import copy | |
import os | |
import warnings | |
import numpy as np | |
import scipy.spatial as spa | |
import torch | |
from Bio.PDB import PDBParser | |
from Bio.PDB.PDBExceptions import PDBConstructionWarning | |
from rdkit import Chem | |
from rdkit.Chem.rdchem import BondType as BT | |
from rdkit.Chem import AllChem, GetPeriodicTable, RemoveHs | |
from rdkit.Geometry import Point3D | |
from scipy import spatial | |
from scipy.special import softmax | |
from torch_cluster import radius_graph | |
import torch.nn.functional as F | |
from datasets.conformer_matching import get_torsion_angles, optimize_rotatable_bonds | |
from utils.torsion import get_transformation_mask | |
biopython_parser = PDBParser() | |
periodic_table = GetPeriodicTable() | |
allowable_features = { | |
'possible_atomic_num_list': list(range(1, 119)) + ['misc'], | |
'possible_chirality_list': [ | |
], | |
'possible_degree_list': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 'misc'], | |
'possible_numring_list': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 'misc'], | |
'possible_implicit_valence_list': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 'misc'], | |
'possible_formal_charge_list': [-5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 'misc'], | |
'possible_numH_list': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 'misc'], | |
'possible_number_radical_e_list': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 'misc'], | |
'possible_hybridization_list': [ | |
'SP', 'SP2', 'SP3', 'SP3D', 'SP3D2', 'misc' | |
], | |
'possible_is_aromatic_list': [False, True], | |
'possible_is_in_ring3_list': [False, True], | |
'possible_is_in_ring4_list': [False, True], | |
'possible_is_in_ring5_list': [False, True], | |
'possible_is_in_ring6_list': [False, True], | |
'possible_is_in_ring7_list': [False, True], | |
'possible_is_in_ring8_list': [False, True], | |
'possible_amino_acids': ['ALA', 'ARG', 'ASN', 'ASP', 'CYS', 'GLN', 'GLU', 'GLY', 'HIS', 'ILE', 'LEU', 'LYS', 'MET', | |
'PHE', 'PRO', 'SER', 'THR', 'TRP', 'TYR', 'VAL', 'HIP', 'HIE', 'TPO', 'HID', 'LEV', 'MEU', | |
'PTR', 'GLV', 'CYT', 'SEP', 'HIZ', 'CYM', 'GLM', 'ASQ', 'TYS', 'CYX', 'GLZ', 'misc'], | |
'possible_atom_type_2': ['C*', 'CA', 'CB', 'CD', 'CE', 'CG', 'CH', 'CZ', 'N*', 'ND', 'NE', 'NH', 'NZ', 'O*', 'OD', | |
'OE', 'OG', 'OH', 'OX', 'S*', 'SD', 'SG', 'misc'], | |
'possible_atom_type_3': ['C', 'CA', 'CB', 'CD', 'CD1', 'CD2', 'CE', 'CE1', 'CE2', 'CE3', 'CG', 'CG1', 'CG2', 'CH2', | |
'CZ', 'CZ2', 'CZ3', 'N', 'ND1', 'ND2', 'NE', 'NE1', 'NE2', 'NH1', 'NH2', 'NZ', 'O', 'OD1', | |
'OD2', 'OE1', 'OE2', 'OG', 'OG1', 'OH', 'OXT', 'SD', 'SG', 'misc'], | |
} | |
bonds = {BT.SINGLE: 0, BT.DOUBLE: 1, BT.TRIPLE: 2, BT.AROMATIC: 3} | |
lig_feature_dims = (list(map(len, [ | |
allowable_features['possible_atomic_num_list'], | |
allowable_features['possible_chirality_list'], | |
allowable_features['possible_degree_list'], | |
allowable_features['possible_formal_charge_list'], | |
allowable_features['possible_implicit_valence_list'], | |
allowable_features['possible_numH_list'], | |
allowable_features['possible_number_radical_e_list'], | |
allowable_features['possible_hybridization_list'], | |
allowable_features['possible_is_aromatic_list'], | |
