import os import json from dotenv import load_dotenv from openai import OpenAI load_dotenv() class BatchProcessor: def __init__(self): self.client = OpenAI( api_key=os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY"), organization=os.getenv("OPENAI_ORG_ID") ) def prepare_batch(self, folder_path, output_file): """Prepare a batch input file from a folder of text files.""" with open(output_file, "w") as out_file: for filename in os.listdir(folder_path): if filename.endswith(".txt"): file_path = os.path.join(folder_path, filename) with open(file_path, "r") as file: text = batch_entry = { "custom_id": filename, "method": "POST", "url": "/v1/chat/completions", "body": { "model": "gpt-4o-mini", "messages": [ { "role": "system", "content": ( "You are a helpful assistant designed to check if there's any racial content. " "Please review this document for any racial or discriminatory expressions. " "If yes, return 'Yes'; if there's none, please return 'No racial content found'. " "If there is any doubt or ambiguity, assume the text contains racial content and respond 'Yes'." ) }, {"role": "user", "content": text} ], "max_tokens": 1000 } } out_file.write(json.dumps(batch_entry) + "\n") print(f"Batch file created: {output_file}") def upload_batch_file(self, batch_file_path): """Upload the prepared batch input file.""" with open(batch_file_path, "rb") as f: batch_input_file = self.client.files.create( file=f, purpose="batch" ) print(f"Batch input file uploaded. File ID: {}") return def create_batch(self, file_id): """Create a batch job with the uploaded input file.""" batch = self.client.batches.create( input_file_id=file_id, endpoint="/v1/chat/completions", completion_window="24h", metadata={ "description": "Deed analysis batch" } ) print(f"Batch created. Batch ID: {}") return def check_batch_status(self, batch_id): """Check the status of a batch job.""" batch_status = self.client.batches.retrieve(batch_id) print(f"Batch Status: {batch_status.status}") if batch_status.status == "completed": output_file_id = batch_status.output_file_id print(f"Output File ID: {output_file_id}") return output_file_id else: return None def retrieve_results(self, output_file_id, output_path): """Retrieve the results of a completed batch job.""" file_response = self.client.files.content(output_file_id) with open(output_path, "wb") as out_file: out_file.write( print(f"Batch results downloaded to {output_path}") if __name__ == "__main__": processor = BatchProcessor() folder_path = "" batch_input_file = "batch_input.jsonl" batch_output_file = "batch_output.jsonl" # Step 1: Prepare the batch input file processor.prepare_batch(folder_path, batch_input_file) # Step 2: Upload the batch input file file_id = processor.upload_batch_file(batch_input_file) # Step 3: Create a batch job batch_id = processor.create_batch(file_id) # Step 4: Poll for batch status import time while True: output_file_id = processor.check_batch_status(batch_id) if output_file_id: break print("Batch not complete. Retrying in 30 minutes...") time.sleep(1800) # Step 5: Retrieve the results processor.retrieve_results(output_file_id, batch_output_file)