title: Ilaria Converter
emoji: 🔨
colorFrom: pink
colorTo: pink
sdk: gradio
sdk_version: 4.8.0
app_file: app.py
pinned: false
![Ilaria Converter](./ilariaaisuite.png)
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Ilaria Converter 💖
🎉 Welcome to Ilaria Converter! 🎉
This project leverages various libraries and modules to create a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for advanced file conversion.
It's primarily designed for use with HuggingFace Spaces. 🤗
Ilaria Converter is part of the Ilaria AI Suite which includes various easy and powerful tools. 💖
## 📦 Installation 📦
To use this project, clone the original Space on Hugging Face.
Make sure you restart it from time to time to keep up with the new updates.
## 🖥️ Usage 🖥️
Once the dependencies are installed automatically, Hugging Face will use app.py to start the user interface.
From there, you can utilize the various features of the project.
## 🌟 Features 🌟
Ilaria Converter offers a range of features, including:
- 🎵 **Audio Conversion**:
Ilaria Converter uses the ffmpeg module to convert audio files to various formats.
It provides options to change the bitrate of the audio file.
- 🖼️ **Image Conversion**:
Ilaria Converter uses the PIL and ffmpeg modules to convert images to various formats.
It provides options to change the resolution of the image.
- 🌍 **User-Friendly Web Interface**:
Ilaria Converter uses the gradio module to create an intuitive web interface.
Users can easily upload a file, and the application will return the converted file.
- 📂 **Efficient File Handling**:
Ilaria Converter uses the os and tempfile modules for efficient file handling operations.
It saves the converted file and returns the path of the file.
## 🙏 Credits 🙏
- **Alex Murkoff** - For his invaluable help and useful tips
## 🤝 Contributing 🤝
Interested in contributing to this project? Ilaria is always looking for collaborators.
Feel free to open a pull request on Hugging Face.
## 📄 License 📄
This project is released under the `INCU` license.
For more details, please check the license file.
For further questions feel free to contact Ilaria.