allowable_features['possible_numring_list'], | |
allowable_features['possible_is_in_ring3_list'], | |
allowable_features['possible_is_in_ring4_list'], | |
allowable_features['possible_is_in_ring5_list'], | |
allowable_features['possible_is_in_ring6_list'], | |
allowable_features['possible_is_in_ring7_list'], | |
allowable_features['possible_is_in_ring8_list'], | |
])), 0) # number of scalar features | |
rec_atom_feature_dims = (list(map(len, [ | |
allowable_features['possible_amino_acids'], | |
allowable_features['possible_atomic_num_list'], | |
allowable_features['possible_atom_type_2'], | |
allowable_features['possible_atom_type_3'], | |
])), 0) | |
rec_residue_feature_dims = (list(map(len, [ | |
allowable_features['possible_amino_acids'] | |
])), 0) | |
def lig_atom_featurizer(mol): | |
ringinfo = mol.GetRingInfo() | |
atom_features_list = [] | |
for idx, atom in enumerate(mol.GetAtoms()): | |
atom_features_list.append([ | |
safe_index(allowable_features['possible_atomic_num_list'], atom.GetAtomicNum()), | |
allowable_features['possible_chirality_list'].index(str(atom.GetChiralTag())), | |
safe_index(allowable_features['possible_degree_list'], atom.GetTotalDegree()), | |
safe_index(allowable_features['possible_formal_charge_list'], atom.GetFormalCharge()), | |
safe_index(allowable_features['possible_implicit_valence_list'], atom.GetImplicitValence()), | |
safe_index(allowable_features['possible_numH_list'], atom.GetTotalNumHs()), | |
safe_index(allowable_features['possible_number_radical_e_list'], atom.GetNumRadicalElectrons()), | |
safe_index(allowable_features['possible_hybridization_list'], str(atom.GetHybridization())), | |
allowable_features['possible_is_aromatic_list'].index(atom.GetIsAromatic()), | |
safe_index(allowable_features['possible_numring_list'], ringinfo.NumAtomRings(idx)), | |
allowable_features['possible_is_in_ring3_list'].index(ringinfo.IsAtomInRingOfSize(idx, 3)), | |
allowable_features['possible_is_in_ring4_list'].index(ringinfo.IsAtomInRingOfSize(idx, 4)), | |
allowable_features['possible_is_in_ring5_list'].index(ringinfo.IsAtomInRingOfSize(idx, 5)), | |
allowable_features['possible_is_in_ring6_list'].index(ringinfo.IsAtomInRingOfSize(idx, 6)), | |
allowable_features['possible_is_in_ring7_list'].index(ringinfo.IsAtomInRingOfSize(idx, 7)), | |
allowable_features['possible_is_in_ring8_list'].index(ringinfo.IsAtomInRingOfSize(idx, 8)), | |
]) | |
return torch.tensor(atom_features_list) | |
def rec_residue_featurizer(rec): | |
feature_list = [] | |
for residue in rec.get_residues(): | |
feature_list.append([safe_index(allowable_features['possible_amino_acids'], residue.get_resname())]) | |
return torch.tensor(feature_list, dtype=torch.float32) # (N_res, 1) | |
def safe_index(l, e): | |
""" Return index of element e in list l. If e is not present, return the last index """ | |
try: | |
return l.index(e) | |
except: | |
return len(l) - 1 | |
def parse_receptor(pdbid, pdbbind_dir): | |
rec = parsePDB(pdbid, pdbbind_dir) | |
return rec | |
def parsePDB(pdbid, pdbbind_dir): | |
rec_path = os.path.join(pdbbind_dir, pdbid, f'{pdbid}_protein_processed.pdb') | |
return parse_pdb_from_path(rec_path) | |
def parse_pdb_from_path(path): | |
with warnings.catch_warnings(): | |
