Runtime error
Runtime error
<script lang="ts"> | |
import { toast } from 'svelte-sonner'; | |
import { createEventDispatcher, onMount, getContext } from 'svelte'; | |
import { getLanguages } from '$lib/i18n'; | |
const dispatch = createEventDispatcher(); | |
import { models, settings, theme } from '$lib/stores'; | |
const i18n = getContext('i18n'); | |
import AdvancedParams from './Advanced/AdvancedParams.svelte'; | |
export let saveSettings: Function; | |
export let getModels: Function; | |
// General | |
let themes = ['dark', 'light', 'rose-pine dark', 'rose-pine-dawn light', 'oled-dark']; | |
let selectedTheme = 'system'; | |
let languages = []; | |
let lang = $i18n.language; | |
let notificationEnabled = false; | |
let system = ''; | |
let showAdvanced = false; | |
const toggleNotification = async () => { | |
const permission = await Notification.requestPermission(); | |
if (permission === 'granted') { | |
notificationEnabled = !notificationEnabled; | |
saveSettings({ notificationEnabled: notificationEnabled }); | |
} else { | |
toast.error( | |
'Response notifications cannot be activated as the website permissions have been denied. Please visit your browser settings to grant the necessary access.' | |
); | |
} | |
}; | |
// Advanced | |
let requestFormat = ''; | |
let keepAlive = null; | |
let params = { | |
// Advanced | |
seed: 0, | |
temperature: '', | |
frequency_penalty: '', | |
repeat_last_n: '', | |
mirostat: '', | |
mirostat_eta: '', | |
mirostat_tau: '', | |
top_k: '', | |
top_p: '', | |
stop: null, | |
tfs_z: '', | |
num_ctx: '', | |
max_tokens: '' | |
}; | |
const toggleRequestFormat = async () => { | |
if (requestFormat === '') { | |
requestFormat = 'json'; | |
} else { | |
requestFormat = ''; | |
} | |
saveSettings({ requestFormat: requestFormat !== '' ? requestFormat : undefined }); | |
}; | |
onMount(async () => { | |
selectedTheme = localStorage.theme ?? 'system'; | |
languages = await getLanguages(); | |
notificationEnabled = $settings.notificationEnabled ?? false; | |
system = $settings.system ?? ''; | |
requestFormat = $settings.requestFormat ?? ''; | |
keepAlive = $settings.keepAlive ?? null; | |
params.seed = $settings.seed ?? 0; | |
params.temperature = $settings.temperature ?? ''; | |
params.frequency_penalty = $settings.frequency_penalty ?? ''; | |
params.top_k = $settings.top_k ?? ''; | |
params.top_p = $settings.top_p ?? ''; | |
params.num_ctx = $settings.num_ctx ?? ''; | |
params = { ...params, ...$settings.params }; | |
params.stop = $settings?.params?.stop ? ($settings?.params?.stop ?? []).join(',') : null; | |
}); | |
const applyTheme = (_theme: string) => { | |
let themeToApply = _theme === 'oled-dark' ? 'dark' : _theme; | |
if (_theme === 'system') { | |
themeToApply = window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches ? 'dark' : 'light'; | |
} | |
if (themeToApply === 'dark' && !_theme.includes('oled')) { | |'--color-gray-900', '#171717'); | |'--color-gray-950', '#0d0d0d'); | |
} | |
themes | |
.filter((e) => e !== themeToApply) | |
.forEach((e) => { | |
e.split(' ').forEach((e) => { | |
document.documentElement.classList.remove(e); | |
}); | |
}); | |
themeToApply.split(' ').forEach((e) => { | |
document.documentElement.classList.add(e); | |
}); | |
console.log(_theme); | |
}; | |
const themeChangeHandler = (_theme: string) => { | |
theme.set(_theme); | |
localStorage.setItem('theme', _theme); | |
if (_theme.includes('oled')) { | |'--color-gray-900', '#000000'); | |'--color-gray-950', '#000000'); | |
