Table is 'TRM', Source Column is 'PRODUCT_NAME', 'Joining Keys':'PRODUCT_ID', 'Primary Key' not labelled, then {'Direct/Derived": 'DERIVED', 'Join Type':'LEFT OUTER', 'Join Tables':'TPM, TRM', 'Join Condition':'TPM.PRODUCT_ID=TRM.PRODUCT_ID', 'Alias': 'PRODUCT_NAME', 'Granularity': '1:1'}
- Joining is done on TPM since the primary key POLICY_ID is taken from TPM table. So TPM.PRODUCT_ID = TRM.PRODUCT_ID is joining condition
- 2. For example, Field_Name is 'Office Code', Source Table is 'TPM', Source Column is 'OFFICE_CD', 'Joining Keys':'POLICY_ID', 'Primary Key' not labelled, then {'Direct/Derived": 'DIRECT', 'Join Type':None, 'Join Tables':None, 'Join Condition':None, 'Alias': 'OFFICE_CD', 'Granularity': '1:1'}
- Joining is not done since TPM is the parent table. So, 'Direct/Derived": 'DIRECT'. POLICY_ID is the primary key here.
- 3. For example, Field_Name is 'Policy Submission Date', Source Table is 'TSM', Source Column is 'POLICY_SUBMISSION_DT', 'Joining Keys':'POLICY_ID', 'Primary Key' not labelled, then {'Direct/Derived": 'DERIVED', 'Join Type':'LEFT OUTER', 'Join Tables':'TPM, TSM', 'Join Condition':'TPM.POLICY_ID=TRM.POLICY_ID', 'Alias': 'POLICY_SUBMISSION_DT', 'Granularity': '1:1'}
- Joining is done on TPM since the primary key POLICY_ID is taken from TPM table. So TPM.POLICY_ID = TRM.POLICY_ID is joining condition
- If Source Column is POLICY_ID_TPM, then change it to POLICY_ID.
- **Source Column should not contain the '_TPM', '_TRM', '_TSM', '_TPP' part at the end.**
- All Target fields are required. The JSON keys will be same as the column names in mapping details.Validate the mapping as given in mapping details.
- Ignore the columns where hardcoded values are there , such as Current Flag, Start Date, End Date, Etl Job ID,Etl Batch ID,Etl Inserted Date,Etl Updated Date. leave them blank. For other fields, there has to be mapping.
- If you are confused on which source tables to map, then provide MAPPING CONFIDENCE LESS THAN 90
- ALL THE JSON KEYS ARE MANDATORY: 'Target_Table', 'Field_Name', 'Source Table', 'Source Column', 'Joining Keys', 'Primary Key', 'Direct/Derived', 'Join Type', 'Join Tables', 'Join Condition', 'Mapping Confidence', 'Column Operations', 'Alias', 'Granularity', 'Filter Condition', 'Clauses', 'Ordering'
- Important: Only return a single piece of valid JSON text. All fields are required. Please MAP all ***TARGET fields***. If you struggle to map then give low confidence score but YOU HAVE TO MAP ANYWAY. ****MAKE SURE IT IS A **one to one mapping** ****
- Here is the table details:
- """) + story
- )
- res= response.text.replace("\n", '').replace("`", '').replace('json','')
- map = print(json.dumps(json.loads(res), indent=2))
- data = json.loads(res)
- map_df = pd.json_normalize(data, record_path=['Mapping'])
- st.session_state[f'{table_selector}_{tgt_name}_map'] = map_df.copy()
- if f'{table_selector}_{tgt_name}_map' in st.session_state and btn:
- taba, tabb, tabc = st.tabs(['Mappings Generated', 'Source Table Preview', 'Target Table Preview'])
- with tabc:
- st.subheader('Target Table Preview')
- with stylable_container(
- key=f"source_container_with_border",
- css_styles="""
- {
- border: 1px solid white;
- border-radius: 0.5rem;
- padding: calc(1em - 1px);
- width: 103%; /* Set container width to 100% */
- }
- """
- ):
- st.dataframe(st.session_state['target_data'].head(0))
- with tabb:
- st.subheader('Source Table Preview')
- with stylable_container(
- key=f"target_container_with_border",
- css_styles="""
- {
- border: 1px solid white;
- border-radius: 0.5rem;
- padding: calc(1em - 1px);
- width: 103%; /* Set container width to 100% */
- }
- """
- ):
- st.write(st.session_state['source_data'])
- with taba:
- st.subheader("Most Probable Mapping Generated:")
- with stylable_container(
- key=f"container_with_border",
- css_styles="""
- {
- border: 1px solid white;
- border-radius: 0.5rem;
- padding: calc(1em - 1px);
- width: 103%; /* Set container width to 100% */
- }
- """
- ):
- edited_map_df = st.data_editor(
- st.session_state[f'{table_selector}_{tgt_name}_map'],
- column_config={
- "Target Column Name": st.column_config.SelectboxColumn(
- "Target Columns",
- help="Please Verify/Change the Target Column Mapping",
- width="medium",
- options=st.session_state.opt,
- required=True,
- )
- },
- hide_index=False,
- num_rows = 'dynamic',
- use_container_width = True
- )
- success_show=1
- if success_show==1:
- st.success(f"{(edited_map_df['Mapping Confidence']>90).mean().round(2)*100}% of Columns Mapped with more than 90% Mapping Confidence")
- mapped_uploader = st.file_uploader("UPLOAD REVISED MAPPING (OPTIONAL)", type=['csv'])
- if mapped_uploader is not None:
- success_show=0
- edited_map_df = pd.read_csv(mapped_uploader)
- st.write(edited_map_df)
- st.success("Mapping Revised!")
