freud_rag /
ruggsea's picture
chat with groq
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copied verbatim from
# Requirements:
# beautifulsoup4>=4.6.3
# html2text>=2018.1.9
# blingfire>=0.0.9
# progressbar>=2.5
# lxml>=4.3.2
import re
import os
import sys
import urllib
from urllib import unquote
from urllib.parse import unquote
import zipfile
import xml.parsers.expat
import html2text
from glob import glob
from pprint import pprint as pp
from natsort import natsorted
import json
class ContainerParser():
def __init__(self, xmlcontent=None):
self.rootfile = ""
self.xml = xmlcontent
def startElement(self, name, attributes):
if name == "rootfile":
self.buffer = ""
self.rootfile = attributes["full-path"]
def parseContainer(self):
parser = xml.parsers.expat.ParserCreate()
parser.StartElementHandler = self.startElement
parser.Parse(self.xml, 1)
return self.rootfile
class BookParser():
def __init__(self, xmlcontent=None):
self.xml = xmlcontent
self.title = "" = ""
self.inTitle = 0
self.inAuthor = 0
self.ncx = ""
def startElement(self, name, attributes):
if name == "dc:title":
self.buffer = ""
self.inTitle = 1
elif name == "dc:creator":
self.buffer = ""
self.inAuthor = 1
elif name == "item":
if attributes["id"] == "ncx" or attributes["id"] == "toc" or attributes["id"] == "ncxtoc":
self.ncx = attributes["href"]
def characters(self, data):
if self.inTitle:
self.buffer += data
elif self.inAuthor:
self.buffer += data
def endElement(self, name):
if name == "dc:title":
self.inTitle = 0
self.title = self.buffer
self.buffer = ""
elif name == "dc:creator":
self.inAuthor = 0 = self.buffer
self.buffer = ""
def parseBook(self):
parser = xml.parsers.expat.ParserCreate()
parser.StartElementHandler = self.startElement
parser.EndElementHandler = self.endElement
parser.CharacterDataHandler = self.characters
parser.Parse(self.xml, 1)
return self.title,, self.ncx
class NavPoint():
def __init__(self, id=None, playorder=None, level=0, content=None, text=None): = id
self.content = content
self.playorder = playorder
self.level = level
self.text = text
class TocParser():
def __init__(self, xmlcontent=None):
self.xml = xmlcontent
self.currentNP = None
self.stack = []
self.inText = 0
self.toc = []
def startElement(self, name, attributes):
# TODO: what to do when no navpoints? Example:
if name == "navPoint":
level = len(self.stack)
self.currentNP = NavPoint(
attributes["id"], attributes["playOrder"], level)
elif name == "content":
self.currentNP.content = unquote(attributes["src"])
elif name == "text":
self.buffer = ""
self.inText = 1
def characters(self, data):
if self.inText:
self.buffer += data
def endElement(self, name):
if name == "navPoint":
self.currentNP = self.stack.pop()
elif name == "text":
if self.inText and self.currentNP:
self.currentNP.text = self.buffer
self.inText = 0
def parseToc(self):
parser = xml.parsers.expat.ParserCreate()
parser.StartElementHandler = self.startElement
parser.EndElementHandler = self.endElement
parser.CharacterDataHandler = self.characters
parser.Parse(self.xml, 1)
return self.toc
def epub_name_matches(pattern, name):
rx = re.compile(r'[^a-zA-Z_\-/.]', re.IGNORECASE)
norm = re.sub(rx, '', name)
return, norm)
def epub_toc_file(filelist):
for name in filelist:
if epub_name_matches(r'\b(toc|table.?of)', name):
return name
def extract_markdown_links(text):
for match in re.finditer(r'(?![!])\[(.*?)\]\((.*?)\)', text):
yield match.groups()
def extract_html_links(text):
for match in re.finditer(r'"([^"]+?[.][a-zA-Z]{2,}(?:[#][^"]+)?)"', text):
yield match.groups()
def html_links(text):
return [x[0] for x in extract_html_links(text)]
def flatten(xs):
r = []
for x in xs:
if isinstance(x, list):
return r
def string_bucket(buckets, strings, flat=False):