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=PDBConstructionWarning) | |
structure = biopython_parser.get_structure('random_id', path) | |
rec = structure[0] | |
return rec | |
def extract_receptor_structure(rec, lig, lm_embedding_chains=None): | |
conf = lig.GetConformer() | |
lig_coords = conf.GetPositions() | |
min_distances = [] | |
coords = [] | |
c_alpha_coords = [] | |
n_coords = [] | |
c_coords = [] | |
valid_chain_ids = [] | |
lengths = [] | |
for i, chain in enumerate(rec): | |
chain_coords = [] # num_residues, num_atoms, 3 | |
chain_c_alpha_coords = [] | |
chain_n_coords = [] | |
chain_c_coords = [] | |
count = 0 | |
invalid_res_ids = [] | |
for res_idx, residue in enumerate(chain): | |
if residue.get_resname() == 'HOH': | |
invalid_res_ids.append(residue.get_id()) | |
continue | |
residue_coords = [] | |
c_alpha, n, c = None, None, None | |
for atom in residue: | |
if == 'CA': | |
c_alpha = list(atom.get_vector()) | |
if == 'N': | |
n = list(atom.get_vector()) | |
if == 'C': | |
c = list(atom.get_vector()) | |
residue_coords.append(list(atom.get_vector())) | |
if c_alpha != None and n != None and c != None: | |
# only append residue if it is an amino acid and not some weird molecule that is part of the complex | |
chain_c_alpha_coords.append(c_alpha) | |
chain_n_coords.append(n) | |
chain_c_coords.append(c) | |
chain_coords.append(np.array(residue_coords)) | |
count += 1 | |
else: | |
invalid_res_ids.append(residue.get_id()) | |
for res_id in invalid_res_ids: | |
chain.detach_child(res_id) | |
if len(chain_coords) > 0: | |
all_chain_coords = np.concatenate(chain_coords, axis=0) | |
distances = spatial.distance.cdist(lig_coords, all_chain_coords) | |
min_distance = distances.min() | |
else: | |
min_distance = np.inf | |
min_distances.append(min_distance) | |
lengths.append(count) | |
coords.append(chain_coords) | |
c_alpha_coords.append(np.array(chain_c_alpha_coords)) | |
n_coords.append(np.array(chain_n_coords)) | |
c_coords.append(np.array(chain_c_coords)) | |
if not count == 0: valid_chain_ids.append(chain.get_id()) | |
min_distances = np.array(min_distances) | |
if len(valid_chain_ids) == 0: | |
valid_chain_ids.append(np.argmin(min_distances)) | |
valid_coords = [] | |
valid_c_alpha_coords = [] | |
valid_n_coords = [] | |
valid_c_coords = [] | |
valid_lengths = [] | |
invalid_chain_ids = [] | |
valid_lm_embeddings = [] | |
for i, chain in enumerate(rec): | |
if chain.get_id() in valid_chain_ids: | |
valid_coords.append(coords[i]) | |
valid_c_alpha_coords.append(c_alpha_coords[i]) | |
if lm_embedding_chains is not None: | |
if i >= len(lm_embedding_chains): | |
raise ValueError('Encountered valid chain id that was not present in the LM embeddings') | |
valid_lm_embeddings.append(lm_embedding_chains[i]) | |
valid_n_coords.append(n_coords[i]) | |
valid_c_coords.append(c_coords[i]) | |
valid_lengths.append(lengths[i]) | |
else: | |
invalid_chain_ids.append(chain.get_id()) | |
coords = [item for sublist in valid_coords for item in sublist] # list with n_residues arrays: [n_atoms, 3] | |
c_alpha_coords = np.concatenate(valid_c_alpha_coords, axis=0) # [n_residues, 3] | |
n_coords = np.concatenate(valid_n_coords, axis=0) # [n_residues, 3] | |
c_coords = np.concatenate(valid_c_coords, axis=0) # [n_residues, 3] | |
