# Calling OpenAI Batch steps Guide to OpenAI batch api --> https://platform.openai.com/docs/guides/batch --- ## Step 1: Prepare Batch File (prepare_batch.py) 1. Prepare a .jsonl file containing your batch requests. Each line represents a single API request. 2. Usage: Run the script to process all files in the specified directory and generate the batch file. --- ## Step 2: Upload Batch File (upload_batch_file.py) 1. Upload the prepared batch file to OpenAI using the Files API. 2. The script uploads batch_input.jsonl and returns the file ID. --- ## Step 3: Create Batch (create_batch.py) 1. Create a batch job using the uploaded file's ID. Add the file ID obtained from running upload_batch_file.py to create_batch.py. 2. Returns a batch ID. --- ## Step 4: Check Batch Status (check_batch_status.py) 1. Use the batch iD from create_batch.py to check the status of the batch job to monitor progress. Possible statuses: 1. validating: Validating the input file. 2. in_progress: Batch is running. 3. completed: Batch is finished and results are ready. 4. failed: Validation failed. 5. expired: Batch did not complete within the window. 2. Retrieves the output_file_ID if completed. --- ## Step 5: Retrieve Results (retrieve_results.py) 1. Download the results using the output_file_id retrieved from the batch status. --- ## Helper scripts 1. Cancel Batch (cancel_batch.py) 1. Cancel an ongoing batch if required. Changes batch status to cancelling and eventually cancelled. 2. List Batches (list_batches.py) 1. View all batches created, including their status and metadata. ## Consolidated script that combines all the functionalities (Except helpers) 1. batch_processing.py