"""translation practice.ipynb |
Automatically generated by Colaboratory. |
Original file is located at |
https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1KrnodZGBZrUFdaJ9FIn8IhtWtCL7peoE |
""" |
import requests |
import gradio as gr |
from dotenv import load_dotenv |
import os |
from langchain_openai import OpenAI |
import spacy |
from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI |
from langchain.schema import AIMessage, HumanMessage |
import pandas as pd |
load_dotenv() |
API_URL = f"https://api-inference.huggingface.co/models/" |
headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {HF_TOKEN}"} |
def debug_print(*args, **kwargs): |
print(*args, **kwargs) |
def split_sentences_ginza(input_text): |
nlp = spacy.load("ja_core_news_sm") |
doc = nlp(input_text) |
sentences = [sent.text for sent in doc.sents] |
return sentences |
file_path = 'anki_japanese_english_pairs.csv' |
def load_csv(file_path): |
df = pd.read_csv(file_path) |
return df |
def get_sentence_pair(df): |
random_row = df.sample(1) |
japanese_sentence = str(random_row.iloc[0, 0]) |
english_sentence = str(random_row.iloc[0, 1]) |
debug_print("### Japanese sentence:", japanese_sentence) |
debug_print("### English sentence:", english_sentence) |
return japanese_sentence, english_sentence |
japanese_sentence, english_sentence = get_sentence_pair(load_csv(file_path)) |
llm = ChatOpenAI(temperature=0.7, model='gpt-3.5-turbo') |
def predict(message, history): |
initial_setup = f''' |
Japanese students are learning to translate Japanese text to English text. They will be given a Japanese sentence to translate, and will provide an English translation attempt. |
Based on the feedback you provide, they will revise their translation. This process will continue until their translation is accurate. |
Encourage the student by specifying the strengths of their writing. |
DO NOT PROVIDE THE CORRECT ENGLISH TRANSLATION until the student gets the correct translation. Let the student work it out. |
Provide your feedback as a list in the format: a, b, c etc. |
Execute the following tasks step by step: |
1. Ask the student to translate the following sentence from Japanese to English: {japanese_sentence}. Here is the English translation for reference: {english_sentence} |
2. Suggest only mechanical corrections (i.e., spelling, grammar, and punctuation) for the student. Ask for another translation attempt. |
Start by asking the student to translate the Japanese sentence. |
''' |
history_langchain_format = [AIMessage(content=initial_setup)] |
for human, ai in history: |
if human is not None: |
history_langchain_format.append(HumanMessage(content=human)) |
if ai is not None: |
history_langchain_format.append(AIMessage(content=ai)) |
history_langchain_format.append(HumanMessage(content=message)) |
debug_print("### Full history: ", history_langchain_format) |
gpt_response = llm(history_langchain_format) |
return gpt_response.content |
welcome_message = "Hi! ๐. Are you ready to practise translation?" |
app = gr.ChatInterface(fn=predict, title="Translation Chatbot", chatbot=gr.Chatbot(value=[(None, welcome_message)],),) |
app.launch() |