import os import json import time from typing import List import faiss import pypdf import random import itertools import text_utils import pandas as pd import altair as alt import streamlit as st from io import StringIO from llama_index import Document from langchain.llms import Anthropic from langchain import HuggingFaceHub from langchain.chains import RetrievalQA from langchain.vectorstores import FAISS from llama_index import LangchainEmbedding from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI from langchain.retrievers import SVMRetriever from langchain.chains import QAGenerationChain from langchain.retrievers import TFIDFRetriever from import QAEvalChain from langchain.embeddings import HuggingFaceEmbeddings from langchain.embeddings.openai import OpenAIEmbeddings from gpt_index import LLMPredictor, ServiceContext, GPTFaissIndex from langchain.text_splitter import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter, CharacterTextSplitter from text_utils import GRADE_DOCS_PROMPT, GRADE_ANSWER_PROMPT, GRADE_DOCS_PROMPT_FAST, GRADE_ANSWER_PROMPT_FAST, GRADE_ANSWER_PROMPT_BIAS_CHECK, GRADE_ANSWER_PROMPT_OPENAI # Keep dataframe in memory to accumulate experimental results if "existing_df" not in st.session_state: summary = pd.DataFrame(columns=['chunk_chars', 'overlap', 'split', 'model', 'retriever', 'embedding', 'num_neighbors', 'Latency', 'Retrieval score', 'Answer score']) st.session_state.existing_df = summary else: summary = st.session_state.existing_df @st.cache_data def load_docs(files: List) -> str: """ Load docs from files @param files: list of files to load @return: string of all docs concatenated """"`Reading doc ...`") all_text = "" for file_path in files: file_extension = os.path.splitext([1] if file_extension == ".pdf": pdf_reader = pypdf.PdfReader(file_path) file_content = "" for page in pdf_reader.pages: file_content += page.extract_text() file_content = text_utils.clean_pdf_text(file_content) all_text += file_content elif file_extension == ".txt": stringio = StringIO(file_path.getvalue().decode("utf-8")) file_content = all_text += file_content else: st.warning('Please provide txt or pdf.', icon="⚠️") return all_text @st.cache_data def generate_eval(text: str, num_questions: int, chunk: int): """ Generate eval set @param text: text to generate eval set from @param num_questions: number of questions to generate @param chunk: chunk size to draw question from in the doc @return: eval set as JSON list """"`Generating eval set ...`") n = len(text) starting_indices = [random.randint(0, n - chunk) for _ in range(num_questions)] sub_sequences = [text[i:i + chunk] for i in starting_indices] chain = QAGenerationChain.from_llm(ChatOpenAI(temperature=0)) eval_set = [] for i, b in enumerate(sub_sequences): try: qa = eval_set.append(qa) except: st.warning('Error generating question %s.' % str(i + 1), icon="⚠️") eval_set_full = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(eval_set)) return eval_set_full @st.cache_resource def split_texts(text, chunk_size: int, overlap, split_method: str): """ Split text into chunks @param text: text to split @param chunk_size: @param overlap: @param split_method: @return: list of str splits """"`Splitting doc ...`") if split_method == "RecursiveTextSplitter": text_splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter(chunk_size=chunk_size, chunk_overlap=overlap) elif split_method == "CharacterTextSplitter": text_splitter = CharacterTextSplitter(separator=" ", chunk_size=chunk_size, chunk_overlap=overlap) else: st.warning("`Split method not recognized. Using RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter`", icon="⚠️") text_splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter(chunk_size=chunk_size, chunk_overlap=overlap) split_text = text_splitter.split_text(text) return split_text @st.cache_resource def make_llm(model_version: str): """ Make LLM from model version @param model_version: model_version @return: LLN """ if (model_version == "gpt-3.5-turbo") or (model_version == "gpt-4"): chosen_model = ChatOpenAI(model_name=model_version, temperature=0) elif model_version == "anthropic": chosen_model = Anthropic(temperature=0) elif model_version == "flan-t5-xl": chosen_model = HuggingFaceHub(repo_id="google/flan-t5-xl",model_kwargs={"temperature":0,"max_length":64}) else: st.warning("`Model version not recognized. Using gpt-3.5-turbo`", icon="⚠️") chosen_model = ChatOpenAI(model_name="gpt-3.5-turbo", temperature=0) return chosen_model @st.cache_resource def make_retriever(splits, retriever_type, embedding_type, num_neighbors, _llm): """ Make document retriever @param splits: list of str splits @param retriever_type: retriever type @param embedding_type: embedding type @param num_neighbors: number of neighbors for retrieval @param _llm: model @return: retriever """"`Making retriever ...`") # Set embeddings if embedding_type == "OpenAI": embedding = OpenAIEmbeddings() elif embedding_type == "HuggingFace": embedding = HuggingFaceEmbeddings() else: st.warning("`Embedding type not recognized. Using OpenAI`", icon="⚠️") embedding = OpenAIEmbeddings() # Select retriever if retriever_type == "similarity-search": try: vector_store = FAISS.from_texts(splits, embedding) except ValueError: st.warning("`Error using OpenAI embeddings (disallowed TikToken token in the text). Using HuggingFace.`", icon="⚠️") vector_store = FAISS.from_texts(splits, HuggingFaceEmbeddings()) retriever_obj = vector_store.as_retriever(k=num_neighbors) elif retriever_type == "SVM": retriever_obj = SVMRetriever.from_texts(splits, embedding) elif retriever_type == "TF-IDF": retriever_obj = TFIDFRetriever.from_texts(splits) elif retriever_type == "Llama-Index": documents = [Document(t, LangchainEmbedding(embedding)) for t in splits] llm_predictor = LLMPredictor(llm) context = ServiceContext.from_defaults(chunk_size_limit=512, llm_predictor=llm_predictor) d = 1536 faiss_index = faiss.IndexFlatL2(d) retriever_obj = GPTFaissIndex.from_documents(documents, faiss_index=faiss_index, service_context=context) else: st.warning("`Retriever type not recognized. Using SVM`", icon="⚠️") retriever_obj = SVMRetriever.from_texts(splits, embedding) return retriever_obj def make_chain(llm, retriever, retriever_type: str) -> RetrievalQA: """ Make chain @param llm: model @param retriever: retriever @param retriever_type: retriever type @return: chain (or return retriever for Llama-Index) """"`Making chain ...`") if retriever_type == "Llama-Index": qa = retriever else: qa = RetrievalQA.from_chain_type(llm, chain_type="stuff", retriever=retriever, input_key="question") return qa def grade_model_answer(predicted_dataset: List, predictions: List, grade_answer_prompt: str) -> List: """ Grades the distilled answer based on ground truth and model predictions. @param predicted_dataset: A list of dictionaries containing ground truth questions and answers. @param predictions: A list of dictionaries containing model predictions for the questions. @param grade_answer_prompt: The prompt level for the grading. Either "Fast" or "Full". @return: A list of scores for the distilled answers. """ # Grade the distilled answer"`Grading model answer ...`") # Set the grading prompt based on the grade_answer_prompt parameter if grade_answer_prompt == "Fast": prompt = GRADE_ANSWER_PROMPT_FAST elif grade_answer_prompt == "Descriptive w/ bias check": prompt = GRADE_ANSWER_PROMPT_BIAS_CHECK elif grade_answer_prompt == "OpenAI grading prompt": prompt = GRADE_ANSWER_PROMPT_OPENAI else: prompt = GRADE_ANSWER_PROMPT # Create an evaluation chain eval_chain = QAEvalChain.from_llm( llm=ChatOpenAI(model_name="gpt-3.5-turbo", temperature=0), prompt=prompt ) # Evaluate the predictions and ground truth using the evaluation chain graded_outputs = eval_chain.evaluate( predicted_dataset, predictions, question_key="question", prediction_key="result" ) return graded_outputs def grade_model_retrieval(gt_dataset: List, predictions: List, grade_docs_prompt: str): """ Grades the relevance of retrieved documents based on ground truth and model predictions. @param gt_dataset: list of dictionaries containing ground truth questions and answers. @param predictions: list of dictionaries containing model predictions for the questions @param grade_docs_prompt: prompt level for the grading. Either "Fast" or "Full" @return: list of scores for the retrieved documents. """ # Grade the docs retrieval"`Grading relevance of retrieved docs ...