import os from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import glob import json import numpy as np from import loadmat from csv import DictReader from collections import OrderedDict from pycocotools.mask import decode as decode_RLE import sys sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..')) from configs.dataset_path_configs import IMG_V12_DIR, JSON_V12_DIR, STAN_V12_TRAIN_LIST_DIR, STAN_V12_VAL_LIST_DIR, STAN_V12_TEST_LIST_DIR def get_img_dir(V12): if V12: return IMG_V12_DIR else: return IMG_DIR def get_seg_from_entry(entry): """Given a .json entry, returns the binary mask as a numpy array""" rle = { "size": [entry['img_height'], entry['img_width']], "counts": entry['seg']} decoded = decode_RLE(rle) return decoded def full_animal_visible(seg_data): if seg_data[0, :].sum() == 0 and seg_data[seg_data.shape[0]-1, :].sum() == 0 and seg_data[:, 0].sum() == 0 and seg_data[:, seg_data.shape[1]-1].sum() == 0: return True else: return False def load_train_and_test_lists(train_list_dir=None , test_list_dir=None): """ returns sets containing names such as 'n02085620-Chihuahua/n02085620_5927.jpg' """ # train data train_list_mat = loadmat(train_list_dir) train_list = [] for ind in range(0, train_list_mat['file_list'].shape[0]): name = train_list_mat['file_list'][ind, 0][0] train_list.append(name) # test data test_list_mat = loadmat(test_list_dir) test_list = [] for ind in range(0, test_list_mat['file_list'].shape[0]): name = test_list_mat['file_list'][ind, 0][0] test_list.append(name) return train_list, test_list def _filter_dict(t_list, j_dict, n_kp_min=4): """ should only be used by load_stanext_json_as_dict() """ out_dict = {} for sample in t_list: if sample in j_dict.keys(): n_kp = np.asarray(j_dict[sample]['joints'])[:, 2].sum() if n_kp >= n_kp_min: out_dict[sample] = j_dict[sample] return out_dict def load_stanext_json_as_dict(split_train_test=True, V12=True): # load json into memory if V12: with open(JSON_V12_DIR) as infile: json_data = json.load(infile) # with open(JSON_V12_DIR) as infile: json_data = json.load(infile, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) else: with open(JSON_DIR) as infile: json_data = json.load(infile) # convert json data to a dictionary of img_path : all_data, for easy lookup json_dict = {i['img_path']: i for i in json_data} if split_train_test: if V12: train_list_numbers = np.load(STAN_V12_TRAIN_LIST_DIR) val_list_numbers = np.load(STAN_V12_VAL_LIST_DIR) test_list_numbers = np.load(STAN_V12_TEST_LIST_DIR) train_list = [json_data[i]['img_path'] for i in train_list_numbers] val_list = [json_data[i]['img_path'] for i in val_list_numbers] test_list = [json_data[i]['img_path'] for i in test_list_numbers] train_dict = _filter_dict(train_list, json_dict, n_kp_min=4) val_dict = _filter_dict(val_list, json_dict, n_kp_min=4) test_dict = _filter_dict(test_list, json_dict, n_kp_min=4) return train_dict, test_dict, val_dict else: train_list, test_list = load_train_and_test_lists(train_list_dir=STAN_ORIG_TRAIN_LIST_DIR , test_list_dir=STAN_ORIG_TEST_LIST_DIR) train_dict = _filter_dict(train_list, json_dict) test_dict = _filter_dict(test_list, json_dict) return train_dict, test_dict, None else: return json_dict def get_dog(json_dict, name, img_dir=None): # (json_dict, name, img_dir=IMG_DIR) """ takes the name of a dog, and loads in all the relevant information as a dictionary: dict_keys(['img_path', 'img_width', 'img_height', 'joints', 'img_bbox', 'is_multiple_dogs', 'seg', 'img_data', 'seg_data']) img_bbox: [x0, y0, width, height] """ data = json_dict[name] # load img img_data = plt.imread(os.path.join(img_dir, data['img_path'])) # load seg seg_data = get_seg_from_entry(data) # add to output data['img_data'] = img_data # 0 to 255 data['seg_data'] = seg_data # 0: bg, 1: fg return data