- val = button("Validate", key="Val")
- if val:
- st.session_state[f'{table_selector}_{tgt_name}_map'].update(edited_map_df)
- dup= len(st.session_state[f'{table_selector}_{tgt_name}_map'][st.session_state[f'{table_selector}_{tgt_name}_map']['Field_Name'].duplicated()])
+ if f'{table_selector}_{tgt_name}_map' in st.session_state and btn:
+ taba, tabb, tabc = st.tabs(['Mappings Generated', 'Source Table Preview', 'Target Table Preview'])
+ with tabc:
+ st.subheader('Target Table Preview')
+ with stylable_container(
+ key=f"source_container_with_border",
+ css_styles="""
+ {
+ border: 1px solid white;
+ border-radius: 0.5rem;
+ padding: calc(1em - 1px);
+ width: 103%; /* Set container width to 100% */
+ }
+ """
+ ):
+ st.dataframe(st.session_state['target_data'].head(0))
+ with tabb:
+ st.subheader('Source Table Preview')
+ with stylable_container(
+ key=f"target_container_with_border",
+ css_styles="""
+ {
+ border: 1px solid white;
+ border-radius: 0.5rem;
+ padding: calc(1em - 1px);
+ width: 103%; /* Set container width to 100% */
+ }
+ """
+ ):
+ st.write(st.session_state['source_data'])
+ with taba:
+ st.subheader("Most Probable Mapping Generated:")
+ with stylable_container(
+ key=f"container_with_border",
+ css_styles="""
+ {
+ border: 1px solid white;
+ border-radius: 0.5rem;
+ padding: calc(1em - 1px);
+ width: 103%; /* Set container width to 100% */
+ }
+ """
+ ):
+ edited_map_df = st.data_editor(
+ st.session_state[f'{table_selector}_{tgt_name}_map'],
+ column_config={
+ "Target Column Name": st.column_config.SelectboxColumn(
+ "Target Columns",
+ help="Please Verify/Change the Target Column Mapping",
+ width="medium",
+ options=st.session_state.opt,
+ required=True,
+ )
+ },
+ hide_index=False,
+ num_rows = 'dynamic',
+ use_container_width = True
+ )
+ success_show=1
+ if success_show==1:
+ st.success(f"{(edited_map_df['Mapping Confidence']>90).mean().round(2)*100}% of Columns Mapped with more than 90% Mapping Confidence")
+ mapped_uploader = st.file_uploader("UPLOAD REVISED MAPPING (OPTIONAL)", type=['csv'])
+ if mapped_uploader is not None:
+ success_show=0
+ edited_map_df = pd.read_csv(mapped_uploader)
+ st.write(edited_map_df)
+ st.success("Mapping Revised!")
- error_messages = []
- table_columns = st.session_state.table_columns
- for _, (index, row) in enumerate(edited_map_df.iterrows()):
- source_table = row['Source Table']
- source_column = row['Source Column']
+ val = button("Validate", key="Val")
+ if val:
+ st.session_state[f'{table_selector}_{tgt_name}_map'].update(edited_map_df)
+ dup= len(st.session_state[f'{table_selector}_{tgt_name}_map'][st.session_state[f'{table_selector}_{tgt_name}_map']['Field_Name'].duplicated()])
- if source_column not in table_columns.get(source_table, []) and (source_column is not None) and (source_table is not None) and (source_table in table_selector):
- error_messages.append(f"Column '{source_column}' not found in table '{source_table}'.\n")
+ error_messages = []
+ table_columns = st.session_state.table_columns
+ for _, (index, row) in enumerate(edited_map_df.iterrows()):
+ source_table = row['Source Table']
+ source_column = row['Source Column']
+ if source_column not in table_columns.get(source_table, []) and (source_column is not None) and (source_table is not None) and (source_table in table_selector):
+ error_messages.append(f"Column '{source_column}' not found in table '{source_table}'.\n")
+ # Output success or error messages
+ if error_messages:
+ validation_result = "\n".join(error_messages)
+ else:
+ validation_result = "Success"
+ if dup != 0:
+ dup_index= list(st.session_state[f'{table_selector}_{tgt_name}_map'][st.session_state[f'{table_selector}_{tgt_name}_map']['Target Column Name'].duplicated(keep=False)].index)
+ dup_mess=str(dup_index[0])
+ for val in dup_index[1:]:
+ dup_mess = dup_mess + f' and {str(val)}'
+ st.error(f"One to Many Column mapping Exists. Please Check Mapping Number: {dup_mess}")
+ elif validation_result != "Success":
+ st.error(validation_result)
+ else:
+ st.success("Mapping Validated!")