`") # Set the grading prompt based on the grade_docs_prompt parameter prompt = GRADE_DOCS_PROMPT_FAST if grade_docs_prompt == "Fast" else GRADE_DOCS_PROMPT # Create an evaluation chain eval_chain = QAEvalChain.from_llm( llm=ChatOpenAI(model_name="gpt-3.5-turbo", temperature=0), prompt=prompt ) # Evaluate the predictions and ground truth using the evaluation chain graded_outputs = eval_chain.evaluate( gt_dataset, predictions, question_key="question", prediction_key="result" ) return graded_outputs def run_evaluation(chain, retriever, eval_set, grade_prompt, retriever_type, num_neighbors): """ Runs evaluation on a model's performance on a given evaluation dataset. @param chain: Model chain used for answering questions @param retriever: Document retriever used for retrieving relevant documents @param eval_set: List of dictionaries containing questions and corresponding ground truth answers @param grade_prompt: String prompt used for grading model's performance @param retriever_type: String specifying the type of retriever used @param num_neighbors: Number of neighbors to retrieve using the retriever @return: A tuple of four items: - answers_grade: A dictionary containing scores for the model's answers. - retrieval_grade: A dictionary containing scores for the model's document retrieval. - latencies_list: A list of latencies in seconds for each question answered. - predictions_list: A list of dictionaries containing the model's predicted answers and relevant documents for each question. """"`Running evaluation ...`") predictions_list = [] retrieved_docs = [] gt_dataset = [] latencies_list = [] for data in eval_set: # Get answer and log latency start_time = time.time() if retriever_type != "Llama-Index": predictions_list.append(chain(data)) elif retriever_type == "Llama-Index": answer = chain.query(data["question"], similarity_top_k=num_neighbors, response_mode="tree_summarize", use_async=True) predictions_list.append({"question": data["question"], "answer": data["answer"], "result": answer.response}) gt_dataset.append(data) end_time = time.time() elapsed_time = end_time - start_time latencies_list.append(elapsed_time) # Retrieve docs retrieved_doc_text = "" if retriever_type == "Llama-Index": for i, doc in enumerate(answer.source_nodes): retrieved_doc_text += "Doc %s: " % str(i + 1) + doc.node.text + " " else: docs = retriever.get_relevant_documents(data["question"]) for i, doc in enumerate(docs): retrieved_doc_text += "Doc %s: " % str(i + 1) + doc.page_content + " " retrieved = {"question": data["question"], "answer": data["answer"], "result": retrieved_doc_text} retrieved_docs.append(retrieved) # Grade answers_grade = grade_model_answer(gt_dataset, predictions_list, grade_prompt) retrieval_grade = grade_model_retrieval(gt_dataset, retrieved_docs, grade_prompt) return answers_grade, retrieval_grade, latencies_list, predictions_list # Auth st.sidebar.image("img/diagnostic.jpg") with st.sidebar.form("user_input"): oai_api_key = st.sidebar.text_input("`OpenAI API Key:`", type="password") os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = oai_api_key ant_api_key = st.sidebar.text_input("`(Optional) Anthropic API Key:`", type="password") os.environ["ANTHROPIC_API_KEY"] = ant_api_key num_eval_questions = st.select_slider("`Number of eval questions`", options=[1, 5, 10, 15, 20], value=5) chunk_chars = st.select_slider("`Choose chunk size for splitting`", options=[500, 750, 1000, 1500, 2000], value=1000) overlap = st.select_slider("`Choose overlap for splitting`", options=[0, 50, 100, 150, 200], value=100) split_method ="`Split method`", ("RecursiveTextSplitter", "CharacterTextSplitter"), index=0) model ="`Choose model`", ("gpt-3.5-turbo", "gpt-4", "anthropic", "flan-t5-xl"), index=0) retriever_type ="`Choose retriever`", ("TF-IDF", "SVM", "Llama-Index", "similarity-search"), index=3) num_neighbors = st.select_slider("`Choose # chunks to