lm_embeddings = np.concatenate(valid_lm_embeddings, axis=0) if lm_embedding_chains is not None else None | |
for invalid_id in invalid_chain_ids: | |
rec.detach_child(invalid_id) | |
assert len(c_alpha_coords) == len(n_coords) | |
assert len(c_alpha_coords) == len(c_coords) | |
assert sum(valid_lengths) == len(c_alpha_coords) | |
return rec, coords, c_alpha_coords, n_coords, c_coords, lm_embeddings | |
def get_lig_graph(mol, complex_graph): | |
lig_coords = torch.from_numpy(mol.GetConformer().GetPositions()).float() | |
atom_feats = lig_atom_featurizer(mol) | |
row, col, edge_type = [], [], [] | |
for bond in mol.GetBonds(): | |
start, end = bond.GetBeginAtomIdx(), bond.GetEndAtomIdx() | |
row += [start, end] | |
col += [end, start] | |
edge_type += 2 * [bonds[bond.GetBondType()]] if bond.GetBondType() != BT.UNSPECIFIED else [0, 0] | |
edge_index = torch.tensor([row, col], dtype=torch.long) | |
edge_type = torch.tensor(edge_type, dtype=torch.long) | |
edge_attr = F.one_hot(edge_type, num_classes=len(bonds)).to(torch.float) | |
complex_graph['ligand'].x = atom_feats | |
complex_graph['ligand'].pos = lig_coords | |
complex_graph['ligand', 'lig_bond', 'ligand'].edge_index = edge_index | |
complex_graph['ligand', 'lig_bond', 'ligand'].edge_attr = edge_attr | |
return | |
def generate_conformer(mol): | |
ps = AllChem.ETKDGv2() | |
id = AllChem.EmbedMolecule(mol, ps) | |
if id == -1: | |
print('rdkit coords could not be generated without using random coords. using random coords now.') | |
ps.useRandomCoords = True | |
AllChem.EmbedMolecule(mol, ps) | |
AllChem.MMFFOptimizeMolecule(mol, confId=0) | |
# else: | |
# AllChem.MMFFOptimizeMolecule(mol_rdkit, confId=0) | |
def get_lig_graph_with_matching(mol_, complex_graph, popsize, maxiter, matching, keep_original, num_conformers, remove_hs): | |
if matching: | |
mol_maybe_noh = copy.deepcopy(mol_) | |
if remove_hs: | |
mol_maybe_noh = RemoveHs(mol_maybe_noh, sanitize=True) | |
if keep_original: | |
complex_graph['ligand'].orig_pos = mol_maybe_noh.GetConformer().GetPositions() | |
rotable_bonds = get_torsion_angles(mol_maybe_noh) | |
if not rotable_bonds: print("no_rotable_bonds but still using it") | |
for i in range(num_conformers): | |
mol_rdkit = copy.deepcopy(mol_) | |
mol_rdkit.RemoveAllConformers() | |
mol_rdkit = AllChem.AddHs(mol_rdkit) | |
generate_conformer(mol_rdkit) | |
if remove_hs: | |
mol_rdkit = RemoveHs(mol_rdkit, sanitize=True) | |
mol = copy.deepcopy(mol_maybe_noh) | |
if rotable_bonds: | |
optimize_rotatable_bonds(mol_rdkit, mol, rotable_bonds, popsize=popsize, maxiter=maxiter) | |
mol.AddConformer(mol_rdkit.GetConformer()) | |
rms_list = [] | |
AllChem.AlignMolConformers(mol, RMSlist=rms_list) | |
mol_rdkit.RemoveAllConformers() | |
mol_rdkit.AddConformer(mol.GetConformers()[1]) | |
if i == 0: | |
complex_graph.rmsd_matching = rms_list[0] | |
get_lig_graph(mol_rdkit, complex_graph) | |
else: | |
if torch.is_tensor(complex_graph['ligand'].pos): | |
complex_graph['ligand'].pos = [complex_graph['ligand'].pos] | |
complex_graph['ligand'].pos.append(torch.from_numpy(mol_rdkit.GetConformer().GetPositions()).float()) | |
else: # no matching | |
complex_graph.rmsd_matching = 0 | |
if remove_hs: mol_ = RemoveHs(mol_) | |
