import numpy as np |
from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN |
from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull |
from scipy.optimize import least_squares |
'Betula pendula', |
'Fagus sylvatica', |
'Picea abies', |
'Pinus sylvestris' |
] |
def fit_circle(x, y): |
"""Fit a circle to given x, y points.""" |
def calc_radius(params): |
cx, cy, r = params |
return np.sqrt((x - cx)**2 + (y - cy)**2) - r |
x_m, y_m = np.mean(x), np.mean(y) |
r_initial = np.mean(np.sqrt((x - x_m)**2 + (y - y_m)**2)) |
initial_params = [x_m, y_m, r_initial] |
result = least_squares(calc_radius, initial_params) |
cx, cy, r = result.x |
return cx, cy, r |
def remove_noise(points, eps=0.05, min_samples=10): |
""" |
Remove noise from points using DBSCAN clustering. |
Args: |
points (numpy.ndarray): Array of shape (N, 3) with columns [x, y, z]. |
eps (float): Maximum distance between two samples to consider them as in the same neighborhood. |
min_samples (int): Minimum number of points to form a dense region. |
Returns: |
numpy.ndarray: Denoised points. |
""" |
clustering = DBSCAN(eps=eps, min_samples=min_samples).fit(points) |
labels = clustering.labels_ |
try: |
largest_cluster = labels == np.argmax(np.bincount(labels[labels >= 0])) |
except Exception: |
raise RuntimeError("Error in DBH calculation") |
return points[largest_cluster] |
def calculate_dbh(points, dbh_height=1.3, height_buffer=0.1, eps=0.05, min_samples=10): |
""" |
Calculate the Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) of a tree from point cloud data. |
Args: |
points (numpy.ndarray): Array of shape (N, 3) with columns [x, y, z]. |
dbh_height (float): Height at which DBH is measured (default is 1.3 meters). |
height_buffer (float): Range around dbh_height to include points (default is ±0.1 meters). |
Returns: |
float: DBH in meters. |
""" |
z_min, z_max = dbh_height - height_buffer, dbh_height + height_buffer |
trunk_points = points[(points[:, 2] >= (z_min)) & (points[:, 2] <= (z_max))] |
if trunk_points.shape[0] < 3: |
raise ValueError("Not enough points to calculate DBH.") |
denoised_points = remove_noise(trunk_points[:, :2], eps=eps, min_samples=min_samples) |
denoised_points = np.hstack((denoised_points, np.full((denoised_points.shape[0], 1), dbh_height))) |
if denoised_points.shape[0] < 3: |
raise ValueError("Not enough points left after noise removal.") |
x, y = denoised_points[:, 0], denoised_points[:, 1] |
cx, cy, radius = fit_circle(x, y) |
theta = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100) |
circle_x = cx + radius * np.cos(theta) |
circle_y = cy + radius * np.sin(theta) |
circle_points = np.column_stack((circle_x, circle_y, np.full_like(circle_x, dbh_height))) |
dbh = 2 * radius |
return dbh, circle_points |
def calc_canopy_volume(points, threshold, height, z_min): |
''' |
Calculates the canopy points for a given point cloud data of a tree |
and calculates the volume using the Qhull algorithm |
Args: |
points: point cloud data |
threshold: z_threshold in percentage |
height, z_min |
Returns: |
canopy_volume, canopy_points |
''' |
z_threshold = z_min + (threshold / 100) * height |
canopy_points = points[points[:, 2] >= z_threshold] |
clustering = DBSCAN(eps=1.0, min_samples=10).fit(canopy_points[:, :3]) |
labels = clustering.labels_ |
canopy_points = canopy_points[labels != -1] |
if canopy_points.shape[0] < 4: |
canopy_volume = None |
else: |
''' |
Uses the QuickHull algorithm which uses a divide-and-conquer approach. |
It selects the 2 leftmost and rightmost points on a 2D plane; |
These are part of the ConvexHull. |
Then it selects the point farthest away from the line joining the |
above 2 points and adds it to the ConvexHull. |
The points enclosed within that shape cannot be part of the |
ConvexHull and are ignored. This process is then repeated until |
all points are either part of the ConvexHull or contained inside it. |
''' |
hull = ConvexHull(canopy_points) |
canopy_volume = hull.volume |
return canopy_volume, canopy_points |