retrieve`", options=[3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]) embeddings ="`Choose embeddings`", ("HuggingFace", "OpenAI"), index=1) grade_prompt ="`Grading style prompt`", ("Fast", "Descriptive", "Descriptive w/ bias check", "OpenAI grading prompt"), index=0) submitted = st.form_submit_button("Submit evaluation") st.sidebar.write("`By:` [@RLanceMartin](") # App st.header("`Auto-evaluator`") "`I am an evaluation tool for question-answering. Given documents, I will auto-generate a question-answer eval " "set and evaluate using the selected chain settings. Experiments with different configurations are logged. " "Optionally, provide your own eval set (as a JSON, see docs/karpathy-pod-eval.json for an example).`") with st.form(key='file_inputs'): uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("`Please upload a file to evaluate (.txt or .pdf):` ", type=['pdf', 'txt'], accept_multiple_files=True) uploaded_eval_set = st.file_uploader("`[Optional] Please upload eval set (.json):` ", type=['json'], accept_multiple_files=False) submitted = st.form_submit_button("Submit files") if uploaded_file: # Load docs text = load_docs(uploaded_file) # Generate num_eval_questions questions, each from context of 3k chars randomly selected if not uploaded_eval_set: eval_set = generate_eval(text, num_eval_questions, 3000) else: eval_set = json.loads( # Split text splits = split_texts(text, chunk_chars, overlap, split_method) # Make LLM llm = make_llm(model) # Make vector DB retriever = make_retriever(splits, retriever_type, embeddings, num_neighbors, llm) # Make chain qa_chain = make_chain(llm, retriever, retriever_type) # Grade model graded_answers, graded_retrieval, latency, predictions = run_evaluation(qa_chain, retriever, eval_set, grade_prompt, retriever_type, num_neighbors) # Assemble outputs d = pd.DataFrame(predictions) d['answer score'] = [g['text'] for g in graded_answers] d['docs score'] = [g['text'] for g in graded_retrieval] d['latency'] = latency # Summary statistics mean_latency = d['latency'].mean() correct_answer_count = len([text for text in d['answer score'] if "INCORRECT" not in text]) correct_docs_count = len([text for text in d['docs score'] if "Context is relevant: True" in text]) percentage_answer = (correct_answer_count / len(graded_answers)) * 100 percentage_docs = (correct_docs_count / len(graded_retrieval)) * 100 st.subheader("`Run Results`") "`I will grade the chain based on: 1/ the relevance of the retrived documents relative to the question and 2/ " "the summarized answer relative to the ground truth answer. You can see (and change) to prompts used for " "grading in text_utils`") st.dataframe(data=d, use_container_width=True) # Accumulate results st.subheader("`Aggregate Results`") "`Retrieval and answer scores are percentage of retrived documents deemed relevant by the LLM grader (" "relative to the question) and percentage of summarized answers deemed relevant (relative to ground truth " "answer), respectively. The size of point correponds to the latency (in seconds) of retrieval + answer " "summarization (larger circle = slower).`") new_row = pd.DataFrame({'chunk_chars': [chunk_chars], 'overlap': [overlap], 'split': [split_method], 'model': [model], 'retriever': [retriever_type], 'embedding': [embeddings], 'num_neighbors': [num_neighbors], 'Latency': [mean_latency], 'Retrieval score': [percentage_docs], 'Answer score': [percentage_answer]}) summary = pd.concat([summary, new_row], ignore_index=True) st.dataframe(data=summary, use_container_width=True) st.session_state.existing_df = summary # Dataframe for visualization show = summary.reset_index().copy() show.columns = ['expt number', 'chunk_chars', 'overlap', 'split', 'model', 'retriever', 'embedding', 'num_neighbors', 'Latency', 'Retrieval score', 'Answer score'] show['expt number'] = show['expt number'].apply(lambda x: "Expt #: " + str(x + 1)) c = alt.Chart(show).mark_circle().encode(x='Retrieval score', y='Answer score', size=alt.Size('Latency'), color='expt number', tooltip=['expt number', 'Retrieval score', 'Latency', 'Answer score']) st.altair_chart(c, use_container_width=True, theme="streamlit")