document.documentElement.classList.add('dark'); | |
} | |
applyTheme(_theme); | |
}; | |
</script> | |
<div class="flex flex-col h-full justify-between text-sm"> | |
<div class=" pr-1.5 overflow-y-scroll max-h-[25rem]"> | |
<div class=""> | |
<div class=" mb-1 text-sm font-medium">{$i18n.t('WebUI Settings')}</div> | |
<div class="flex w-full justify-between"> | |
<div class=" self-center text-xs font-medium">{$i18n.t('Theme')}</div> | |
<div class="flex items-center relative"> | |
<select | |
class=" dark:bg-gray-900 w-fit pr-8 rounded py-2 px-2 text-xs bg-transparent outline-none text-right" | |
bind:value={selectedTheme} | |
placeholder="Select a theme" | |
on:change={() => themeChangeHandler(selectedTheme)} | |
> | |
<option value="system">⚙️ {$i18n.t('System')}</option> | |
<option value="dark">🌑 {$i18n.t('Dark')}</option> | |
<option value="oled-dark">🌃 {$i18n.t('OLED Dark')}</option> | |
<option value="light">☀️ {$i18n.t('Light')}</option> | |
<!-- <option value="rose-pine dark">🪻 {$i18n.t('Rosé Pine')}</option> | |
<option value="rose-pine-dawn light">🌷 {$i18n.t('Rosé Pine Dawn')}</option> --> | |
</select> | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
<div class=" flex w-full justify-between"> | |
<div class=" self-center text-xs font-medium">{$i18n.t('Language')}</div> | |
<div class="flex items-center relative"> | |
<select | |
class=" dark:bg-gray-900 w-fit pr-8 rounded py-2 px-2 text-xs bg-transparent outline-none text-right" | |
bind:value={lang} | |
placeholder="Select a language" | |
on:change={(e) => { | |
$i18n.changeLanguage(lang); | |
}} | |
> | |
{#each languages as language} | |
<option value={language['code']}>{language['title']}</option> | |
{/each} | |
</select> | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
{#if $i18n.language === 'en-US'} | |
<div class="mb-2 text-xs text-gray-400 dark:text-gray-500"> | |
Couldn't find your language? | |
<a | |
class=" text-gray-300 font-medium underline" | |
href="" | |
target="_blank" | |
> | |
Help us translate Open WebUI! | |
</a> | |
</div> | |
{/if} | |
<div> | |
<div class=" py-0.5 flex w-full justify-between"> | |
<div class=" self-center text-xs font-medium">{$i18n.t('Notifications')}</div> | |
<button | |
class="p-1 px-3 text-xs flex rounded transition" | |
on:click={() => { | |
toggleNotification(); | |
}} | |
type="button" | |
> | |
{#if notificationEnabled === true} | |
<span class="ml-2 self-center">{$i18n.t('On')}</span> | |
{:else} | |
<span class="ml-2 self-center">{$i18n.t('Off')}</span> | |
{/if} | |
</button> | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
<hr class=" dark:border-gray-850 my-3" /> | |
<div> | |
<div class=" my-2.5 text-sm font-medium">{$i18n.t('System Prompt')}</div> | |
<textarea | |
bind:value={system} | |
class="w-full rounded-lg p-4 text-sm dark:text-gray-300 dark:bg-gray-850 outline-none resize-none" | |
rows="4" | |
/> | |
</div> | |
<div class="mt-2 space-y-3 pr-1.5"> | |
<div class="flex justify-between items-center text-sm"> | |
<div class=" font-medium">{$i18n.t('Advanced Parameters')}</div> | |
<button | |
class=" text-xs font-medium text-gray-500" | |
type="button" | |
on:click={() => { | |
showAdvanced = !showAdvanced; | |
}}>{showAdvanced ? $i18n.t('Hide') : $i18n.t('Show')}</button | |
> | |
</div> | |
{#if showAdvanced} | |
<AdvancedParams bind:params /> | |
<hr class=" dark:border-gray-850" /> | |
<div class=" py-1 w-full justify-between"> | |
<div class="flex w-full justify-between"> | |
<div class=" self-center text-xs font-medium">{$i18n.t('Keep Alive')}</div> | |
<button | |
class="p-1 px-3 text-xs flex rounded transition" | |
type="button" | |
on:click={() => { | |
keepAlive = keepAlive === null ? '5m' : null; | |
}} | |
> | |
{#if keepAlive === null} | |
<span class="ml-2 self-center"> {$i18n.t('Default')} </span> | |
{:else} | |
<span class="ml-2 self-center"> {$i18n.t('Custom')} </span> | |
{/if} | |
</button> | |
</div> | |
{#if keepAlive !== null} | |
<div class="flex mt-1 space-x-2"> | |
<input | |
class="w-full rounded-lg py-2 px-4 text-sm dark:text-gray-300 dark:bg-gray-850 outline-none" | |
type="text" | |
placeholder={$i18n.t("e.g. '30s','10m'. Valid time units are 's', 'm', 'h'.")} | |
bind:value={keepAlive} | |
/> | |
</div> | |
{/if} | |
</div> | |
<div> | |
<div class=" py-1 flex w-full justify-between"> | |
<div class=" self-center text-sm font-medium">{$i18n.t('Request Mode')}</div> | |
<button | |
class="p-1 px-3 text-xs flex rounded transition" | |
on:click={() => { | |
toggleRequestFormat(); | |
}} | |
> | |
{#if requestFormat === ''} | |
<span class="ml-2 self-center"> {$i18n.t('Default')} </span> | |
{:else if requestFormat === 'json'} | |
<!-- <svg | |
xmlns="" | |
viewBox="0 0 20 20" | |
fill="currentColor" | |
class="w-4 h-4 self-center" | |
> | |
<path | |
d="M10 2a.75.75 0 01.75.75v1.5a.75.75 0 01-1.5 0v-1.5A.75.75 0 0110 2zM10 15a.75.75 0 01.75.75v1.5a.75.75 0 01-1.5 0v-1.5A.75.75 0 0110 15zM10 7a3 3 0 100 6 3 3 0 000-6zM15.657 5.404a.75.75 0 10-1.06-1.06l-1.061 1.06a.75.75 0 001.06 1.06l1.06-1.06zM6.464 14.596a.75.75 0 10-1.06-1.06l-1.06 1.06a.75.75 0 001.06 1.06l1.06-1.06zM18 10a.75.75 0 01-.75.75h-1.5a.75.75 0 010-1.5h1.5A.75.75 0 0118 10zM5 10a.75.75 0 01-.75.75h-1.5a.75.75 0 010-1.5h1.5A.75.75 0 015 10zM14.596 15.657a.75.75 0 001.06-1.06l-1.06-1.061a.75.75 0 10-1.06 1.06l1.06 1.06zM5.404 6.464a.75.75 0 001.06-1.06l-1.06-1.06a.75.75 0 10-1.061 1.06l1.06 1.06z" | |
/> | |
</svg> --> | |
<span class="ml-2 self-center"> {$i18n.t('JSON')} </span> | |
{/if} | |
</button> | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
{/if} | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
<div class="flex justify-end pt-3 text-sm font-medium"> | |
<button | |
class=" px-4 py-2 bg-emerald-700 hover:bg-emerald-800 text-gray-100 transition rounded-lg" | |
on:click={() => { | |
saveSettings({ | |
system: system !== '' ? system : undefined, | |
params: { | |
seed: (params.seed !== 0 ? params.seed : undefined) ?? undefined, | |
stop: params.stop ? params.stop.split(',').filter((e) => e) : undefined, | |
temperature: params.temperature !== '' ? params.temperature : undefined, | |
frequency_penalty: | |
params.frequency_penalty !== '' ? params.frequency_penalty : undefined, | |
repeat_last_n: params.repeat_last_n !== '' ? params.repeat_last_n : undefined, | |
mirostat: params.mirostat !== '' ? params.mirostat : undefined, | |
mirostat_eta: params.mirostat_eta !== '' ? params.mirostat_eta : undefined, | |
mirostat_tau: params.mirostat_tau !== '' ? params.mirostat_tau : undefined, | |
top_k: params.top_k !== '' ? params.top_k : undefined, | |
top_p: params.top_p !== '' ? params.top_p : undefined, | |
tfs_z: params.tfs_z !== '' ? params.tfs_z : undefined, | |
num_ctx: params.num_ctx !== '' ? params.num_ctx : undefined, | |
max_tokens: params.max_tokens !== '' ? params.max_tokens : undefined | |
}, | |
keepAlive: keepAlive ? (isNaN(keepAlive) ? keepAlive : parseInt(keepAlive)) : undefined | |
}); | |
dispatch('save'); | |
}} | |
> | |
{$i18n.t('Save')} | |
</button> | |
</div> | |
</div> | |