import streamlit as st from visualize_dataset import visualize_dataset from visualize_pipeline import visualize_pipeline # Header with open("style.css") as f: st.markdown("", unsafe_allow_html=True) st.title("Welcome to Healthsea 🪐") intro, jellyfish = st.columns(2) jellyfish.markdown("\n") intro.subheader("Create easier access to health✨") jellyfish.image("data/img/Jellymation.gif") intro.markdown( """Healthsea is a spaCy v3 pipeline that is capable of analyzing user-generated reviews to supplementary products by extracting their effects on health. The analysis is based on the written-text and context from the reviews.""" ) intro.markdown( """With this app, you're able to explore the pipeline and its analysis on productive data. You can choose between two different apps `Visualize dataset` and `Visualize pipeline`. """ ) intro.markdown( """The code for Healthsea is provided in this [github repository]( and if you're interested you can read more about the project in our [blog post](). """ ) st.markdown("""---""") app_type = st.selectbox("Choose app", ["Visualize dataset", "Visualize pipeline"]) if app_type == "Visualize dataset": visualize_dataset() else: visualize_pipeline()