get_lig_graph(mol_, complex_graph) | |
edge_mask, mask_rotate = get_transformation_mask(complex_graph) | |
complex_graph['ligand'].edge_mask = torch.tensor(edge_mask) | |
complex_graph['ligand'].mask_rotate = mask_rotate | |
return | |
def get_calpha_graph(rec, c_alpha_coords, n_coords, c_coords, complex_graph, cutoff=20, max_neighbor=None, lm_embeddings=None): | |
n_rel_pos = n_coords - c_alpha_coords | |
c_rel_pos = c_coords - c_alpha_coords | |
num_residues = len(c_alpha_coords) | |
if num_residues <= 1: | |
raise ValueError(f"rec contains only 1 residue!") | |
# Build the k-NN graph | |
distances = spa.distance.cdist(c_alpha_coords, c_alpha_coords) | |
src_list = [] | |
dst_list = [] | |
mean_norm_list = [] | |
for i in range(num_residues): | |
dst = list(np.where(distances[i, :] < cutoff)[0]) | |
dst.remove(i) | |
if max_neighbor != None and len(dst) > max_neighbor: | |
dst = list(np.argsort(distances[i, :]))[1: max_neighbor + 1] | |
if len(dst) == 0: | |
dst = list(np.argsort(distances[i, :]))[1:2] # choose second because first is i itself | |
print(f'The c_alpha_cutoff {cutoff} was too small for one c_alpha such that it had no neighbors. ' | |
f'So we connected it to the closest other c_alpha') | |
assert i not in dst | |
src = [i] * len(dst) | |
src_list.extend(src) | |
dst_list.extend(dst) | |
valid_dist = list(distances[i, dst]) | |
valid_dist_np = distances[i, dst] | |
sigma = np.array([1., 2., 5., 10., 30.]).reshape((-1, 1)) | |
weights = softmax(- valid_dist_np.reshape((1, -1)) ** 2 / sigma, axis=1) # (sigma_num, neigh_num) | |
assert weights[0].sum() > 1 - 1e-2 and weights[0].sum() < 1.01 | |
diff_vecs = c_alpha_coords[src, :] - c_alpha_coords[dst, :] # (neigh_num, 3) | |
mean_vec = # (sigma_num, 3) | |
denominator =, axis=1)) # (sigma_num,) | |
mean_vec_ratio_norm = np.linalg.norm(mean_vec, axis=1) / denominator # (sigma_num,) | |
mean_norm_list.append(mean_vec_ratio_norm) | |
assert len(src_list) == len(dst_list) | |
node_feat = rec_residue_featurizer(rec) | |
mu_r_norm = torch.from_numpy(np.array(mean_norm_list).astype(np.float32)) | |
side_chain_vecs = torch.from_numpy( | |
np.concatenate([np.expand_dims(n_rel_pos, axis=1), np.expand_dims(c_rel_pos, axis=1)], axis=1)) | |
complex_graph['receptor'].x =[node_feat, torch.tensor(lm_embeddings)], axis=1) if lm_embeddings is not None else node_feat | |
complex_graph['receptor'].pos = torch.from_numpy(c_alpha_coords).float() | |
complex_graph['receptor'].mu_r_norm = mu_r_norm | |
complex_graph['receptor'].side_chain_vecs = side_chain_vecs.float() | |
complex_graph['receptor', 'rec_contact', 'receptor'].edge_index = torch.from_numpy(np.asarray([src_list, dst_list])) | |
return | |
def rec_atom_featurizer(rec): | |
atom_feats = [] | |
for i, atom in enumerate(rec.get_atoms()): | |
atom_name, element =, atom.element | |
if element == 'CD': | |
element = 'C' | |
assert not element == '' | |
try: | |
atomic_num = periodic_table.GetAtomicNumber(element) | |
except: | |
atomic_num = -1 | |
atom_feat = [safe_index(allowable_features['possible_amino_acids'], atom.get_parent().get_resname()), | |
safe_index(allowable_features['possible_atomic_num_list'], atomic_num), | |
safe_index(allowable_features['possible_atom_type_2'], (atom_name + '*')[:2]), | |