strings = [x for x in strings]
results = []
for bucket in buckets:
if isinstance(bucket, str):
bucket = bucket.split(',')
out = []
for pattern in bucket:
for s in strings:
if s not in out and epub_name_matches(pattern, s):
for string in out:
if flat:
results = flatten(results)
return results
def sort_epub_files(filelist):
*front, outro, chapters, other = string_bucket([
], natsorted(filelist), flat=False)
return flatten(front) + chapters + outro + other
def extract_epub_rootfile(file):
filelist = [x.filename for x in file.filelist]
if 'META-INF/container.xml' in filelist:
result ='META-INF/container.xml').decode('utf8')
result = re.sub("='(.*?)'", r'="\1"', result)
return result
def extract_epub_opf(file, meta=None):
if meta is None:
meta = extract_epub_rootfile(file)
root = [line for line in meta.split('\n') if '<rootfile ' in line]
assert len(root) > 0
rootpath = html_links(root[0])[0]
assert rootpath.endswith('opf')
result ='utf8')
result = re.sub("""='(.*?)'""", r'="\1"', result)
return result
def rmblanklines(text):
return '\n'.join([x for x in text.split('\n') if len(x.strip()) > 0])
def extract_epub_section(name, file, opf=None):
if opf is None:
opf = extract_epub_opf(file)
result = re.sub(re.compile('.*<{name}.*?>(.*?)</{name}>.*'.format(name=name), re.DOTALL), r'\1', opf)
return rmblanklines(result)
def extract_epub_guide(file, opf=None):
return extract_epub_section("guide", file=file, opf=opf)
def extract_epub_manifest(file, opf=None):
return extract_epub_section("manifest", file=file, opf=opf)
def xmlnode(element, text):
# strip html comments
text = re.sub(re.compile(r'<!--.*?-->', re.DOTALL), '', text)
rx = r'<(?P<tag>{element})\s?(?P<props>.*?)(?:/>|>(?P<value>.*?)</{element}>)'.format(element=element)
rx = re.compile(rx, re.DOTALL)
items = re.finditer(rx, text)
items = [item.groupdict() for item in items]
for item in items:
props = dict(re.findall(r'([^\s]*?)="(.*?)"', item['props']))
#item['props'] = props # ehh, just merge it
del item['props']
return items
def extract_epub_items(file, opf=None):
manifest = extract_epub_manifest(file, opf=opf)
return xmlnode('item', manifest)
def extract_epub_spine(file, opf=None):
spine = extract_epub_section("spine", file=file, opf=opf)
return xmlnode('itemref', spine)
# def extract_epub_ids(file, opf=None):
# items = extract_epub_items(file, opf=opf)
# return {x['id']: x['href'] for x in items}
def href2filename(file, href, filelist):
href = href.split('#', 1)[0] # strip anchor
href = unquote(href) # urldecode
for name in filelist:
if name == href or name.endswith('/' + href):
return name
sys.stderr.write('href2filename: failed to find href {href!r} in epub {epub!r} with filelist {filelist!r}\n'.format(epub=file.filename, href=href, filelist=filelist))
if args.debug:
import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
def htmlfiles(filelist):
return [filename for filename in filelist if filename.endswith('htm') or filename.endswith('html')]
def extract_epub_order(file, opf=None):
filelist = sort_epub_files([x.filename for x in file.filelist])
items = extract_epub_items(file, opf=opf)
spine = extract_epub_spine(file, opf=opf)
ids = {x['id']: x['href'] for x in items}
found = uniq([href2filename(file, ids[ref['idref']], filelist) for ref in spine])
except KeyError as e:
sys.stderr.write('error: KeyError for {!r}: ids is {!r}, filelist is {!r}\n'.format(file.filename, ids, filelist))
if args.debug:
import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
raise e
found = [x for x in found if x is not None] # href2filename can fail
for filename in found:
if filename not in filelist:
sys.stderr.write('Unknown found filename for {!r}: {!r}, filelist is {!r}\n'.format(file.filename, filename, filelist))
