import time import torch import cv2 from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageOps import numpy as np from typing import Union from segment_anything import sam_model_registry, SamPredictor, SamAutomaticMaskGenerator import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import PIL from .mask_painter import mask_painter class BaseSegmenter: def __init__(self, SAM_checkpoint, model_type, device='cuda:0'): """ device: model device SAM_checkpoint: path of SAM checkpoint model_type: vit_b, vit_l, vit_h """ print(f"Initializing BaseSegmenter to {device}") assert model_type in ['vit_b', 'vit_l', 'vit_h'], 'model_type must be vit_b, vit_l, or vit_h' self.device = device self.torch_dtype = torch.float16 if 'cuda' in device else torch.float32 self.model = sam_model_registry[model_type](checkpoint=SAM_checkpoint) self.predictor = SamPredictor(self.model) self.embedded = False @torch.no_grad() def set_image(self, image: np.ndarray): # 3channel: RGB # image embedding: avoid encode the same image multiple times self.orignal_image = image if self.embedded: print('repeat embedding, please reset_image.') return self.predictor.set_image(image) self.embedded = True return @torch.no_grad() def reset_image(self): # reset image embeding self.predictor.reset_image() self.embedded = False def predict(self, prompts, mode, multimask=True): """ image: numpy array, h, w, 3 prompts: dictionary, 3 keys: 'point_coords', 'point_labels', 'mask_input' prompts['point_coords']: numpy array [N,2] prompts['point_labels']: numpy array [1,N] prompts['mask_input']: numpy array [1,256,256] mode: 'point' (points only), 'mask' (mask only), 'both' (consider both) mask_outputs: True (return 3 masks), False (return 1 mask only) whem mask_outputs=True, mask_input=logits[np.argmax(scores), :, :][None, :, :] """ assert self.embedded, 'prediction is called before set_image (feature embedding).' assert mode in ['point', 'mask', 'both'], 'mode must be point, mask, or both' if mode == 'point': masks, scores, logits = self.predictor.predict(point_coords=prompts['point_coords'], point_labels=prompts['point_labels'], multimask_output=multimask) elif mode == 'mask': masks, scores, logits = self.predictor.predict(mask_input=prompts['mask_input'], multimask_output=multimask) elif mode == 'both': # both masks, scores, logits = self.predictor.predict(point_coords=prompts['point_coords'], point_labels=prompts['point_labels'], mask_input=prompts['mask_input'], multimask_output=multimask) else: raise("Not implement now!") # masks (n, h, w), scores (n,), logits (n, 256, 256) return masks, scores, logits if __name__ == "__main__": # load and show an image image = cv2.imread('/hhd3/gaoshang/truck.jpg') image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # numpy array (h, w, 3) # initialise BaseSegmenter SAM_checkpoint= '/ssd1/gaomingqi/checkpoints/sam_vit_h_4b8939.pth' model_type = 'vit_h' device = "cuda:4" base_segmenter = BaseSegmenter(SAM_checkpoint=SAM_checkpoint, model_type=model_type, device=device) # image embedding (once embedded, multiple prompts can be applied) base_segmenter.set_image(image) # examples # point only ------------------------ mode = 'point' prompts = { 'point_coords': np.array([[500, 375], [1125, 625]]), 'point_labels': np.array([1, 1]), } masks, scores, logits = base_segmenter.predict(prompts, mode, multimask=False) # masks (n, h, w), scores (n,), logits (n, 256, 256) painted_image = mask_painter(image, masks[np.argmax(scores)].astype('uint8'), background_alpha=0.8) painted_image = cv2.cvtColor(painted_image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) # numpy array (h, w, 3) cv2.imwrite('/hhd3/gaoshang/truck_point.jpg', painted_image) # both ------------------------ mode = 'both' mask_input = logits[np.argmax(scores), :, :] prompts = {'mask_input': mask_input [None, :, :]} prompts = { 'point_coords': np.array([[500, 375], [1125, 625]]), 'point_labels': np.array([1, 0]), 'mask_input': mask_input[None, :, :] } masks, scores, logits = base_segmenter.predict(prompts, mode, multimask=True) # masks (n, h, w), scores (n,), logits (n, 256, 256) painted_image = mask_painter(image, masks[np.argmax(scores)].astype('uint8'), background_alpha=0.8) painted_image = cv2.cvtColor(painted_image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) # numpy array (h, w, 3) cv2.imwrite('/hhd3/gaoshang/truck_both.jpg', painted_image) # mask only ------------------------ mode = 'mask' mask_input = logits[np.argmax(scores), :, :] prompts = {'mask_input': mask_input[None, :, :]} masks, scores, logits = base_segmenter.predict(prompts, mode, multimask=True) # masks (n, h, w), scores (n,), logits (n, 256, 256) painted_image = mask_painter(image, masks[np.argmax(scores)].astype('uint8'), background_alpha=0.8) painted_image = cv2.cvtColor(painted_image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) # numpy array (h, w, 3) cv2.imwrite('/hhd3/gaoshang/truck_mask.jpg', painted_image)