safe_index(allowable_features['possible_atom_type_3'], atom_name)] | |
atom_feats.append(atom_feat) | |
return atom_feats | |
def get_rec_graph(rec, rec_coords, c_alpha_coords, n_coords, c_coords, complex_graph, rec_radius, c_alpha_max_neighbors=None, all_atoms=False, | |
atom_radius=5, atom_max_neighbors=None, remove_hs=False, lm_embeddings=None): | |
if all_atoms: | |
return get_fullrec_graph(rec, rec_coords, c_alpha_coords, n_coords, c_coords, complex_graph, | |
c_alpha_cutoff=rec_radius, c_alpha_max_neighbors=c_alpha_max_neighbors, | |
atom_cutoff=atom_radius, atom_max_neighbors=atom_max_neighbors, remove_hs=remove_hs,lm_embeddings=lm_embeddings) | |
else: | |
return get_calpha_graph(rec, c_alpha_coords, n_coords, c_coords, complex_graph, rec_radius, c_alpha_max_neighbors,lm_embeddings=lm_embeddings) | |
def get_fullrec_graph(rec, rec_coords, c_alpha_coords, n_coords, c_coords, complex_graph, c_alpha_cutoff=20, | |
c_alpha_max_neighbors=None, atom_cutoff=5, atom_max_neighbors=None, remove_hs=False, lm_embeddings=None): | |
# builds the receptor graph with both residues and atoms | |
n_rel_pos = n_coords - c_alpha_coords | |
c_rel_pos = c_coords - c_alpha_coords | |
num_residues = len(c_alpha_coords) | |
if num_residues <= 1: | |
raise ValueError(f"rec contains only 1 residue!") | |
# Build the k-NN graph of residues | |
distances = spa.distance.cdist(c_alpha_coords, c_alpha_coords) | |
src_list = [] | |
dst_list = [] | |
mean_norm_list = [] | |
for i in range(num_residues): | |
dst = list(np.where(distances[i, :] < c_alpha_cutoff)[0]) | |
dst.remove(i) | |
if c_alpha_max_neighbors != None and len(dst) > c_alpha_max_neighbors: | |
dst = list(np.argsort(distances[i, :]))[1: c_alpha_max_neighbors + 1] | |
if len(dst) == 0: | |
dst = list(np.argsort(distances[i, :]))[1:2] # choose second because first is i itself | |
print(f'The c_alpha_cutoff {c_alpha_cutoff} was too small for one c_alpha such that it had no neighbors. ' | |
f'So we connected it to the closest other c_alpha') | |
assert i not in dst | |
src = [i] * len(dst) | |
src_list.extend(src) | |
dst_list.extend(dst) | |
valid_dist = list(distances[i, dst]) | |
valid_dist_np = distances[i, dst] | |
sigma = np.array([1., 2., 5., 10., 30.]).reshape((-1, 1)) | |
weights = softmax(- valid_dist_np.reshape((1, -1)) ** 2 / sigma, axis=1) # (sigma_num, neigh_num) | |
assert 1 - 1e-2 < weights[0].sum() < 1.01 | |
diff_vecs = c_alpha_coords[src, :] - c_alpha_coords[dst, :] # (neigh_num, 3) | |
mean_vec = # (sigma_num, 3) | |
denominator =, axis=1)) # (sigma_num,) | |
mean_vec_ratio_norm = np.linalg.norm(mean_vec, axis=1) / denominator # (sigma_num,) | |
mean_norm_list.append(mean_vec_ratio_norm) | |
assert len(src_list) == len(dst_list) | |
node_feat = rec_residue_featurizer(rec) | |
mu_r_norm = torch.from_numpy(np.array(mean_norm_list).astype(np.float32)) | |
side_chain_vecs = torch.from_numpy( | |
np.concatenate([np.expand_dims(n_rel_pos, axis=1), np.expand_dims(c_rel_pos, axis=1)], axis=1)) | |
complex_graph['receptor'].x =[node_feat, torch.tensor(lm_embeddings)], axis=1) if lm_embeddings is not None else node_feat | |
complex_graph['receptor'].pos = torch.from_numpy(c_alpha_coords).float() | |
complex_graph['receptor'].mu_r_norm = mu_r_norm | |