# This file seems to be unreferenced by anything else, sometimes.
if 'META-INF/nav.xhtml' in filelist:
hfiles = htmlfiles(filelist)
if len(hfiles) > 0:
sys.stderr.write('Leftover HTML files for {!r}: {!r}\n'.format(file.filename, hfiles))
if args.debug:
import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
return found + filelist
def extract_epub_toc(file):
filelist = [x.filename for x in file.filelist]
meta = extract_epub_rootfile(file)
if meta is not None:
opf = extract_epub_opf(file, meta)
guide = extract_epub_guide(file, opf)
links = html_links(toc)
leftover = sort_epub_files(filelist)
result = []
for link in links:
link = link.split('#', 1)[0] # strip anchor
for name in leftover:
if name.endswith('/' + link):
return result, leftover
return None, None
def epub_html_files(file):
files, leftover = extract_epub_toc(file)
if files is not None and leftover is not None:
return [x for x in files + leftover if x.endswith('htm') or x.endswith('html')]
def uniq(xs):
r = []
for x in xs:
if x not in r:
return r
def subst_1(pattern, replacement, lines, ignore=None):
for line in lines:
if ignore is None or not re.match(ignore, line):
line = re.sub(pattern, replacement, line)
yield line
def subst(pattern, replacement, lines, ignore=None):
if isinstance(lines, str):
return '\n'.join(subst_1(pattern, replacement, lines.split('\n'), ignore=ignore))
return subst_1(pattern, replacement, lines, ignore=ignore)
from io import BytesIO
class epub2txt():
def __init__(self, epubfile=None):
self.epub = epubfile if epubfile != '-' and not epubfile.startswith('/dev/fd/') else BytesIO(
self.epub_name = epubfile
def convert(self):
# print "Processing %s ..." % self.epub
file = zipfile.ZipFile(self.epub, "r")
# rootfile = ContainerParser(
# title, author, ncx = BookParser(
# ops = "/".join(rootfile.split("/")[:-1])
# if ops != "":
# ops = ops+"/"
# toc = TocParser( + ncx)).parseToc()
# filelist = [x.filename for x in file.filelist]
# tocfile = epub_toc_file(filelist)
# if not tocfile:
# import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
# toc ='utf-8')
# pp(list(extract_html_links(toc)))
# import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
# files = {x.filename:'utf-8') for x in file.filelist if x.filename.endswith('htm') or x.filename.endswith('html')}
# from natsort import natsorted
# import json
# file_order = natsorted(list(files.keys()))
if False:
files = {x.filename:'utf-8') for x in file.filelist if x.filename.endswith('htm') or x.filename.endswith('html')}
file_order = natsorted(list(files.keys()))
# file_order = list(files.keys())
meta = extract_epub_rootfile(file)
if meta is None: import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
opf = extract_epub_opf(file, meta=meta)
if opf is None: import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
# file_order = epub_html_files(file)
file_order = htmlfiles(extract_epub_order(file, opf=opf))
if file_order is None: import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
files = {x:'utf-8') for x in file_order}
content = []
for xmlfile in file_order:
html = files[xmlfile]
if not args.quiet:
sys.stderr.write(self.epub_name+'/'+xmlfile + '\n')
h = html2text.HTML2Text()
h.body_width = 0
text = h.handle(html)
if not text.endswith('\n'):
text += '\n'
filename = self.epub_name+'/'+xmlfile
#name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
bookname = filename + '.md'
if not args.no_metadata:
content.append('<|file name={}|>'.format(json.dumps(bookname)) + '\n')
if not args.no_metadata:
content.append('<|/file name={}|>'.format(json.dumps(bookname)) + '\n')
result = ''.join(content)
# final postprocessing fixups: tables come out all weird, so
# fix them with a hack.
result = result.replace('\n\n| \n\n', ' | ')
if args.ftfy:
import ftfy
result = ftfy.fix_text(result)
# replace unicode … with ... which ftfy doesn't do by default
# NOTE: this departs from openai's convention of calling
# ftfy.fix_text() with default arguments. In particular,
# OpenAI's GPT-2 models do generate unicode ellipses.
# Nonetheless, we replace unicdoe ellipses with ... to
# increase the chances of semantic understanding.
result = result.replace(' …', '...') # first pass: convert "foo …" to "foo..."