+ df_tbl_dtls = pd.read_csv(r'tbl_dtl.csv')
+ with pd.ExcelWriter('Final.xlsx') as writer:
+ edited_map_df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='POLICY', index=False)
+ df_tbl_dtls.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Table Details', index=False)
+ path = 'Final.xlsx'
+ temp_table = None
+ for x in pd.ExcelFile(path).sheet_names:
+ if x != 'Table Details':
+ temp_table = x
+ df = read_excel(path, temp_table)
+ table_details_df = read_excel(path, 'Table Details')
+ table_details_mapping = table_details_df.set_index('Table Name')[['ETL Timestamp','Change Timestamp','ETL Filter']].T.to_dict('list')
+ base_table, base_pk, proc_query, incr_join_grps, incr_table_join_info, incr_join, temp_table_schema = generate_sql(temp_table)
+ sql_query = ''
+ for x in proc_query:
+ sql_query += x
+ sql_query += '\n'
+ spark_sql = generate_spark(proc_query, incr_join_grps, base_table, base_pk, incr_table_join_info, incr_join, temp_table_schema)
+ #out=edited_map_df.to_csv().encode('utf-8')
+ col21, col22= st.columns([1,4])
+ with col21:
+ st.download_button('Download SQL Statement', sql_query, file_name='sql_code.txt')
+ with col22:
+ st.download_button('Download Spark Statement', spark_sql, file_name='spark_code.txt')
+ #st.download_button(label='DOWNLOAD MAPPING',data=out, file_name='S2T_Mapping.csv',mime='csv')
- # Output success or error messages
- if error_messages:
- validation_result = "\n".join(error_messages)
- else:
- validation_result = "Success"
- if dup != 0:
- dup_index= list(st.session_state[f'{table_selector}_{tgt_name}_map'][st.session_state[f'{table_selector}_{tgt_name}_map']['Target Column Name'].duplicated(keep=False)].index)
- dup_mess=str(dup_index[0])
- for val in dup_index[1:]:
- dup_mess = dup_mess + f' and {str(val)}'
- st.error(f"One to Many Column mapping Exists. Please Check Mapping Number: {dup_mess}")
- elif validation_result != "Success":
- st.error(validation_result)
- else:
- st.success("Mapping Validated!")
- df_tbl_dtls = pd.read_csv(r'tbl_dtl.csv')
- with pd.ExcelWriter('Final.xlsx') as writer:
- edited_map_df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='POLICY', index=False)
- df_tbl_dtls.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Table Details', index=False)
- path = 'Final.xlsx'
- temp_table = None
- for x in pd.ExcelFile(path).sheet_names:
- if x != 'Table Details':
- temp_table = x
- df = read_excel(path, temp_table)
- table_details_df = read_excel(path, 'Table Details')
- table_details_mapping = table_details_df.set_index('Table Name')[['ETL Timestamp','Change Timestamp','ETL Filter']].T.to_dict('list')
- base_table, base_pk, proc_query, incr_join_grps, incr_table_join_info, incr_join, temp_table_schema = generate_sql(temp_table)
- sql_query = ''
- for x in proc_query:
- sql_query += x
- sql_query += '\n'
- spark_sql = generate_spark(proc_query, incr_join_grps, base_table, base_pk, incr_table_join_info, incr_join, temp_table_schema)
- #out=edited_map_df.to_csv().encode('utf-8')
- col21, col22= st.columns([1,4])
- with col21:
- st.download_button('Download SQL Statement', sql_query, file_name='sql_code.txt')
- with col22:
- st.download_button('Download Spark Statement', spark_sql, file_name='spark_code.txt')
- #st.download_button(label='DOWNLOAD MAPPING',data=out, file_name='S2T_Mapping.csv',mime='csv')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
\ No newline at end of file