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import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
from datetime import date, datetime
import as px
st.title('Visualize Your HDFC Bank Statement')
st.write('Export your HDFC Bank statement as a XLS file and drop it here to analyze your expenses')
st.write("Note: We don't store your data. It's all done locally on your machine")
sample_statements = ["",
agree = st.checkbox('Use Sample Statement')
if agree:
uploaded_file = st.selectbox('Select Sample Statement', sample_statements)
uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Choose a xls formate file of HDFC Bank Statement", type="xls")
if uploaded_file is not None:
df = pd.read_excel(uploaded_file)
df = df.iloc[21:-18]
df = df.drop(df.columns[[0, 2]], axis=1)
df = df.drop(df.index[1])
df = df.fillna(0)
columns={'Unnamed: 1': 'UPIs', 'Unnamed: 3': 'Date', 'Unnamed: 4': 'Withdrawal', 'Unnamed: 5': 'Deposited',
'Unnamed: 6': 'Balance'},
df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date'], format='%d/%m/%y')
df['Withdrawal'] = df['Withdrawal'].apply(lambda x: "{:.1f}".format(x)).astype(float)
df['Deposited'] = df['Deposited'].apply(lambda x: "{:.1f}".format(x)).astype(float)
df['Balance'] = df['Balance'].astype(float)
df['UPIs'] = df['UPIs'].astype(str)
df['UPIs'] = df['UPIs'].str.split('@', expand=True)[0]
df['UPIs'] = df['UPIs'].str.split('-', expand=True)[1]
df.index = range(1, len(df) + 1)
start_date = df['Date'].iloc[0].strftime("%B %d %Y")
end_date = df['Date'].iloc[-1].strftime("%B %d %Y")
start = datetime.strptime(df['Date'].iloc[0].strftime('%d/%m/%y'), '%d/%m/%y')
end = datetime.strptime(df['Date'].iloc[-1].strftime('%d/%m/%y'), '%d/%m/%y')
st.write(f"Statement Period: {start_date} to {end_date}")
days = (end - start).days
st.write(f"Number of Days: {days}")
total_withdrawal = df['Withdrawal'].sum()
total_deposit = df['Deposited'].sum()
st.write(f"Total Withdrawal and Deposit: Rs {total_withdrawal} - Rs {total_deposit}")
st.write(f"Closing and Opening Balance: {df['Balance'].iloc[0]} and {df['Balance'].iloc[-1]}")
st.write(f"Total Transactions: {len(df)}")
st.write(f"Average Withdrawal per day: {(total_withdrawal / days):.2f}")
st.write(f"Average Withdrawal per month: {total_withdrawal / (days / 30):.2f}")
time_frame = list(df['Date'])
withdrawal = list(df['Withdrawal'])
for i in range(1, len(withdrawal)):
withdrawal[i] = withdrawal[i] + withdrawal[i - 1]
deposited = list(df['Deposited'])
for i in range(1, len(deposited)):
deposited[i] = deposited[i] + deposited[i - 1]
balance = list(df['Balance'])
line = pd.DataFrame({'Balance': balance}, index=time_frame)
st.subheader('Balance Trend')
st.line_chart(line, use_container_width=True)
# fig = px.line(df, x='Date', y='Balance', title='Balance Trend', color_discrete_sequence=['#1f77b4'],
# template='plotly_white', labels={'Date': 'Date', 'Balance': 'Balance'},
# hover_data={'Date': False, 'Balance': ':.2f'})
# st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True)
st.dataframe(df, use_container_width=True)
val ='Select', ('Withdrawal', 'Deposited'))
if val == 'Withdrawal':
withdraw_line = pd.DataFrame({'Withdrawal': withdrawal}, index=time_frame)
st.subheader('Withdrawal Trend')
st.line_chart(withdraw_line, use_container_width=True)
fig =, x='Date', y='Withdrawal', title='Withdrawals')
st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True)
figs = px.scatter(df, x='Date', y='Withdrawal', color='UPIs', title='Withdrawals')
st.plotly_chart(figs, use_container_width=True)
elif val == 'Deposited':
deposit_line = pd.DataFrame({'Deposited': deposited}, index=time_frame)
st.subheader('Deposit Trend')
st.line_chart(deposit_line, use_container_width=True)
fig =, x='Date', y='Deposited', title='Deposits')
st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True)
figs = px.scatter(df, x='Date', y='Deposited', color='UPIs', title='Deposits')
st.plotly_chart(figs, use_container_width=True)
first_date = df['Date'].iloc[0]
date_selected = st.date_input('Select Date', value=first_date)
selected = df.loc[df['Date'] == date_selected]
st.dataframe(selected, use_container_width=True)
st.write("Total Withdrawals on", date_selected.strftime("%d %B"), "is", selected['Withdrawal'].sum())
st.write("Total Deposits on", date_selected.strftime("%d %B"), "is", selected['Deposited'].sum())
df['propdate'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date'])
month_selected = st.selectbox('Select Month', df['propdate'].dt.strftime('%B').unique())
year = st.selectbox('Select Year', df['propdate'].dt.strftime('%Y').unique())
selected_month = df.loc[
(df['propdate'].dt.strftime('%B') == month_selected) & (df['propdate'].dt.strftime('%Y') == year)]
st.dataframe(selected_month, use_container_width=True)
st.write("Total Withdrawals in", month_selected, "is", selected_month['Withdrawal'].sum())
st.write("Total Deposits in", month_selected, "is", selected_month['Deposited'].sum())
st.subheader('Select a date range')
start_range = df['Date'].iloc[0]
end_range = df['Date'].iloc[-1]
start_date = st.date_input('Start date', value=start_range)
end_date = st.date_input('End date', value=end_range)
mask = (df['Date'] >= start_date) & (df['Date'] <= end_date)
df = df.loc[mask]
st.dataframe(df, use_container_width=True)
st.write(f'Total Deposited: Rs {df["Deposited"].sum()}')
st.write(f'Total Withdrawal: Rs {df["Withdrawal"].sum()}')
st.subheader('Total amount spent on each UPI')
st.dataframe(df.groupby('UPIs')['Withdrawal'].sum().sort_values(ascending=False), use_container_width=True)
st.subheader('Highest amount spent in one transaction')
st.dataframe(df.loc[df['Withdrawal'].idxmax()], use_container_width=True)
inday = df.groupby("Date")['Withdrawal'].sum().sort_values(ascending=False).head(1).index[0].strftime("%d %B")
st.subheader(f'Highest amount spent in a day')
amount = df.groupby("Date")['Withdrawal'].sum().sort_values(ascending=False).head(1).values[0]
st.write(f'On {inday} : Rs {amount}')
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footer {visibility: hidden;}
footer:after {
content:'Made with ❤️ by Shravan';
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