#result = result.replace(' …', '...') # second pass: convert "foo …" to "foo..."
result = result.replace('…', '...') # final pass: convert "foo…" to "foo..."
result = result.split('\n') # split into lines for performance in the following sections.
ignore_ul_item = r'[*]\s'
ignore_ol_item = r'[0-9]+[.]\s'
ignore_li = '(?!(' + ignore_ul_item + ')|(' + ignore_ol_item + '))'
ignore_code='^[ ]{4,}' + ignore_li + r'[^\s]'
def sub(pattern, replacement, text):
return subst(pattern, replacement, text, ignore=ignore_code)
if args.plain_text:
#result = unmark(result)
# get rid of images
result = sub('[!]\s*[\[].*?[\]][(].*?[)]', ' ', result)
# remove reference links, e.g. [3](e9781429926119_bm01.html#end_en12)
result = sub('\[([0-9]+?)\][(].*?[)]', '', result)
# replace [foo]( with foo
result = sub('[!]?\[(.*?)\][(].*?[)]', r'\1', result)
# fix up cases like this:
# 1\. foo
# 2\. bar
# For [\n][0-9]+[\\][.], strip the backslash.
#result = re.sub(r'[\n]([0-9]+)[\\][.][ ]', r'\1. ', result)
result = sub(re.compile(r'([0-9]+)[\\][.][ ]', re.DOTALL), r'\1. ', result)
# convert lines back to text
result = '\n'.join(result)
if not args.no_collapse_blanks:
# replace long runs of blank lines with three blank lines
rx = re.compile(r'([\r\t ]*[\n]+){2,}', re.DOTALL)
result = re.sub(rx, r'\n\n', result)
# fix up cases like this:
# ... some text...
# ## Chapter 1
# Put a newline before the "## Chapter 1", to have a blank
# line before headings.
result = re.sub(r'\n([^\n]+)[\n]#', r'\n\1\n\n#', result)
if not args.no_collapse_blanks:
# replace long runs of blank lines with three blank lines
rx = re.compile(r'([\r\t ]*[\n]+){3,}', re.DOTALL)
result = re.sub(rx, r'\n\n\n', result)
if args.append is not None:
append = str.encode(args.append).decode('unicode-escape')
result += append
return result
# #
# from markdown import Markdown
# from io import StringIO
# def unmark_element(element, stream=None):
# if stream is None:
# stream = StringIO()
# if element.text:
# stream.write(element.text)
# for sub in element:
# unmark_element(sub, stream)
# if element.tail:
# stream.write(element.tail)
# return stream.getvalue()
# def unmark(text):
# # patching Markdown
# Markdown.output_formats["plain"] = unmark_element
# __md = Markdown(output_format="plain")
# __md.stripTopLevelTags = False
# return __md.convert(text)
# Cmdline
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter,
parser.add_argument('infile', default='-', nargs='?')
parser.add_argument('outfile', default='-', nargs='?')
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose',
help="verbose output" )
parser.add_argument('-n', '--no-metadata',
help="Don't output <|file name=...|>" )
parser.add_argument('-f', '--ftfy',
help="Run text through ftfy.fix_text()" )
parser.add_argument('-a', '--append',
help="Append this string to the end of the text (useful for adding <|endoftext|>)")
parser.add_argument('-p', '--plain-text',
help="Convert markdown to plain text")
parser.add_argument('-q', '--quiet',
help="Don't output ToC info to stderr")
parser.add_argument('-nc', '--no-collapse-blanks',
help="Don't collapse long runs of blank lines into three blank lines" )
help="pdb.set_trace() on error conditions" )
args = None
import time
def main():
global args
if not args:
args, leftovers = parser.parse_known_args()
args.args = leftovers
filenames = glob(args.infile) if '*' in args.infile else [args.infile]
out = None
for filename in filenames:
txt = epub2txt(filename).convert()
sys.stderr.write('Error converting {!r}:\n'.format(filename))
if len(txt.strip()) > 0:
if out is None:
out = open(args.outfile, "w", encoding="utf-8") if args.outfile != '-' else sys.stdout
if __name__ == "__main__":
# TODO: Look into this bug:
# TODO: 2020-09-03 bug
# TODO: 2020-09-03 bug album: