import streamlit as st from pathlib import Path import json from support_functions import HealthseaSearch # Header with open("style.css") as f: st.markdown("", unsafe_allow_html=True) # Intro st.title("Welcome to Healthsea 🪐") intro, jellyfish = st.columns(2) jellyfish.markdown("\n") intro.subheader("Create easier access to health✨") jellyfish.image("data/img/Jellymation.gif") intro.markdown( """Healthsea is an end-to-end spaCy v3 pipeline for analyzing user reviews to supplementary products and extracting their potential effects on health.""" ) intro.markdown( """The code for Healthsea is provided in this [github repository]( Visit our [blog post]( or more about the Healthsea project. """ ) st.write( """This app visualizes the results of Healthsea on a dataset of up to 1 million reviews to 10.000 products. You can use the app to search for any health aspect, whether it's a disease (e.g. joint pain) or a positive state of health (e.g. energy), the app returns a list of products and substances. You can visit the [Healthsea Pipeline app]( for exploring the pipeline itself. """ ) st.warning("""Healthsea is an experimental project and the results should not be used as a foundation for solving health problems. Nor do we want to give the impression that supplements are the answer to anyone's health issues.""") # Configuration health_aspect_path = Path("data/health_aspects.json") product_path = Path("data/products.json") condition_path = Path("data/condition_vectors.json") benefit_path = Path("data/benefit_vectors.json") # Load data @st.cache(allow_output_mutation=True) def load_data( _health_aspect_path: Path, _product_path: Path, _condition_path: Path, _benefit_path: Path, ): with open(_health_aspect_path) as reader: health_aspects = json.load(reader) with open(_product_path) as reader: products = json.load(reader) with open(_condition_path) as reader: conditions = json.load(reader) with open(_benefit_path) as reader: benefits = json.load(reader) return health_aspects, products, conditions, benefits # Functions def kpi(n, text): html = f"""


""" return html def central_text(text): html = f"""


""" return html # Loading data health_aspects, products, conditions, benefits = load_data( health_aspect_path, product_path, condition_path, benefit_path ) search_engine = HealthseaSearch(health_aspects, products, conditions, benefits) # KPI st.markdown("""---""") st.markdown(central_text("🎀 Dataset"), unsafe_allow_html=True) kpi_products, kpi_reviews, kpi_condition, kpi_benefit = st.columns(4) def round_to_k(value): return str(round(value/1000,1))+"k" kpi_products.markdown(kpi(round_to_k(len(products)), "Products"), unsafe_allow_html=True) kpi_reviews.markdown(kpi(round_to_k(int(933240)), "Reviews"), unsafe_allow_html=True) kpi_condition.markdown(kpi(round_to_k(len(conditions)), "Conditions"), unsafe_allow_html=True) kpi_benefit.markdown(kpi(round_to_k(len(benefits)), "Benefits"), unsafe_allow_html=True) st.markdown("""---""") # Expander show_conditions, show_benefits = st.columns(2) with show_conditions.expander("Top mentioned Conditions"): st.write(search_engine.get_all_conditions_df()) with show_benefits.expander("Top mentioned Benefits"): st.write(search_engine.get_all_benefits_df()) st.markdown("""---""") # Search search = st.text_input(label="Search for an health aspect", value="joint pain") n = st.slider("Show top n results", min_value=10, max_value=1000, value=25) st.markdown("""---""") st.markdown(central_text("🧃 Products"), unsafe_allow_html=True)"""The product score is based on the results of Healthsea. Variables used for the score are: health effect prediction, product rating, helpful count and whether the review is considered a 'fake review'. """) # DataFrame st.write(search_engine.get_products_df(search, n)) # KPI & Alias aspect_alias = search_engine.get_aspect(search)["alias"] kpi_product_mentions, kpi_alias = st.columns(2) kpi_product_mentions.markdown(kpi(len(search_engine.get_aspect(search)["products"]), "Products"), unsafe_allow_html=True) kpi_alias.markdown( kpi(len(aspect_alias), "Similar health aspects"), unsafe_allow_html=True, ) depth = st.slider("Depth", min_value=0, max_value=5, value=2) recursive_alias, recursive_edges = search_engine.get_recursive_alias(search,0,{},[],depth) vectors = [] main_aspect = search_engine.get_aspect_meta(search) vectors.append((main_aspect["name"], main_aspect["vector"])) for aspect in aspect_alias: current_aspect = search_engine.get_aspect_meta(aspect) vectors.append((current_aspect["name"], current_aspect["vector"])) st.markdown("\n")"""Health aspects with a high similarity (>=90%) are clustered together.""") #search_engine.pyvis(vectors) search_engine.pyvis2(recursive_alias,recursive_edges) st.markdown("""---""") # Substances st.markdown(central_text("🍯 Substances"), unsafe_allow_html=True)"""Substance scores are based on product scores""") # DataFrame st.write(search_engine.get_substances_df(search, n)) kpi_substances, empty = st.columns(2) kpi_substances.markdown( kpi(len(search_engine.get_aspect(search)["substance"]), "Substances"), unsafe_allow_html=True, )