complex_graph['receptor'].side_chain_vecs = side_chain_vecs.float() | |
complex_graph['receptor', 'rec_contact', 'receptor'].edge_index = torch.from_numpy(np.asarray([src_list, dst_list])) | |
src_c_alpha_idx = np.concatenate([np.asarray([i]*len(l)) for i, l in enumerate(rec_coords)]) | |
atom_feat = torch.from_numpy(np.asarray(rec_atom_featurizer(rec))) | |
atom_coords = torch.from_numpy(np.concatenate(rec_coords, axis=0)).float() | |
if remove_hs: | |
not_hs = (atom_feat[:, 1] != 0) | |
src_c_alpha_idx = src_c_alpha_idx[not_hs] | |
atom_feat = atom_feat[not_hs] | |
atom_coords = atom_coords[not_hs] | |
atoms_edge_index = radius_graph(atom_coords, atom_cutoff, max_num_neighbors=atom_max_neighbors if atom_max_neighbors else 1000) | |
atom_res_edge_index = torch.from_numpy(np.asarray([np.arange(len(atom_feat)), src_c_alpha_idx])).long() | |
complex_graph['atom'].x = atom_feat | |
complex_graph['atom'].pos = atom_coords | |
complex_graph['atom', 'atom_contact', 'atom'].edge_index = atoms_edge_index | |
complex_graph['atom', 'atom_rec_contact', 'receptor'].edge_index = atom_res_edge_index | |
return | |
def write_mol_with_coords(mol, new_coords, path): | |
w = Chem.SDWriter(path) | |
conf = mol.GetConformer() | |
for i in range(mol.GetNumAtoms()): | |
x,y,z = new_coords.astype(np.double)[i] | |
conf.SetAtomPosition(i,Point3D(x,y,z)) | |
w.write(mol) | |
w.close() | |
def read_molecule(molecule_file, sanitize=False, calc_charges=False, remove_hs=False): | |
if molecule_file.endswith('.mol2'): | |
mol = Chem.MolFromMol2File(molecule_file, sanitize=False, removeHs=False) | |
elif molecule_file.endswith('.sdf'): | |
print(molecule_file) | |
supplier = Chem.SDMolSupplier(molecule_file, sanitize=False, removeHs=False) | |
mol = supplier[0] | |
print(mol) | |
elif molecule_file.endswith('.pdbqt'): | |
with open(molecule_file) as file: | |
pdbqt_data = file.readlines() | |
pdb_block = '' | |
for line in pdbqt_data: | |
pdb_block += '{}\n'.format(line[:66]) | |
mol = Chem.MolFromPDBBlock(pdb_block, sanitize=False, removeHs=False) | |
elif molecule_file.endswith('.pdb'): | |
mol = Chem.MolFromPDBFile(molecule_file, sanitize=False, removeHs=False) | |
else: | |
return ValueError('Expect the format of the molecule_file to be ' | |
'one of .mol2, .sdf, .pdbqt and .pdb, got {}'.format(molecule_file)) | |
print(sanitize, calc_charges, remove_hs) | |
try: | |
if sanitize or calc_charges: | |
Chem.SanitizeMol(mol) | |
if calc_charges: | |
# Compute Gasteiger charges on the molecule. | |
try: | |
AllChem.ComputeGasteigerCharges(mol) | |
except: | |
warnings.warn('Unable to compute charges for the molecule.') | |
if remove_hs: | |
mol = Chem.RemoveHs(mol, sanitize=sanitize) | |
except Exception as e: | |
print(e) | |
return None | |
return mol | |
def read_sdf_or_mol2(sdf_fileName, mol2_fileName): | |
mol = Chem.MolFromMolFile(sdf_fileName, sanitize=False) | |
problem = False | |
try: | |
Chem.SanitizeMol(mol) | |
mol = Chem.RemoveHs(mol) | |
except Exception as e: | |
problem = True | |
if problem: | |
mol = Chem.MolFromMol2File(mol2_fileName, sanitize=False) | |
try: | |
Chem.SanitizeMol(mol) | |
mol = Chem.RemoveHs(mol) | |
problem = False | |
except Exception as e: | |
problem = True | |
return mol, problem | |