console.log("API_KEY " + API_KEY) const translateText = async (text) => { const inferResponse = await fetch(`infer_t5?input=${text}`); const inferJson = await inferResponse.json(); return inferJson.output; }; function generatePrompterAssistantText(inputString) { // Split the input string into an array of sentences const sentences = inputString.split('<|endoftext|>'); // Initialize arrays for prompter and assistant text let prompterText = []; let assistantText = []; // Loop through each sentence and add it to the prompter or assistant text array for (let i = 0; i < sentences.length; i++) { // Check if the sentence contains the tag if (sentences[i].includes('<|prompter|>')) { // Extract the text within the tags and add it to the prompter text array const prompterSentence = sentences[i].replace(/<\|prompter\|>/g, ''); prompterText.push(prompterSentence); } else if (sentences[i].includes('<|assistant|>')) { const assistantSentence = sentences[i].replace(/<\|assistant\|>/g, ''); // Add the sentence to the assistant text array assistantText.push(assistantSentence); } } // Return the prompter and assistant text arrays return [prompterText, assistantText]; } const submitButton = document.querySelector('#submit') const outPutElement = document.querySelector('#output') const inputElement = document.querySelector('input') const historyElement = document.querySelector('.history') const buttonElement = document.querySelector('button') function changeInput(value) { console.log(value) const inputElement = document.querySelector('input') inputElement.value = value } async function getMessage(){ console.log("input value "+ inputElement.value) const options = { method: "POST", headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${API_KEY}`, "Content-Type": "application/json" }, body: JSON.stringify({ inputs: "<|prompter|>" + inputElement.value + "<|endoftext|><|assistant|>" }) } try{ const response = await fetch("", options); const data = await response.json() console.log(data[0].generated_text) if(inputElement.value && data && data[0].generated_text){ const [prompterText, assistantText] = generatePrompterAssistantText(data[0].generated_text); outPutElement.textContent = await translateText(assistantText); const pElement = document.createElement('p') pElement.textContent = inputElement.value pElement.addEventListener('click', () => changeInput(pElement.textContent)) historyElement.append(pElement) } } catch(error) { console.log(error) } } submitButton.addEventListener('click', getMessage) function clearInput(){ inputElement.value = '' } buttonElement.addEventListener('click', clearInput)