import glob import os import subprocess import warnings from argparse import Namespace from importlib.util import find_spec from pathlib import Path from typing import Callable import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import soundfile as sf import torch from omegaconf import DictConfig from diff_ttsg.utils import pylogger, rich_utils log = pylogger.get_pylogger(__name__) def extras(cfg: DictConfig) -> None: """Applies optional utilities before the task is started. Utilities: - Ignoring python warnings - Setting tags from command line - Rich config printing """ # return if no `extras` config if not cfg.get("extras"): log.warning("Extras config not found! ") return # disable python warnings if cfg.extras.get("ignore_warnings"):"Disabling python warnings! ") warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") # prompt user to input tags from command line if none are provided in the config if cfg.extras.get("enforce_tags"):"Enforcing tags! ") rich_utils.enforce_tags(cfg, save_to_file=True) # pretty print config tree using Rich library if cfg.extras.get("print_config"):"Printing config tree with Rich! ") rich_utils.print_config_tree(cfg, resolve=True, save_to_file=True) def task_wrapper(task_func: Callable) -> Callable: """Optional decorator that controls the failure behavior when executing the task function. This wrapper can be used to: - make sure loggers are closed even if the task function raises an exception (prevents multirun failure) - save the exception to a `.log` file - mark the run as failed with a dedicated file in the `logs/` folder (so we can find and rerun it later) - etc. (adjust depending on your needs) Example: ``` @utils.task_wrapper def train(cfg: DictConfig) -> Tuple[dict, dict]: ... return metric_dict, object_dict ``` """ def wrap(cfg: DictConfig): # execute the task try: metric_dict, object_dict = task_func(cfg=cfg) # things to do if exception occurs except Exception as ex: # save exception to `.log` file log.exception("") # some hyperparameter combinations might be invalid or cause out-of-memory errors # so when using hparam search plugins like Optuna, you might want to disable # raising the below exception to avoid multirun failure raise ex # things to always do after either success or exception finally: # display output dir path in terminal"Output dir: {cfg.paths.output_dir}") # always close wandb run (even if exception occurs so multirun won't fail) if find_spec("wandb"): # check if wandb is installed import wandb if"Closing wandb!") wandb.finish() return metric_dict, object_dict return wrap def get_metric_value(metric_dict: dict, metric_name: str) -> float: """Safely retrieves value of the metric logged in LightningModule.""" if not metric_name:"Metric name is None! Skipping metric value retrieval...") return None if metric_name not in metric_dict: raise Exception( f"Metric value not found! \n" "Make sure metric name logged in LightningModule is correct!\n" "Make sure `optimized_metric` name in `hparams_search` config is correct!" ) metric_value = metric_dict[metric_name].item()"Retrieved metric value! <{metric_name}={metric_value}>") return metric_value def intersperse(lst, item): # Adds blank symbol result = [item] * (len(lst) * 2 + 1) result[1::2] = lst return result def parse_filelist(filelist_path, split_char="|"): with open(filelist_path, encoding='utf-8') as f: filepaths_and_text = [line.strip().split(split_char) for line in f] return filepaths_and_text def save_figure_to_numpy(fig): data = np.fromstring(fig.canvas.tostring_rgb(), dtype=np.uint8, sep='') data = data.reshape(fig.canvas.get_width_height()[::-1] + (3,)) return data def plot_tensor(tensor):'default') fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 3)) im = ax.imshow(tensor, aspect="auto", origin="lower", interpolation='none') plt.colorbar(im, ax=ax) plt.tight_layout() fig.canvas.draw() data = save_figure_to_numpy(fig) plt.close() return data def save_plot(tensor, savepath):'default') fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 3)) im = ax.imshow(tensor, aspect="auto", origin="lower", interpolation='none') plt.colorbar(im, ax=ax) plt.tight_layout() fig.canvas.draw() plt.savefig(savepath) plt.close() return